Psychology MSc
Subject and course type
- Psychology
- Postgraduate
If you want to gain Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership (GBC) from the British Psychological Society (BPS), this is the conversion course for you.
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Convert your Bachelor’s degree into a Psychology MSc
Join the Kingston School of Law, Social and Behavioural Sciences.
Our degrees are underpinned by a vibrant research culture and delivered by a blend of practitioners and academics who are dedicated to equipping you with the employability skills to thrive in your career. You will have a wealth of opportunities outside the classroom to further your learning and gain hands-on experience in your chosen field.
Whether you have an undergraduate degree in an unrelated discipline, or completed an undergraduate degree in psychology that’s not accredited by the BPS, this course will provide your first step towards a career as a chartered psychologist. You will benefit from a research active department; our psychology team conducts internationally excellent research and has links with universities across the USA and Europe. You will also be able to hear from eminent psychologists who regularly present their findings at Kingston University.
For example, you will have the opportunity to research an area of interest in your final research project. In addition, you will choose an optional module from a variety of psychology specialisms, or the work experience module which will enable you to gain practical skills in the field. Current students have had placements in nurseries, schools, mental health services, play therapy and charities for people with disabilities.
Why choose this course
The Psychology MSc is a conversion course for graduates from disciplines other than psychology who wish to gain GBC (Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership). This is the first step for those who wish to work as a chartered psychologist in the UK.
GBC ensures that a student has sufficient knowledge, understanding and experience of academic psychology before they apply for postgraduate professional training in areas such as clinical, occupational, educational, forensic or counselling psychology.
The MSc Psychology is also appropriate for psychology graduates who want to pursue postgraduate professional training in psychology, but whose undergraduate degree is not accredited by the British Psychological Society (BPS).
This conversion course covers all the key sub-disciplines of contemporary psychology and provides extensive training in research skills. You will gain a broad understanding of psychology, learning to critically appraise psychological models, theories and methodologies.
Teaching is in small groups and seminars, with practical research exercises and access to high quality laboratories.
Graduates from this course are eligible to gain Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership (GBC) from the British Psychological Society (BPS). This is a necessary first step towards becoming a Chartered Psychologist. You would then take further training in a specific field of psychology, which could then lead to a career as a Chartered Psychologist in your chosen field, for example forensic psychology.
Prepare for global impact
Kingston School of Law, Social and Behavioural Sciences offers courses in economics, sociology, law, psychology and criminology. Our degrees are underpinned by a vibrant research culture and delivered by a blend of practitioners and academics who are dedicated to equipping you with the employability skills to thrive in your career.

Course content
You will cover all areas of Psychology required by the BPS. This will include extensive training in research skills and you will be encouraged to develop a critical and analytical approach to psychological models, theories and methodologies. You will conduct practical research exercises and produce a research-based dissertation in an area of psychology of interest to you (subject to supervisor availability).
Please note
Optional modules only run if there is enough demand. If we have an insufficient number of students interested in an optional module, that module will not be offered for this course.
Full time MSc
You will study three core modules in addition to your dissertation: Cognition and Biological Psychology, The Person in Psychology, and Methods and Statistics for MSc Psychology. In addition, you will study one further optional module from the list below.
Core modules
60.00 credits
The dissertation project will be based on a critical literature review addressing complex and contradictory evidence. It will usually require carrying out an empirical study using one or more methodologies of data collection such as experiments, observation, psychometric testing, surveys and questionnaires, interviews and field studies. In all cases, the dissertation will involve the analysis of quantitative and/or qualitative data, as well as the presentation and critical evaluation of research findings. Through independent study and meetings with a project supervisor, the dissertation project will enable you to better understand the role of research methodologies, theoretical considerations and ethical issues in psychological research.
30.00 credits
This module introduces you to the essentials of psychological experimentation and to a range of analysis techniques making use of basic and more advanced (e.g. multivariate) methods. Both experimental and correlational methods are considered along with appropriate techniques of data analysis (e.g. analysis of variance and multiple regression). Both theoretical and practical aspects of experimentation are discussed. The laboratory workshops combine formal teaching with sessions involving hands-on activities. Core factual material is provided via Canvas with workshops being used to explain key concepts and techniques. The module provides an essential introduction to practical work in psychology, in particular for the MSc dissertation project.
30.00 credits
The content of the module will examine a broad range of key theories and empirical research in social, individual and developmental psychology. This core module will allow students to explore current theory and practice in psychology across range of topics that focuses on the person in psychology. In consideration of the social, individual, (human abilities and personality attributes) and developmental areas of enquiry, the scientific approach and the notion of measurement is fundamental.
30.00 credits
This module provides a broad overview of the key areas that comprise contemporary cognitive psychology and looks at the relationship between physiology and behaviour. It includes memory, attention, language, reasoning, cognitive neuropsychology and introduces the principles of perceptual processes. The module also introduces the neuroanatomical structures and physiological functions that are considered important in regulating behaviour, and then moves on to examine in detail the ways in which such biological substrates contribute to specific psychological processes and behaviours. In addition the module will consider the ways in which various kinds of physiological dysfunction can impact on behaviour and cognition, and the biological bases of perception and motivation (e.g. eating). Topics and issues that are currently attracting considerable research interest will be explored in detail.
Optional modules (choose one)
30 credits
This module examines the psychology of visual art, with a focus on paintings, film, sculptures, drawings and photography. There will be an emphasis on the link between art and wellbeing, with some practical exercises pointing to art therapy, whenever possible. The insights and aesthetic experiences that result from the exposure to the art and cinematic processes will be discussed.
Other forms of art will also be explored in lectures and in talks by invited artists (subject to travel arrangements). While on this course, we encourage you to explore, enjoy and use your imagination as well as critical and creative faculties, as you embark upon an intellectual and rewarding journey.
30 credits
This module provides students with the opportunity to address workplace issues that can benefit from input by psychologists. Students will gain an appreciation of the challenges of applying psychological research and knowledge in workplace settings. Students will complete 40 hours of work experience, and apply psychological research findings and knowledge to their chosen context, under the supervision of a workplace supervisor. Students are required to reflect on their experiences in the workplace and examine how knowledge gained from their course can be used in their setting.
30.00 credits
This is an optional module for students who wish to expand their knowledge about child development. The module will cover a broad range of issues in developmental psychology including both examples of typical and atypical development, such as reading development and dyslexia, children's relationships and bullying, language in typical and atypical populations, sensory impairment, children's understanding of number and dyscalculia, children with Williams Syndrome, among other themes.
The module will involve a combination of keynote lectures, interactive lectures and guided independent study during which current theories, methodologies and research will be discussed and critically evaluated. In addition, transferable skills will be fostered through student-led interactive discussions and tasks.
30.00 credits
This module explores the nature and origins of social knowledge and critically evaluates the basis for claims to 'absolute reality'. The module will be of interest to students who wish to examine contemporary beliefs and assumptions about the world on a range of political, philosophical, psychological and moral issues. In the second semester, earlier theoretical knowledge is applied to the study of collective memory (the memory of people across generations) – a foundational form of social knowledge involved in the construction of identity.
The study of social/collective memory raises some political issues. For example, in the aftermath of conflict, competing versions of the past are often a barrier to reconciliation. Understanding the nature and content of collective memory therefore becomes important.
You should have an interest in the history and politics of conflict including human rights although detailed historical knowledge is not a pre-requisite. Course material comprises film and television documentary, which will broaden and deepen existing knowledge of 20th century events.
30 credits
This module explores the psychology of higher cognitive processes, such as thinking, reasoning, judgement and decision-making. You will be encouraged to evaluate critically whether human thinking is rational, and the normative models with which that rationality is measured. The module will also introduce you to quantitative models of these processes as well as applications of cognitive psychology research, especially in terms of judgement and decision making in areas such as politics, sports, economics and health.
30.00 credits
The module will engage you with the main themes of contemporary health psychology and positive psychology with a particular focus on theory, research, intervention, and application. You will gain an understanding of the importance of psychological processes in the experience of health and illness, and explore the role of behaviour and emotion in current trends of mortality and morbidity. In addition, you will gain an understanding of the role of positive emotions, optimism, spirituality, flourishing relationships, and community engagement in promoting health, well-being, and happiness. You will also become aware of the crucial roles health psychology and positive psychology have to play in the development and evaluation of physical and psychological health promotion interventions.
30.00 credits
There are two main streams in this module: Part I - Neuropsychology. The module will place a particular emphasis on understanding the effects of brain activity on cognitive and social aspects of human behaviour (and vice-versa). In addition, the module will address the effects of brain injury and neurological impairments with a view to understand models of normal cognitive and social functioning. Video material will be used to illustrate clinical cases when available. Part II – Neuro-rehabilitation. The module will introduce you to modern techniques for the diagnosis of neurological disorders and their neuropsychiatric implications. Interventions for the treatment and management of neurological disorders will be evaluated. Your effort and engagement will be essential for a successful and rewarding experience. This will include active participation in lectures and the reading of the indicated material.
30 credits
This module examines how psychology is applied in psychotherapeutic work in mental health contexts. It is relevant to students who are interested in counselling psychology, clinical psychology, psychotherapy, counselling and/or in mental health service provision more generally.
The module begins with a consideration of how common forms of psychological distress and disorder are conceptualised within mainstream classification systems. After psychotherapeutic approaches are placed in historical context, the module considers the theory and practice of various psychotherapeutic approaches. Attention is given to how specific mental health issues can be addressed in therapy, how therapy can respond creatively and ethically to diversity issues, and how therapeutic impact or effectiveness might best be evaluated.
By completing this module, students will develop a critical understanding of the nature of psychotherapeutic practice and of some key aspects of its complexity and challenges. The module will consider the principles and challenges of psychotherapeutic practice but students will not engage in any form of psychotherapeutic practice during the module, nor will it qualify them to do so afterwards. However it will help inform students' decision-making about careers in the psychotherapeutic and mental health fields.
30 credits
This module will give a broad overview of the intersection between psychology and the criminal justice system. Forensic psychology is concerned with the psychological aspects of the legal process including police investigation and court procedures. Students will learn to apply psychological theory to criminal investigation, understand the psychological problems and developmental processes associated with criminal behaviour and victimisation. There will be an introduction to the assessment and treatment of those who have committed offences. The module will also give an insight into the training and career pathways for forensic psychologists.
Part time MSc
Part time students take 90 credits over seven months in the first year.
In the second year you will take a further 90 credits over 12 months, in which the dissertation is also undertaken plus one option module worth 30 credits.
Lectures take place on weekdays.
Year 1 core modules
30.00 credits
This module introduces you to the essentials of psychological experimentation and to a range of analysis techniques making use of basic and more advanced (e.g. multivariate) methods. Both experimental and correlational methods are considered along with appropriate techniques of data analysis (e.g. analysis of variance and multiple regression). Both theoretical and practical aspects of experimentation are discussed. The laboratory workshops combine formal teaching with sessions involving hands-on activities. Core factual material is provided via Canvas with workshops being used to explain key concepts and techniques. The module provides an essential introduction to practical work in psychology, in particular for the MSc dissertation project.
30.00 credits
The content of the module will examine a broad range of key theories and empirical research in social, individual and developmental psychology. This core module will allow students to explore current theory and practice in psychology across range of topics that focuses on the person in psychology. In consideration of the social, individual, (human abilities and personality attributes) and developmental areas of enquiry, the scientific approach and the notion of measurement is fundamental.
30.00 credits
This module provides a broad overview of the key areas that comprise contemporary cognitive psychology and looks at the relationship between physiology and behaviour. It includes memory, attention, language, reasoning, cognitive neuropsychology and introduces the principles of perceptual processes. The module also introduces the neuroanatomical structures and physiological functions that are considered important in regulating behaviour, and then moves on to examine in detail the ways in which such biological substrates contribute to specific psychological processes and behaviours. In addition the module will consider the ways in which various kinds of physiological dysfunction can impact on behaviour and cognition, and the biological bases of perception and motivation (e.g. eating). Topics and issues that are currently attracting considerable research interest will be explored in detail.
Year 2 core module
60.00 credits
The dissertation project will be based on a critical literature review addressing complex and contradictory evidence. It will usually require carrying out an empirical study using one or more methodologies of data collection such as experiments, observation, psychometric testing, surveys and questionnaires, interviews and field studies. In all cases, the dissertation will involve the analysis of quantitative and/or qualitative data, as well as the presentation and critical evaluation of research findings. Through independent study and meetings with a project supervisor, the dissertation project will enable you to better understand the role of research methodologies, theoretical considerations and ethical issues in psychological research.
Optional modules (choose one module in year 2)
30 credits
This module examines the psychology of visual art, with a focus on paintings, film, sculptures, drawings and photography. There will be an emphasis on the link between art and wellbeing, with some practical exercises pointing to art therapy, whenever possible. The insights and aesthetic experiences that result from the exposure to the art and cinematic processes will be discussed.
Other forms of art will also be explored in lectures and in talks by invited artists (subject to travel arrangements). While on this course, we encourage you to explore, enjoy and use your imagination as well as critical and creative faculties, as you embark upon an intellectual and rewarding journey.
30 credits
This module provides students with the opportunity to address workplace issues that can benefit from input by psychologists. Students will gain an appreciation of the challenges of applying psychological research and knowledge in workplace settings. Students will complete 40 hours of work experience, and apply psychological research findings and knowledge to their chosen context, under the supervision of a workplace supervisor. Students are required to reflect on their experiences in the workplace and examine how knowledge gained from their course can be used in their setting.
30.00 credits
This is an optional module for students who wish to expand their knowledge about child development. The module will cover a broad range of issues in developmental psychology including both examples of typical and atypical development, such as reading development and dyslexia, children's relationships and bullying, language in typical and atypical populations, sensory impairment, children's understanding of number and dyscalculia, children with Williams Syndrome, among other themes.
The module will involve a combination of keynote lectures, interactive lectures and guided independent study during which current theories, methodologies and research will be discussed and critically evaluated. In addition, transferable skills will be fostered through student-led interactive discussions and tasks.
30.00 credits
This module explores the nature and origins of social knowledge and critically evaluates the basis for claims to 'absolute reality'. The module will be of interest to students who wish to examine contemporary beliefs and assumptions about the world on a range of political, philosophical, psychological and moral issues. In the second semester, earlier theoretical knowledge is applied to the study of collective memory (the memory of people across generations) – a foundational form of social knowledge involved in the construction of identity.
The study of social/collective memory raises some political issues. For example, in the aftermath of conflict, competing versions of the past are often a barrier to reconciliation. Understanding the nature and content of collective memory therefore becomes important.
You should have an interest in the history and politics of conflict including human rights although detailed historical knowledge is not a pre-requisite. Course material comprises film and television documentary, which will broaden and deepen existing knowledge of 20th century events.
30 credits
This module explores the psychology of higher cognitive processes, such as thinking, reasoning, judgement and decision-making. You will be encouraged to evaluate critically whether human thinking is rational, and the normative models with which that rationality is measured. The module will also introduce you to quantitative models of these processes as well as applications of cognitive psychology research, especially in terms of judgement and decision making in areas such as politics, sports, economics and health.
30.00 credits
The module will engage you with the main themes of contemporary health psychology and positive psychology with a particular focus on theory, research, intervention, and application. You will gain an understanding of the importance of psychological processes in the experience of health and illness, and explore the role of behaviour and emotion in current trends of mortality and morbidity. In addition, you will gain an understanding of the role of positive emotions, optimism, spirituality, flourishing relationships, and community engagement in promoting health, well-being, and happiness. You will also become aware of the crucial roles health psychology and positive psychology have to play in the development and evaluation of physical and psychological health promotion interventions.
30.00 credits
There are two main streams in this module: Part I - Neuropsychology. The module will place a particular emphasis on understanding the effects of brain activity on cognitive and social aspects of human behaviour (and vice-versa). In addition, the module will address the effects of brain injury and neurological impairments with a view to understand models of normal cognitive and social functioning. Video material will be used to illustrate clinical cases when available. Part II – Neuro-rehabilitation. The module will introduce you to modern techniques for the diagnosis of neurological disorders and their neuropsychiatric implications. Interventions for the treatment and management of neurological disorders will be evaluated. Your effort and engagement will be essential for a successful and rewarding experience. This will include active participation in lectures and the reading of the indicated material.
30 credits
This module examines how psychology is applied in psychotherapeutic work in mental health contexts. It is relevant to students who are interested in counselling psychology, clinical psychology, psychotherapy, counselling and/or in mental health service provision more generally.
The module begins with a consideration of how common forms of psychological distress and disorder are conceptualised within mainstream classification systems. After psychotherapeutic approaches are placed in historical context, the module considers the theory and practice of various psychotherapeutic approaches. Attention is given to how specific mental health issues can be addressed in therapy, how therapy can respond creatively and ethically to diversity issues, and how therapeutic impact or effectiveness might best be evaluated.
By completing this module, students will develop a critical understanding of the nature of psychotherapeutic practice and of some key aspects of its complexity and challenges. The module will consider the principles and challenges of psychotherapeutic practice but students will not engage in any form of psychotherapeutic practice during the module, nor will it qualify them to do so afterwards. However it will help inform students' decision-making about careers in the psychotherapeutic and mental health fields.
Careers opportunities
Many graduates from this conversion course continue their training and eventually become chartered psychologists. Careers include clinical, forensic, educational and occupational psychology, social work, counselling and teaching.
Specialist careers support
You will take part in an Assessment Centre Experience, providing the opportunity to experience the pathway to employment with tailored feedback:
- develop your understanding of the jobs market, including current trends and opportunities, different recruitment processes and how to identify relevant roles
- receive personalised feedback reports to help you to improve and progress
- access additional webinars on top tips, employer expectations and best practice
Teaching and assessment
When not attending timetabled sessions, you will be expected to continue learning independently through self-study. This typically will involve reading journal articles and books, working on individual and group projects, preparing coursework assignments and presentations, and preparing for exams. Your independent learning is supported by a range of excellent facilities including online resources, the library and CANVAS, the online virtual learning platform.
As a student at Kingston University, we will make sure you have access to appropriate advice regarding your academic development. You will also be able to use the University's support services.
A course is made up of modules, and each module is worth a number of credits. You must pass a given number of credits in order to achieve the award you registered on, for example, 180 credits for a typical postgraduate course. The number of credits you need for your award is detailed in the programme specification which you can access from the link at the bottom of this page.
One credit equates to 10 hours of study. Therefore 180 credits across a year (typical for a postgraduate course) would equate to 1,800 notional hours. These hours are split into scheduled and guided. On this course, the percentage of that time that will be scheduled learning and teaching activities is shown below. The remainder is made up of guided independent study.
- 18% scheduled learning and teaching
The exact balance between scheduled learning and teaching and guided independent study will be informed by the modules you take.
Your course will primarily be delivered in person. It may include delivery of some activities online, either in real time or recorded.
Assessment typically comprises exams (e.g. in-class tests, unseen examinations), practical assessments and coursework (e.g. essays, laboratory reports, dissertation). The approximate percentage for how you will be assessed on this course is as follows, though depends to some extent on the optional modules you choose:
Psychology MSc
- Coursework: 84%
- Exams: 8%
- Practical: 8%
Please note: the above breakdowns are a guide calculated on core modules only. Depending on optional modules chosen, this breakdown may change.
We aim to provide feedback on assessments within 20 working days.
Each student receives a personalised timetable. This is usually available after you have completed your online enrolment, which is typically accessible one month before the start of your course.
You will be part of an intimate cohort of students which supports dedicated academic guidance and advice and gives you the opportunity to build a life-long network of colleagues. Some modules are common across other postgraduate programmes therefore you will be taught alongside students who are on these courses within the School.
There is no placement on the core MSc Psychology course, but it is possible for MSc Psychology students to select an optional postgraduate module from the wider psychology postgraduate programme where a placement is an integral part of the course.
If a module with a placement is selected, students spend time working in an organisation or can opt to work on an internal research project. Students usually choose a work placement that is local to them. Travel costs will vary, but if a student's placement required a peak time zone 1-6 student travelcard for one day per week for 10 weeks, the total travel cost would be around £200.
Fees and funding
Fee category | Fee |
Home (UK students) | |
Full Time | £11,400 |
Part Time | £6,270 |
International | |
Full Time | £18,700 |
Part Time | £10,285 |
Fee category | Fee |
Home (UK students) | |
Full Time | £10,900 |
Part Time | £5,995 |
International | |
Full Time | £17,900 |
Part Time | £9,845 |
Funding support for postgraduate students
If you are a UK student living in England and under 60, you can apply for a loan to study for a postgraduate degree on the government's website.

Scholarships and bursaries
For students interested in studying Psychology MSc at Kingston, there are several opportunities to seek funding support:
The Niloufar Ebrahim Scholarship is worth up to the value of £11,000 towards tuition fees for international postgraduate students in the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences.
For more information on how to apply for this scholarship, visit the Niloufar Ebrahim Scholarship page.
The Inspire the Future Scholarship offers a 40% reduction in fees for taught masters or postgraduate diploma courses with September start dates. 20 scholarships are available for progressing Kingston University graduates.
For more information on how to apply for this scholarship, visit the Inspire the Future Scholarship page.
International postgraduate students could receive up to £5,000 towards tuition in their first year of study.
For more information on how to apply for these scholarships, visit the International Scholarship page.
If you are a Kingston University 2024/25 undergraduate progressing to a 2025/26 postgraduate degree (taught or research), you could get a 15% reduction in tuition fees.
For more information on how to apply for this scholarship, visit the Postgraduate Progression Scholarship page.
Kingston University offers a 10% discount on full and part-time postgraduate degree course tuition fees to our alumni.
For more information on how to apply for this discount, visit our alumni discount page.
Additional course costs
Some courses may require additional costs beyond tuition fees. When planning your studies, you’ll want to consider tuition fees, living costs, and any extra costs that might relate to your area of study.
Your tuition fees include costs for teaching, assessment and university facilities. So your access to libraries, shared IT resources and various student support services are all covered. Accommodation and general living expenses are not covered by these fees.
Where applicable, additional expenses for your course may include:
Our libraries have an extensive collection of books and journals, as well as open-access computers and laptops available to rent. However, you may want to buy your own computer or personal copies of key textbooks. Textbooks may range from £50 to £250 per year. And a personal computer can range from £100 to £3,000 depending on your course requirements.
While most coursework is submitted online, some modules may require printed copies. You may want to allocate up to £100 per year for hard-copies of your coursework. It’s worth noting that 3D printing is never compulsory. So if you choose to use our 3D printers, you’ll need to pay for the material. This ranges from 3p per gram to 40p per gram.
Kingston University will pay for all compulsory field trips. Fees for optional trips can range from £30 to £350 per trip.
Your tuition fees don’t cover travel costs. To save on travel costs, you can use our free intersite bus service. This route links the campuses and halls of residence with local train stations - Surbiton, Kingston upon Thames, and Norbiton.
How to apply
Before you apply
Please read the entry criteria carefully to make sure you meet all requirements before applying.
How to apply online
Use the course selector drop down at the top of this page to choose your preferred course, start date and mode, then click 'Apply now'. You will be taken to our Online Student Information System (OSIS) where you will complete your application.
If you’re starting a new application, you’ll need to select ‘new user’ and set up a username and password. This will allow you to save and return to your application.
Application deadlines
We encourage you to apply as soon as possible. Applications will close when the course is full.
Information required to confirm your place
If English is not your first language, we will require proof of your proficiency to allow us to confirm your place on the course. This will generally be either an IELTS or TOEFL test certificate, which can be forwarded to us after you have submitted your application. If you do not hold a formal English language qualification, please indicate how you have acquired your proficiency in written and spoken English.
Course changes and regulations
The information on this page reflects the currently intended course structure and module details. To improve your student experience and the quality of your degree, we may review and change the material information of this course. Course changes explained.
Programme Specifications for the course are published ahead of each academic year.
Regulations governing this course can be found on our website.