Professor Fiona Ross
Faculties, deparments and locations
- Faculty of Health, Science, Social Care and Education
- Centre for Health and Social Care Research
- St George's
Emerita Professor of Health and Social Care
- Email:
I am an Emerita Professor and former Dean of the Joint Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education. I have been the Kingston University lead for Equalities, and was Director of Research at the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education. My research covers nursing, health policy, public engagement, community care and equalities in higher education.
I did my PhD at King's College London and was the King's Director of the National Nursing Research Unit. I am proud to have been on the St George's senior team that set up the Joint Faculty in the 1990s. Currently, I am a member of the REF 2021 Equality and Diversity Advisory Panel, doing NIHR research on the healthcare workforce and leadership, and am Emeritus Editor of the International Journal of Interprofessional Care.
Outside the university, I am an independent governor of Westminster University and Chair of the Board of Trustees at Princess Alice Hospice. I was awarded a CBE in 2015.
- BSc (Edinburgh University)
- PhD (King's College London)
I am currently doing research on the healthcare workforce and leadership funded by the NIHR and with colleagues at King's College London. I have been working with Nona McDuff on longitudinal follow-up of the impact of institutional change on the BME attainment gap and recently with Vari Drennan on the evaluation of a new model of delivering community nursing based on the Dutch Buurtzorg model.
Redfern's nursing older people
(2023). Amsterdam, Netherlands: (Elsevier)
Researching critical reflection : multidisciplinary perspectives
(2016). Abingdon, U.K.: (Routledge)
Handbook of service user involvement in nursing and healthcare research
Boaz, Annette, Morrow, Elizabeth, Brearley, Sally and Ross, Fiona (2012). Chichester, U.K.: (Wiley-Blackwell)
Nursing older people
(2006). London, U.K.: (Elsevier Churchill Livingstone)
Integrated nursing teams in primary care.
Rink, Elizabeth, Ross, Fiona and Furne, Angie (2000). London, U.K.: (NT Books)
Nursing older people
(1999). Edinburgh, U.K.: (Churchill Livingstone)
Nursing in primary health care: policy into practice
Ross, Fiona and Mackenzie, Ann (1996). London, U.K.: (Routledge)
Current policy perspectives, skill mix and the nurse practitioner role in practice
Ross, Fiona (1995). Edinburgh, U.K.:
Setting standards for the care of elderly people at home: report based on a series of three workshops at the King's Fund and in collaboration with the District Nursing Association UK
(1991). Edinburgh, U.K.: (District Nursing Association UK)
Building inclusive research cultures in nursing : getting ready for the Research Excellence Framework 2029
Ross, Fiona Mary, 2024, Nurse Researcher
Intentional rounding : a realist evaluation using case studies in acute and care of older people hospital wards
Leamy, Mary, Sims, Sarah, Levenson, Ros, Davies, Nigel, Brearley, Sally, Gourlay, Stephen, Favato, Giampiero, Ross, Fiona and Harris, Ruth, 2023, BMC Health Services Research (23), pp 1341
Editorial : education and learning for digital health
Morrow, Elizabeth, Ross, Fiona and Mason, Cindy, 2023, Frontiers in Digital Health (5), pp 1165504
"Raising the curtain on the equality theatre" : a study of recruitment to first healthcare job post qualification in the UK National Health Service
Hammond, John, Davies, Nigel, Morrow, Elizabeth, Ross, Fiona, Vandrevala, Tushna and Harris, Ruth, 2022, Human Resources for Health (20), 57
Developing programme theories of leadership for integrated health and social care teams and systems : a realist synthesis
Harris, Ruth, Fletcher, Simon, Sims, Sarah, Ross, Fiona, Brearley, Sally and Manthorpe, Jill, 2022, Health and Social Care Delivery Research (10), 7
Artificial intelligence technologies and compassion in healthcare : a systematic scoping review
Morrow, Elizabeth, Zidaru, Teodor, Ross, Fiona, Patel, Kunal D., Mason, Cindy, Ream, Melissa and Stockley, Rich, 2022, Frontiers in Psychology (13)
What does success look like for leaders of integrated health and social care systems? A realist review
Sims, Sarah, Fletcher, Simon, Brearley, Sally, Ross, Fiona, Manthorpe, Jill and Harris, Ruth, 2021, International Journal of Integrated Care (21), 4, pp 26
Improving equality of opportunity in Higher Education through the adoption of an inclusive curriculum framework
McDuff, Nona, Hughes, Annie, Tatam, John, Morrow, Elizabeth and Ross, Fiona, 2020, Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning (22), 2, pp 83-121
Understanding key mechanisms of successfully leading integrated team-based services in health and social care : protocol for a realist synthesis
Harris, Ruth, Fletcher, Simon, Sims, Sarah, Ross, Fiona, Brearley, Sally and Manthorpe, Jill, 2020, BMJ Open (10), 7, pp e038591
The delivery of compassionate nursing care in a tick-box culture : qualitative perspectives from a realist evaluation of intentional rounding
Sims, Sarah, Leamy, Mary, Levenson, Ros, Brearley, Sally, Ross, Fiona and Harris, Ruth, 2020, International Journal of Nursing Studies (107), pp 103580
Intentional rounding in hospital wards to improve regular interaction and engagement between nurses and patients: a realist evaluation
Harris, Ruth, Sims, Sarah, Leamy, Mary, Levenson, Ros, Davies, Nigel, Brearley, Sally, Grant, Robert, Gourlay, Stephen, Favato, Giampiero and Ross, Fiona, 2019, Health Services and Delivery Research (7), 35
Global nurse shortages : the facts, the impact and action for change
Drennan, Vari M and Ross, Fiona, 2019, British Medical Bulletin (130), 1, pp 25-37
Editorial : In this issue
Xyrichis, Andreas and Ross, Fiona, 2019, Journal of Interprofessional Care (33), 3, pp 273-273
A realist synthesis of intentional rounding in hospital wards : exploring the evidence of what works, for whom, in what circumstances and why
Sims, Sarah, Leamy, Mary, Davies, Nigel, Schnitzler, Katy, Levenson, Ros, Grant, Robert, Brearley, Sally, Gourlay, Stephen, Ross, Fiona and Harris, Ruth, 2018, BMJ Quality and Safety (27), 9, pp 743-757
Learning from an early pilot of the Dutch Buurtzorg model of district nursing in England
Drennan, Vari, Ross, Fiona, Calestani, Melania, Saunders, Mary and West, Peter, 2018, Primary Health Care (28), 6, pp 23-25
Compassionate communities
Ross, Fiona, 2018, British Journal of Community Nursing (23), 8, pp 369-369
Tackling the workforce crisis in district nursing : can the Dutch Buurtzorg model offer a solution and a better patient experience? A mixed methods case study
Drennan, Vari M, Calestani, Melania, Ross, Fiona, Saunders, Mary and West, Peter, 2018, BMJ Open (8), 6, pp e021931
Closing the attainment gap for students from black and minority ethnic backgrounds through institutional change
Mcduff, Nona, Tatam, John, Beacock, Owen and Ross, Fiona, 2018, Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning (20), 1, pp 79-101
Scott Reeves : 1967–2018
Barr, Hugh, Ross, Fiona, Schmitt, Madeline, Patel, Kunal D., Zwarenstein, Merrick, Brandt, Barbara, Fletcher, Simon N. and Eyre, Linda, 2018, Journal of Interprofessional Care (32), 4, pp 403-403
"The great unspoken shame of UK Higher Education" : addressing inequalities of attainment
Ross, Fiona Mary, Tatam, John Christian, Hughes, Annie Livingstone, Beacock, Owen Paul and Mcduff, Nona, 2018, African Journal of Business Ethics (12), 1
Exploring research impact in the assessment of leadership, governance and management research
Morrow, Elizabeth M., Goreham, Helen and Ross, Fiona, 2017, Evaluation (23), 4, pp 407-431
Spotlight on equality of employment opportunities : a qualitative study of job seeking experiences of graduating nurses and physiotherapists from black and minority ethnic backgrounds
Hammond, John, Marshall-Lucette, Sylvie, Davies, Nigel, Ross, Fiona and Harris, Ruth, 2017, International Journal of Nursing Studies (74), pp 172-180
Examining the nature of interprofessional interventions designed to promote patient safety : a narrative review
Reeves, Scott, Clark, Emma, Lawton, Sally, Ream, Melissa and Ross, Fiona, 2017, International Journal for Quality in Health Care (29), 2, pp 144-150
What aspects of intentional rounding work in hospital wards, for whom and in what circumstances? A realist evaluation protocol
Harris, Ruth, Sims, Sarah, Levenson, Ros, Gourlay, Stephen, Ross, Fiona, Davies, Nigel, Brearley, Sally, Favato, Giampiero and Grant, Robert, 2017, BMJ Open (7), 1, pp e014776
Mutuality, metaphor and micropolitics in collaborative governance : a joint venture in UK Higher Education
Ross, Fiona and Woodfield, Steve, 2017, Higher Education Quarterly (71), 1, pp 33-52
Using Twitter™ to drive research impact : a discussion of strategies, opportunities and challenges
Schnitzler, Katy, Davies, Nigel, Ross, Fiona and Harris, Ruth, 2016, International Journal of Nursing Studies (59), pp 15-26
Mining the REF impact case studies for lessons on leadership, governance and management in Higher Education
Ross, Fiona and Morrow, Elizabeth, 2016, LSE Impact Blog
Learning from other sectors : using the right end of the telescope!
Ross, Fiona, 2016, Higher Education Policy Institute Blog
Interprofessional teamwork in stroke care: is it visible or important to patients and carers?
Hewitt, Gillian, Sims, Sarah, Greenwood, Nan, Jones, Fiona, Ross, Fiona and Harris, Ruth, 2015, Journal of Interprofessional Care (29), 4, pp 331-339
Fostering a "common culture''? Responses to the Francis Inquiry demonstrate the need for an interprofessional response
Reeves, Scott, Ross, Fiona and Harris, Ruth, 2014, Journal of Interprofessional Care (28), 5, pp 387-389
Leadership and innovation in nursing seen through a historical lens
Harris, Ruth, Bennett, Janette and Ross, Fiona, 2014, Journal of Advanced Nursing (70), 7, pp 1629-1638
Learning from people with long-term conditions: new insights for governance in primary healthcare
Ross, Fiona, Smith, Pam, Byng, Richard, Christian, Sara, Allan, Helen, Price, Linnie and Brearley, Sally, 2014, (22), 4, pp 405-416
People and teams matter in organizational change: professionals' and managers' experiences of changing governance and incentives in primary care
Allan, Helen T, Brearley, Sally, Byng, Richard, Christian, Sara, Clayton, Julie, Mackintosh, Maureen, Price, Linnie, Smith, Pam and Ross, Fiona, 2014, Health Services Research (49), 1, pp 93-112
Collaboration with patients and healthcare bodies will improve care.
Ross, Fiona, 2014, British Journal of Nursing (23), 3, pp 182-182
Nursing in universities: does it matter?
Ross, Fiona, 2014, British Journal of Nursing (23), 7, pp 375
Leadership of interprofessional stroke teams: how important is it for good team working?
Harris, Ruth, Sims, Sarah, Hewitt, Gillian, Joy, Mark, Brearley, Sally, Cloud, Geoff, Drennan, Vari, Greenwood, Nan, Jones, Fiona, Kalra, Lalit, Mackenzie, Ann and Ross, Fiona, 2013, International Journal of Stroke (8), Suppl. 3, pp 32-32
Good nursing does not come cheap.
Ross, Fiona, 2013, British Journal of Nursing (22), 21, pp 1255
A foot in two camps: an exploratory study of nurse leaders in universities
Ross, Fiona, Marks-Maran, Di and Tye, Christopher, 2013, Nurse Education Today (33), 11, pp 1342-1346
What sort of nurses do we need for integrated care?
Ross, Fiona, 2013, British Journal of Nursing (22), 17, pp 1027
Mechanisms can help to use patients’ experiences of chronic disease in research and practice: an interpretive synthesis
Morrow, Elizabeth, Cotterell, Phil, Robert, Glen, Grocott, Patricia and Ross, Fiona, 2013, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology (66), 8, pp 856-864
Taking the long view: exploring the development of interprofessional education
Fook, Jan, d'Avray, Lynda, Norrie, Caroline, Psoinos, Maria, Lamb, Bryony and Ross, Fiona, 2013, Journal of Interprofessional Care (27), 4, pp 286-291
What is the Margaret Thatcher legacy for nurse education?
Ross, Fiona, 2013, British Journal of Nursing (22), 9, pp 540-540
How can we ensure equal access to job opportunities for nurses?
Tatam, John and Ross, Fiona, 2013, International Journal of Nursing Studies (50), 3, pp 301-302
Why district nursing remains endangered
Ross, Fiona, 2013, Independent Nurse, pp 15
How to develop a patient and carer advisory group in stroke care research
Sims, Sarah, Brearley, Sally, Hewitt, Gillian, Greenwood, Nan, Jones, Fiona, Ross, Fiona and Harris, Ruth, 2013, Nurse Researcher (20), 3, pp 6-11
Social mobility--what does it mean in nursing education?
Ross, Fiona, 2013, British journal of nursing (22), 13, pp 787-787
Financial and clinical risk in health care reform: a view from below
Smith, Pam, Mackintosh, Maureen, Ross, Fiona, Clayton, Julie, Price, Linnie, Christian, Sara, Byng, Richard and Allan, Helen, 2012, (17), 2, pp 11-17
Short-sighted cuts to training places will lead to a crisis in care
Ross, Fiona, 2012, Nursing Times (108), 13, pp 7-7
Informal stroke caregivers' self appraised problem solving abilities as a predictor of wellbeing and perceived social support
Lui, May, Lee, Diana, Greenwood, Nan and Ross, Fiona, 2012, Journal Of Clinical Nursing (21), 1-2, pp 232-242
The impact of nursing innovations in the context of governance and incentives
Ross, Fiona, Harris, Ruth, Christian, Sara and Redfern, Sally, 2011, Journal of Research in Nursing (16), 3, pp 274-294
Tensions between universities and the NHS need ironing out
Ross, Fiona, 2010, Nursing (106), 47, pp 25-25
Learning from older people: shifting the balance in research
Ross, Fiona, 2010, Generations Review (20), 4
A model and measure for quality service user involvement in health research
Morrow, Elizabeth, Ross, Fiona, Grocott, Patricia and Bennett, Janette, 2010, International Journal of Consumer Studies (34), 5, pp 532-539
Poor organisational cultures erode compassionate care
Ross, Fiona, 2010, Nursing Times (106), 33, pp 27
Flexible working and the contribution of nurses in mid-life to the workforce: a qualitative study
Harris, Ruth, Bennett, Janette, Davey, Barbara and Ross, Fiona, 2010, International Journal of Nursing Studies (47), 4, pp 418-426
Handing over
Barr, Hugh and Ross, Fiona, 2010, Journal of Interprofessional Care (24), 1, pp 1-2
Getting ready for user involvement in a systematic review
Smith, Elizabeth, Donovan, Sheila, Beresford, Peter, Manthorpe, Jill, Brearley, Sally, Sitzia, John and Ross, Fiona, 2009, Health Expectations (12), 2, pp 197-208
Emotions at work: what is the link to patient and staff safety - implications for nurse managers in the NHS
Smith, Pam, Pearson, Pauline H and Ross, Fiona, 2009, Journal Of Nursing Management (17), 2, pp 230-237
Management of knee osteoarthritis in primary care: pain and depression are the major obstacles
Axford, John, Heron, Christine, Ross, Fiona and Victor, Christina R., 2008, Journal of Psychosomatic Research (64), 5, pp 461-467
Participation in community exercise classes: barriers to access
Vernon, Sue and Ross, Fiona, 2008, British Journal of Community Nursing (12), 2, pp 89-92
Service user involvement in nursing, midwifery and health visiting research: a review of evidence and practice
Smith, Elizabeth, Ross, Fiona, Donovan, Sheila, Manthorpe, Jill, Brearley, Sally, Sitzia, John and Beresford, Peter, 2008, International Journal of Nursing Studies (45), 2, pp 298-315
Family carers in stroke care: examining the relationship between problem-solving, depression and general health
Yeung, Sue, Lui, May How-Lin, Ross, Fiona and Murrells, Trevor, 2007, Journal of Clinical Nursing (16), 2, pp 344-352
Working together for health
Barr, Hugh and Ross, Fiona, 2007, Journal of Interprofessional Care (21), 1, pp 1-2
Service user involvement and integrated care pathways
Smith, Elizabeth and Ross, Fiona M., 2007, International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance (20), 3, pp 195-214
Standing secure amidst a falling world? Practitioner understandings of old age in responses to a case vignette
Richards, Sally, Donovan, Sheila, Victor, Christina and Ross, Fiona, 2007, Journal of Interprofessional Care (21), 3, pp 335-349
The journey to publication
Ross, Fiona, 2007, Journal of Interprofessional Care (21), 2, pp 125-128
Psychometric evaluation of the centre for epidemiological studies depression scale in Chinese poststroke older adults
Lui, May, Lee, Diana, Ross, Fiona and Yeung, Sue, 2006, Journal of Nursing Scholarship (38), 4, pp 366-369
Student voices
Barr, Hugh and Ross, Fiona, 2006, Journal of Interprofessional Care (20), 3, pp 221-222
Introducing InterEd
Barr, Hugh, Gilbert, John and Ross, Fiona, 2006, Journal of Interprofessional Care (20), 2, pp 93-94
Mainstreaming interprofessional education in the United Kingdom: a position paper
Barr, Hugh and Ross, Fiona, 2006, Journal of Interprofessional Care (20), 2, pp 96-104
Framing and reframing
Ross, Fiona and Barr, Hugh, 2006, Journal of Interprofessional Care (20), 1, pp 1-2
30th anniversary commentary on van Maanen H. M. Th. (1988) Being old does not always mean being sick: perspectives on conditions of health as perceived by British and American elderly. Journal of Advanced Nursing 13, 701-709
Ross, Fiona, 2006, Journal of Advanced Nursing (53), 1, pp 64-64
School nurses' contribution to young people's future health
Christian, Sara, Ross, Fiona, Brooks, Fiona and Drennan, Vari, 2005, Nursing Times (101), 47, pp 19-20
Supporting family caregivers in stroke care: a review of the evidence for problem solving
Lui, MH, Ross, FM and Thompson, DR, 2005, Stroke (36), 11, pp 2514-2522
Lack of benefit of a primary care-based nurse-led education programme for people with osteoarthritis of the knee
Victor, Christina R., Triggs, Eric, Ross, Fiona, Lord, Joanne and Axford, John S., 2005, Clinical Rheumatology (24), 4, pp 358-364
Involving older people in research: methodological issues
Ross, Fiona, Donovan, Sheila, Brearley, Sally, Victor, Christina, Cottee, Mark, Crowther, Peter and Clark, Eileen, 2005, Health and Social Care in the Community (13), 3, pp 268-275
Primary care nursing: education for changing roles and boundaries
Ross, Fiona and Corbett, Kevin, 2005, Education for Primary Care (16), 3, pp 246-255
Towards multidisciplinary assessment of older people: exploring the change process
Ross, Fiona, O'Tuathail, Claire and Stubberfield, Debbie, 2005, Journal Of Clinical Nursing (14), 4, pp 518-529
Circles of learning: using the World Cafe method to build knowledge on service user involvement
Donovan, Sheila, Ross, Fiona and Smith, Elizabeth, 2005, Education for Primary Care (16), 1, pp 85-86
Developing a service-user framework to shape priorities for nursing and midwifery research
Smith, Elizabeth, Ross, Fiona M., Mackenzie, Ann and Masterson, Abigail, 2005, Journal of Research in Nursing (10), 1, pp 107-118
Can interprofessional education make a difference in the care of people with chronic disease?
Ross, Fiona and Harris, Ruth, 2005, Chronic Illness (1), 1, pp 81-86
Learning to involve patients
Ross, Fiona, 2004, Education for Primary Care (15), 3, pp 411
Identifying research priorities in nursing and midwifery service delivery and organisation: a scoping study
Ross, Fiona, Smith, Elizabeth, Mackenzie, Ann and Masterson, Abi, 2004, International Journal of Nursing Studies (41), 5, pp 547-558
Capturing lay perspectives in a randomized control trial of a health promotion intervention for people with osteoarthritis of the knee
Victor, Christina R., Ross, Fiona and Axford, John, 2004, Journal Of Evaluation In Clinical Practice (10), 1, pp 63-70
Supporting organisational change through learning sets for primary care organisations: putting the KARM before the STORM
Furne, Angela, Ross, Fiona and Smith, Frank, 2003, Education for Primary Care (14), 3, pp 355-359
A portrait of district nursing: its contribution to primary health care
Goodman, Claire, Ross, Fiona, Mackenzie, Ann and Vernon, Sue, 2003, Journal of Interprofessional Care (17), 1, pp 97-108
Leading opinion and managing change in complex organizations: findings from the South Thames Evidence-based Practice project
McLaren, Susan, Ross, Fiona, Redfern, Sally and Christian, Sara, 2002, Nursing Times Research (7), 6, pp 444-458
Mapping research in primary care nursing: current activity and future priorities
Ross, Fiona, Vernon, Susan and Smith, Elizabeth, 2002, Journal of Research in Nursing (7), 1, pp 46-57
Partnerships for changing practice: Lessons from South Thames Evidence-based Practice project (STEP)
Ross, Fiona, McLaren, Susan, Relfeirn, Sally and Warwick, Cathy, 2001, Nursing Times Research (6), 5, pp 817-828
Ageing and global boundaries
Ross, Fiona and Manthorpe, Jill, 2001, Journal of Interprofessional Care (15), 3, pp 213-214
Providing multi-agency work-based education for clinical governance
Furne, Angela, Ross, Fiona, Holdaway, Keith, Mohammed, Nizam and Marshall-Lucette, Sylvie, 2001, Clinical Governance Bulletin (2), 3, pp 6-7
The integrated nursing team in primary care: views and experience of participants exploring ownership, objectives and a team orientation
Furne, Angela, Ross, Fiona and Rink, Elizabeth, 2001, (2), 3, pp 187-195
Implementation of evidence in practice settings: some methodological issues arising from the South Thames Evidence Based Practice Project
McLaren, S.M.G. and Ross, F., 2000, Clinical Effectiveness in Nursing (4), 3, pp 99-108
Learning together in medical and nursing training: aspirations and activity
Ross, Fiona and Southgate, Lesley, 2000, Medical Education (34), 9, pp 739-743
Integration or pragmatic coalition? An evaluation of nursing teams in primary care
Ross, Fiona, Rink, Elizabeth and Furne, Angela, 2000, Journal of Interprofessional Care (14), 3, pp 259-267
Blurring boundaries: professional perspectives of the emergency nurse practitioner role in a major accident and emergency department
Tye, Christopher C. and Ross, Fiona M., 2000, Journal Of Advanced Nursing (31), 5, pp 1089-1096
Assessment of older people: politics and practice in primary care
Vernon, Susan, Ross, Fiona and Gould, Mairi A., 2000, Journal Of Advanced Nursing (31), 2, pp 282-287
Primary care-based evaluation of patient education for osteoarthritis of the knee.
Triggs, E., Victor, C., Ross, F. and Axford, J., 2000, Methods of Information in Medicine (39), 3, pp 241-245
Economic evaluation of a primary care-based education programme for patients with osteo-arthritis of the knee
Lord, J., Victor, C., Littlejohns, P., Ross, F.M. and Axford, J.S., 1999, Health Technology Assessment (3), 23
Practice nurses and the care of patients receiving depot neuroleptic treatment: views on training, confidence and use of structured assessment
Millar, Elaine, Garland, Carol, Ross, Fiona, Kendrick, Tony and Burns, Tom, 1999, Journal Of Advanced Nursing (29), 6, pp 1454-1461
Randomised controlled trial of teaching practice nurses to carry out structured assessments of patients receiving depot antipsychotic injections
Burns, T., Millar, E., Garland, C., Kendrick, T., Chisholm, B. and Ross, F., 1998, British Journal of General Practice (48), 437, pp 1845-1848
Client preference for HIV inpatient care delivery.
McDonald, R., Free, D., Ross, F. and Mitchell, P., 1998, AIDS Care (10), S2, pp 123-135
Emergency nurse practitioner services in major accident and emergency departments: a United Kingdom postal survey
Tye, Christopher C., Ross, Fiona and Kerry, Sally M., 1998, Journal of Accident and Emergency Medicine (15), 1, pp 31-34
Evaluation of education for people with osteoarthritis of the knee: recruitment and retention issues in study design
Ross, Fiona, Triggs, Eric, Cadbury, Heather, Axford, John and Victor, Christina, 1998, Nurse Researcher (6), 1, pp 49-59
Policies for interprofessional education: current trends in the UK
Pittilo, R.M. and Ross, F.M., 1998, Education for Health (11), 3, pp 285-295
The care management interface with general practice: a case study
Ross, Fiona and Tissier, Josephine, 1997, (5), 3, pp 153-161
Book Review of: Changing services for older people by Alan Walker and Lorna Warren
Ross, Fiona, 1997, Journal of Social Policy (26), 2, pp 290-291
Measuring the workload of an integrated nursing team in general practice.
Godfrey, Emma, Rink, Pit and Ross, Fiona, 1997, British Journal of Community Health Nursing (2), 7, pp 350-355
Shifting the balance: nursing in primary health care
Mackenzie, Ann and Ross, Fiona, 1997, British Journal of Community Health Nursing (2), 3, pp 139-142
Interprofessional audit: the need for teamwork when researching quality of care.
Ross, F., 1996, Nurse Researcher (3), 3, pp 47-57
The changing use of nursing skills in general practice.
Rink, Elizabeth, Ross, Fiona, Godfrey, Emma and Roberts, Geoff, 1996, British Journal of Community Health Nursing (1), 6, pp 364-369
Health promotion education for the primary healthcare team - is current provision adequate for future challenges?
Ross, Fiona and Tissier, Josephine, 1995, Journal of Interprofessional Care (9), 2, pp 139-149
Standardised assessment for elderly people (SAFE) – a feasibility study in district nursing.
Ross, Fiona M. and Bower, Peter, 1995, Journal of Clinical Nursing (4), 5, pp 303-310
Practice nurses: characteristics, caseloads and training needs.
Ross, F.M., Bower, P.J. and Sibbald, B.S., 1994, British Journal of General Practice (44), 378, pp 15-18
Interprofessional collaboration in the provision of aids for daily living and nursing equipment in the community.
Ross, Fiona and Campbell, Fiona, 1992, Journal of Interprofessional Care (6), 2, pp 109-119
Patient compliance - whose responsibility?
Ross, Fiona M., 1991, (32), 1, pp 89-94
Doctor, nurse and patient knowledge of prescribed medication in primary care.
Ross, Fiona M., 1989, Public Health (103), 2, pp 131-137
Information sharing between patients, nurses, and doctors: evaluation of a drug guide for old people in primary health care
Ross, F., 1988, Recent Advances in Nursing (21), pp 159-185
District nursing
Ross, F., 1987, Recent Advances in Nursing (15), pp 132-160
Ross, Fiona, Harris, Ruth, Fitzpatrick, Joanne M. and Abley, Clare (2023). In: Ross, Fiona, (eds.), Harris, Ruth, (eds.), Fitzpatrick, Joanne M., (eds.) and Abley, Clare, (eds.), Redfern's nursing older people. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier, pp 3-6
New directions and reflections on caring for older people
Ross, Fiona, Harris, Ruth, Fitzpatrick, Joanne M. and Abley, Clare (2023). In: Ross, Fiona, (eds.), Harris, Ruth, (eds.), Fitzpatrick, Joanne M., (eds.) and Abley, Clare, (eds.), Redfern's nursing older people. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier, pp 585-602
Policy context of nursing in health and social care
Ross, Fiona (2023). In: Ross, Fiona, (eds.), Harris, Ruth, (eds.), Fitzpatrick, Joanne M., (eds.) and Abley, Clare, (eds.), Redfern's nursing older people. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier, pp 71-86
Leadership, management and governance
Ross, Fiona (2020). In: David, Miriam E., (eds.) and Amey, Marilyn J., (eds.), The SAGE encyclopedia of higher education. SAGE
Researching critical reflection in health care: current issues and new directions
Collington, Val and Ross, Fiona (2016). In: Fook, Jan, (eds.), Collington, Val, (eds.), Ross, Fiona, (eds.), Ruch, Gillian, (eds.) and West, Linden, (eds.), Researching critical reflection: multidisciplinary perspectives. Abingdon, U.K.: Routledge, pp 158-170
Pathways to innovation in health care
Redfern, S., Ross, F., McLaren, S. and Christian, S. (2006). In: Casebeer, Ann L., (eds.), Harrison, Alexandra, (eds.) and Mark, Annabelle L., (eds.), Innovations in health care: a reality check. Basingstoke, U.K.: Palgrave Macmillan, pp 157-173
Assessment of older people
Ross, Fiona and O'Tuathail, Claire (2006). In: Redfern, Sally J., (eds.) and Ross, Fiona M., (eds.), Nursing older people. London, U.K.: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, pp 603-627
Health and social care for older people in the community
Ross, Fiona M. and Victor, Christina R. (2006). In: Redfern, Sally J., (eds.) and Ross, Fiona M., (eds.), Nursing older people. London, U.K.: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, pp 103-122
Redfern, Sally J. and Ross, Fiona M. (2006). In: Redfern, Sally J., (eds.) and Ross, Fiona M., (eds.), Nursing older people. London, U.K.: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, pp 1-4
Ross, Fiona M. and Redfern, Sally J. (2006). In: Redfern, Sally J., (eds.) and Ross, Fiona M., (eds.), Nursing older people. London, U.K.: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, pp 729-743
Community care policies for older people
Ross, Fiona (1999). In: Redfern, Sally J., (eds.) and Ross, Fiona M., (eds.), Nursing older people. Edinburgh, U.K.: Churchill Livingstone, pp 97-110
Nursing: responding to the primary care-led NHS
Ross, Fiona (1999). In: Sims, Jane, (ed.), Primary health care sciences. London, U.K.: Whurr, pp 43-61
Primary health care and older people
Ross, Fiona and Victor, Christina (1999). In: Redfern, Sally J., (eds.) and Ross, Fiona M., (eds.), Nursing older people. Edinburgh, U.K.: Churchill Livingstone, pp 81-96
Ross, Fiona M. and Redfern, Sally J. (1999). In: Redfern, Sally J., (eds.) and Ross, Fiona M., (eds.), Nursing older people. Edinburgh, U.K.: Churchill Livingstone, pp 619-632
Nursing old people in the community
Ross, F.M. (1991). In: Redfern, Sally J., (ed.), Nursing elderly people. Edinburgh, U.K.: Churchill Livingstone, pp 340-357
Old age
Ross, Fiona (1989). In: While, Alison E., (ed.), Health in the inner city. Oxford, U.K.: Heinemann Medical, pp 142-165
Exploring artificial intelligence technologies and quality of life for older people ageing in place in super-aged societies
Morrow, Elizabeth, Ross, Fiona, Naessens, Edward, Kelly, Carmel and Lynch, Mary (2024). London, U.K.: (The British Academy)
The Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust Neighbourhood Nursing Team Test and Learn project of an adapted Buurtzorg model : An early view
Drennan, Vari, Ross, Fiona, Saunders, Mary and West, Peter (2017). (Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education, Kingston University and St George's University of London)
Leadership of practice disciplines in universities: the case of nurses and teachers
Ross, Fiona, Marks-Maran, Di, Tye, Christopher, Collington, Val and Hudson, Andy (2013). London, U.K.: (Leadership Foundation for Higher Education)
Interprofessional teamwork across stroke care pathways: outcomes and patient and carer experience. final report. NIHR service delivery and organisation programme
Harris, Ruth, Sims, Sarah, Hewitt, Hewitt, Joy, Mark, Brearley, Sally, Cloud, Geoff, Drennan, Vari, Greenwood, Nan, Jones, Fiona, Kalra, Lalit, Mackenzie, Ann and Ross, Fiona (2013). Southampton, U.K.: (Her Majesty's Stationery Office)
Ross, Fiona, Mackenzie, Ann, Smith, Elizabeth, Masterson, Abigail and Wood, Carol (2002). (National Institute for Health Research)
Innovations in primary care nursing
Ross, Fiona and Elliott, Margaret (1995). London, U.K.:
New horizons in community care: policy perspectives for district nursing
Ross, Fiona M. (1990). London: (District Nursing Association U.K.)
Using an iterative evaluation approach to enhance the quality of learning, teaching and assessment.
Ooms, Ann, Marks-Maran, Diana and Ross, Fiona(2013). In: EAIR 35th Annual Forum 2013: the impact of Higher Education: addressing the challenges of the 21st century, 28-31 Aug 2013 :Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Conversations with Deans of Nursing: opportunities and challenges for a practice based discipline in higher education
Ross, Fiona(2012). In: Educational Research Forum, 15 Jun 2012 :Kingston upon Thames, U.K.
Elsie Stephensons's Legacy: Nurse Leaders in Universities Today
Ross, Fiona(2012). In: Elsie Stephenson Memorial Lecture, 15 Mar 2012 :Edinburgh, U.K.
Learning from older people
Ross, Fiona(2010). In: British Society of Gerontology 39th Annual Conference 2010, Identities, care and everyday life, 05 - 08 Oct 2010 :Brunel University, U.K.
Service users in research
Smith, Elizabeth, Ross, Fiona, Donovan, Sheila, Manthorpe, Jill, Brearley, Sally, Sitzia, John and Beresford, Peter(2007). In: Unhealthy professional boundaries? Working together in health and social care, 04 - 05 Dec 2007 :London, U.K.