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Entry requirements for students from Germany

Language requirements

All students from outside the United Kingdom need to meet our English language requirements. These depend on whether you are applying for undergraduate or postgraduate level.

Students who have 10 in English Language in Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife / Abitur (taken as Leistungskurs) do not need to fulfil additional language requirements, with the exception of Journalism BA (Hons), Creative Writing BA (Hons), English Literature BA (Hons) and English Language & Communication BA (Hons), where a different grade is required.

Academic requirements

Undergraduate qualificationsGrade
Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife / Abitur 2–3*
Fachgebundene Hochschulreife / Fachhochschulreife Assessed individually
Berufsfachschulabschluss (until 2012) Berufsfachschulabschluss (Assistentenberufe /
Vollqualifizierende Berufsausbildung) (from 2013)
Assessed individually
Certificat de CompetenÅ£e Profesionale – de la Åžcoala Postliceală (Professional Competence Certificate from a post-secondary school) Assessed individually
Diplomă/Certificat de Absolvire a Şcolii Postliceale (Post-secondary School Diploma/Certificate) Assessed individually
Postgraduate qualificationsGrade
Bachelor 3.5
Erste Staatsprüfung (Jura / Sekundarstufe II / Sonderpädagogische Lehrämter) 3.5
Erste Staatsprüfung (Primarstufe / Sekundarstufe I) 3.5
Fachhochschuldiplom / Diplom (FH) 3.5
Magister Artium / Diplom 3.5
Zeugnis über den Zweiten Abschnitt der Ärztlichen Prüfung 3.5

*Some courses have different entry requirements to those listed above; Architecture BA (Hons) and Journalism BA (Hons) require an overall of 1.8 and 2 respectively.

Depending on courses, you may need to meet the specific requirements for Mathematics as well.

Some art and design courses require a minimum of 2.2 overall, plus Foundation diploma in Art and Design preferred.

All arts, design and architecture applicants are expected to have studied an art and design / visual art subject as they are requested to provide a portfolio of work with their application.

Please note: Each application is assessed on an individual basis and may be subject to additional requirements, such as undertaking shorts course(s), work experience and / or English language qualifications(s). Meeting particular minimum entry requirements does not automatically guarantee a place.

You can also view our undergraduate and postgraduate courses.

If you are unsure about the requirements above, you can contact the admissions administrator on the relevant course page.

Contact us

International enquiries
Tel: +44(0)20 8417 3411