Ms Catherine Malabou
Faculties, deparments and locations
- Kingston School of Art
- Department of Humanities
- School of Creative and Cultural Industries
- Penrhyn Road
Visiting Professor in Modern European Philosophy
- Email:
After studying at the the University of Paris-Sorbonne and the Ecole Normale Supérieure at Fontenay Saint-Cloud, I passed the "agrégation" of Philosophy and wrote my PhD at the Ecoles des Hautes Etudes under the supervision of Jacques Derrida. I then became a Maître de Conférences at the University of Paris-Nanterre. I was appointed as a professor of philosophy at the Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy at Kingston University in 2011. In 2016, I was appointed at the University of California at Irvine in Comparative Literature and European Languages and Studies. This one semester chair is the one previously attributed to Jacques Derrida.
- PhD Paris Ehess 1994
- Habilitation Thesis University of Strasbourg 2003
- Former student of the Ecole Normale Supérieure Saint-Cloud
- Agrégation of Philosophy
For many years now, I have explored the concept of plasticity. Starting with the philosophy of Hegel (Hegel is the first philosopher to confer plasticity the diginity of a concept), I then extended my research to contemporary neurobiology, in which plasticity is a central concept. Neural plasticity designates the ability of the brain to shape iself under the influence of experience, education and culture, but also of accidents and trauma. In my book The New Wounded, I proposed a rereading of Freud in the light of the most recent neuro-psychoanalytic studies an redefinition of traumatic events.
More recently, I was interested in speculative realism and wrote book (After Tommorrow, Epigenesis and Rationality, 2016). My last book (Columbia UP, 2019) is Morphing Intelligence, From IQ Measurement to Artificial Brains.
Morphing intelligence : from IQ measurement to artificial brains
Malabou, Catherine (2019). New York: (Columbia University Press)
Metamorphoses de l'intelligence : que faire de leur cerveau bleu?
Malabou, Catherine (2017). Paris, France: (Presses Universitaires de France)
Before tomorrow : epigenesis and rationality
Malabou, Catherine and Shread, Carolyn (2016). (Polity Books)
Avant demain: épigenèse et rationalité
Malabou, Catherine (2014). Paris, France: (Les Presses Universitaires de France)
Self and emotional life: philosophy, psychoanalysis, and neuroscience
Johnston, Adrian and Malabou, Catherine (2013). New York, U.S.: (Columbia University Press)
Ontology of the accident: an essay on destructive plasticity
Malabou, Catherine and Shread, Carolyn (2012). Cambridge, U.K.: (Polity Books)
The new wounded, from neurosis to brain damage
Malabou, Catherine and Miller, Steven (2012). Bronx, USA: (Fordham University Press)
Changing Difference, The Feminine And The Question Of Philosophy
Malabou, Catherine and Shread, Carolyn (2011). Cambridge UK: (Polity Books)
The Heidegger change. On the fantastic in philosophy
Malabou, Catherine and Skafish, Peter (2011). New York, U.S.A.: (SUNY Press)
La Plasticidad en Espera
Malabou, Catherine (2011). Santiago de Chile: (Palinodia)
Plasticity at the dusk of writing: dialectic, destruction, deconstruction
Malabou, Catherine (2010). New York, U.S.A.: (Columbia University Press)
Sois mon corps: Une lecture contemporaine de la domination et de la servitude chez Hegel
Malabou, Catherine and Butler, Judith (2010). Paris, France: (Bayard Jeunesse)
La Grande Exclusion. L'Urgence Sociale : Therapeutique et Symptomes
Malabou, Catherine and Emmanuelli, Xavier (2009). Paris, France: (Bayard Publishing)
La chambre du milieu: de Hegel aux neurosciences
Malabou, Catherine (2009). Paris, France: (Hermann)
What should we do with our brain ?
Malabou, Catherine and Rand, Sebastian (2008). New York, U.S.: (Fordham University Press)
The future of Hegel: plasticity, temporality, and dialectic
Malabou, Catherine (2005). New York, U.S.A.: (Routledge)
Counterpath: traveling with Jacques Derrida
Malabou, Catherine, Derrida, Jacques and Wills, David (2004). Stanford, U.S.: (Stanford University Press)
Effective altruism in between right-wing and left-wing anarchisms
Malabou, Catherine, 2022, Telos (2022), 198, pp 9-22
Nowe kierunki w heglizmie. Rozmowa z Catherine Malabou = Interview with Catherine Malabou : new directions in Hegelianism
Malabou, Catherine, 2022, Praktyka Teoretyczna, 2(44), pp 73-86
To quarantine from quarantine : Rousseau, Robinson Crusoe, and “I”
Malabou, Catherine, 2021, Critical Inquiry (47), S2, pp S13-S16
Earning to give
Malabou, Catherine, 2020, differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies (31), 3, pp 12-20
The animal rationale that is Jacques Derrida : a response to "Of Biodeconstruction"
Malabou, Catherine and Shread, Carolyn, 2018, Postmodern Culture (29), 1
The brain of history or the mentality of the Anthropocene
Malabou, Catherine, 2017, SAQ : South Atlantic Quarterly (116), 1, pp 39-53
Philosophers, Biologists, Philosophers, Biologists: Some More Effort If You Wish to Become Revolutionaries! Response to Norman MacLeod
Malabou, Catherine, 2016, Critical Inquiry (43), 1, pp 200-206
Before and above : Spinoza and symbolic necessity
Malabou, Catherine, 2016, Critical Inquiry (43), 1, pp 84-109
L'intelligence des ordinateurs
Malabou, Catherine, 2015, Art Press, 39, pp 213-216
One life only: Biological resistance, political resistance
Malabou, Catherine, 2015, Critical Inquiry
The Crowd
Malabou, Catherine and Wasserman, Dashiell, 2015, Oxford Literary Review (37), 1, pp 25-44
Une seule vie : resistance biologique, resistance politique
Malabou, Catherine, 2015, Esprit, 1, pp 30-40
Phantom limbs and plasticity : Merleau-Ponty and current neurobiology
Malabou, Catherine, 2015, Chiasmi International (17), pp 41-52
Sujet : femme
Malabou, Catherine, 2014, De(s)générations, 21, pp 29-42
Is retreat a metaphor?
Malabou, Catherine, 2014, Public (25), 50, pp 35-42
Can we relinquish the transcendental?
Malabou, Catherine, 2014, The Journal of Speculative Philosophy (28), 3, pp 242-255
The king’s two (biopolitical) bodies
Malabou, Catherine, 2014, Representations (127), 1, pp 98-106
Education should be a right for all
Agnew, Eadaoin, Alliez, Eric, Auerbach, Paul, Blackburn, Robert, Botting, Fred, Brady, Mary, Caygill, Howard, Chadwick, Howard, Chanter, Tina, Choat, Simon, Chu, Jonathan, Cinpoes, Radu, Coultas, Valerie, Dines, Martin, Dixon, Paul, Favretto, Ilaria, Finn, Peter, Giaxoglou, Korina, Goldsmith, Carlie, Hallward, Peter, Hawkins, Sue, Haywood, Peter, Higginbottom, Andrew, Ichijo, Atsuko, Isaac, Marina, Jensen, Meg, Kayyali, Reem, Kettyle, Ann, Lambrou, Marina, Latimer, Amanda, Linton, Marisa, Lipsedge, Karen, Malabou, Catherine, O Maoilearca, John, McQuillan, Martin, Micklethwaite, Paul, Morgan Wortham, Simon, O'Brien, Catherine, Osborne, Peter, Pinnock, Winsome, Piper, Jason, Ponto, Maria, Raphael, Sam, Reid, Trish, Roberts, Mike, Rogers, David, Sandford, Stella, Searby, Michael, Siddiki, Jalal Uddin, Smart, Jackie, Spencer, Philip, Stockhammer, Engelbert, Stuart, John, Suess, Eleanor, Swift, Allan, Upstone, Sara, Vallee-Tourangeau, Frederic, Wells, Julian and Wilson, Scott, 2014, The Guardian
Negativity, unhappiness or Felicity: on Irigaray's dialectical culture of sexual difference
Malabou, Catherine and Ziarek, Ewa Plonowska, 2012, L'Esprit Createur: a critical quarterly of French literature (52), 3, pp 11-25
Souffrance cerebrale, souffrance psychique et plasticite
Malabou, Catherine, 2011, Etudes: revue de culture contemporaine (414), 4, pp 487-498
Like a sleeping animal: philosophy between presence and absence
Malabou, Catherine, 2011, Inaesthetics, 2, pp 79-89
Modification in being and time, or the form of difference
Malabou, Catherine, 2010, Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal (31), 2
Qué es formar el cuerpo?
Malabou, Catherine, 2010, Papel Maquina: revista de cultura, 5, pp 31-36
How is subjectivity undergoing deconstruction today? Philosophy, auto-hetero-affection, and neurobiological emotion
Malabou, Catherine, 2009, Qui Parle (17), 2, pp 111-122
A Conversation With Catherine Malabou
Malabou, Catherine and Vahanian, Noelle, 2008, Journal For Cultural And Religious Theory (9), 1
Plasticity and elasticity in Freud's beyond the pleasure principle
Malabou, Catherine, 2007, diacritics (37), 4, pp 78-86
History and the process of mourning in Hegel and Freud
Malabou, Catherine, 2001, Radical philosophy, 106, pp 15-20
Anarchism, philosophy and the state today : a conversation
Balibar, Étienne and Malabou, Catherine (2022). Afterlives : transcendentals, universals, others. Kingston upon Thames, U.K.: CRMEP Books, pp 163-186
Cynicism and anarchism in Foucault’s last seminars
Malabou, Catherine (2022). In: Osborne, Peter, (ed.), Afterlives : transcendentals, universals, others. Kingston upon Thames, U.K.: CRMEP Books, pp 146-162
Otherness as a kind of being : a reading of Plato’s Sophist
Malabou, Catherine (2022). In: Osborne, Peter, (ed.), Afterlives : transcendentals, universals, others. Kingston upon Thames, U.K.: CRMEP Books, pp 133-145
Is psychic phylogenesis only a phantasy? New biological developments in trauma inheritance
Malabou, Catherine (2018). In: Sharvit, Gilad, (eds.) and Feldman, Karen S., (eds.), Freud and monotheism : Moses and the violent origins of religion. New York, U.S.: Fordham University Press, pp 177-198
"Idealism": a new name for metaphysics : Hegel and Heidegger on a priori synthesis
Malabou, Catherine (2017). In: Gabriel, Markus, (eds.) and Rasmussen, Anders Moe, (eds.), German idealism today. Berlin, Germany: Walter de Gruyter, pp 189-202
Power and performance at play : a question of life or death
Malabou, Catherine (2017). In: Street, Anna, (eds.), Alliot, Julien, (eds.) and Pauker, Magnolia, (eds.), Inter views in performance philosophy: crossings and conversations. London, U.K.: Palgrave Macmillan, pp 127-138
Transcendental epigenesis
Malabou, Catherine (2017). In: Morgan, Anthony, (ed.), The Kantian catastrophe? : conversations on finitude and the limits of philosophy. Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, U.K.: Bigg Books, pp 239-252
Go wonder: subjectivity and affects in neurobiological times
Malabou, Catherine (2013). In: Johnston, Adrian, (eds.) and Malabou, Catherine, (eds.), Self and emotional life: philosophy, psychoanalysis, and neuroscience. New York, U.S.: Columbia University Press, pp 1-72
Post-trauma: towards a new definition?
Malabou, Catherine (2012). In: Cohen, Tom, (ed.), Telemorphosis: Theory in the Era of Climate Change. Michigan, U.S.A.: Open Humanities Press, pp 226-238
Is confession the accomplishment of recognition? Rousseau and the unthought of religion in The Phenomenology Of Spirit
Malabou, Catherine (2011). In: Zizek, Slavoj, (eds.), Crockett, Clayton, (eds.) and Davis, Creston, (eds.), New York, U.S.A.: Columbia University Press, pp 19-30
You be my body for me: body, shape, and plasticity in Hegel's Phenomenology Of Spirit
Butler, Judith and Malabou, Catherine (2011). In: Baur, Michael, (eds.) and Houlgate, Stephen, (eds.), A companion to Hegel. Oxford, U.K.: Wiley-Blackwell, pp 611-640
De la transparence cerebrale comme eclipse du temps
Malabou, Catherine (2010). In: Fleischer, Alain, (ed.), Vitesses Limites. Paris, France: Seuil
Le destin social de la selection naturelle: comment choisir sans intention d'eliminer ?
Malabou, Catherine (2010). In: Prochiantz, Alain, (ed.), Darwin: 200 ans. Paris, France: Odile Jacob - College de France, pp 227-242
Trace psychique et trace synaptique parlent-elles la meme langue?
Malabou, Catherine (2010). In: Magistretti, Pierre, (eds.) and Ansermet, Francois, (eds.), Neurosciences et psychanalyse: une rencontre autour de la singularite. Paris, France: Odile Jacob, pp 51-72
Bouche cousue: de l'homeostasie [With sealed lips. On homeostasis]
Malabou, Catherine (2009). In: Pontbriand, Chantal, (ed.), Harun Farocki/Rodney Graham. Paris, France: Blackjack editions
L'eternel retour et le fantome de la difference
Malabou, Catherine (2009). In: Pornschlegel, Clemens, (eds.) and Stingelin, Martin, (eds.), Nietzsche und Frankreich. Berlin, Germany: Walter de Gruyter
Swan lake: bleu comme les neurones
Malabou, Catherine (2009). In: Bernard, Christian, (eds.) and Davila, Thierry, (eds.), Claude Leveque. Paris, France: Flammarion, pp 126-133
Addiction and Grace Preface to Felix Ravaisson's Of Habit
Malabou, Catherine, Carlisle, Clare and Sinclair, Mark (2008). In: Ravaisson, Felix, (eds.), Carlisle, Clare, (eds.) and Sinclair, Mark, (eds.), Of Habit. London: Continuum International Publishing Group