Dr Tina Papadopoulou Dipl.-Ing. PhD FRICS FCIOB MAPM MInstLM SFHEA
Faculties, deparments and locations
- Faculty of Engineering, Computing and the Environment
- Department of Civil Engineering, Surveying and Construction Management
- School of Built Environment and Geography
- Penrhyn Road
Associate Professor
I am a strategic thinker with demonstrable leadership and management experience in higher education in the UK. In previous roles, I was Deputy Head of the School of Civil Engineering and Construction and Head of the Department of Construction and Surveying at Kingston University.
I am an Associate Professor with extensive experience in the development of academic teams and course portfolios. I led the accreditation of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in construction management and surveying by prominent professional bodies in the built environment. I also led the design and development of degree apprenticeship programmes in building surveying and quantity surveying.
I was awarded a PhD in Engineering Management by Brunel University and hold a Dipl.-Ing. in Mechanical Engineering from Aristotle University. I have several years' construction management experience in the education sector.
I am a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) and member of the Association for Project Management (APM) and Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM). I am also a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA - Advance HE). I am supporting the RICS and CIOB as an assessor and have held board member positions in both. I am also an accreditation reviewer for University courses accredited by the RICS.
I undertook research in engineering, construction management and higher education pedagogies and have a good track record of publications in reputable international refereed journals and international conferences. I hold editorial board and referee positions in five international journals.
- Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (FRICS)
- Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Building (FCIOB)
- Member of the Association for Project Management (MAPM)
- Member of the Institute of Leadership and Management (MInstLM)
- PhD in Engineering Management, Brunel University, London, UK
- Dipl.-Ing. Mechanical Engineering, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece
- Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)
Courses taught
- Management in Construction (Civil Engineering) MSc
- Management in Construction MSc
- Structural Design and Construction Management MSc
- Structural Design and Construction Management with Sustainability MSc
- Quantity Surveying MSc
- Building Surveying MSc
- Building Surveying BSc (Hons)
- Civil Engineering BEng (Hons)
- Civil Engineering MEng (Hons)
- Quantity Surveying BSc (Hons)
I hold editorial board member and reviewer positions in the following international referred journals:
Applied Mathematical Modelling (APM): Reviewer
Built Environment Project and Asset Management (BEPAM): Reviewer
International Journal of Lean Enterprise Research (IJLER): Editorial Board Member
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management (JMTM): Reviewer
Journal of Engineering Manufacture (JEM): Reviewer
Grants, funding and awards
2013 Highly Commended Award at the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2013 for the following publication: Park, Y.-I. and Papadopoulou, T. C. (2012),"Causes of cost overruns in transport infrastructure projects in Asia: Their significance and relationship with project size", Built Environment Project and Asset Management, 2(2), pp. 195-21
I have been an external examiner on a range of construction and project management related programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate level for the following Higher Education Institutions in the UK:
- Aston University, Birmingham UK
- Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen UK
- Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool UK
I have had a number of leadership and management roles within the University as listed below:
- Head of Department of Construction and Surveying (September 2015 – July 2018)
- Deputy Head of School of Civil Engineering and Construction (April 2015 – August 2015)
- Building Surveying and Quantity Surveying Field Leader (August 2014 – March 2015)
- Academic Director Quantity Surveying Consultancy (June 2011 – July 2014)
- Field Leader MSc Quantity Surveying (May 2008 – June 2011)
Developing construction graduates fit for the 4th industrial revolution through fieldwork application of active learning
Papadopoulou, Theopisti, 2020, Higher Education Pedagogies (5), 1, pp 182-199
Causes of cost overruns in transport infrastructure projects in Asia: their significance and relationship with project size
Park, Young-Ill and Papadopoulou, Theopisti C., 2012, Built Environment Project and Asset Management (2), 2, pp 195-216
Systems dynamics modelling of a manufacturing supply chain system
Ozbayrak, Mustafa, Papadopoulou, Theopisti and Akgun, Melek, 2007, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory (15), 10, pp 1338-1355
Control of constant work-in-progress in dynamic lean job shops using a multi-agent system approach
Papadopoulou, T.C. and Mousavi, A., 2007, International Journal of Agile Manufacturing (10), 2, pp 19-28
A flexible and adaptable planning and control system for an MTO supply chain system
Ozbayrak, Mustafa, Papadopoulou, Theopisti C. and Samaras, Efstartios, 2006, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (22), 5-6, pp 557-585
Evaluation of dispatching rules for cellular manufacturing
Kızıl, M., Ozbayrak, M. and Papadopoulou, T. C., 2006, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (28), 9-10, pp 985-992
Leanness: experiences from the journey to date
Papadopoulou, T.C. and Ozbayrak, M., 2005, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management (16), 7, pp 784-807
Scheduling of non-repetitive lean manufacturing systems under uncertainty using intelligent agent simulation
Papadopoulou, Theopisti C. and Mousavi, Alireza(2008). In: 6th International Conference on Manufacturing Research (ICMR08), 09 - 11 Sep 2008 :Uxbridge, U.K.
Performance modelling of dynamic lean job-shops with basestock shop-floor control using intelligent software agents
Papadopoulou, T. and Mousavi, A.(2007). In: 5th International Conference on Manufacturing Research (ICMR07), 11 - 13 Sep 2007 :Leicester, U.K.
Dynamic job-shop lean scheduling and CONWIP shop-floor control using software agents
Papadopoulou, T C and Mousavi, A(2007). In: International Conference on Agile Manufacturing (ICAM 2007), 09 - 11 Jul 2007 :Durham, U.K.
Extending lean pull production to the dynamic scheduling of high variety low volume systems using intelligent agents
Papadopoulou, Theopisti C., Mousavi, Alireza and Broomhead, Peter(2007). In: 17th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, 18 - 20 Jun 2007 :Philadelphia, U.S.
A flexible and adaptable planning and control system for an MTO supply chain
Ozbayrak, Mustafa, Papadopoulou, Theopisti C. and Samaras, Efstartios(2005). 18 - 20 Jul 2005 : Bilbao, Spain
Application of lean scheduling and production control in non-repetitive manufacturing systems using intelligent agent decision support
Papadopoulou, Theopisti C. (2013), PhD thesis, Brunel University School of Engineering and Design