Dr Atsuko Ichijo


I am a sociologist interested in nationalism. I completed my doctoral study at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) under the supervision of late Professor Anthony D. Smith. My doctoral thesis, 'Scottish nationalism and identity in the age of European integration' was published as Scottish Nationalism and the Idea of Europe: Concepts of Europe and the Nation (2004) by Routledge. I then worked as Lecturer in Sociology at Gyosei International College in the UK for two years, then took up the post of Research Project Officer working for an FP5 project EURONAT at the LSE. When the project came to an end, a new post to work for an FP6 project EUROREG became available at Kingston University, which I took up. After working as a Research Fellow and Senior Researcher, I was converted to Senior Lecturer in Politics and then promoted to Associate Professor. I am now engaged with both teaching and research at KU.

At KU, I am currently the Course Leader of MSc in International Relations and MA in Human Rights. I am also responsible for PhD students working in the field of Politics. Outside KU, I am a member of the editorial team of Nations and Nationalism, a leading journal in Nationalism Studies. I also work as an evaluator for the European Commission, European Science Foundation, British Academy and Economic and Social Research Council of the UK. I am a book series editor of Identities and Modernities in Europe published by Palgrave and a co-book series editor with Dr Ronald Ranta of Food and Identities in a Globalising World published by Palgrave. 

Academic responsibilities

Associate Professor


  • 1998: PhD (Ethnicity and Nationalism) (London School of Economics and Political Science)
  • 1992: MA in Sociology (University of Tokyo)
  • 1990: BA in Liberal Arts (International Christian University)
  • 2009: PG Cert in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (Kingston University)

Teaching and learning


Social media

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