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Funding your postgraduate course

Most postgraduate students either:

Sources for funding

  • Postgraduate loans – you will be able to apply for a loan of up to £11,836 (2022/23 rates) to study for a postgraduate masters degree.
  • Doctoral loans – you will be able to apply for a loan of up to £27,892 to study for a doctoral level degree (PhD or Professional Doctorate).
  • Scholarships – the University provides some sources of financial support for postgraduate study, including scholarships, but these are limited and vary according to faculty.
  • Studentships – a few full-time postgraduates receive a studentship from one of the six Research Councils or the Arts and Humanities Research Board.

Extra support

There is also some extra support available for:

Contact us

Student Life, Health and Wellbeing Services: Advisory Team
Tel: +44 (0)20 8417 7312

Contact us

Student Life, Health and Wellbeing Services: Advisory Team
Tel: +44 (0)20 8417 7312

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