Professor Priscilla Harries
Faculties, deparments and locations
- Non-faculty academics
- Research, Business and Innovation
- Penrhyn Road
Head of Graduate Research School and Researcher Development, Kingston University, Chair Kingston University Research Ethics Committee, Visiting Professor at Brunel University and St George's, University of London
- Email:
Professor Priscilla Harries, Dip.COT, MSc, Ph.D., FHEA, FCOT.
I have worked in the public sector for over 35 years across various clinical, research, and management positions in health and education in London.
- Head of the Graduate Research School and Researcher Development at Kingston University.
- Chair of the Kingston University Research Ethics Committee.
- Professor of Occupational Therapy.
- Fellow of the Royal College of Occupational Therapists.
My research is focused on decision-making; I study clinical decision-making and other fields where we are keen to learn from experts.
- Two research funding awards from the NIHR.
- Deputy Capacity Theme Lead for Research Capacity Development for the NIHR ARC South London.
- NIHR Clinical Academic Training lead for South London.
- Lead the NIHR ARC Research Leadership Academy, which is nationally delivered.
I hold a number of national roles, including:
- NIHR-appointed Clinical Academic Mentor for those on the NIHR Clinical Academic pathway.
- Appointed member of the Clinical Academic Doctoral Fellowships Panel (former Deputy Chair).
- Advisory board member for the Wellcome Trust doctoral fellowships scheme for health professionals.
- Former appointed member of the REF 2021 Subpanel for UoA3 Allied Health, Dentistry, Nursing and Pharmacy.
- Employee of Research England.
- Chair of the Editorial Board for the British Journal of Occupational Therapy.
- Chair of the NIHR HTA Prioritisation Committee.
- Elected Vice-Chair of Council at the Royal College of Occupational Therapists (RCOT).
- Chair of the RCOT Research and Development Board.
My clinical posts were as an occupational therapist in neurosurgery, neurology, and mental health at the Maudsley Hospital.
I am a strong supporter of doctoral students and ECRs and founded and lead the RISE and NIHR ARC Research Leadership Academies.
- PhD Psychology
- MSc Occupational Therapy
- Dip. COT (with Distinction)
- Fellow Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
- Fellow Royal College of Occupational Therapists (FRCOT)
Former PhD students
- Dr Austin Claffey (2010) Metamemory function of people with Multiple Sclerosis.
- Dr Miranda Davies (2011) Detecting and preventing financial abuse in older adults. (Top University PhD academic and impact ‘Walduck' prize 2012, 1st prize School PhD conference 2009)
- Dr Alison Blank (2011) The journey in to work: Exploring users' perspectives of Vocational Rehabilitation Services for people with severe and enduring mental health problems. (2nd prize PhD School conference 2008).
- Dr Stephanie Tempest (2014) Promoting MDT working in stroke rehabilitation: evaluating the use of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. (School 1st prize PhD conference 2008).
- Dr Nicola White (2017) Identifying factors used to predict death at end of life stage: identification of super prognosticators and information use in effective decision making. Palliative care: Clinicians' EstimateS (P:CES) St George's Hospital Medical School. Funded by St George's Hospital and UCL.
- Dr Samia Elyoussfi (2021) Better health for people with rare endocrine disorders: promoting patient engagement in regular screening. Funded by Barts Charity- Harries Brunel PI grant holder.
- Dr Edsel Ing (2022) Giant Cell Arteritis: Diagnostic Prediction Models, Temporal Artery Biopsy & Epidemiology (Supported by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada Professional Development Grant)
- Dr Bhupinder Sharma (2023) Imaging assessment of lymphoproliferative disorders; advancing global methodologies and tools. Kingston University (Supported by the Royal Marsden Trust)
Current PhD students
- Praveen Jain (Dramatherapist) - Personal theatre of the broken hearts: Processing post break-up trauma and masculinity through therapeutic performance.
- Graham Boniface (Physiotherapist) - Therapeutic Exercise Prescription in the Rheumatic Adult Jointed funded by University of Oxford and Brunel University London.
OTD Capstone site mentor for students from Creighton University, USA since Jan 2018
MSc Occupational Therapy Dissertation (US term Thesis) Students supervised
Chana T (2016) Identifying USA occupational therapy Driving Rehabilitation Specialists (DRSs) judgement on policies when assessing fitness-to-drive decisions for older adults and people with disabilities.
Lim H H (2015). Predicting driving ability for drivers with medical condition using the ‘DriveSafe and DriveAware' in Singapore: A Pilot study.
Wightman E (2014) Systematic Review: Interventions to Improve Driving Ability after Neurological Impairment.
Parker C (2012) The development of a web-based resource to centralise information and promote awareness and access to information about coloured lens glasses in England.
Perkins L (2012) The development of an on line resource to centralise information about the screening and provision of coloured lens glasses in England.
Fowler L (2012) The development of an online resource to centralise information about the screening and provision of coloured lens glasses in England.
Wignall S (2012) The development of an on line resource to centralise information about the screening and provision of coloured lens glasses in England.
Elkin K (2011) The Psychosocial Effects of Internet Use of Older Adults: A Systematic Review.
Jamaludin A (2011) A systematic review of the effectiveness of weighting strategies for upper limb postural and intention tremor.
Lowry C (2011) A systematic review of occupational therapy interventions for osteoarthritis of the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb.
Smyth G (2008) Service User Experiences of Social Inclusion in Community Occupations.
Bird B (2007) Post-operative splinting for Dupuytren's contracture: a systematic review. Recipient of the Brunel Goldtel ‘Best Dissertation' Prize.
Macebo A (2007) HAQ-DAS-WIS Correlational Study.
Dorer G (2006) Community occupations of mental health service users: A quantitative study of engagement and social inclusion. Recipient of the Brunel Goldtel ‘Best Dissertation' Prize.
Glanfield S (2005) Negative symptoms of schizophrenia: An investigation into occupational therapists' awareness and use of evidence based interventions.
Burstein B (2005) Educators' perceptions of the usefulness of an Occupational Therapy training package for children with development co-ordination disorder.
Vaughan J (2004) Occupation in Assertive Outreach Team.
2003-2013 MSc Occupational Therapy Programme Director
Responsible for admissions, budget management, course design and evaluation, Clinical Sciences, Brunel University London (VC discretionary award for outstanding work in teaching and research in 2004)
Selection of Research Grants (last 10 years)
- 2024-2028 Secondary proposer and management committee/grant awarding co-ordinator. COST Action: Building Opportunities for Participation and Accessibility through lifelong community Mobility. European Commission (average EURO 550,000)
- 2024-2026 Principal Investigator. Social Health and Research Empowerment programme (SHARE), NIHR £245,000.
- 2019-2026 Deputy Theme Lead - Capacity Building theme, NIHR Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) South London. Value of ARC Themes award at Kingston University £83,888.2018-2022
- Joint Principal Investigator Wellcome Trust: Research on Research. Identifying outstanding research proposals: An examination of grant reviewers' judgement processes £175,000
- 2016 – 2019 Co-investigator. Barts and The London Charity £75,000. Better health for people with rare endocrine disorders: promoting patient engagement in regular screening.
- 2016 – 2019 Partner Investigator (WP2 lead) Marie Curie Programme Grant. Improving care, assessment, communication and training at the end-of-life (I-CAN-CARE), UCL. £1.5 million (grant number: MCCC-FPO-16U
- 2017 – 2018 Co-Investigator CNWL NHS Trust/Brunel. Healthy Living Training - making every contact count. HEE NWL Strategic Investment Funding £93,500.
- 2016 – 2017 Principal Investigator. HEE NWL £80,000. Initiatives to increase community practice placement capacity for occupational therapy and physiotherapy pre-registration students.
- 2014 – 2016 Co-Investigator. Dawes Trust Charity £98,388. A study of the prevalence and nature of financial abuse of those lacking mental capacity.
- 2015 – 2015 Co-Investigator AUS$25,000. Public Transport Victoria. Understanding mobility aid users access on public transport.
- 2015 – 2015 Principal Investigator. £125,000. Motability 10th Anniversary Trust Fund. Scoping our future research priorities.
- 2013 – 2015 Principal Investigator. Imperial College Healthcare Charity (£12,627) FEC £27,812). Prioritisation of referrals for dietetic acute adult services.
- 2012 - 2015Principal Investigator. UK College of Occupational Therapists Research Foundation. £79,975 Development of a web-based decision aid to assist occupational therapists to make optimal fitness-to-drive decisions for disabled and older drivers.
- 2012 – 2012 Co-investigator Joseph Rountree Foundation £28,000. "Risk, trust and relationships in an ageing society".
- 2011 – 2012 Principal Investigator. ESRC follow on grant £92,743 (FEC £115,929). Developing decision training tools to enhance the ability of professionals to detect and prevent financial elder abuse.
- 2008 - 2011Co-investigator. Cross council grant. New Dynamics of Ageing cross-council programme (2008-2011), "Detecting and preventing financial abuse of older adults: An examination of decision-making by managers and professionals in health, social care, banking." Grant ref RES-352-25-0026 £268,526.81 (FEC £325,878).
- I led on the internationalisation of the clinical programs at Brunel where I was previously Head of Clinical Sciences; identifying five key markets and implementing an international scholarship program. Together with Dr Anne McIntyre, we secured the first ACOTE Masters in Occupational Therapy international accreditation outside the USA. I successfully moved a number of programmes to 30% international students over a three-year period.
Mentorship for ICA NIHR CDR Fellows (1-2 hours a month) - The NIHR has an ICA Mentorship scheme available to Clinical Academics undertaking their Doctoral Fellowships. I was nominated by my professional body and was successfully appointed to the NIHR Academy; I have been a committed and active mentor since the inception of the Scheme. I regularly participate in the mentor and mentees training events and have mentored two ICA CDR Fellows (max allowed) every year since the inception of the Scheme. These very talented mentees have included a range of health professionals including Physiotherapists, Dieticians, Nurses etc.
NIHR ICA Clinical Academic Doctoral Fellowships Panel (1 week a year) – In November 2020 I was appointed a Deputy Chair of the NIHR ICA CDRF Panel. I have been a panel member for the last three years. I provide advice to those applying on an ad hoc basis, and give a week a year to the reviewing tasks and panel interviews.
Fellow of the Royal College of Occupational Therapists.
NIHR HTA Prioritisation Committee C member.
HEE/NIHR appointed Mentor for the Integrated Clinical Academic Program for Nurses, Midwives and Allied Health Professionals
Invited member of the expert review interview panel for the NIHR/HEE ICA Clinical Doctoral Research Fellowship Scheme
Member of the UK Council of Deans for Health, Expert Research Advisory Group
Member of the Council of Allied Health Professions Research Professoriate
Former Chair of the Editorial Board for the British Journal of Occupational Therapy (2012-2013).
Former Member of the Editorial Board of the British Journal of Occupational Therapy (2010-2012).
Former Member of the ESRC Peer Review College (2012-2014).
Member of the Editorial Board of the Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy (2018-2020).
Former Member of the College of Occupational Therapists-Specialist Section: Mental Health (Member of Editorial Board for national peer-reviewed journal publication 2006-2010 and voted Acting Chair of Editorial Board for 2010-11).
Former Expert Consultant to Department of Transport - The Blue Badge Scheme Local Authority Guidance (England), 2011.
Associate Dean Research, Business and Innovation, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education, Kingston and St George's, University of London.
Chair of the Faculty Research and Business Innovation Committee
Associate Dean International - Education Development, St George's, University of London.
RISE Research Leadership Academy (Kingston and St George's Joint Faculty)
I co-designed (with ECRs) and led the Faculty RISE Research Leadership Academy. This was very received. The Academy, RISE 2020, incorporated lectures on research leadership journeys; expert-led discussions on topics such as strategy, impact, collaboration, policy development and mentorship as well as more practical sessions on costing grants and project management. As part of this I offered individual mentorship - undertaking this with 15 members of the course. The Academy will run next in 2022.
Former Elected Vice-Chair and Council Member, Director and Trustee, Royal College of Occupational Therapists, UK (33,000 COT members) ending term of office June 2019
Former Elected Chair, R&D Board, Royal College of Occupational Therapists, UK
Former Chair of the Editorial Board for the British Journal of Occupational Therapy (2012-2013).
When Head of Clinical Sciences at Brunel University, I had responsibility for the line management of a wide range of disciplines. These included Occupational Therapy, Specialist Community Public Health Nursing, Physiotherapy, Physician Associate, Social Work, Public Health, Health Promotion and Health Economics. As the Head, I was responsible for the support and development of 80 academic staff and 1000 students. While Head, all the Brunel University London NHS commissioned programmes became green rated on the NHS QCPM RAG ratings. In 2018, I was awarded the Vice Chancellor's University Prize for outstanding academic leadership
2014-2018: Chair of the Brunel University Student Misconduct committee; Chair of the Brunel Clinical Sciences Promotions Panel, Probationary Review Panel, Academic Committee and Management Board
2015-2018 Professor of Occupational Therapy and Head of Clinical Sciences, Brunel University London.
2013-2015 Reader and Head of Clinical Sciences, Brunel University London – Managed 80 Faculty across 7 disciplines/1000 students, plus budget and overall evaluation of teaching and research performance of programs and Faculty.
2013-2014 Occupational Therapy Division Director – Managed 26 and 350 OT students, plus budget and overall evaluation of teaching and research performance of programs and Faculty.
2012-2013 Senior Lecturer in Occupational Therapy, Divisional Research Lead and UoAs REF Impact Champion, School of Health Science and Social Care.
2009-2013 Senior Lecturer, Divisional Research Lead and MSc Program Director (Occupational Therapy) including budget management, managing design and evaluation, School of Health Science and Social Care.
2003-2009 Lecturer in Occupational Therapy and MSc Program Director (Occupational Therapy) including budget management, managing design and evaluation, School of Health Science and Social Care, Brunel University London (discretionary award for outstanding work in teaching and research in 2004)
1995-2003 Lecturer in Occupational Therapy, Health Sciences, School of Health Sciences and Social Care, Brunel University London.
1993 1994 Sabbatical in Autumn term: Volunteer Lecturer and clinician in Occupational Therapy, Christian Medical College and Hospital, Vellore, South India.
1987-1995 Occupational Therapist, Bethlem & Maudsley Hospitals in the clinical fields of neurology, neurosurgery, adolescent psychiatry, eating disorders, older adults, psychosis, community mental health and post partum psychiatry.
Factors affecting engagement in screening clinics ; exploring the experiences of patients with rare endocrine gene disorders
Elyoussfi, Samia, Harries, Priscilla, Norris, Meriel, DeSouza, Lorraine and Drake, William, 2025, Journal of Patient Experience (12)
A systematic review of effective interventions and strategies to support the transition of older adults from driving to driving retirement/cessation
Dickerson, Anne E, Stapleton, Tadhg, Bloss, Jamie, Géinas, Isabelle, Harries, Priscilla, Choi, Moon, Margot-Cattin, Isabel, Mazer, Barbara, Patomella, Ann-Helen, Swanepoel, Lizette, Van Niekerk, Lana, Unsworth, Carolyn A, Vrkljan, Brenda and , 2024, Innovation in Aging (8), 6
Prescribing hand strengthening exercise for patients with rheumatoid arthritis ; clinical cues influencing occupational therapists' and physiotherapists' judgements
Boniface, Graham, White, Nicola, Tomlinson, Christopher, Norris, Meriel, O’Connell, Neil, Williamson, Esther and Harries, Priscilla, 2024, Musculoskeletal Care (22), 1, pp e1849
Imminent death : clinician certainty and accuracy of prognostic predictions
White, Nicola, Reid, Fiona, Vickerstaff, Victoria, Harries, Priscilla, Tomlinson, Chris and Stone, Patrick, 2022, (12), pp 785-791
Linking people and activities through community mobility : an international comparison of the mobility patterns of older drivers and non-drivers
Unsworth, Carolyn, Dickerson, Anne, Gélinas, Isabelle, Harries, Priscilla, Margot-Cattin, Isabel, Mazer, Barbara, Stapleton, Tadhg, Swanepoel, Lizette, Timmer, Amanda, Van Niekerk, Lana and Vrkljan, Brenda, 2022, (42), 8, pp 1938-1963
Peer reviewer’s dilemmas : a qualitative exploration of decisional conflict in the evaluation of grant applications in the medical humanities and social sciences
Vallée-Tourangeau, Gaëlle, Wheelock, Ana, Vandrevala, Tushna and Harries, Priscilla, 2022, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (9), pp 70
Specialist palliative medicine physicians and nurses accuracy at predicting imminent death (within 72 hours) : a short report
White, Nicola, Reid, Fiona, Vickerstaff, Victoria, Harries, Priscilla and Stone, Patrick, 2020, (10), 2, pp 209-212
Developments in public involvement and co-production in research : embracing our values and those of our service users and carers
Harries, Priscilla, Barron, Duncan and Ballinger, Claire, 2020, British Journal of Occupational Therapy (83), 1, pp 3-5
Online training improves medical students' ability to recognise when a person is dying : the ORaClES randomised controlled trial
White, Nicola, Oostendorp, Linda JM, Tomlinson, Christopher, Yardley, Sarah, Ricciardi, Federico, Gokalp, Hulya, Minton, Ollie, Boland, Jason W, Clark, Ben, Harries, Priscilla and Stone, Patrick, 2020, Palliative Medicine (34), 1, pp 134-144
The (un)availability of prognostic information in the last days of life : a prospective observational study
White, Nicola, Reid, Fiona, Harries, Priscilla, Harris, Adam J. L., Minton, Ollie, McGowan, Catherine, Lodge, Philip, Tookman, Adrian and Stone, Patrick, 2019, BMJ Open (9), pp e030736
Protocol for the ORaClES study : an online randomised controlled trial to improve clinical estimates of survival using a training resource for medical students
Oostendorp, Linda, White, Nicola, Harries, Priscilla, Yardley, Sarah, Tomlinson, Christopher, Ricciardi, Federico, Gokalp, Hulya and Stone, Patrick, 2019, BMJ Open (9), 3
Predicting fitness-to-drive following stroke using the Occupational Therapy – Driver Off Road Assessment Battery
Unsworth, Carolyn A., Baker, Anne, Lannin, Natasha, Harries, Priscilla, Strahan, Janene and Browne, Matthew, 2019, Disability and Rehabilitation (41), 15, pp 1797-1802
How do palliative care doctors recognise imminently dying patients? A judgement analysis
White, Nicola, Harries, Priscilla, Harris, Adam JL, Vicerstaff, Victoria, Lodge, Philip, McGowan, Catherine, Minton, Ollie, Tomlinson, Christopher, Tookman, Adrian, Reid, Fiona and Stone, Patrick, 2018, BMJ Open (8), 11, pp e024996
Enhanced referral prioritisation for acute adult dietetic services: A randomised control trial to test a web-based decision training tool
Harries, Priscilla, Gokalp, Hulya, Davies, Miranda, Tomlinson, Christopher and Hickson, Mary, 2018, Clinical Nutrition (37), 5, pp 1456-1461
Development of the International Expert Advisory Panel on Community Health and Transport (I-CHaT) to coordinate research on transport mobility
Vaucher, Paul, Choi, Moon, Gelinas, Isabelle, Harries, Priscilla, Margot-Cattin, Isabel, Mazer, Barbara, Van Niekerk, Lana, Patomella, Ann-Helen, Stapleton, Tadhg, Swanepoel, Lizette, Unsworth, Carolyn and Vrkljan, Brenda, 2018, British Journal of Occupational Therapy (81), 5, pp 245-246
A randomised controlled trial to test the effectiveness of decision training on assessors’ ability to determine optimal fitness-to-drive recommendations for older or disabled drivers
Harries, Priscilla, Unsworth, Carolyn, Gokalp, Hulya, Davies, Miranda, Tomlinson, Christopher and Harries, Luke, 2018, BMC Medical Education (18), 27
Researching the financial abuse of individuals lacking mental capacity
Dalley, Gillian, Gilhooly, Mary Lynn, Gilhooly, Kenneth, Levi, Michael and Harries, Priscilla, 2017, The Journal of Adult Protection (19), 6, pp 394-405
A systematic review of evidence for fitness-to-drive among people with the mental health conditions of schizophrenia, stress/anxiety disorder, depression, personality disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder
Unsworth, Carolyn A., Baker, Anne M., So, Man H., Harries, Priscilla and O’Neill, Desmond, 2017, BMC Psychiatry (17), pp 318
Using judgement analysis to identify dietitians' referral prioritisation for assessment in adult acute services
Hickson, M, Davies, M, Gokalp, H and Harries, P, 2017, European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (71), 11, pp 1291-1296
Exploring financial abuse as a feature of family life : an analysis of Court of Protection cases
Dalley, Gillian, Gilhooly, Mary, Gilhooly, Kenneth, Levi, Michael and Harries, Priscilla, 2017, Elder Law Journal (7), 1, pp 28-37
A systematic review of predictions of survival in palliative care: How accurate are clinicians and who are the experts?
White, Nicola, Reid, Fiona, Harris, Adam, Harries, Priscilla and Stone, Patrick, 2016, PLoS ONE (11), 8, pp e0161407
Enhancing workforce capacity in the detection and prevention of elder financial abuse
Harries, Priscilla, Gilhooly, Mary M., Gilhooly, Kenneth J. and Davies, Miranda S., 2016, (26), 1, pp 30-33
Financial elder abuse through the lens of the bystander intervention model
Gilhooly, Mary M., Dalley, Gillian, Gilhooly, Kenneth J., Sullivan, Mary P., Harries, Priscilla, Levi, Michael, Kinnear, Deborah C. and Davies, Miranda S., 2016, (26), 1, pp 5-11
Living with stroke in Bangladesh : factors influencing quality of life (QoL)
Saha, Bijan Kumar, Harries, Priscilla and Gilhooly, Kenneth James, 2016, World Federation of Occupational Therapists Bulletin (72), 2, pp 117-125
Special issue : Driving and community mobility (II) – interventions to enable driving
Unsworth, Carolyn A and Harries, Priscilla A, 2015, British Journal of Occupational Therapy (78), 6, pp 337-338
Special issue : Driving and community mobility (I) – clinical assessment of fitness to drive
Harries, Priscilla A and Unsworth, Carolyn A, 2015, British Journal of Occupational Therapy (78), 2, pp 71-72
Using Social Judgment Theory method to examine how experienced occupational therapy driver assessors use information to make fitness-to-drive recommendations
Unsworth, Carolyn, Harries, Priscilla and Davies, Miranda, 2015, British Journal of Occupational Therapy (78), 2, pp 109-120
Using coloured filters to reduce the symptoms of visual stress in children with reading delay
Harries, Priscilla, Hall, Roger, Ray, Nicola and Stein, John, 2015, Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy (22), 2, pp 153-160
‘Without occupation you don't exist’ : occupational engagement and mental illness
Blank, Alison Anne, Harries, Priscilla and Reynolds, Frances, 2015, Journal of Occupational Science (22), 2, pp 197-209
Identifying and enhancing risk thresholds in the detection of elder financial abuse : a signal detection analysis of professionals' decision making
Harries, Priscilla, Yang, Huiqin, Davies, Miranda, Gilhooly, Mary, Gilhooly, Kenneth and Thompson, Carl, 2014, BMC Medical Education (14), 1044
Supporting children with visual stress: the development of a web resource for parents and professionals
Harries, Priscilla, Perkins, Lucy, Parker, Clare, Fowler, Lisa, Wignall, Sharon, Mangalpara, Esheeta and Harries, Luke, 2014, British Journal of Occupational Therapy (77), 12, pp 626-633
Educating novice practitioners to detect elder financial abuse : a randomised controlled trial
Harries, Priscilla, Davies, Miranda, Gilhooly, Ken, Gilhooly, Mary and Tomlinson, Christopher, 2014, BMC Medical Education (14), 21
Detection and prevention of financial abuse against elders
Harries, Priscilla A., Davies, Miranda L., Gilhooly, Kenneth J., Gilhooly, Mary L.M. and Cairns, Deborah, 2014, Journal of Financial Crime (21), 1, pp 84-99
Factors influencing decision-making by social care and health sector professionals in cases of elder financial abuse
Davies, Miranda L., Gilhooly, Mary L. M., Gilhooly, Kenneth J., Harries, Priscilla A. and Cairns, Deborah, 2013, European Journal of Ageing (10), 4, pp 313-323
A comparison of two-coloured filter systems for treating visual reading difficulties
Hall, Roger, Ray, Nicola, Harries, Priscilla and Stein, John, 2013, Disability and Rehabilitation (35), 26, pp 2221-2226
Reciprocal access agreements between BJOT, AJOT, and CJOT
Harries, Priscilla A., Gutman, Sharon A. and Polatajko, Helene J., 2013, Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy (80), 2, pp 68-69
Onwards and upwards : publication directions of the British Journal of Occupational Therapy
Harries, Priscilla and Craik, Christine, 2013, British Journal of Occupational Therapy (76), 1, pp 1-1
Fond farewells and warm welcomes : the editor, British Journal of Occupational Therapy
Harries, Priscilla A and Steeden, Beryl, 2013, British Journal of Occupational Therapy (76), 4, pp 161-161
Framing the detection of financial elder abuse as bystander intervention : decision cues, pathways to detection and barriers to action
Gilhooly, Mary L.M., Cairns, Deborah, Davies, Miranda, Harries, Priscilla, Gilhooly, Kenneth J. and Notley, Elizabeth, 2013, The Journal of Adult Protection (15), 2, pp 54-68
Reciprocal access agreements between BJOT, AJOT, and CJOT : new resources for occupational therapists around the world
Harries, P. A., Gutman, S. A. and Polatajko, H. J., 2013, American Journal of Occupational Therapy (67), 2, pp 138-139
Reciprocal access agreements between BJOT, AJOT and CJOT : new resources for occupational therapists around the world
Harries, Priscilla, Gutman, Sharon A and Polatajko, Helene J, 2013, British Journal of Occupational Therapy (76), 3, pp 117-117
Clinical assessment of fitness-to-drive : positioning occupational therapy for workforce development
Harries, Priscilla A and Unsworth, Carolyn A, 2013, British Journal of Occupational Therapy (76), 7, pp 299-299
Enhanced clarity and holism : the outcome of implementing the ICF with an acute stroke multidisciplinary team in England
Tempest, Stephanie, Harries, Priscilla, Kilbride, Cherry and De Souza, Lorraine, 2013, Disability and Rehabilitation (35), 22, pp 1921-1925
The meaning and experience of work in the context of severe and enduring mental health problems : an interpretative phenomenological analysis.
Blank, Alison, Harries, Priscilla and Reynolds, Frances, 2013, Work (45), 3, pp 299-304
Boredom proneness in a psychiatric inpatient population
Newell, Susan E., Harries, Priscilla and Ayers, Susan, 2012, International Journal of Social Psychiatry (58), 5, pp 488-495
Teaching young dogs new tricks : improving occupational therapists' referral prioritization capacity with a web-based decision-training aid
Harries, Priscilla and Tomlinson, Christopher, 2012, Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy (19), 6, pp 542-546
Effectiveness of a decision-training aid on referral prioritization capacity
Harries, Priscilla, Tomlinson, Christopher, Notley, Elizabeth, Davies, Miranda and Gilhooly, Kenneth, 2012, Medical Decision Making (32), 6, pp 779-791
To adopt is to adapt : the process of implementing the ICF with an acute stroke multidisciplinary team in England
Tempest, Stephanie, Harries, Priscilla, Kilbride, Cherry and De Souza, Lorraine, 2012, Disability and Rehabilitation (34), 20, pp 1686-1694
Changes to the Blue Badge Scheme : equity for service users — employment opportunities for therapists
Harries, Priscilla, Weale, Clare and Kilbride, Cherry, 2012, British Journal of Occupational Therapy (75), 9, pp 395-395
Exploring mental health service users' experiences of social inclusion in their community occupations
Smyth, Genevieve, Harries, Priscilla and Dorer, Gemma, 2011, British Journal of Occupational Therapy (74), 7, pp 323-331
Factors used in the detection of elder financial abuse : a judgement and decision-making study of social workers and their managers
Davies, Miranda, Sullivan, Mary Pat, Harries, Priscilla, Cairns, Deborah, Stanley, David, Gilhooly, Mary, Gilhooly, Kenneth, Notley, Elizabeth, Gilbert, Anthony, Penhale, Bridget and Hennessy, Catherine, 2011, International Social Work (54), 3, pp 404-420
Mental health service users' perspectives of work : a review of the literature
Blank, Alison, Harries, Priscilla and Reynolds, Frances, 2011, British Journal of Occupational Therapy (74), 4, pp 191-199
Training novices to make expert, occupationally focused, community mental health referral decisions
Harries, Priscilla and Gilhooly, Kenneth, 2011, British Journal of Occupational Therapy (74), 2, pp 58-65
Occupational therapists’ self-insight into their referral prioritisation policies for clients with mental health needs
Harries, Priscilla Ann and Gilhooly, Kenneth J., 2010, Australian Occupational Therapy Journal (57), 6, pp 417-424
Measuring social inclusion : a staff survey of mental health service users' participation in community occupations
Dorer, Gemma, Harries, Priscilla and Marston, Louise, 2009, British Journal of Occupational Therapy (72), 12, pp 520-530
Service-user story : recovering from anxiety.
Harries, Cilla, 2009, Mental Health Occupational Therapy (14), 1, pp 14-16
Progress report : use of the Web tool for training prioritisation skills for Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) referrals.
Harries, P, 2007, Mental Health Occupational Therapy (12), 2, pp 69-70
Identifying occupational therapists' referral priorities in community health
Harries, Priscilla and Gilhooly, Ken, 2006, Occupational Therapy International (10), 2, pp 150-164
People who judge people
Weiss, David J., Shanteau, James and Harries, Priscilla, 2006, Journal of Behavioral Decision Making (19), 5, pp 441-454
The development of a web-based tool for training referral prioritization skills
Harries, Priscilla, 2006, International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation (13), 6, pp 244-244
Generic and specialist occupational therapy casework in community mental health teams
Harries, Priscilla A and Gilhooly, Ken, 2003, British Journal of Occupational Therapy (66), 3, pp 101-109
Studying clinical reasoning, part 2 : Applying social judgement theory
Harries, Priscilla A and Harries, Clare, 2001, British Journal of Occupational Therapy (64), 6, pp 285-292
Studying clinical reasoning, part 1: Have we been taking the wrong ‘track’?
Harries, Priscilla A and Harries, Clare, 2001, British Journal of Occupational Therapy (64), 4, pp 164-168
Community Mental Health Teams : occupational therapists' changing role
Harries, Priscilla, 1998, British Journal of Occupational Therapy (61), 5, pp 219-220
What do psychiatric inpatients and ward staff think about occupational therapy?
Harries, Priscilla and Caan, A W, 1994, British Journal of Occupational Therapy (57), 6, pp 219-223
Facilitating change in anorexia nervosa : the role of occupational therapy
Harries, Priscilla, 1992, British Journal of Occupational Therapy (55), 9, pp 334-339
Financial elder abuse
Gilhooly, Mary, Kinnear, Deborah, Davies, Miranda, Gilhooly, Kenneth and Harries, Priscilla (2018). In: Walker, Alan, (ed.), The new dynamics of ageing. Volume 2.. Bristol, U.K.: Policy Press, pp 51-70
Judgement and decision-making skills for practice
Harries, Priscilla and Duncan, Edward A.S. (2009). In: Duncan, Edward A.S., (ed.), Skills for practice in occupational therapy. Edinburgh, U.K.: Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier, pp 25-40
Knowing more than we can say
Harries, Priscilla (2007). In: Creek, Jennifer, (eds.) and Lawson-Porter, Anne, (eds.), Contemporary issues in occupational therapy : reasoning and reflection. Chichester, U.K.: John Wiley, pp 161-188
Health promotion in eating disorders : the contribution of occupational therapists
Harries, Priscilla (2005). In: Scriven, Angela, (ed.), Health promoting practice : the contribution of nurses and allied health professionals. Basingstoke, U.K.: Palgrave Macmillan, pp 127-137
Scoping our future research priorities : full report
Harries, Priscilla, Giacomin, Joseph, Nickpour, Farnaz, Young, Will, Unsworth, Carolyn and Boniface, Gail (2015). London, U.K.: (Research Institute for Disabled Consumers)
Risk, trust and relationships in an ageing society
Dalley, Gillian, Gilhooly, Kenneth, Gilhooly, Mary, Barnett, Julie, Gobet, Fernand, Harries, Priscilla, Niblock, Sarah, Sullivan, Mary Pat and Victor, Christina (2012). York, U.K.: (Joseph Rowntree Foundation)
Decision making in relation to financial elder abuse : a review of the literature on decision making and judgment analysis
Davies, Miranda, Harries, Priscilla, Gilhooly, Kenneth and Gilhooly, Mary (2011). London, U.K.: (Brunel Institute for Ageing Studies, Brunel University)
Financial elder abuse : a review of the literature
Davies, Miranda, Gilhooly, Mary, Harries, Priscilla and Gilhooly, Kenneth (2011). London, U.K.: (Brunel Institute for Ageing Studies, Brunel University)
Phase II - methodologies used in a study modelling decision making by social care, health and banking professionals
Davies, Miranda, Gilhooly, Mary, Harries, Priscilla and Gilhooly, Kenneth (2011). London, U.K.: (Brunel Institute for Ageing Studies, Brunel University)
Phase II results : modelling financial elder abuse cue usage by banking professionals : results from a study on decision making
Davies, Miranda, Gilhooly, Kenneth, Harries, Priscilla and Gilhooly, Mary (2011). London, U.K.: (Brunel Institute for Ageing Studies, Brunel University)
Phase II results : modelling financial elder abuse cue usage by social care and health professionals : findings from a study of decision making in detecting financial abuse
Davies, Miranda, Harries, Priscilla, Gilhooly, Kenneth and Gilhooly, Mary (2011). London, U.K.: (Brunel Institute for Ageing Studies, Brunel University)
A systematic review of effective strategies or interventions to support driving cessation among older adults
Dickerson, Anne, Stapleton, Tadhg, Margot-Cattin, Isabel, Harries, Priscilla, Gélinas, Isabelle, Choi, Moon, Swanepoel, Lizette and Unsworth, Carolyn(2023). In: GSA 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting : "Building Bridges : Catalyzing Research : Empowering All Ages”, 08-12 Nov 2023 :Tampa, U.S.
Applying Social Judgment Theory to better understand what peer-reviewers pay attention to when evaluating proposals
Vallee-Tourangeau, Gaelle, Wheelock, Ana, Vandrevala, Tushna and Harries, Priscilla(2021). In: 27th International (Virtual) Meeting of the Brunswik Society, 09-10 Dec 2021 :Held online
Applying social judgment theory to better understand what peer reviewers pay attention to when evaluating fellowship grant proposals
Vallee-Tourangeau, Gaelle, Wheelock, Ana, Vandrevala, Tushna and Harries, Priscilla(2021). In: Centre for Decision Research (CDR) Seminar Series, 03 Mar 2021 :Leeds, U.K. (Held online)
International comparison of older drivers and non-drivers for activity access and quality of life
Harries, Cilla, Unsworth, Carolyn, Vrkljan, Brenda and Dickerson, Anne(2020). In: GSA 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting : “Turning 75 : Why Age Matters”, 04-07 Nov 2020 :Philadelphia, U.S.A. (Held online)
Financial elder abuse : findings from a UK study of Court of Protection cases
Gilhooly, M.L., Dalley, G., Gilhooly, K.J., Harries, P., Sullivan, M. and Levi, M.(2016). In: 2016 GSA Annual Scientific Meeting : New Lens on Aging : Changing Attitudes, Expanding Possibilities, 16-20 Nov 2016 :New Orleans, U.S.A.
Systematic review : interventions to improve driving ability after neurological impairment
Wightman, E and Harries, P(2015). 30 Jun - 02 Jul 2015 : Brighton, U.K.
Helping children to read : reducing the symptoms of visual stress using coloured lens spectacles
Harries, P, Hall, R and Stein, J(2014). In: College of Occupational Therapists 38th Annual Conference and Exhibition, 03 - 05 Jun 2014 :Brighton, U.K.
Detection and prevention of elder financial abuse in health and social care
Harries, P, Davies, M, Gilhooly, M, Carins, D and Gilhooly, K(2013). In: College of Occupational Therapists 37th Annual Conference and Exhibition, 18-20 Jun 2013 :Glasgow, U.K.
The journey into work : returning to work with a mental health problem
Blank, A and Harries, P(2008). In: College of Occupational Therapists 32nd Annual Conference and Exhibition, 10-13 Jun 2008 :Harrogate, U.K.