Professor Phillip Samouel


I have held various posts at Kingston University between 1973 - 2007 from Head of Department, Director of the Business School and Dean of the Faculty of Business and Law. As Dean, I led the expansion of both our undergraduate and postgraduate provision in the UK and overseas, in particular Netherlands, Russia, India, Greece and Cyprus. I have been a panel member of numerous accreditation bodies like EQUIS, AMBA and EDAMBA.

My main academic interests, in teaching and research, are managerial and business economics, and multivariate data analysis. Specifically, examining relationships both within and between organisations and assessing their impact on performance. My publications are numerous in RAE rated journals. I have also co-authored a successful text on Business Research Methods.

Besides my involvement with academia, I have been actively involved with the business/commercial world. Between 1974 and 1984 I built Sammy George Fashion Ltd, a garment manufacturer in London, with its own label - London Lady. Since 1982 I have been running a successful Farming Enterprise. I also diversified Ladyland Farm into an Education Centre - "The Living Classroom" delivering aspects of the UK Science National Curriculum to over 50,000 children a year. In recent years, I have built an extensive property portfolio providing social and student housing.

I have provided consultancy to numerous organisations in sectors for which I have expertise. For example, forecasting demand for red meat for the MLC, of wines sales to USA for the FMA, and value for money for the Deputy Prime Minister's LGR Unit. In addition, I investigated inter-organisational relationships commissioned by the Cabinet Office for the Committee of Inquiry: A New Vision for Business 2000.

Academic responsibilities

Emeritus Professor


  • BA (Hons) Social Science (First Class), Middlesex University
  • MSc Economics, London School of Economics
  • MSc Management Science, Imperial College
  • DBA (Doctorate in Business Administration), Henley Management College, Brunel University
  • Hon PhD, RANEPA, Moscow

Teaching and learning


Professional practice, knowledge exchange and impact

Leadership and management