Professor Wilson Muleya


I am the Head of Department of Social Work and Social Care, and Professor of Social Work. In my role, I am accountable for and have strategic oversight of student experience including student progression and retention, facilitating and continually improving the quality of teaching in the department to ensure the curriculum engages with research and practice and meets academic benchmarks and regulatory professional body requirements. I  also have overall responsibility for recruitment, management, performance and development appraisal of academic staff in the department.

I am a Principal Fellow of HEA (PFHEA). Over the years I have led on a number of new course developments including the BA (Hons) Social Work delivered in Gibraltar (with partners), the BA (Hons) Social Work Integrated Degree Apprenticeship co-created in partnership with London employers, the establishment of our regional teaching partnership (Developing Together Social Work Teaching Partnership), and a Step Up to Social Work route. I also led our involvement in the DfE's National Assessment and Accreditation System (NAAS) pilot working in a consortium with other partners.  

My research interests and teaching expertise centre on theory application in practice particularly on exploring the effectiveness of different intervention approaches. I am equally interested in strategic approaches to the adaptation of new technologies in learning and teaching in higher education. I have worked with a number of international partners to develop opportunities to enable and support students to undertake short international practice learning placements. 

I am a registered social worker with Social Work England, and an external examiner at other universities. I Co-Chair the University's Race Equality Charter (REC).

Academic responsibilities

School Head of Department


  • PhD, Social Policy, University of Birmingham
  • Master of Social Science, University of Birmingham
  • Bachelor of Social Work (with Distinction), University of Zambia
  • Diploma in Social Work, University of Birmingham
  • Postgraduate Certificate, Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, Kingston University
  • Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM)

Teaching and learning


Business, knowledge transfer and international

Professional practice, knowledge exchange and impact

Leadership and management