Dr Sing Lo


 I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Aircraft and Aerospace Engineering. Between 2019-2020, I acted as the Interim Head of the Department. I  have been the course leader for the BEng/MEng Aerospace Engineering (Space Technology) since Sep 2021. In addition, I was the course leader for three other programmes: BEng Aviation Engineering (2017-2021), BSc Aerospace Engineering (2016-2020) and MSc Aerospace Engineering (2008-2019). I am also the  Learning, Teaching and Assessment Development Lead Tutor. My main focus is on improving the student experience, progression, BME attainment gaps and employability. I am a chartered engineer, Senior Fellow and Change Agent of the Higher Education Academy and assessor panel member for the KAPS scheme at Kingston University. I am committed to incorporating evidence-based pedagogical strategies such as active learning approaches, hands-on learning activities, project-based learning and inclusive practices into the curriculum.

 My teaching subject fields are high-speed and low-speed aerodynamics, flight performance and dynamics.  I joined Kingston University in 1996 as a senior lecturer. I graduated from Queen Mary College, the University of London, in 1989 and received my PhD funded by the EPSRC and the UK Ministry of Defence in 1992. At the University of Surrey, I worked as a post-doctorate research fellow working on a project jointly supported by the Defense Research Agency (DRA) and the EPSRC. My research expertise includes aerodynamics, Large-Eddy Simulations (LES) and Pattern Recognition of coherent structures in turbulence shear flows. My recent research is focused on the applications of serrations in F-1  racecar wings and the innovative wing designs for future sustainable aviation. I am working on a research project on the design optimisation of morphing wings with £120k PhD funding from the Air Charter Service.

Academic responsibilities

Associate Professor


  • PhD
  • BSc(Hons) Aeronautical Engineering
  • Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)
  • Chartered Engineer

Teaching and learning


Leadership and management