Dr Bahare Afrahi


As an Innovation Engineer focusing on entrepreneurship and small business growth, I have a demonstrated history of developing innovative solutions for SMEs and educational institutions. I like working with complex scenarios to identify growth opportunities, and I am particularly interested in ambiguous and often human-centred approaches to problem-solving. Founding Innovation Playground, Kingston University Business Training and within it the 4 Million SME Growth Programme, which has supported over 600 entrepreneurs since its inception in 2020 are examples of my current activities. I am currently accepting PhD candidates in Design Thinking, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship. If you are interested in pursuing PhD in these areas, please send a short and focused proposal and include your CV to b.afrahi@kingston.ac.uk and I get back to you.

Academic responsibilities

Reader in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management - Course Director Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, Programme Director Help to Grow Management


  • PhD in Entrepreneurship (University of Essex)
  • MSc in Research Business (University of Liverpool)
  • MBA in Marketing-Finance (Hanken School of Economics)
  • Fellowship of Higher Education Academy (HEAF)
  • Certified Management & Business Educator
  • Coaching Certificate
  • Innovation Champion (Stanford University)

Teaching and learning


Business, knowledge transfer and international

Professional practice, knowledge exchange and impact

Leadership and management

Social media

Academia LinkedIn