Mr Andre Mostert


Andre is a lecturer in Entrepreneurship and Innovation. He has taught economics, accounting, and entrepreneurship for HE accesses, undergraduate and MBA programmes (University of Cape Town, University of East London). In recent years he has specialised in enterprise education and entrepreneurship, research commercialisation, Knowledge Exchange, etc. Andre teaches on the MSc International Business, Consultancy In Practice (MSc) and Organisation and Entrepreneurship and an MBA module (Development and Growth of Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Andre also supports two Research projects (Digital Vulnerability Index and Signing Banks) and engages with business and industry partners to promote the interface between the classroom and the world of work. Andre has developed qualifications and learning resources, including a Post-graduate Diploma suite in Intrapreneurship, Entrepreneurship, Social Enterprise, and a set of qualifications in International Financial Services Management and Islamic Finance and Banking. More recently Andre developed a Social Technology (STEM) Award (Applied Futurology for STEM careers), eSports Degree programme Andre is an Ofqual Expert in Entrepreneurship, and has published in the field of entrepreneurship education, human language technology and African oral literature.  He has also led and supported international research and development projects for a number of agencies including ASIA Invest, British Council, Commonwealth Secretariat, DANIDA, Erasmus+, FP7, H2020, Foundation of Human Rights, USAID, etc.  Andre is a Fellow of Advanced HE and of the Institute of Community Safety. Andre supported the creation of the Kingston University Futurology Society at the University, and he continues to support the expansion of the Society to promote the future vision skills of the student cohort across the university. Andre has managed a number of international projects (social enterprise, digital skills, climate change, etc) and trained ECRs and Research Centre managers to submit funding proposals for research funding. Andre welcomes the change to work with business and industry partners.

Academic responsibilities

Lecturer Innovation and Entrepreneurship


  • Hons
  • MA

Teaching and learning


Business, knowledge transfer and international