Mr James English
Faculties, deparments and locations
- Faculty of Health, Science, Social Care and Education
- Department of Education
- School of Education, Midwifery and Social Work
- Kingston Hill
Senior Lecturer in Education - Science Lead
- Email:
I am a Senior Lecturer in Education and the course leader for the Science PGCE leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). I have extensive teaching, leadership and management experience, in senior leadership as Associate Vice Principal, Assistant Principal, MAT Science Lead and Head of Faculty of Science in a diverse range of schools, across the country. I worked in close partnership with MAT's, LA's, trade unions, teachers and parents, before moving into Higher Education.
I'm currently undertaking my PhD with Durham University and my initial research is focused on leadership in schools and the impact upon culture and outcomes. As a physicist and science teacher I'm interested in exploring students misconceptions and how they can be mitigated through sound conceptual development and intervention within a framework of knowledge and domain centric skills. I'm a firm believer of the (social) constructivist approach to science education, with particular regard to the work of Phil Scott, Jim Donnelly, Rosalind Driver and Jim Ryder of Leeds University, CSSME.
I'm an experienced teacher with over 20 years at the coal face of secondary education, with a focus on school improvement. As a former Quality of Education (QoE) lead, I have led Curriculum, Assessment, Teacher development, Outcomes, Teaching and Learning across a wide variety of schools, ranging from Inadequate to Outstanding. As a former Head of Science Faculty I managed a large diverse science team out of RI to Ofsted Good, teaching across KS3, 4 and 5. In 2012, I was appointed the Network Director of Science for Ark Schools, a high performing MAT. I was appointed an Institute of Physics Teaching Fellow and Queen Mary's, University of London in 2006 to research Physics undergraduate retention and progression rates.
- PhD - Doctoral Research in Education, Currently under study (Durham University)
- FHEA - Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
- NPQH - National Professional Qualification for Headteachers
- MEd - Masters of Education, Leadership and Management (The Open University)
- PGCE (QTS) - Post Graduate Certificate in Education, Physics and Science (Leeds University)
- BSc (Hons) - Bachelor of Science, Physics (Warwick University)
Postgraduate modules and courses taught
- QS6300, Secondary Teaching leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) PGCE Physics, Chemistry and Biology, with Science.
- QI7000, Masters Level - The Reflective Teacher.
- QI7010, Masters Level - Professional Practice and Policy.
Undergraduate modules taught
- QB6000, Bachelor Level - English, Maths and Science in Primary Education.
- QB5033, Bachelor Level - Science Subject Specialism in Primary Education.
- QB5010, Bachelor Level - Mathematics and Science in Primary Education.
- QB6030, Bachelor Level - Specialist Extended Study
- Fellow - Advance HE
- Teacher Fellow - Institute of Physics (QMUL)
- Member of the Institute of Physics - MInstP
- Member of the Chartered College of Teaching - MCCT
Courses taught
- KUL Science SIG - SE, Co-Lead
- KUL Mathematics SIG - ME , Member
- Physics, Science Education
- Educational Policy, School Improvement and Effectiveness.
- Educational Leadership, System Leadership and Organisational Change Culture
- Leader and follower identity dynamics, Authentic leadership and Imposterism.
- Narcissism in leadership (Micro-politics).
External Examiner for Curriculum Studies and SPIRE Modules for SCITT (UT & Ark), Goldsmiths University, Department for Educational Studies.
SSR Journal Reviewer, Association of Science Education. School Science Review |
Science Special Interest Group (SIG) Co-Lead, Kingston University.
Areas of interest: Science Pedagogic content knowledge approaches to misconceptions, Use of AI in supporting non-specialist Primary Teachers & EAL Secondary Subject Specialist, Coaching and Mentoring for early career science practitioners.
Mathematics Special Interest Group (SIG), Member, Kingston University.
Areas of interest: Understanding underachievement in mathematics, Application of consistent approaches of Mathematics in Physics Teaching.
Can artificial intelligence chatbots help us to become better teachers of science?
Allen, Michael and English, James, 2024, Primary Science (181), pp 25-28