Professor Tao Zhang


After obtaining a PhD in 1988 from Tsinghua University in China, I moved to UK to continue my research in materials science and engineering. I worked in Brunel University, Birmingham University and London South Bank University before joining Kingston University in 2001. The research concerned near net shape forming, nanopowder synthesis, surface engineering and computer modelling. Computer simulations based on heat transfer, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics were used for the prediction of defects, mould flow, thermal stress analysis, thermal spray equipment design and process control, nano powder synthesis and processing optimization. Over the last 25 years, I have published over 100 papers in journal and conference proceedings. The research has been supported by EPSRC, EC FP6 and FP7, Carbon Trust and RAEng. Current on-going research is focused on nanomaterials for industry and energy applications and developing new processes to produce nano materials and coatings. 

Academic responsibilities

Emeritus Professor of Materials Engineering


  • BEng, Materials Science and Engineering, Hunan University, P.R.China, 12/81.
  • PhD, Engineering Materials, Tsinghua University, Beijing, P.R.China, 7/88

Teaching and learning
