Professor Youngseok Thomas Choi
Faculties, deparments and locations
- Faculty of Business and Social Sciences
- Department of Strategy, Marketing and Innovation
- Kingston Business School
- Kingston Hill
Professor of Marketing and Data Analytics
- Email:
I am a Professor of Marketing and Data Analytics at Kingston Business School. Previously, I was an Associate Professor/Reader at the University of Southampton and held Senior lectureships at Brunel University London, Loughborough University, and Coventry University. I also worked as a research fellow funded by several EU projects (PolicyCompass, FP7, etc.).
My research interests cover various digital data analytics topics based on advanced machine learning approaches that can derive hidden value from different data types. My research topics include:
- Computational behavioural science (behavioural sequencing).
- Marketing analytics and Data Visualisation with storytelling
- Data-driven Decision Making
- Energy data analytics (green IT).
- The philosophy of Artificial Intelligence within business contexts.
My work has been published in leading journals such as the Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Annals of Tourism Research, Computers and Operation Systems, Annals of Operation Research, Government Information Quarterly, and others. I also actively collaborate with Martech company dealing with consumer data and digital footprints.
- PhD in Management Information Systems, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea
- BEng in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea
- BEng in Technology Management, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea
I have extensive experience teaching various undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral-level marketing, information systems, and operation research courses. My main teaching areas cover marketing analytics, data visualisation, digital marketing, the application of AI for business, marketing technology, and so on.
My research interests lie in computational behavioural science in the business context. My works try to find the meaning of human behaviour and theorise it through the computational model of human behaviour from different types of digital footprints. My data analytics expertise makes my research more interdisciplinary across the different domains so I can cover various research topics such as data-driven decision-making, eGovernment, consumer behavioural, etc.
- Digital Data Analytics
- AI Application for Marketing
- Computational Behavioural Science
- Marketing Technologies
Scholarly affiliations
- Association for Information Systems
I actively collaborate with many industry partners from marketing technology, data platform, and other sectors. Still open for further collaboration.
Areas of interest
- data analytics
- marketing technologies
- consumer data analytics
I have been involving different type of research project with industry partners through the EU funded projects.
Theorizing routines with computational sequence analysis : a critical realism framework
Zhang, Zhewei, Lee, Habin, Yoo, Youngjin and Choi, Youngseok Thomas, 2022, Journal of the Association for Information Systems (22), 2, pp 589-630
Organizational resource and resilience in tourism
Jang, Seongsoo, Park, Jin Suk and Choi, Youngseok Thomas, 2022, Annals of Tourism Research (93), pp 103322
COVID19 led virtualization : green data center for information systems research
Lee, Habin, Choi, Youngseok, Van Nguyen, Truong, Hai, Yang, Kim, Junchul, Bahja, Mohammed and Hocaoğlu, Hakan, 2020, Information Systems Management (37), 4, pp 272-276
Big data-driven fuzzy cognitive map for prioritising IT service procurement in the public sector
Choi, Youngseok, Lee, Habin and Irani, Zahir, 2018, Annals of Operations Research (270), 1-2, pp 75-104
A decision support system for vessel speed decision in maritime logistics using weather archive big data
Lee, Habin, Aydin, Nursen, Choi, Youngseok, Lekhavat, Saowanit and Irani, Zahir, 2018, (98), pp 330-342
Predicting movie success with machine learning techniques : ways to improve accuracy
Lee, Kyuhan, Park, Jinsoo, Kim, Iljoo and Choi, Youngseok, 2018, Information Systems Frontiers (20), 3, pp 577-588
Embedding persuasive features into policy issues : implications to designing public participation processes
Lee, Habin, Tsohou, Aggeliki and Choi, Youngseok, 2017, Government Information Quarterly (34), 4, pp 591-600
Data properties and the performance of sentiment classification for electronic commerce applications
Choi, Youngseok and Lee, Habin, 2017, Information Systems Frontiers (19), 5, pp 993-1012
A novel approach to managing the dynamic nature of semantic relatedness
Choi, Youngseok, Oh, Jungsuk and Park, Jinsoo, 2016, Journal of Database Management (27), 2, pp 1-26
The role of e-participation and open data in evidence-based policy decision making in local government
Sivarajah, U., Weerakkody, V., Waller, P., Lee, H., Irani, Z., Choi, Youngseok, Morgan, R. and Glikman, Y., 2016, Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce (26), 1-2, pp 64-79
Customer satisfaction from open source software services in the presence of commercially licensed software
Moon, Jung Oh, Lee, Habin, Kim, Jong Woo, Aktas, Emel, Tsohou, Aggeliki and Choi, Youngseok, 2015, Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems (25), 3, pp 473-499
Economic recession and Hyundai heavy industries : strategies to cope with the risk factors of heavy industry
Park, Jinsoo and Choi, Youngseok, 2014, Korea Business Review (18), 4, pp 81-104
The need for paradigm shift in semantic similarity and semantic relatedness : from cognitive semantics perspective
Choi, Youngseok and Park, Jinsoo, 2013, Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems (19), 1, pp 111-123
Helpfulness of online consumer reviews : readers' objectives and review cues
Baek, Hyunmi, Ahn, JoongHo and Choi, Youngseok, 2012, International Journal of Electronic Commerce (17), 2, pp 99-126
A novel approach to managing the dynamic nature of semantic relatedness
Choi, Youngseok, Oh, Jungsuk and Park, Jinsoo (2020). In: Information Resources Management Association, ., (ed.), Natural language processing : Concepts, methodologies, tools and applications. IGI Global, pp 1085-1114
What to be disclosed? Attributes of online games for the market transparency policy
Suh, Changwoo, Lee, Byungtae, Lee, Habin, Choi, Youngseok and Ryu, Sunghan(2020). In: 12th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference on Electronic Participation, ePart 2020, 31 Aug - 02 Sep 2020 :Linköping, Sweden (Held online)
Optimising e-government data centre operations to minimise energy consumption : a simulation-based analytical approach
Suh, Changwoo, Bahja, Mohammed, Choi, Youngseok, Nguyen, Truong and Lee, Habin(2019). In: 18th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, EGOV 2019, 02-04 Sep 2019 :San Benedetto Del Tronto, Italy
The organizing of online community : fluid and structuring organizing
Zhang, Zhewei, Choi, Youngseok, Lee, Habin and Yoo, Youngjin(2016). In: International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2016), 11-14 Dec 2016 :Dublin, Ireland
Navigation in politics – fuzzy cognitive map and argumentation approach for policy modelling and analytics
Löhe, M.G., Glikman, Y., Gordon, T.F., Lee, H. and Choi, Youngseok(2015). In: European, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS 2015), 01-02 Jun 2015 :Athens, Greece
DYMS (dynamic matcher selector) - scenario-based schema matcher selector
Choi, Youngseok(2013). In: Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) 2013, 18-22 Jun 2013 :Jeju Island, Korea