Women in STEM
Find out how we support and champion women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Hear the inspirational stories and discover how they are making a difference across the world.

Kingston University's commitment to championing women in STEM
Kingston University is committed to supporting and championing women in STEM.
Universities have a key role to play in closing the STEM skills gap and addressing the shortage of women working across the sector.
We don’t just celebrate the achievements of our female students, staff and researchers. We also encourage more girls to take up careers in STEM subjects.
Our work starts by inspiring the next generation of female scientists. We do this through our outreach work, which aims to challenge stereotypes. Our projects also demonstrate some of the many career paths open to young girls.
How do we get more women into STEM?
What needs to be done to encourage more women to take up careers in STEM? Why are so many girls being turned away from STEM disciplines at an early age?
These questions were addressed by a panel of leading advocates for gender equality. The public event was organised by Kingston University and covered topics such as the importance of role models, the cultural barriers to overcome and how addressing the gender imbalance could help close the STEM skills gap.
Inspirational voices in our STEM community
Read some of the inspirational stories from our STEM community. Find out how women in STEM are making a difference in their sectors.
Being a woman in engineering is such a powerful value addition. We think with our minds and hearts and uphold virtues in all we do. We have great instincts and empathy and that is what Engineering needs.
Be creative, think out of the box and remember the best engineering solutions have seen many rounds of failure.
In an industry heavily dominated by men – 5% of pilots internationally are women – I would love the opportunity to be a trailblazer. I want to change that statistic.
My mother inspired me by telling me I could be whatever I wanted to be and supporting me through my university education. Have a passion for what you do. Find what interests, challenges, and inspires you.
Women in STEM working at Kingston University
Every year the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Computing, recognises a female academic or professional staff member whose outstanding work has made a real difference.
Sarah Barman, Professor of Computer Vision in the School of Computer Science and Mathematics, was the latest recipient of the award. She was nominated in recognition of the impact of her research. Colleagues praised her for being an ambassador for research excellence and inspiring colleagues and academics around the world.
Sarah says: "It is important that women like me, researching and working in STEM subjects, are more visible so that it normalises women being science researchers. Initiatives such as this award, along with other work we are doing to remove barriers, such as running mentoring schemes within the institution and undertaking outreach work with local schools, all help to challenge stereotypes and hopefully help inspire other women to explore similar career paths."
"Having always studied in a theoretical mathematics environment, I found myself becoming increasingly interested in how mathematics can be used to solve real world problems.
"In recent years, I have been exploring the application of game theory in areas such as smart energy management, cyber security and managing the sourcing and storage of PPE during the Covid-19 pandemic.
"My advice to female researchers starting their careers would be to take up any mentoring opportunities that come your way! The Early Career Researcher mentoring programme at Kingston has been hugely beneficial to my career and helped transform my research experience."
Dr Luluwah Al-Fagih, senior lecturer in the School of Computer Science and Mathematics.
Early in the Covid-19 pandemic, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Computing PhD candidate Amtul Bhunnoo volunteered at the Lighthouse Labs in Milton Keynes. Among with other skilled volunteers, Amtul supported the ramping up of the country’s Covid-19 testing.
Find out about her experience and why she decided to get involved.
International Women in Engineering Day
On International Women in Engineering Day, students and academics shared the stories of some of the female engineers who have inspired them.
Lecturer in building surveying Zoe Almazan spoke about Emily Roebling, who completed the construction of the Brooklyn Bridge in 1883, while Dr Malcolm Claus outlined his admiration for Hazel Hill, who helped her father solve the problem of how to incorporate eight guns on to the wings of the Spitfire.
The achievements of Kalpana Chawla, the first woman of Indian descent to go into space, were celebrated by MSc Structural Design and Construction Management student Monica Chandran, who is currently working on placement as an industrial engineer.
Inspiring the next generation
Kingston University has been helping to inspire budding young female engineers, through its involvement in the annual Primary Engineer competition.
Each year, thousands of school pupils aged 3-to-18 enter the 'if you were an engineer, what would you do?' contest. This is run by Primary Engineer Programmes – a not-for-profit national organisation promoting engineering careers for school children. Entrants are challenged to interview engineers, identify problems and design solutions to them.
Selected designs by winners of the London and Jersey contests are brought to life by a team of Kingston University technicians and students. In 2019, winning designs by Maisie Crook and Savannagh Dunne were turned into prototypes which were featured as part of an exhibition at Gatwick Airport.
Championing gender equality
We belong to a variety of societies and not-for-profit organisations dedicated to championing gender equality in higher education and STEM sectors.
We are proud recipients of an Athena SWAN bronze award. Our commitment to the scheme demonstrates our dedication to tackling gender inequality in higher education.
Visit our Athena SWAN page to find out more.
The University is a member of the WISE Campaign.
This campaign works to encourage people in business, industry and education to increase the participation, contribution and success of women in STEM.
We are a member of the Women's Engineering Society. The society is a charity and professional network of women engineers, scientists and technologists. Fellow members offer inspiration, support and professional development.
Contact us
Want to find out more about women in STEM at Kingston University? Send us an email.