Mr Mohammad Alhusban

Research project: Exploiting emerging Digital technologies for addressing construction quality issues in the United Kingdom


The field of project management is rapidly evolving due to the widespread use of various technologies. Nowadays, construction projects face more obstacles than in the past. The increasing size and complexity of these projects pose difficulties in managing construction quality. Construction quality management is a crucial aspect of project management, and recent catastrophic failures like Grenfell and the Edinburgh Schools have sparked criticism of construction quality in the UK. Digital transformation offers significant opportunities for improvement, but it requires a cultural shift and careful consideration of the workforce's capabilities. 

Building Information Modeling and Blockchain technology have the potential to fundamentally alter how information is produced, transferred, stored, and disseminated. Computer vision digital tools can also significantly enhance inspection and quality control. Augmented Reality can also be utilized to simulate various scenarios and detect potential issues like structural flaws, and construction quality issues.

This project aims to discover the opportunities that Digital transformation can provide to enhance Construction Quality Management outcomes and procedures in the UK. To accomplish the project aim, Quantitative and Qualitative data will be collected to identify the role of digital technologies in addressing Construction Quality management issues in terms of Supervision, Signoff, Workmanship, and inefficiency.

  • Research degree: PhD
  • Title of project: Exploiting emerging Digital technologies for addressing construction quality issues in the United Kingdom
  • Other research supervisor: Dr Hsein Kew CEng MICE


I am a PhD student at Kingston University with an ambition to contribute to the existing knowledge of my field and to make a meaningful impact on society through research. I achieved my MSc degree with Distinction in (2021) from the same University in (Management in Construction), my research was based on the implementation of Smart Contracts and Blockchain in the Construction Industry. Before that, I earned BSc degree in Civil Engineering (2018) from Al Al-Bayt University in Jordan.

In my early career, I worked as a Site engineer (2018-2019) at the Jordanian Ministry of Working and Housing in the building department. I also worked as a part of the Quality team for several other Construction firms in Jordan including Al-Mostaqbal Consultants, which is one of the leading engineering and environmental consulting companies in Jordan.

I intend to pursue a career in academia, hoping to use my research abilities to support academic excellence and serve as an inspiration and mentor to the following generation of researchers.

Areas of research interest

  • Construction Quality Management
  • BIM
  • Blockchain
  • Smart Contracts
  • Augmented Reality
  • Computer Vision
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Quality Control
  • Deep Learning
  • Machine Learning


  • Bsc in Civil Engineering, Al Al-Bayt University, Jordan
  • MSc in Management in Construction, Kingston University