Dr James Brouner


I am the course director for both the Sport Science BSc (Hons) and Sport Science (Coaching) BSc (Hons).  My current teaching responsibilities included delivery of all Performance Analysis based content across both undergraduate and postgraduate provision at Kingston. Within this I focus on the methodological aspects of data collection and analysis and delivery of impactful, data driven content to applied settings.

My main research interests are performance analysis in both team and individual sport, biomechanical analysis of fatigue, optimal nutritional strategies for endurance sport and the biomechanics of dance science.  

Academic responsibilities

Senior Lecturer in Sport Analysis


  • PhD in Biomechanical analysis of the impact of fatigue on the Dorsi flexors and Plantarflexors
  • MSc in Applied Sport Science
  • BSc (Hons) Sport Science
  • Post Graduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in HE (PG-CertHE)

Teaching and learning


Social media
