Dr Rita Kottasz
Faculties, deparments and locations
- Faculty of Business and Social Sciences
- Department of Strategy, Marketing and Innovation
- Kingston Business School
- Kingston Hill
Associate Professor
- Email:
- rita.kottasz@kingston.ac.uk
I joined Kingston Business School in 2016. Currently, I am Associate Professor of Marketing within the Department of Strategy, Marketing and Innovation at Kingston University, London.
As of January 2020, I am Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing (previously: International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing). I also serve on the editorial boards of Arts and the Market (Emerald Publishing), the International Journal of Arts Management (Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales) and Young Consumers (Emerald Publishing).
2022 Winner Faculty of Business and Social Science Research Award, Kingston University, London
2021 Winner of the 'Outstanding Paper in the 2021 Emerald Literati Awards' (Emerald Publishing) Bucknell Bossen, C. and Kottasz, R. (2020), "Uses and gratifications sought by pre-adolescent and adolescent TikTok consumers", Young Consumers, Vol. 21 No. 4, pp. 463-478. https://doi.org/10.1108/YC-07-2020-1186
2021 Winner of the Personal Tutor of the Year, Kingston Business School, Kingston University, London
2020 Winner of the Academic Impact Award for Developing Student Employability, Kingston University, London
2019 Best paper prize: Consumer Saudade: Mediating the Relationship between Screen Fandom and Abnormal Consumption of Screen-Related Products. 15th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy
2019 Academy of Marketing Research Grant Winner: Title of Project: Driverless Futures: A Customer Value Proposition for Non-Customers of Conventional Cars
- Pratt Institute, NYC, Central Saint Martin's, London Guildhall, Roehampton University, London
- Masters in Arts Management
- PhD in Non-Profit Management
- PGCTLHE, Chartered Marketer, FHEA, CMBE
Recent publications:
Strategic Partnership between Kingston University and Rogare, The Fundraising Think Tank
In my capacity as Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, I am forging a strategic partnership with Rogare, The Fundraising Think Tank @ https://www.rogare.net/
Future Kingston University-Rogare initiatives are underway and aim to create a network of critical thinkers in fundraising and non-profit marketing.
Knowledge and Topic Groups on Fundraising and Non-Profit Marketing
1. Knowledge Groups will collate a core knowledge base for particular types of fundraising (e.g. legacies, trusts, telephone), and possibly issues (such as ethics) if there is sufficient knowledge underpinning these issues. Knowledge groups operate where there is already a considerable amount of established knowledge but, as with much in fundraising, little to guide practitioners as to which of this knowledge is core. The role of knowledge groups is therefore to organise existing knowledge into a core knowledge base for these topics.
2. Topic Groups will explore topics and issues where we are currently developing our knowledge and understanding, such as ethics and regulation, and also emerging issues such as disintermediated giving, where any knowledge base is diverse and not well known or understood by the fundraising community. The role of topic groups is to come up with new understanding and organise new knowledge.
Editor in Chief of the Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing (Wiley)
Aims and Scope of the Journal: A change in title reflects a slight reposition of the aims and scope of this journal. The marketing of philanthropy is no longer the preserve of the non-profit and voluntary sectors and isn't exclusively practiced at ‘sector' level. Philanthropy in its broadest sense (encapsulating ideals of giving, benevolence, welfare, altruism, prosocial behaviour and ‘doing good') is playing a leading role in the marketing practice of a spectrum of organisations including multinational corporations and social enterprises (via some of their corporate social responsibility missions and marketing initiatives) as well as the social marketing conducted by governments and a vast variety of other institutions (e.g. education and healthcare).
The mediating role of digital innovation capability on the relationship between organisational agility and performance : the case of the UK arts and culture sector
Bennett, Roger, Kottasz, Rita and Yuan, Pei-Yu, 2025, (12), 1
Poverty porn as humanitarian business : the effects of framing, affect intensity and spokesperson characteristics.
Shabbir, Haseeb, Bennett, Roger, Kottasz, Rita, Vijaygopal, Rohini, Gardasz, Bettina, Adams, Julian and Kendall, Paddy, 2024
A typology of disintermediated giving and asking in the non‐profit sector
MacQuillin, Ian, Kottasz, Rita, Locilento, Juniper and Gallaiford, Neil, 2023, Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing
Charitable giving and the disintermediation of the non-profit and voluntary sectors
Niles, Meredith, Kottasz, Rita and Wymer, Walter, 2023, Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing, pp e1806
Philanthropy for philanthropy's sake
Kottasz, Rita, 2023, Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing, pp e1797
Who gives to food banks? A study of influences affecting donations to food banks by individuals
Bennett, Roger, Vijaygopal, Rohini and Kottasz, Rita, 2023, (35), 3, pp 243-264
Driverless futures : current non-drivers' willingness to travel in driverless vehicles
Kottasz, Rita, Bennett, Roger, Vijaygopal, Rohini and Gardasz, Bettina, 2021, Journal of Marketing Management (37), 15-16, pp 1656-1689
Making space for co-creation : heritage attractions that host contemporary art
Shaw, Stephen J., Bennett, Roger and Kottasz, Rita, 2021, International Journal of Heritage Studies (27), 9, pp 869-883
The role of brand equity and crisis type on corporate brand alliances in crises
Singh, Jaywant, Crisafulli, Benedetta, Quamina, La Toya and Kottasz, Rita, 2020, European Management Review (17), 4, pp 821-834
Willingness of people who are blind to accept autonomous vehicles : an empirical investigation
Bennett, Roger, Vijaygopal, Rohini and Kottasz, Rita, 2020, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour (69), pp 13-27
Post-series depression : mediating the relationship between screen fandom and abnormal consumption of screen-related products
Kottasz, Rita and Bennett, Roger, 2020, International Journal of Arts Management (23), 1, pp 15-26
Uses and gratifications sought by pre-adolescent and adolescent TikTok consumers
Bucknell Bossen, Christina and Kottasz, Rita, 2020, Young Consumers (21), 4
Post-series depression : scale development and validation
Kottasz, Rita, Bennett, Roger and Randell, Tom, 2019, Arts and the Market (9), 2, pp 132-151
Attitudes towards autonomous vehicles among people with physical disabilities
Bennett, Roger, Vijaygopal, Rohini and Kottasz, Rita, 2019, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (127), pp 1-17
Willingness of people with mental health disabilities to travel in driverless vehicles
Bennett, Roger, Vijaygopal, Rohini and Kottasz, Rita, 2019, Journal of Transport and Health (12), pp 1-12
Using artwork to market sensitive issues within heritage museums : three case studies
Bennett, Roger, Shaw, Stephen and Kottasz, Rita, 2016, Museum Management and Curatorship (31), 5, pp 460-473
Factors potentially affecting the successful promotion of electric vehicles
Bennett, Roger, Kottasz, Rita and Shaw, Stephen, 2016, Journal of Social Marketing (6), 1, pp 62-82
Managing the reputation of the banking industry after the global financial crisis: implications of public anger, processing depth and retroactive memory interference for public recall of events
Kottasz, Rita and Bennett, Roger, 2016, Journal of Marketing Communications (22), 3, pp 284-306
Understanding the cultural consumption of a new wave of immigrants: the case of the South Korean community in South West London
Kottasz, Rita, 2015, International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing (20), 2, pp 100-121
Understanding the 'social' in arts, heritage and non-profit marketing
Kottasz, Rita, Waite, Kathryn and Kerrigan, Finola, 2013, Social Business (3), 2, pp 87-90
Attractiveness of limited edition artwork for first-generation newly affluent consumers
Bennett, Roger and Kottasz, Rita, 2013, International Journal of Arts Management (15), 3, pp 21-38
Factors affecting visual artists’ levels of commitment to artwork distributors
Kottasz, Rita and Bennett, Roger, 2013, Arts Marketing: An International Journal (3), 1, pp 21-40
Public attitudes towards the UK banking industry following the global financial crisis
Bennett, Roger and Kottasz, Rita, 2012, International Journal of Bank Marketing (30), 2, pp 128-147
Management of unprofitable donors by UK fundraising charities
Bennett, Roger and Kottasz, Rita, 2011, Journal of Customer Behaviour (10), 4, pp 309-333
Strategic, competitive, and co-operative approaches to internationalisation in European business schools
Bennett, Roger and Kottasz, Rita, 2011, Journal of Marketing Management (27), 11-12, pp 1087-1116
The role of corporate art in the management of corporate identity
Kottasz, Rita, Bennett, Roger, Savani, Sharmila and Ali‐Choudhury, Rehnuma, 2008, Corporate Communications: An International Journal (13), 3, pp 235-254
Catching the early walker : an examination of potential antecedents of rapid student exit from business‐related undergraduate degree programmes in a post‐1992 university
Bennett, Roger, Kottasz, Rita and Nocciolino, Julia, 2007, Journal of Further and Higher Education (31), 2, pp 109-132
The role of the corporate art collection in corporate identity management : the case of Deutsche Bank
Kottasz, Rita, Bennett, Roger, Savani, Sharmila, Mousley, Wendy and Ali-Choudhury, Rehnuma, 2007, International Journal of Arts Management (10), 1, pp 19-31
Ethnocentric tendencies amongst arts audiences
Kottasz, Rita and Bennett, Roger, 2006, International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing (11), 4, pp 303-317
Understanding the influences of atmospheric cues on the emotional responses and behaviours of museum visitors
Kottasz, Rita, 2006, (16), 1-2, pp 95-121
'I didn't enjoy it one bit' : causes and effects of 'terrible' visitor experiences at performing arts venues
Bennett, Roger and Kottasz, Rita, 2006, Journal of Customer Behaviour (5), 1, pp 27-57
Advertising planning, ad‐agency use of advertising models, and the academic practitioner divide
Gabriel, Helen, Kottasz, Rita and Bennett, Roger, 2006, (24), 5, pp 505-527
Widening participation and student expectations of higher education
Bennett, Roger and Kottasz, Rita, 2006, The International Journal of Management Education (5), 2, pp 47-65
The impact of ethnocentrism on perceived reputation and emotional liking of artworks: a comparative analysis
Kottasz, Rita and Bennett, Roger, 2005, International Review on Public and Non Profit Marketing (2), 2, pp 9-21
Differences in the donor behavior characteristics of young affluent males and females: empirical evidence from Britain
Kottasz, Rita, 2004, Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations (15), 2, pp 181-203
How should charitable organisations motivate young professionals to give philanthropically?
Kottasz, Rita, 2004, International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing (9), 1, pp 9-27
Construed artistic identity and resistance to identity change in UK theaters: an empirical investigation
Bennett, R. and Kottasz, R., 2001, Corporate Reputation Review (4), 3, pp 223-234
Marketing undergraduates' attitudes towards query-based instructional machines as a possible learning medium
Bennett, Roger and Kottasz, Rita, 2001, British Journal of Educational Technology (32), 4, pp 471-482
The shape of things to come: how marketing services organisations anticipate the future
Bennett, Roger and Kottasz, Rita, 2001, Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing (9), 4, pp 309-325
Promotional message strategies for disability charities' employment services
Bennett, Roger and Kottasz, Rita, 2001, International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing (6), 1, pp 21-32
Advertisement style and the recruitment of charity volunteers
Bennett, Roger and Kottasz, Rita, 2001, (8), 2, pp 45-63
Lead user influence on new product development decisions of UK theatre companies: an empirical study
Bennett, Roger and Kottasz, Rita, 2001, International Journal of Arts Management (3), 2, pp 28-39
Emergency fund‐raising for disaster relief
Bennett, Roger and Kottasz, Rita, 2000, Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal (9), 5, pp 352-359
Practitioner perceptions of corporate reputation: an empirical investigation
Bennett, Roger and Kottasz, Rita, 2000, Corporate Communications: An International Journal (5), 4, pp 224-234
What drives individuals to initiate donation – based crowdfunding appeals? An application of the charity disintermediation typology
Kottasz, Rita, MacQuillin, Ian and van Teunenbroek, Clare (2024). In: Mitchell, Sarah-Louise, (eds.) and Hyde, Fran, (eds.), The Future of Charity Marketing. Abingdon, U.K.: Routledge
Non-profit and charity marketing : navigating amidst the growing markets for ‘social conscience and pressure for purpose’
Kottasz, Rita, MacQuillin, Ian and Bennett, Roger (2023). In: Kubacki, Krzysztof, (eds.), Parker, Lukas, (eds.), Domegan, Christine, (eds.) and Brennan, Linda, (eds.), The Routledge companion to marketing and society. Abingdon, U.K.: Routledge
Segmenting for arts marketing : the mistake of adopting useless criteria
Kottasz, Rita and Prestini, Stefano (2020). In: Addis, Michela, (eds.) and Rurale, Andrea, (eds.), Managing the cultural business : avoiding mistakes, finding success. Abingdon, U.K.: Routledge, pp 244-280
Distributing visual artworks : challenges and perspectives
Kottasz, Rita and Bennett, Roger (2014). In: O’Reilly, Daragh, (eds.), Rentschler, Ruth, (eds.) and Kirchner, Theresa A., (eds.), The Routledge companion to arts marketing. Abingdon, U.K.: Routledge, pp 364-374
Resistance to identity change in UK theatres
Kottasz, Rita (2006). In: Maitland, Heather, (ed.), Navigating difference: cultural diversity and audience development. London, U.K.: Arts Council England, pp 71-78
Major gift fundraising: unlocking the potential for your nonprofit
Sargeant, Adrian, Eisenstein, Amy and Kottasz, Rita (2015). Plymouth, U.K.: (Sustainable Philanthropy with Plymouth University)
Data fragmentation in fundraising nonprofits : problems and possible solutions
Legese, Zeryihun, Donnelly, Sean, Kottasz, Rita and Bennett, Roger(2024). In: ISTR 16th International Conference : Crisis After Crisis After … : What About the Third Sector?, 16-19 Jul 2024 :Antwerp, Belgium
Understanding the establishment of crowdfunding appeals in support of charitable causes : a conceptual framework of motivations
Kottasz, Rita, van Teunenbroek, Claire and Wade, Matthew(2024). In: ISTR 16th International Conference : Crisis After Crisis After … : What About the Third Sector?, 16-19 Jul 2024 :Antwerp, Belgium
Do online arts and music attract different audiences?
Hand, Chris and Kottasz, Rita(2024). In: AIMAC 2024 : 17th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management, 24-26 Jun 2024 :Lisbon, Portugal
Revolutionising digital provision within the arts and cultural sectors
Kottasz, Rita and Larsen, Gretchen(2023). In: Academy of Marketing Conference 2023 : From Revolution to Revolutions, 03-06 Jul 2023 :Birmingham, U.K.
Poverty porn and charity donation behaviour : an empirical study
Bennett, Roger, Kottasz, Rita, Vijaygopal, Rohini and Gardasz, Bettina(2022). In: ARNOVA's 51st Annual Conference : Imagining ARNOVA's Next 50 Years : Scholarship, Practice, Community, 17-19 Nov 2022 :Raleigh, U.S.
A typology of disintermediated giving in the charitable (and non-profit) sectors
MacQuillin, Ian, Locilento, Juniper, Kottasz, Rita, Niles, Meredith, Kazunga, Tum and Gaillaiford, Neil(2022). In: 19th International Colloquium on Arts, Heritage, Nonprofit and Social Marketing, 09 Sep 2022 :Oxford, U.K.
Effectiveness of poverty porn for charity fundraising advertisements
Bennett, Roger, Kottasz, Rita, Vijaygopal, Rohini and Gardasz, Bettina(2022). In: Academy of Marketing Conference 2022, Marketing: The Fabric of Life, 05-07 July 2022 :Huddersfield, U.K.
Cross-selling of digital arts and heritage performances and exhibitions : organisational change during and after the Covid pandemic
Kottasz, Rita and Bennett, Roger(2022). In: AIMAC 2022 : 16th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management, 27-29 Jun 2022 :Mexico City, Mexico
Consumer Saudade : mediating the relationship between screen fandom and abnormal consumption of screen-related products
Kottasz, Rita and Bennett, Roger(2019). In: 10th Annual Faculty Research Conference: Contemporary Issues in Business and Social Sciences in a period of uncertainty, 03 - 04 Jun 2019 :Kingston upon Thames, U.K.
Consumer saudade : mediating the relationship between screen fandom and abnormal consumption of screen-related products
Kottasz, Rita and Bennett, Roger(2019). In: 15th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC 2019), 23 - 26 Jun 2019 :Venice, Italy
Developing value propositions for marketing and public information campaigns to promote driverless vehicles to people with disabilities
Bennett, Roger, Vijaygopal, Rohini and Kottasz, Rita(2019). In: 24th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications (CMC 2019) : Storytelling across platforms : Managing corporate and marketing communications from a storytelling perspective, 29 - 30 Apr 2019 :Ariel, West Bank, Israel
Small charities and pro bono marketing assistance : a relationship analysis
Bennett, Roger and Kottasz, Rita(2018). In: 17th International Congress on Public and Nonprofit Marketing (IAPNM): Vanilla, shock and entertainment : marketing in the era of emotions, 06 - 07 Sep 2018 :Bournemouth, U.K.
What can a model of brand choice tell us about arts participation?
Hand, Christopher, Dall'Olmo Riley, Francesca and Kottasz, Rita(2018). In: 9th Annual Faculty of Business Research Conference: Contemporary Issues in Business, 04 Jun 2018 :Kingston upon Thames, U.K.
Fanship, closure and the effects of post-series depression on the screen consumer : an empirical study
Kottasz, Rita and Bennett, Roger(2017). In: 14th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC 2017), 24 - 28 Jun 2017 :Beijing, China
Micro charities’ use of unpaid assistance in the management of their marketing communications
Bennett, Roger and Kottasz, Rita(2017). In: 22nd International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications (CMC 2017): Challenges of Marketing Communications in a Globalized World, 04-05 May 2017 :Zaragoza, Spain
The effect of social class on multiple cause donation behaviour
Hand, Chris and Kottasz, Rita(2016). In: 15th International Colloquium on Arts, Heritage, Nonprofit and Social Marketing: Considering Myths and Stereotypes in Arts, Heritage, Nonprofit and Social Marketing, 16 Sep 2016 :Egham, U.K.
Factors contributing to the success (or failure) of collaborative projects involving artists and heritage venues
Bennett, Roger, Shaw, Steve and Kottasz, Rita(2015). In: 13th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC 2015), 28 Jun - 01 Jul 2015 :Aix-en-Provence, France
Memories of the banking industry’s role in the global financial crisis : the impact of anger on message processing and recall
Kottasz, R. and Bennett, R.(2013). In: 18th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications : Responsible Communication: Past, Present, Future (CMC 2013), 11-12 Apr 2013 :Salerno, Italy
Demand for expensive limited edition artwork among first generation affluent buyers
Bennett, Roger and Kottasz, Rita(2012). In: Academy of Marketing (AM) Conference 2012: Marketing : catching the technology wave, 2-5 Jul 2012 :Southampton, U.K.
Managing the reputation of the banking industry consequent to the financial crisis : antecedents of customer memory and recall
Kottasz, Rita and Bennett, Roger(2012). In: 11th International Marketing Trends Conference, 19-21 Jan 2012 :Venice, Italy
Ethnocentrism and perceptions of the quality of home country and foreign artwork : a comparison of English and Hungarian arts visitors
Kottasz, Rita and Bennett, Roger(2005). In: 2005 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference, 25-28 May 2005 :Tampa, U.S.
Charity donation preferences of the affluent young British male : an empirical study
Kottasz, Rita(2003). In: European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) 4th Workshop on the Challenges of Managing the Third Sector, 18-19 Sep 2003 :Fribourg, Switzerland
Motivating the affluent young male to donate to non-profit arts organisations
Kottasz, Rita(2003). In: 7th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC 2003), 29 Jun - 02 Jul 2003 :Milan, Italy