Dr Eckhard Pfluegel


A leading expert in cyber security research and teaching, Dr Pfluegel is a computer scientist with a PhD in applied mathematics (computer algebra) and also a Senior Fellow of Advance HE (SFHEA). His current research focuses on network and cyber security, emphasising game-theoretic applications. He has over 60 peer-reviewed journal and conference publications, several of which have attracted Best Paper Awards recently.  He founded the CYber and ENergy Security (CYENS) Research Group at the Faculty and supervises several PhD students. He is Associate Editor of the Journal of Algorithms and Computational Technologies and regularly serves as a member of technical programme committees in the area of cyber security. Dr Pfluegel is leading the cyber security field at Kingston University and has established an NCSC Certified MSc in Network and Information Security. He is also interested in educational research on learning technologies and mindful teaching. He particularly enjoys the supervision of his research students and bringing cutting-edge knowledge from his research into his lectures.

Twitter feed: https://twitter.com/e_pfluegel

Academic responsibilities

Associate Professor, CYENS Research Group Leader, Course Leader


  • Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (English)
  • Accreditation as a Teacher in Higher Education, Staff Educational and Development Association (English)
  • PhD in Computer Science with Distinction (French)
  • Equivalence Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies DEA (Doctoral programme degree, French)
  • Diplom (BSc & MSc, 1st Class) in Computer Science (German)

Teaching and learning

Course Leaderships

  •   Network and Information Security MSc (NCSC Certified)

Conference and workshop presentations

Pfluegel, E. and Denholm-Price, J. (2019).  Novel tools for teaching students: Fighting "Death by Powerpoint". Lightning talk, Kingston Festival of Learning, June 2019

Pfluegel, E. and Denholm-Price, J. (2017).  Introducing mindful teaching and learning at Kingston.  Lightning talk, Kingston Festival of Learning.  June 2017

Open Source Software

TalkMaths - a tool to create mathematical e-content using speech recognition.

Project website: http://talkmaths.sourceforge.net/

TalkMaths speech macro system download: https://github.com/epfluegel/TalkMaths

Productivity Chrome Extensions

Workflowy presenter: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/workflowy-presenter/hjmpmegmndopebikjnidpchepoodfnca

Online outliner export: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/export-your-outline/edinllmhijkgpkganmampmppgcmefaaf

(with Paul Madeline)

Qualifications and expertise

  • Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Undergraduate courses taught

Postgraduate courses taught


Number of items: 5.

Conference or Workshop Item

Mostafa, Marwa, Denholm-Price, James, Clarke, Charles and Pfluegel, Eckhard (2020) Zoomable online outliners for learning and teaching in STEM : a case for consideration. In: Kingston University Festival of Learning 2020; 23 Jun 2020, Kingston upon Thames, U.K. (Held online).

Pfluegel, Eckhard (2019) Exploration and visualisation of security knowledge for certified degrees : selected use cases for educators and students. In: CISSE UK 2019 Inaugural Workshop; 02 Jul 2019, Bristol, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Bailey, Naomi, Denholm-Price, James and Pfluegel, Eckhard (2019) Using Zoomable Online Outliners in STEM education. In: Horizons in STEM Higher Education Conference : Making Connections and Sharing Pedagogy; 03 - 04 Jul 2019, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Pfluegel, Eckhard [Presenter] and Denholm-Price, James [Presenter] (2019) Novel tools for teaching students : fighting "Death by Powerpoint". In: Festival of Learning 2019; 25 Jun 2019, Kingston, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Pfluegel, Eckhard [Presenter] and Denholm-Price, James [Presenter] (2017) Introducing mindful teaching and learning at Kingston. In: Festival of Learning 2017; 19 Jun 2017, Kingston Upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)

This list was generated on Mon Jan 27 05:18:23 2025 GMT.


Research group leadership

Founder and leader of the CYENS (Cyber and Energy Security) interdisciplinary research group.

Editorial roles

Associate Editor: Journal of Algorithms and Computational Technology (Sage Publishing).  

Research Student Completions

  • "Incremental parsing algorithms for speech-editing mathematics and computer code", PhD, Speech User Interfaces, 2019
  • "Novel game-theoretic frameworks for security risk assessment in cloud environments", PhD, Game Theory for Security, 2018
  • "Statistical language modelling and novel parsing techniques for enhanced creation and editing of mathematical e-content using spoken input", PhD, Speech User Interfaces, 2014
  • "Design and implementation of a practical model to predict future trading prices", MRes, Financial Mathematics, 2013
  • "Symbolic algorithms for the local analysis of systems of pseudo-linear equations", PhD, Computer Algebra, 2010

Best Paper Awards

  • Onalo, Gc, Pfluegel, Virtual Private Blockchains: Security Overlays for Permissioned Blockchains, https://www.iaria.org/conferences2020/AwardsCYBER20.html, Cyber 2020 Conference Nice, France.
  • Pilz, Al-Fagih, Pfluegel, A Game-Theoretic Approach to Energy Storage Scheduling for Households in a Smart Grid, International Research Conference on Sustainable Energy, Engineering Materials and their Environment (Newcastle, July 2017). 
  • Rickus, Pfluegel, Atkins, Chaos-based image encryption using an AONT mode of operation. International Conference on Cyber Situational Awareness, Data Analytics and Assessment, Jun 2015, London, U.K.


  • Cyber and Digital Forensics Cross-University Collaboration and Inverse CyBOK Mapping, NCSC ACE-CES Small Grant, £18,527(2022)
  • Security Assessment of Passwordless Authentication Architecture, BIG Open Innovation Voucher Scheme, £5,000 (2021)
  • Cyber and Forensics Cross-School Collaboration: Establishing a Digital Forensics Environment, NCSC ACE-CES Small Grant, £30,237 (2021)
  • Providing an online platform for hierarchical knowledge presentation, visualisation and mapping, CyBOK Development Project, £5,000 (2021)


  • Cyber Science 2022 IEEE co-sponsored Conference, June 2022, Cardiff, Wales
  • Cyber Science 2021 IEEE co-sponsored Conference, June 2021, London, UK
  • ICIMP 2020, Fifteenth International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection, September 2020, Rome, Italy
  • Cyber Science 2020 IEEE co-sponsored Conference, June 2020, Dublin, Ireland

Qualifications and expertise

  • Visiting Professor, University of Limoges

Areas of specialism

  • Game Theory for Security
  • Applied Cryptography
  • Cyber Security
  • Speech User Interfaces
  • Computer Algebra

Scholarly affiliations

  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
  • IEEE UK and Ireland Blockchain Group
  • Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
  • London Mathematical Society (LMS)

Research student supervision

Main supervision

Other supervision


Number of items: 81.


Weerasinghe, Nuwan, Usman, Muhammad Arslan, Hewage, Chaminda, Pfluegel, Eckhard and Politis, Christos (2023) Threshold cryptography-based secure vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication in 5G-enabled intelligent transportation systems. Future Internet, 15(5), p. 157. ISSN (online) 1999-5903

Pilz, M., Baghaei Naeini, F., Grammont, K., Smagghe, C., Davis, M., Nebel, J.-C., Al-Fagih, L. and Pfluegel, E. (2020) Security attacks on smart grid scheduling and their defences : a game-theoretic approach. International Journal of Information Security, 19, pp. 427-443. ISSN (print) 1615-5262

Isaac, Marina, Pfluegel, Eckhard, Hunter, Gordon and Denholm-Price, James (2018) Enhancing automatic speech recognition for mathematical applications via incremental parsing. Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, 40(1), pp. 342-349. ISSN (print) 1478-6095

Pilz, Matthias, Al-Fagih, Luluwah and Pfluegel, Eckhard (2017) Energy storage scheduling with an advanced battery model : a game–theoretic approach. Inventions, 2(4), p. 30. ISSN (online) 2411-5134

Barkatou, Moulay A., El Bacha, Carole, Labahn, George and Pfluegel, Eckhard (2013) On simultaneous row and column reduction of higher-order linear differential systems. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 49, pp. 45-64. ISSN (print) 0747-7171

Attanayake, D.R., Hunter, G. J. A., Pfluegel, E. and Denholm-Price, J. C. W. (2013) Novel multi-modal tools to enhance disabled and distance learners’ experience of mathematics. International Journal on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions (ICTer), 6(1), ISSN (print) 1800-4156

Pfluegel, Eckhard, Denholm-Price, James C. W., Hunter, Gordon J. A. and Attanayake, Dilaksha (2011) TalkMaths - developing a speech user-interface for spoken mathematics. MSOR Connections, 11(2), pp. 44-46. ISSN (print) 1473-4869

Barkatou, Moulay A., Broughton, Gary and Pfluegel, Eckhard (2010) A monomial-by-monomial method for computing regular solutions of systems of pseudo-linear equations. Mathematics in Computer Science, 4(2-3), pp. 267-288. ISSN (print) 1661-8270

Rowlett, P, Rowlett, E.J., Cliffe, E, Edwards, A, Whapples, M and Pfluegel, E. (2010) Visual impairment in maths, stats and operational research (MSOR). MSOR Connections, 10(2), pp. 45-48. ISSN (print) 1473-4869

Barkatou, Moulay A. and Pfluegel, Eckhard (2009) On the Moser- and super-reduction algorithms of systems of linear differential equations and their complexity. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 44(8), pp. 1017-1036. ISSN (print) 0747-7171

Wigmore, Angela, Hunter, Gordon, Pfluegel, Eckhard, Denholm-Price, James and Binelli, V (2009) Using Automatic Speech Recognition to Dictate Mathematical Expressions: The Development of the 'TalkMaths' Application at Kingston University. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 28(2), 177 - 189. ISSN (print) 0731-9258

Denholm-Price, J.C.W., Hunter, G.J.A., Jalan, S, Pfluegel, E. and Wigmore, A.M (2008) The 'KU-Talk' Project at Kingston University - a Speech-Driven User-Computer Interface for Use in a University Environment. Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics (U.K.), 30(1), pp. 37-41.

Wigmore, A.M, Hunter, G.J.A., Pfluegel, E., Jalan, S and Denholm-Price, J.C.W. (2008) "Talk to the Machine : it's listening - but the hand ain't typing !" The Development of the "KU-Talk" and "TalkMaths" Speech Interfaces at Kingston University. Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics (U.K.), 30(2), 654 - 661. ISSN (print) 0309-8117

Pfluegel, Eckhard (2004) An improved estimate for the maximal growth order of solutions of linear differential systems. Archiv der Mathematik, 83(3), pp. 256-263. ISSN (print) 0003-889X

Pfluegel, Eckhard (2000) Effective Formal Reduction of Linear Differential Systems. Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computation, 10(2), pp. 153-187. ISSN (print) 0938-1279

Barkatou, Moulay and Pfluegel, Eckhard (1999) An Algorithm Computing the Regular Formal Solutions of a System of Linear Differential Equations. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 28(4-5), pp. 569-587. ISSN (print) 0747-7171

Pfluegel, E. (1997) On the Latest Version of DESIR. Theoretical Computer Science, 187(1-2), pp. 81-86. ISSN (print) 0304-3975

Book Section

Pfluegel, Eckhard, Clarke, Charles, Randulff, Joakim, Tsaptsinos, Dimitris and Orwell, James (2017) A secure channel using social messaging for distributed low-entropy steganography. In: Khajuria, Samant , Sorensen, Lene and Skouby, Knud Erik, (eds.) Cybersecurity and privacy : bridging the gap. River Publishers. (Series in Communications) ISBN 9788793519664

Attanayake, D, Hunter, G, Pfluegel, E and Denholm-Price, J (2012) Interactive error correction using statistical language models in a client-server interface for editing mathematical text. In: Langdon, Patrick , Clarkson, John , Robinson, Peter , Lazar, Jonathan and Heylighen, Ann, (eds.) Designing inclusive systems: designing inclusion for real-world applications. London, U.K. : Springer. pp. 125-132. ISBN 9781447128663

Wigmore, Angela, Hunter, Gordon, Pfluegel, Eckhard, Denholm-Price, James and Binelli, V (2009) "Let them TalkMaths!": developing an intelligent system to assist disabled people to learn and use mathematics on computers through a speech interface. In: Callaghan, Vic , Kameas, Achilles , Reyes, Angélica , Royo, Dolors and Weber, Michael, (eds.) Intelligent environments 2009: proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Intelligent Environments, Barcelona 2009. Amsterdam : IOS Press. (Ambient intelligence and smart environments, 2) ISBN 9781607500346

Conference or Workshop Item

Pfluegel, Eckhard and Rass, Stefan (2024) Ransom roulette : learning the games behind cyber extortion. In: GameSec 2024; 16-18 Oct 2024, New York, U.S..

Pfluegel, Eckhard (2023) Shades of grey : strategic bimatrix stopping games for modelling (un)ethical hacking roles. In: GameSec 23; 18 - 20 Oct 2023, Avignon, France.

Zand, Arman and Pfluegel, Eckhard (2023) A hybrid personal cyber threat intelligence sharing protocol using steganography and secret sharing. In: Cyber Science 2023; 03 - 04 Jul 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Zand, Arman and Pfluegel, Eckhard (2023) Efficient cyber-evidence sharing using zero-knowledge proofs. In: International Conference on Cybersecurity, Situational Awareness and Social Media; 20 - 21 Jun 2022, Cardiff, U.K..

Kussainov, Adilkhan, Kumar, Yajesh, Pfluegel, Eckhard and Mellor, Robert B. (2021) Innovation still does not travel well, but is improving : the distribution of off-cluster firms around four UK science parks. In: TAKE 2021 : The Knowledge Economy in the Covid-19 Era; 07 - 09 2021, Porto, Portugal (Held online). (Unpublished)

Miah, Foysal, Onalo, Samuel and Pfluegel, Eckhard (2021) Transforming Higher Education systems architectures through adoption of secure overlay blockchain technologies. In: VIRTUAL 13th International Conference on Global Security, Safety & Sustainability Cyber Security, Privacy and Freedom Protection in the Connected World; 14 - 15 Jan 2021, Newcastle, U.K. (Held online).

Onalo, Samuel, Gc, Deepak and Pfluegel, Eckhard (2020) Virtual private blockchains : security overlays for permissioned blockchains. In: Fifth International Conference on Cyber-Technologies and Cyber-Systems : CYBER 2020; 25 - 29 Oct 2020, Nice, France.

Mostafa, Marwa, Denholm-Price, James, Clarke, Charles and Pfluegel, Eckhard (2020) Zoomable online outliners for learning and teaching in STEM : a case for consideration. In: Kingston University Festival of Learning 2020; 23 Jun 2020, Kingston upon Thames, U.K. (Held online).

Zandand, Arman, Orwell, James and Pfluegel, Eckhard (2020) A secure framework for anti-money-laundering using machine learning and secret sharing. In: 2020 International Conference on Cyber Security and Protection of Digital Services (Cyber Security); 15 - 19 Jun 2020, Dublin, Ireland.

Pfluegel, Eckhard (2019) Exploration and visualisation of security knowledge for certified degrees : selected use cases for educators and students. In: CISSE UK 2019 Inaugural Workshop; 02 Jul 2019, Bristol, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Bailey, Naomi, Denholm-Price, James and Pfluegel, Eckhard (2019) Using Zoomable Online Outliners in STEM education. In: Horizons in STEM Higher Education Conference : Making Connections and Sharing Pedagogy; 03 - 04 Jul 2019, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Pfluegel, Eckhard [Presenter] and Denholm-Price, James [Presenter] (2019) Novel tools for teaching students : fighting "Death by Powerpoint". In: Festival of Learning 2019; 25 Jun 2019, Kingston, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Tunnicliffe, Martin J., Obinna, Omego and Pflucgel, Eckhard (2019) Hidden protocol strengthening with random sentences as cryptographic nonces. In: 2019 IEEE 12th International Conference on Global Security, Safety and Sustainability (ICGS3); 16-18 Jan 2019, London, U.K..

Mustafa, Uzma, Pflugel, Eckhard and Philip, Nada (2019) A novel privacy framework for secure M-Health applications : the case of the GDPR. In: 2019 IEEE 12th International Conference on Global Security, Safety and Sustainability (ICGS3); 16-18 Jan 2019, London, U.K..

Omego, Obinna, Pfluegel, Eckhard, Tunnicliffe, Martin and Clarke, Charles (2018) Ensuring message freshness in a multi-channel SMS steganographic banking protocol. In: 2018 International Conference on Cyber Security and Protection of Digital Services (Cyber Security) : Cyber Situational Awareness as a Tool for Analysis and Insight; 11-12 Jun 2018, Glasgow, U.K..

Omego, Obinna, Pfluegel, Eckhard, Clarke, Charles A. and Tunnicliffe, Martin J. (2017) A multi-channel steganographic protocol for secure SMS mobile banking. In: 12th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST 2017); 14-17 Dec 2017, Cambridge, U.K..

Isaac, Marina, Pfluegel, Eckhard, Hunter, Gordon, Denholm-Price, James, Attanayake, Dilaksha and Coter, Guillaume (2017) Improving Automatic Speech Recognition for Creation and Editing of Mathematical Text through Incremental Parsing. In: UK Speech Conference 2017; 11 - 12th Sep 2017, Cambridge, U.K..

Pfluegel, Eckhard [Presenter] and Denholm-Price, James [Presenter] (2017) Introducing mindful teaching and learning at Kingston. In: Festival of Learning 2017; 19 Jun 2017, Kingston Upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Pfluegel, Eckhard, Randulff, Joakim G., Clarke, Charles A., Tsaptsinos, Dimitris and Orwell, James (2016) Building secure ICT through virtual private social networks: A multi-channel mobile instant messaging approach. In: 9th CMI Conference on Smart Living, Cyber Security and Privacy; 24 - 25 Nov 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Abeywardana, Kavinga Yapa, Pfluegel, Eckhard and Tunnicliffe, Martin (2016) A layered defense mechanism for a social engineering aware perimeter. In: SAI Computing Conference (SAI), 2016; 13 - 15 July 2016, London, U.K..

Maghrabi, Louai, Pfluegel, Eckhard and Fathima Noorji, Seena (2016) Designing utility functions for game-theoretic cloud security assessment: A case for using the common vulnerability scoring system. In: International Conference on Cyber Security and Protection of Digital Services (Cyber Security 2016); 13-14 Jun 2016, London, UK. (Unpublished)

Issac, Marina, Pfluegel, Eckhard, Hunter, Gordon, Denholm-Price, James, Attanayake, Dilaksha and Coter, Guillaume (2016) Improving automatic speech recognition for mobile learning of mathematics through incremental parsing. In: Proceedings of Symposium on Future Intelligent Educational Environments and Learning (SOFIEE’16); September 2016, London, U.K.. (Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, no. 21)

Isaac, Marina, Pfluegel, Eckhard, Hunter, Gordon and Denholm-Price, James (2015) Intuitive NUIs for speech editing of structured content (Work in progress). In: Psychology of Programming Interest Group Annual Conference 2015; 15 - 17 Jul 2015, Bournemouth, U.K..

Rickus, Andrius, Pfluegel, Eckhard and Atkins, Nigel (2015) Chaos-based image encryption using an AONT mode of operation. In: 2015 International Conference on Cyber Situational Awareness, Data Analytics and Assessment (CyberSA); 08 - 09 Jun 2015, London, U.K..

Maghrabi, Louai and Pfluegel, Eckhard (2015) Moving assets to the Cloud: A game theoretic approach based on trust. In: Cyber Science 2015; 08 - 09 Jun 2015, London, UK.

Clarke, Charles, Pfluegel, Eckhard and Tsaptsinos, Dimitris (2015) Multi-channel overlay protocols : implementing ad-hoc message authentication in social media platforms. In: 2015 International Conference on Cyber Situational Awareness, Data Analytics and Assessment (CyberSA 2015); 08 - 09 Jun 2015, London, U.K..

Bjerkestrand, Therese, Tsaptsinos, Dimitris and Pfluegel, Eckhard (2015) An evaluation of feature selection and reduction algorithms for network IDS data. In: 2015 International Conference on Cyber Situational Awareness, Data Analytics and Assessment (CyberSA 2015); 08 - 09 Jun 2015, London, U.K..

Jayawardana Weerasinghe, Nuwan, Ladas, Alexandros, Adigun, Olayinka, Pfluegel, Eckhard and Politis, Christos (2015) Evaluation of secure topology discovery protocol for emergency MANETs. In: 34th Meeting of WWRF; 21-23 Apr 2015, Santa Clara, California, USA.

Jayawardana Weerasinghe, Nuwan S., Ladas, Alexandros, Adigun, Olyanka, Pfluegel, Eckhard and Politis, Christos (2015) Securing neighbourhood discovery for mobile ad-hoc Networks. In: Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall), IEEE 82nd, 6–9 September 2015, Boston, USA; 6-9 Sep 2015, Boston, MA, USA. (2015 IEEE 82nd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall))

Attanayake, D., Denholm-Price, J., Hunter, G. and Pfluegel, E. (2014) TalkMaths over the Web - A web-based speech interface to assist disabled people with Mathematics. In: 40th Anniversary Conference of the Institute of Acoustics; 15-16 Oct 2014, Birmingham, U.K.. (Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, no. 36) ISBN 9781634395229

Clarke, C. A., Pfluegel, E. and Tsaptsinos, D. (2014) Hide-as-you-Type : an approach to natural language steganography through sentence modification. In: 16th IEEE Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC) 2014; 20-22 Aug 2014, Paris, France. (Unpublished)

Clarke, C. A., Pfluegel, E. and Tsaptsinos, D. (2013) Enhanced Virtual Private Social Networks: Implementing User Content Confidentiality. In: ICITST 2013: The 8th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions; 9-12 Dec 2013, London, UK.

Clarke, Charles, Pfluegel, Eckhard and Tsaptsinos, Dimitris (2013) Confidential communication techniques for virtual private social networks. In: DCABES 2013: The 12th International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications to Business, Engineering and Science; 02 - 04 Sep 2013, Kingston, U.K..

Attanayake, Dilaksha, Hunter, Gordon, Pfluegel, Eckhard and Denholm-Price, James (2013) Using statistical language models and edit distance metrics for prediction and error correction in a novel interface for mathematical text. In: UK Speech Conference; 17-18 Sept 2013, Cambridge, UK. (Unpublished)

Pfluegel, Eckhard, Panaousis, Emmanouil and Politis, Christos (2013) A probabilistic algorithm for secret matrix share size reduction. In: 19th European Wireless Conference 2013; 16-18 April 2013, Guildford, UK. (Unpublished)

Hunter, G., Attanayake, D., Denholm-Price, J. and Pfluegel, E. (2012) A novel web-based tool to enhance learning of mathematical concepts. In: International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions (ICTer); 13 - 14 Dec 2012, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Polymerou, G., Panaousis, E., Pfluegel, E. and Politis, C. (2012) A novel lightweight multi-secret sharing technique for mobile ad-hoc networks. In: 29th Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF): The Future of the Wireless Internet: Communication in the 2020s; 23-25 Oct 2012, Berlin, Germany.

Attanayake, D.R., Hunter, G. J. A., Denholm-Price, J. C. W., Pfluegel, E. and Wigmore, Angela (2012) Intelligent assistive interfaces for editing mathematics. In: 1st Workshop on Future Intelligent Educational Environments (WOFIEE’12); 26-27 June 2012, Guanajuato, Mexico. (Workshop Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Environments, no. 13) ISBN 9781614990796

Attanayake, Dilaksha, Pfluegel, Eckhard, Hunter, Gordon and Denholm-Price, James (2012) SWIMS (Speech-based Web Interface for Mathematics using Statistical language models): An intelligent editing assistant for mathematical text. In: 8th International Conference on Intelligent Environments; 26 - 29 June 2012, Guanajuato, Mexico. ISBN 9781467320931

Clarke, Charles A., Tsaptsinos, Dimitris and Pfluegel, Eckhard (2012) YAFFS2 file-object data structure investigations. In: 2nd International Conference on Cybercrime, Security and Digital Forensics (Cyfor-12); 14-15 May 2012, London, UK.

Attanayake, D, Hunter, G, Pfluegel, E and Denholm-Price, J (2012) Interactive error correction using statistical language models in a client-server interface for editing mathematical text. In: CWUAAT: 6th Cambridge Workshop on Universal Access and Assistive Technology; 27-29 Mar 2012, Cambridge, U.K..

Abramov, S.A., Barkatou, M.A. and Pfluegel, E. (2011) Higher-Order linear differential systems with truncated coefficients. In: 13th international workshop on Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing; 5 - 9 Sept 2011, Kassel, Germany. ISBN 9783642235672

Pfluegel, Eckhard (2011) Computing formal solutions of Ssstems of pseudo-linear equations. In: Symbolic Computation for Analysis 2011; 17 Jun 2011, Kent, U.K..

Pfluegel, Eckhard (2011) On the irregular part of formal solutions of systems of pseudo-linear equations. In: FELIM 2011 Functional Equations in LIMoges: Constructive Algebra for Systems Theory; 14-16 Mar 2011, Limoges, France. (Unpublished)

Wigmore, Angela, Pfluegel, Eckhard, Hunter, Gordon, Denholm-Price, James, Colbert, Martin and Attanayake, Dilaksha (2010) Evaluating and improving the TalkMaths speech interface for dictating and editing mathematical text. In: 5th European Workshop on Mathematical and Scientific E-Contents; 9 Sept - 11 Sept 2010, Salamanca, Spain.

Barkatou, Moulay A., El Bacha, Carole and Pfluegel, Eckhard (2010) Simultaneously row- and column-reduced higher-order linear differential systems. In: International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation; 25 - 28 July 2010, Munich, Germany.

Wigmore, Angela, Pfluegel, Eckhard, Hunter, Gordon, Denholm-Price, James and Colbert, Martin (2010) TalkMaths better ! evaluating and improving an intelligent interface for creating and editing mathematical text. In: 2010 Sixth International Conference on Intelligent Environments; 19-21 Jul 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (2010 Sixth International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE)) ISBN 9781424478361

Pfluegel, Eckhard (2010) A monomial-by-monomial method for computing regular solutions of systems of pseudo-linear equations. In: Functional Equations in LIMoges; 8 - 9 Mar 2010, Limoges, France.

Wigmore, Angela, Hunter, Gordon, Pfluegel, Eckhard and Denholm-Price, James (2009) TalkMaths: a speech user interface for dictating mathematical expressions into electronic documents. In: SLaTE 2009: ISCA International Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education; 03-05 Sep 2009, Warwickshire, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Wigmore, A.M., Hunter, G.J.A., Pfluegel, E. and Denholm-Price, J.C.W. (2009) TalkMaths : A speech user interface for dictating mathematical expressions into electronic documents. In: 2nd ISCA Workshop of Speech and Language Technology in Education (SLaTE 2009); 3-5 Sept 2009, Wroxall, Warwickshire, U.K.. ISBN 9780704427297

Wigmore, A., Hunter, G., Pfluegel, E., Denholm-Price, J. and Binelli, V. (2009) "Let them TalkMaths !" Developing an intelligent system to assist disabled people to learn and use mathematics on computers through a speech interface : the TalkMaths and VoiceCalc systems. In: 5th International Conference on Intelligent Environments; 20-21 Jul 2009, Barcelona, Spain. (Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, no. 2) ISSN (print) 1875-4163 ISBN 9781607500346

Denholm-Price, James, Hunter, Gordon, Pfluegel, Eckhard and Wigmore, Angela (2008) Speech recognition and mathematics: Development of the "TalkMaths" application at Kingston University. In: 4th European Workshop on Mathematical and Scientific e-Contents; 11-13 Sept 2008, Trondheim, Norway.

Wigmore, Angela, Hunter, Gordon, Pfluegel, Eckhard and Denholm-Price, James (2008) The development of the "TalkMaths" speech interface at Kingston University. In: UK Speech - One-day meeting for young speech researchers; 16 July 2008, Guildford, U.K..

Pfluegel, Eckhard (2008) A rational decomposition-lemma for systems of linear differential-algebraic equations. In: International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation; 20 - 23 Jul 2008, Hagenberg, Austria.

Barkatou, Moulay A., Broughton, Gary and Pfluegel, Eckhard (2008) Regular systems of linear functional equations and applications. In: International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC) 2008; 20-23 Jul 2008, Hagenberg, Austria. (Proceedings of the twenty-first international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic computation) ISBN 9781595939043

Hunter, G., Pfluegel, E. and Jalan, S. (2007) KU-TALK: a speech user interface for an intelligent working, learning and teaching environment. In: 3rd IET International Conference on Intelligent Environments; 24 - 25 Sept. 2007, Ulm, Germany. ISBN 9780863418532

Barkatou, Moulay A. and Pfluegel, Eckhard (2007) Computing super-irreducible forms of systems of linear differential equations via moser-reduction: a new approach. In: International symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation; 29 July - 1 Aug 2007, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. ISBN 9781595937438

Jeannerod, C.P. and Pfluegel, E. (1999) A reduction algorithm for matrices depending on a parameter. In: International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation; 28 - 31 July 1999, Vancouver, Canada. ISBN 1581130732

Jeannerod, Claude-Pierre, Maillard, Nicolas and Pfluegel, Eckhard (1998) An algorithmic approach for the symmetric perturbed Eigenvalue problem: Application to the solution of a Schrödinger equation by the kp-Perturbation method. In: 4th International IMACS Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra; 9-11 Aug 1998, Prague, Czech Republic.

Pfluegel, Eckhard (1997) An algorithm for computing exponential solutions of first order linear differential systems. In: International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation; 21 - 23 July 1997, Maui, Hawaii, U.S.A.. ISBN 0897918754


Pfluegel, E. (2006) A decomposition lemma for systems of linear differential algebraic equations. (Technical Report) Ulm : Universität Ulm - Institut für Angewandte Analysis. (Ulmer Seminare, no. 11)

This list was generated on Mon Jan 27 05:03:58 2025 GMT.