Professor Phillip Samouel
Faculties, deparments and locations
- Faculty of Business and Social Sciences
- Department of Strategy, Marketing and Innovation
- Kingston Business School
- Kingston Hill
Emeritus Professor
- Email:
Between 1973 and 2007, I held various posts at Kingston University, including Head of Department, Director of the Business School, and Dean of the Faculty of Business and Law. As Dean, I led the expansion of our undergraduate and postgraduate provision in the UK and overseas, particularly in the Netherlands, Russia, India, Greece, and Cyprus. I have been a panel member of numerous accreditation bodies like EQUIS, AMBA, and EDAMBA.
My main academic interests, in teaching and research, are managerial and business economics and multivariate data analysis. I specifically examine relationships both within and between organisations and assess their impact on performance. My publications are numerous in RAE-rated journals. I have also co-authored a successful text on Business Research Methods.
Besides my involvement with academia, I have been actively involved with the business/commercial world. Between 1974 and 1984, I built Sammy George Fashion Ltd, a garment manufacturer in London, with its own label - London Lady. Since 1982, I have been running a successful Farming Enterprise. I also diversified Ladyland Farm into an Education Centre - "The Living Classroom" delivering aspects of the UK Science National Curriculum to over 50,000 children a year. In recent years, I have built an extensive property portfolio providing social and student housing.
I have provided consultancy to numerous organisations in sectors where I have expertise. For example, I forecasted demand for red meat for the MLC, wine sales to the USA for the FMA, and value for money for the Deputy Prime Minister's LGR Unit. In addition, I investigated inter-organisational relationships commissioned by the Cabinet Office for the Committee of Inquiry: A New Vision for Business 2000.
- BA (Hons) Social Science (First Class), Middlesex University
- MSc Economics, London School of Economics
- MSc Management Science, Imperial College
- DBA (Doctorate in Business Administration), Henley Management College, Brunel University
- Hon PhD, RANEPA, Moscow
In the past, I have taught Multivariate Data Analysis and Managerial/Business Economics, primarily on the Doctorate Programmes (DBA & PhD) and MBA programmes both in the UK and overseas for Kingston Business School. I have supervised a large number of doctorate students to successful completion at Kingston and Henley Business Schools.
Research experience with outputs
Day, M., Lichtenstein, S. and Samouel, P. (2015), "The nature of supply management operational capability and its impact on firm performance", International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 164, pp 1-13.
Rose, S., Clark, M., Samouel, P. and Hair, N. (2012), "Online Customer Experience in e-Retailing: An empirical model of Antecedents and Outcomes", Journal of Retailing, Vol. 88, pp. 308-322.
Faroughina, F., Kalafatis, S., Ledden, L., Samouel, P. and Tsogas, M. H. (2012) "Value and Risk in Business-to-Business e-Services" Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 41, pp. 68-81.
Rose, S. and Samouel, P (2009), "Internal psychological versus external market-driven determinants of the amount of consumer information search amongst online shoppers", Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. 25, pp. 171-190.
Samouel, P. (2007), "Does Time Impact Relational Norms in Bilateral Exchange? The Small Business Case", Journal of Small Business Enterprise and Development Vol. 14, pp. 136-143.
Ledden, L., Kalafatis, S. and Samouel, P. (2007), "The Relationship between Personal Values and Perceived Value of Education", Journal of Business Research, Vol. 60, pp. 965-974.
Sharif, K., Kalafatis, S. and Samouel, P. (2006), "Cognitive and Behavioural Determinants of Trust in SMEs", Journal of Small Business Enterprise and Development Vol.12, pp. 409 – 421.
Canback, S., Samouel, P and Price, D. (2006), "Do Diseconomies of Scale Impact Size and Performance of Firms? A Theoretical and Empirical Overview", Journal of Managerial Economics Vol. 4, pp. 27-70.
Article Accepted
Geleit R., Bence M., Samouel P. and Craik J. (2023), "Biomarkers as predictors of inpatient mortality in fractured neck of femur patients", Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Forthcoming. (This is a collaborative research between Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals Trust and Kingston Business School)
Article Under review
Day, M., Lichtenstein, S. and Samouel, P. (2012), "Supply Management Capabilities, Strategic Orientation and Firm Performance". (This is a collaborative research between Henley Business School, Birmingham City Business School and Kingston Business School)
Hair, J, F., Celsi, M. W., Money, A. H., Samouel P. and Page, M. (2015), Essentials of Business Research Methods, 3rd Edition, Rutledge: New York.
Business Experience
- From (1974-1984), owned and managed a Clothing Manufacturing and Retailing business employing over 250 staff (Sammy George Fashions Ltd – Label: London Lady). Produced garments for the UK and Overseas markets.
- From 1982 own and manage a Farming Business - Ladyland Farm "The Living Class Room". The initial farming activity was beef and cereal production. Since 1992, the farm has also diversified into education, delivering aspects of the National Curriculum in situ ( ). Over 40,000 pupils visited the farm a year. In recent years, the farm has reverted to beef production.
- From 1995, I owned and managed PCS Properties, which developed and provided social and student housing in South East England.
- From 2019, Group Chair of LIS04 Group of Companies involved in the property market.
Business Consultancy
Consultant on general strategic and operational issues to a variety of companies engaged in garment manufacture, farming and student property lettings. Companies include Bettina of London, Sisters Fashion, Hathersham Farm, Harrington & Sons, and Hiltons. Forecasting Modelling for the Meat and Livestock Commission and French Ministry of Agriculture for wine sales in the USA. Provision of Statistical Analysis Support and Training for the Milk Marketing Board. Multivariate Data Analysis and Training for the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister LGR Unit.
Professional and scholarly affiliations
- Association of MBAs
- EFMD Quality Improvement System
- European Doctoral Programmes Association in Management and Business Administration
My positions at Kingston University were:
- Head of the Department of Strategy and Operations Management
- Director of the Business School
- Dean of the Faculty of Business and Law
Besides the growth of the undergraduate and postgraduate provision in the UK, I facilitated the expansion of the Kingston MBA overseas to the Netherlands, Greece, and Russia. In all three locations, the KU MBA was the first to be accredited by AMBA).