Mr Andrew Budd
Faculties, deparments and locations
- Kingston School of Art
- Department of Architecture and Landscape
- School of Arts
Senior lecturer
- Email:
I am both a senior lecturer and practising architect currently co-leading a third year studio with Jane Houghton. Academic/research activities have included a number of projects for cultural bodies including The Hannah Barry and Stanley Picker Galleries, Poet in the City and The Rose Theatre Kingston. These being developed with post-graduate students from the M'Arch course as part of the departments Live Project programme.
Since 2005 I have been a director of HoughtonBudd Architects with Jane Houghton. Our work ranges across different scales and locations within the UK with a specific interest in found conditions with projects being developed through the careful interpretation of site and context, existing conditions or material characteristics being used to create proposals that are rooted in their settings. Current commissions include works to listed buildings both private and public across the UK and a feasibility study for a mixed used scheme in outer London.
- BA (Hons) Architecture
- Dip Arch (UCL)
- ARB Qualified Architect