Dr David Lawrence
Faculties, deparments and locations
- Kingston School of Art
Associate Professor
- Email:
- d.lawrence@kingston.ac.uk
I am associate professor at Kingston University, London, research fellow for the London Transport Museum, and design consultant to Network Rail.
I teach Historic Building Conservation. I lead on the development of the virtual learning environment for Kingston School of Art.
As a member of numerous professional bodies (FRGS, FSAI, SFHEA), I curate, photograph and write on the subjects of design, architecture and culture, with a particular interest in those places where design, people and movement converge. These places include motorway service stations, railway and underground railway stations, holiday camps, food and drink environments, and sacred spaces.
I have written the following:
- Timepiece: Designing modern time (2023)
- Design Index: Network Rail Design (2021)
- HUB: Making places for people and trains (2020)
- LINK: A Study of Network Rail Footbridges (2019)
- British Rail Architecture 1948-97 (2018)
- British Rail Designed 1948-1997 (2016)
- OMNIBUS: A social history of the London Bus (2014)
- A Logo for London (2013)
- Food on the Move: the extraordinary world of the motorway service area (2010)
- Bright Underground Spaces (2008)
- Always a Welcome (1999)
- Underground Architecture (1994).
I have contributed chapters to:
- Design, History & Time (Bloomsbury, 2019)
- Moving Metropolis (2015)
- Arts & foods: rituals since 1851 (Milan Expo 2015)
- Underline (Art on the Underground, 2015)
- Going Underground: new perspectives (2013)
- Supercrit #2: Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown (Routledge, 2007)
- The 1970s is here and now (Wiley, 2005)
- The architecture of British transport in the twentieth century (Yale, 2004)
- Conserving the railway heritage (E & F N Spon, 1997).
- PhD
- Dip. Arch.
- BA (Hons.) Architecture
- FdA Pastoral Theology
- Fellow, Royal Geographical Society
- Fellow, Society of Architectural Illustration
- Senior Fellow, Higher Education Academy
My Senior Fellowship of Advance HE built on the work of curriculum development in the virtual learning environment of 'Canvas' and 'Blackboard'. After training in Learning Design for blended learning, I trained colleagues at Kingston School of Art in the use of the Canvas platform, and I developed templates which reflect the particular ways in which art and design is taught: primarily by modules within projects. I support colleagues across KSA with the Canvas platform.
I am a member of the Faculty Education Committee and the CMMP group. I lead modules in Historic Building Conservation and Postgraduate Work Placement.
Courses taught
I research the following topics.
- Architecture and design culture, history and practice
- Brand design
- Design for urban transit systems
- The design, history, culture and social activities related to roadside facilities and public transportation
- Car culture
- 20th-century urban design
- Technologies for online learning
- Pedagogy in relation to space use
- Graphic design for music culture
I welcome invitations to discuss projects and research degree proposals in these and related fields.
I am the Kingston School of Art coordinator for Erasmus, Turing and Study abroad programmes, working with colleagues in the University Study Abroad International Learning Team, and across the University. I coordinate new partnerships with educational institutions as part of my role.
Areas of interest
- International study
- Knowledge exchange
- Student and staff exchanges
I am architecture and design consultant to Network Rail, the Design Museum, and the London Transport Museum. I have curated exhibitions for the London Transport Museum, and edited publications for Network Rail and the London Transport Museum. I have been consultant to designers of transport wayfinding systems, and uniform insignia. I am currently contributing knowledge to a project for the National Maritime Museum.
I currently contribute to Faculty-wide education developments, drawing on my former roles as a head of school and course leader. My Erasmus coordinator role focusses on managing processes to deliver an enhanced student experience.
HUB : making places for people and trains
Lawrence, David and O'Donovan, Luke (2020). London, U.K.: (Network Rail Infrastructure Limited)
Link: a study of Network Rail footbridges
Lawrence, David (2019). London, U.K.: (Network Rail - Royal Institute of British Architects)
British Rail Architecture 1948-97
Lawrence, David (2018). Manchester: (Crecy Publishing)
British Rail Designed 1948-97
Lawrence, David (2016). London, U.K.: (Ian Allan Publishing)
The moving metropolis: a history of London's transport since 1800
Lawrence, David, Taylor, Sheila and Green, Oliver (2015). London, U.K.: (Laurence King)
Ole Bill : London buses and the First World War
Ward, William D. and Lawrence, David (2014). London, U.K.: (London Transport Museum)
Omnibus : a social history of the London bus
(2014). London, U.K.: (London Transport Museum)
A logo for London
Lawrence, David (2013). London, U.K.: (Lawrence King)
Food on the move: the extraordinary world of the motorway service area
Lawrence, David (2010). London, U.K.: (Between Books with Donlon Books)
Bright underground spaces: the London tube station architecture of Charles Holden
Lawrence, David (2008). Harrow Weald, U.K.: (Capital Transport)
A logo for London: The London Transport symbol
Lawrence, David (2000). Harrow Weald, U.K.: (Capital Transport Publishing)
Always a welcome: the glove compartment history of the motorway service area
Lawrence, David (1999). Twickenham, U.K.: (Between Books)
Underground architecture
Lawrence, David (1994). Harrow Weald, U.K.: (Capital Transport)
London Transport cap badges
Lawrence, David (1989). Harrow Weald, U.K.: (Capital Transport)
Book preview: British Rail Design 1948-97 by David Lawrence
Lawrence, David, 2016, Design Week
British Rail designed 1948-97
Lawrence, David, 2016, Rail (814), pp 98-101
The lost network
Lawrence, David, 2012, Peninsula Magazine (2012), pp 84-87
Standing on the verge of a secret world
Lawrence, David, 2011, Commercial Motor (214), 5419, pp 44-47
The beauty of a wipe clean surface
Lawrence, David, 2007, Kiosk (1), pp 49-56
Carchitecture: Space Stations
Lawrence, David, 2003, Intersection (1), 6, pp 74-75
Tube time: how the subterranean city got faster by design
Lawrence, David (2019). In: Hendon, Zoe, (eds.) and Massey, Anne, (eds.), London, U.K.: Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Riding on the District 1
Lawrence, David (2018). 150 Years of the District. London, U.K.: Capital Transport Publishing, pp 40-47
Food on the move : the Autogrill motorway service station
Lawrence, David (2015). In: Celant, Germano, (ed.), Milan, Italy: Mondadori Electa, pp 510-521
Ten stations
Lawrence, David (2015). In: Coysh, Louise, (eds.) and Fuller, Laura, (eds.), Underline. London, U.K.: Art on the Underground
Collecting and belonging with London Underground
Lawrence, David (2013). In: Galviz, Carlos Lopez, (eds.) and Merrill, Samuel, (eds.), Going Underground: new perspectives. London: London Transport Museum, pp 73-82
When A to B is not the point... The nocturnal geography of the motorway service station
Lawrence, David (2012). In: Corkish, Alan, (ed.), In the company of ghosts: the poetics of the motorway. Liverpool, U.K.: erbacce press, pp 81-99
Lawrence, David (2007). In: Hardingham, Samantha, (eds.) and Rattenbury, Kester, (eds.), Supercrit #2 Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown, Learning from Las Vegas. Abingdon, U.K.: Routledge
All the way from America
Lawrence, David (2005). In: Hardingham, Samantha, (ed.), The 1970s is here and now. Chichester, U.K.:, pp 94
The motorway service station
Lawrence, David (2004). In: Holder, Julian, (eds.) and Parissien, Steve, (eds.), The architecture of British transport in the twentieth century. New Haven, U.S.: Yale University Press, pp 219-244
Underground architecture
Lawrence, David (1997). In: Burman, Peter, (eds.) and Stratton, Michael, (eds.), Conserving the railway heritage. London:, pp 197-210
Putting technology in the frame : multiple lenses on evidenced based practice in a university wide roll out
Price, Linda, Downward, Stuart, Lawrence, David, Avery, Barry, Preston, Anne, Dias Fonseca, Tania, Vyas, Nora, Lock, Nick, Alsop, Graham, Orwell, Suzan, Beardsmore, James and Casanova, Diogo(2017). In: HEA Annual Conference 2017 - Generation TEF : Teaching in the spotlight, 04 - 06 Jul 2017 :Manchester, U.K.
How technology trends are impacting the movement of goods and people
Lawrence, David(2017). 07 - 08 Jun 2017 : Milton Keynes, U.K.
British Rail designed
Lawrence, David(2017). In: Late Debate : Designing the Tube, 26 Jan 2017 :London, U.K.
Off the rails: learning from the past and influencing the future
Lawrence, David(2017). 26 Jan 2017 : London, U.K.
Trains and fonts and double arrows : design and identity for railways
Barnes, Paul, Dixon, Catherine, Lawrence, David, Inglis, Theo, Henning, Wallace and Fleming, Martha(2016). In: Eye Magazine's Type Tuesday, 22 Nov 2016 :London, U.K.
Tube time : how the subterranean city got faster by design
Lawrence, David(2016). In: Design and Time : Design History Society Conference 2016, 08-10 Sep 2016 :London, U.K.
Edward Johnston and his Underground Typeface
Lawrence, David(2016). In: Johnston Journeys, 29 Apr 2016 :London, U.K.
Logo for London
Lawrence, David(2013). In: Friday Late, 29 Nov 2013 :London, U.K.
Under London by rail : memory, the archive and heritage : a round-table
Dennis, Richard, Merrill, Sam, Carlos, Galviz, Mullins, Sam and Lawrence, David(2013). In: Cities Methodologies 2013, 23-26 Apr 2013 :London, U.K.
Collecting and belonging
Lawrence, David(2013). In: Going Underground : Travel Beneath the Metropolis 1863-2013, 17 - 18 Jan 2013 :London, U.K.
Six lane highways and the electric sunshine of the motorway cafe
Lawrence, David(2011). In: Royal Geographical Society (RGS) with the Institute of British Geographers (IBG) Annual International Conference 2011: The Geographical Imagination, 31 Aug - 02 Sep 2011 :London, U.K.
Lawrence, David (2016).
London by design
Lawrence, David, Murphy, Simon, Scott, Liz and Premru, Fliss (2015).
Goodbye Piccadilly
Lawrence, David (2014).