Freedom of information
Find key information relating to Kingston University.

You have the right to request information held by public authorities, as set out in the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and Environmental Information Regulations 2004.
On this page you will find the Publication Scheme for Kingston University. It contains links to key areas of content that you may want to explore. You can also view our Freedom of Information Policy under information regulations in the policies and regulations section of our website. If you need additional information, please get in touch.
Publication Scheme
Welcome to Kingston University's Freedom of Information Publication Scheme – developed in accordance with the ICO's Definition document for universities and other higher education institutions (PDF).
The links below will help you find key information relating to Kingston University. Please contact the FOI team if you have any comments or queries about the Publication Scheme.
General information
- Legal framework for Kingston University
- How the University works
- Where to find Kingston University
- Contact details for Kingston University
Information relating to organisations which the University has responsibility for including Partners, those it sponsors and companies owned by it
- Partner institutions
- Kingston City Group
- Kingston University Service Company
- Kingston University Enterprises Limited (KUEL)
Student activities
Advice and guidance
- Open Days
- Advice for new students
- Advice for international students
- Advice for parents, carers and supporters
- Kingston Alumni
- Privacy
Student support
- Careers and Employability Service
- Health and wellbeing support
- Faith and spirituality
- Sport and fitness
- Kingston Students' Union
- Art facilities
- Business and Social Sciences facilities
- Health, Science, Social Care and Education facilities
- Engineering, Computing and the Environment facilities
- Research facilities
- Library and Learning Services
- Town House
- Coombehurst House and Visconti Studio
- Facilities hire for which the University is entitled to recover a fee
Libraries, museums, special collections and archives
- Library and Learning Services
- Library catalogue
- IT services
- Dorich House Museum
- Stanley Picker Gallery
- Archives and special collections
- Archives catalogue
- Research repository
Services for outside bodies
Media releases
Funding and income
Our financial statements contain information regarding sources of funding and income.
- Office for Students (OfS) terms and conditions of funding for 2023-24
- Tuition fees
- Fundraising
- Cost of rooms in Kingston Halls of Residence
Financial audit reports
- Our financial statements contain the external auditors' reports.
Capital programme
- The University reserves the right not to publish information that can be considered commercially sensitive, in accordance with Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Internal financial regulations
- Our policies and regulations page contain information on the University's Internal Financial Procedures.
Register of suppliers
- Copies of the register of suppliers is available on request from the FOI team
Staff pay
- Senior staff salaries are available in the University financial statements.
- Visit the Find a tender website to see contracts currently available for public tender and reports of successful tenders. Enter ‘kingston+university' in the ‘Search' field and click the ‘Search' button to retrieve information relating to Kingston University.
Corporate relations
Government and regulatory reports
Please see About us for information on the Governance structure of the University and its main decision-making bodies.
Minutes are available on request from the FOI team.
View policies and regulations for Kingston University.
Senior Leadership Team Register of Interests
Board Members Register of Interests
Please contact the FOI team if you would like a copy of the asset registers.
The number of CCTV cameras Kingston University has in use, by postcode location:
- 605 cameras in KT1, KT2, KT4, KT5
- 45 cameras in SW15
- 43 cameras in KT6
View the CCTV code of practice policy, under information regulations in the policies and regulations section of our website.
Wider information set
We are committed to making it easy for prospective and current students and the general public to access information about Kingston University.
The Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) has specified the information they expect higher education providers to make available online or by request. The following information forms part of what HEFCE has described as a wider information set (WIS).
Prospectuses, programme specifications, programme guides, or similar (Full module descriptors are available upon request from the faculties)
Results of internal student surveys: Internal student survey results are not available publically
Partnership agreements, links with awarding bodies/delivery partners (Partnership agreements are available upon request from Academic Registry)
Need additional information?
You can request to receive information not covered in the Publication Scheme, but we are only able to provide records that we hold.
We aim to respond within 20 working days.
How to submit a freedom of information request
To make a request under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, please:
Contact the FOI team or send a letter to:
Kingston University,
Compliance and Information Governance Unit,
FOI Requests,
Holmwood House,
Grove Crescent,
Kingston-upon-Thames KT1 2EE,
Please include:
- your name;
- address for correspondence (if sent via post);
- a description of the information you are looking for.
Please note: Requests for personal information are covered by the Data Protection Act 2018. Please email for more information.
What is not covered under the Freedom of Information Act?
The Act sets out exemptions where the right to access information may be refused. This includes:
- personal information;
- information which is prejudicial to the commercial interests of the University or a third party;
- information that is already accessible by other means.
In some cases, the University is required to consider the public interest in determining whether to rely on an exemption. In all cases, you will receive an explanation quoting the relevant exemption and an explanation of your rights of appeal to the Information Commissioner.
You will find more information on exemptions on the ICO website.
Cost of Freedom of Information requests
Documents available electronically, either via links in this Publication Scheme or via an email will be supplied free of charge.
A charge will not normally be made for hard copy paper documents, but the University reserves the right to recover copying costs if the requested documents exceed 100 pages.
You will be notified of any payment prior to the request being fulfilled.
See the ICO guidance on charging for information in a publication scheme.
What do you think?
It is important that our freedom of information content meets your needs. If you find the information on this page difficult to understand, please let us know.
Send your feedback to the FOI team.
How to make a complaint
If you are unhappy with the service that you have received in relation to either this Publication Scheme or any other request that you have made to the University under the Freedom of Information Act, and wish to make a complaint or request a review of the University's decision, please:
Contact the FOI team at or write to:
Kingston University,
Compliance and Information Governance Unit,
Freedom of Information Requests,
Holmwood House,
Grove Crescent,
Kingston-upon-Thames KT1 2EE,
Unresolved complaints
If we are unable to resolve your complaint, you can contact the Information Commisioner's Office (ICO), the independent body who oversees the Freedom of Information Act:
Information Commissioner's Office,
Wycliffe House,
Water Lane,
SK9 5AF,
Contact us
Please get in touch if you have queries relating to freedom of information requests – we are here to help.