Professor Nada Philip
Faculties, deparments and locations
- Faculty of Engineering, Computing and the Environment
- Department of Networks and Digital Media
- School of Computer Science and Mathematics
- Penrhyn Road
- Email:
I am a Professor of Mobile health (mHealth) at Kingston University London and the founder of the research group Digital Media for Health in 2012. I obtained my PhD in mHealth with the thesis titled 'Medical Quality of Service for Optimised Ultrasound Streaming in Wireless Robotic Tele-ultrasonography System' from the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Computing at Kingston University, UK, in 2008.
My research interests are mainly in Data and Multimedia Communication, Networking and Information Technology in healthcare and medical applications. I have more than 15 years of experience in mHealth. I have been involved in many national and international mHealth projects in the areas of chronic disease management (e.g. diabetes, COPD and Cancer), decision support systems, behavioural change management, telehealth and telecare in developing countries, need assessment and evaluation of telehealth services, Social robotics, medical video streaming, medical Quality of Service and medical Quality of Experience and Big Data for Health, namely; OTELO, E-Dispute, Delphi, LTE-Health, WELCOME and AEGLE. I was part of one of the top 10 finalist teams (SCANURSE) of The Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE (2014) for developing innovative and integrated diagnostic technologies, helping citizens make their own reliable health diagnoses anywhere and anytime.
Current and previous work
- I author and co-author over 50 journals, peer-reviewed conferences, and book chapters.
- I am a member of the review panels for many Transactions and journals and a member of the program committee for a number of international conferences.
- I am a grant proposals reviewer on the MRC and the NIHR research bodies.
- I am a committee member (Industry relation coordinator) of the IEEE communication Society – Women in Communications Engineering (WICE) (2015-2017), which is a standing committee within the IEEE Communication Society (ComSoc). Its mission is to promote the visibility and roles of women communications engineers and to provide a venue for their professional growth.
- I am a fellow of the Higher Education Academy, a member of the Institute of Engineering Technology (IET), the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS).
- I was a member and editor of the ITU Focus Group, which is developing the standard for the M2M service layer for e-health.
- I was the Chair for many special sessions and workshops in major international conferences (e.g. IEEE/EMBC and MobiHealth).
- I have been an invited speaker at a number of Industrial, scientific, and governmental events (e.g. ETSI, British Council-BUIC and Intel).
- 2008 - PhD - Kingston University - UK
- 2003 - MSc - Data Communications - Brunel University - UK
- 1991 - BSc - Control and Instrumentation Engineering - University of Technology - Baghdad
Courses taught
- Software Engineering / with Management Studies MSc
- Networking & Data Communications / with Management Studies MSc
- Network & Information Security / with Management Studies MSc
- Information Systems MSc
- Game Development BSc (Hons)
- Computer Science BSc (Hons)
- Cyber Security & Digital Forensics BSc (Hons)
- KTP – Salutem: Digital health technology to support personalized care home service delivery for people with autism and learning difficulties. £220,000. 2021-2023.
- I am the PI in this project. The project investigates the introduction of digital health into the social home care sector. One of the main scenarios to address here is to support carers to predict distress for residents with autism and learning disabilities using ehealth and environment remote monitoring, wearables, IoT, and AI technologies.
- KTP - Pangea: The project aims to deliver enriched video compression for effectively streaming video over 5G networks to deliver huge benefits to emergency services including CTTV, in-car Video and healthcare. £266,628. 2019-2022.
- I am co-PI in this project. I am leading on the ambulance healthcare scenario (5G smart ambulance) and the communications on the vital signs and end-to-end video streaming and related QoE between the ambulance and the A&E department at the hospital.
- EU H2020: AEGLE - An analytics framework for integrated and personalized healthcare services in Europe. Euro 718,142. 2015 – 2019.
- I am the PI in this project. This is recognized as a Flagship project for Big Data and I am also the technical lead in this project. My role is to design the AI and Big data analytics of the AEGLE system and then lead the technical integration and validation of the whole AEGLE project.
- British Council UKIERI programme: ‘Study and development of non-invasive ambulatory respiratory and cardiac monitoring system for mobile health monitoring using photonic crystal fibre'. Prof. Andy Augousti. £39, 959. 2015 – 2016
- I am co-PI in this project and my role is to investigate the mobile health data monitoring aspects that include design and development of the data acquisition module to acquire data from this novel optical sensor.
- KTP – Entryphone: ‘Develop and embed remote door intercom, CCTV and access control technologies enabling users to securely interact with their entry door, through their personal devices from anywhere in the world'. £334.990, 2016-2018.
- I am co-PI in this KTP. My responsibility is the end-to-end video streaming and related QoE control.
- EU FP7: WELCOME - Wearable Sensing and Smart Cloud Computing for Integrated Care to COPD Patients with Comorbidities – 2013-2017. EU FP7. Euro 631,351. 2013-2017.
- I am co-PI in this project. This is recognised as a Flagship project for integrated and connected care. I am also the technical lead in this project. My role is to design the patient hub based on Internet of Things principles for the system and then lead the technical integration of the whole WELCOME project.
- EU FP7 Marie Curie Actions Incoming International Fellowships (IIF) - "LTeHealth – Long-Term e-Health Evolution for Improving Diabetic Social and Behavioural Change Management". Euro 270,680. 2012-2014.
- I am the PI in this project and my role is to supervise a senior researcher in the development of a social robotic platform to monitor and manage Type 1 Diabetic patients to change their behaviour towards a better lifestyle.
- The Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE (2014): (SCANURSE) ‘Developing innovative and integrated diagnostic technologies, helping citizens make their own reliable health diagnoses anywhere and anytime'. (2014).
- I was contacted by the SCANURSE founder to contribute towards the design of the Tricorder. I was the lead from Kingston in this application. We were one of the 10 finalists in the competition. My role was to design the SCANURSE device and user interfaces. In this proposal I mentored a non-research active academic staff member which will definitely help to build Kingston's research community. Kingston Team and its contribution are clearly shown in this link
- SCANURSE was the only entry from Britain in this worldwide competition. This is an article in the Sunday Times newspaper about Kingston University contribution in the competition
- British Council DELPHI grant for "e-health inclusion in Medical Higher education in Developing countries". £72,000. 2010-2012.
- I was co-PI in this project. My role is to train and teach healthcare professionals from the developing countries and post-war Middle Eastern countries, including Iraq, in the area of e-health and its inclusion in their medical school teaching and learning curriculum and strategy. The project was ranked as one of the best for that call in terms of results achieved.
- London Creative and Digital Fusion Collaborative Awards Application: Feasibility and acceptability of using a digital platform to deliver content of the Bridges stroke workbook and carers' booklet'. £10,000. 2014.
- I was the PI in this project.
- London Creative and Digital Fusion Collaborative Awards Application: Curated Mobile Health Application Store. £10,000. 2013.
- I was the PI in this project.
- International Travel Grant, Royal Academy of Engineering, International Travel Grant, IJB/KN/10-875, 2010, £600.
- I was the PI in this project.
- Philips: Feasibility study for Location Technologies within Healthcare Institutions, Industrial project, 2009, £4,000.
- I was co-PI in this project.
A data analytics suite for exploratory predictive, and visual analysis of Type 2 Diabetes
Philip, Nada Y., Razaak, Manzoor, Chang, John, M, Suchetha., O'Kane, Maurice and Pierscionek, Barbara K., 2022, IEEE Access (10), pp 13460-13471
Variational mode decomposition based retinal area detection and merging of superpixels in SLO image
Manikandan, Suchetha, Deepika, V. and Philip, Nada, 2021, Current Signal Transduction Therapy (16), 2, pp 178-190
Internet of Things for in-home health monitoring systems : current advances, challenges and future directions
Philip, Nada Y., Rodrigues, Joel J. P. C., Wang, Honggang, Fong, Simon James and Chen, Jia, 2021, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (39), 2, pp 300-310
Time series classification based correlational neural network with bidirectional LSTM for automated detection of kidney disease
Bhaskar, Navaneeth, M, Suchetha and Philip, Nada Y, 2021, IEEE Sensors Journal (21), 4, pp 4811-4818
QI-BRiCE : Quality Index for Bleeding Regions in Capsule Endoscopy Videos
Usman, Muhammad Arslan, Usman, Muhammad Rehan, Satrya, Gandeva Bayu, Muhammad Ashfaq, Khan, Politis, Christos, Philip, Nada and Shin, Soo Young, 2021, (67), 2, pp 1697-1712
Suitability of VVC and HEVC for video telehealth systems
Usman, Muhammad Arslan, Usman, Muhammad Rehan, Naqvi, Rizwan Ali, Mcphilips, Bernie, Romeika, Christopher, Cunliffe, Daniel, Politis, Christos and Philip, Nada, 2021, (67), 1, pp 529-547
Development and evaluation of an educational game to support pharmacy students
Kayyali, Reem, Nabhani, Shereen, Harrap, Nicola, Ishtiaq, Sonya, Ling, Victoria, Dudzinski, Maciej, Greenhill, Darrel, Caton, Hope, Philip, Nada and Wells, Joshua, 2020, Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning (12), 7, pp 786-803
Big Data and diabetes : the applications of Big Data for diabetes care now and in the future
Rumbold, J. M. M., O'Kane, M., Philip, N. and Pierscionek, B. K., 2020, Diabetic Medicine (37), 2, pp 187-193
A systematic review of reviews to identify key research opportunities within the field of eHealth implementation
Ahmed, Bakhtiyar, Dannhauser, Thomas and Philip, Nada, 2019, Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare (25), 5, pp 276-285
Multilayer perceptron neural network-based QoS-aware, content-aware and device-aware QoE prediction model : a proposed prediction model for medical ultrasound streaming over small cell networks
Rehman, Ikram U., Nasralla, Moustafa M. and Philip, Nada Y., 2019, Electronics (8), 2, pp 194
Features of a mobile support app for patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease : literature review and current applications
Sobnath, Drishty D, Philip, Nada, Kayyali, Reem, Nabhani-Gebara, Shereen, Pierscionek, Barbara, Vaes, Anouk W, Spruit, Martijn A and Kaimakamis, Evangelos, 2017, JMIR mHealth and uHealth (5), 2, pp e17
Qualitative investigation into a wearable system for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease : the stakeholders' perspective
Kayyali, Reem, Savickas, Vilius, Spruit, Martijn A, Kaimakamis, Evangelos, Siva, Roshan, Costello, Richard W, Chang, John, Pierscionek, Barbara, Davies, Nikki, Vaes, Anouk W, Paradiso, Rita, Philip, Nada, Perantoni, Eleni, D'Arcy, Shona, Raptopoulos, Andreas and Nabhani-Gebara, Shereen, 2016, BMJ Open (6), 8, pp e011657
Design and usability ealuation of social mobile diabetes management system in the Gulf Region
Alanzi, Turki, Istepanian, Robert and Philip, Nada, 2016, JMIR Research Protocols (5), 3, pp e93
Evaluation of a Telehealth Service for COPD and HF patients: Clinical outcome and patients’ perceptions
Odeh, Bassel, Kayyali, Reem, Nabhani-Gebara, Shereen, Philip, Nada, Robinson, Patricia and Russell Wallace, Catherine, 2015, Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare (21), 5, pp 292-297
Optimizing cancer care through mobile health
Odeh, Bassel, Kayyali, Reem, Elnabhani, Shereen and Philip, Nada, 2015, Support Care Cancer (23), 7, pp 2183-2188
Implementing a telehealth service: nurses' perceptions and experiences
Odeh, Bassel, Kayyali, Reem, Elnabhani-Gebara, Shereen and Philip, Nada, 2014, British Journal of Nursing (23), 21, pp 1133-1137
Exploring COPD care pathway in different EU countries
Kayyali, Reem, Odeh, Bassel, Frerichs, Inez, Davies, Nikki, Perantoni, Eleni, D'Arcy, Shona, Vaes, Anouk, Elnabhani, Shereen, Chang, Jong, Spruit, Martin A, Deering, Brenda, Philip, Nada, Siva, Rosan, Kaimakamis, Evangelos, Chouvarda, Ioanna, Pierscionek, Barbara, Weiler, Norbert and Raptopoulos, Andreas, 2014, European Respiratory Journal (44), 1
A Feasibility Study of Mobile Phone Text Messaging to Support Education and Management of Type 2 Diabetes in Iraq
Haddad, Nazar S., Istepanian, Robert, Philip, Nada, Khazaal, Faris A. K., Hamdan, Thamer A., Pickles, Timothy, Amso, Nazar and Gregory, John W., 2014, (16), 7, pp 454-459
Cross-layer design for optimized region of interest of ultrasound video data over mobile WiMAX
Debono, C. J., Micallef, B. W., Philip, N., Alinejad, A., Istepanian, R. S. H. and Amso, N. N., 2012, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine (16), 6, pp 1007-1014
Cross layer ultrasound video streaming over Mobile WiMAX and HSUPA networks
Alinejad, A., Philip, N. and Istepanian, R., 2012, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine (16), 1, pp 31-39
Robust multi-layer control for enhanced wireless telemedical video streaming
Martini, M.G., Istepanian, R. S. H., Mazzotti, M. and Philip, N. Y., 2010, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (9), 1, pp 5-16
Medical QoS provision based on reinforcement learning in ultrasound streaming over 3.5G wireless systems
Istepanian, Robert. S. H., Philip, Nada Y. and Martini, Maria. G., 2009, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (27), 4, pp 566-574
Medical Quality of Service (m-QoS) and Quality of Experience (m-QoE) for 4G-health Systems
Istepanian, Robert S. H., Alinejad, Ali and Philip, Nada Y. (2013). In: Farrugia, Reuben A., (eds.) and Debono, Carl J., (eds.), Multimedia Networking and Coding. Hershey, PA, US: IGI Global, pp 359-376
3G/WLAN cross-layer design for medical video transmission in wireless robotic teleultrasonography
Martini, M.G., Istepanian, R.S.H., Mazzottii, M. and Philip, N. (2008). In: Xiao, Y, (eds.) and Chen, H, (eds.), Mobile Telemedicine: a computing and networking perspective. Boca Racton, Florida, U.S.: Auerbach Publications CRC Press
Optimisation Issues of High Throughput Medical Data and Video Streaming Traffic in 3G Wireless Environments
Istepanian, R S H and Philip, N (2005). In: Bos, Lodewijk, (eds.), Laxminarayan, Swamy, (eds.) and Marsh, Andy, (eds.), Medical and Care Compunetics 2. IOS Press, pp 125-131
Non-telephone healthcare: the role of 4G and emerging mobile systems for future m-health systems.
Istepanian, R, Philip, N, Wang, X H and Laxminarayan, S (2004). In: Bos, L., (eds.), Laxminarayan, S., (eds.) and Marsh, A., (eds.), Medical and Care Compunetics 1. IOS Press, pp 465-470
Non-telephone healthcare: the role of 4G and emerging mobile systems for future m-health systems
Istepanian, R. S. H., Philip, N., Wang, X. H. and Laxminarayan, S. (2004). In: Bos, Lodewijk, (eds.), Laxminarayan, Swamy, (eds.) and Marsh, Andy, (eds.), Medical and Care Compunetics 1. Amsterdam, Netherlands: IOS Press, pp 465-470
Classification of retinal lesions in fundus images using atrous convolutional neural network
Radha, Suchetha, Raman, Rajiv, Madhumitha, Meena, Sorna, Sruthi and Philip, Nada(2020). In: Virtual International Conference on Futuristic Communication and Network Technologies (VICFCNT-2020), 06-07 Nov 2020 :Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India (held online)
5G enabled mobile healthcare for ambulances
Usman, Muhammad Arslan, Philip, Nada Y. and Politis, Christos(2019). In: 2019 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), 09-13 Dec 2019 :Waikoloa, HI, U.S.
Group-based key exchange for medical IoT Device-to-Device Communication (D2D) combining secret sharing and physical layer key exchange
Mustafa, Uzma and Philip, Nada(2019). In: 2019 IEEE 12th International Conference on Global Security, Safety and Sustainability (ICGS3), 16-18 Jan 2019 :London, U.K.
A novel privacy framework for secure M-Health applications : the case of the GDPR
Mustafa, Uzma, Pflugel, Eckhard and Philip, Nada(2019). In: 2019 IEEE 12th International Conference on Global Security, Safety and Sustainability (ICGS3), 16-18 Jan 2019 :London, U.K.
An informal carer hub to support carers looking after COPD patients in the UK and Netherlands
Sobnath, D. and Philip, N.(2018). In: 7th International Conference on FICTA (2018), 29 - 30 Nov 2018 :Da Nang, Vietnam
Small cell-based ambulance scenario for medical video streaming : a 5G-health use case
Rehman, Ikram Ur, Nasralla, Moustafa M., Ali, Ajaz and Philip, Nada(2018). 08 - 10 Oct 2018 : Islamabad, Pakistan
A Lean Design Thinking Methodology (LDTM) for machine learning and modern data projects
Ahmed, Bakhtiyar, Dannhauser, Thomas and Philip, Nada(2018). In: 10th Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CEEC), 19-21 Sep 2018 :Colchester, U.K.
Intervention evolution engine : an intelligent eHealth service delivery platform
Ahmed, Bakhtiyar, Dannhauser, Thomas and Philip, Nada(2018). In: 23rd UK Academy for Information Systems International Conference, 20 - 21 Mar 2018 :Oxford, U.K.
Design of a hybrid multi-occupant visitor communication and door control system
Adeyemi-Ejeye, A.O., Mehdi, M., Martini, M.G., Philip, N. and Orwell, J.(2017). In: 2017 IEEE 7th International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Berlin (ICCE-Berlin), 03-06 Sep 2017 :Berlin, Germany
User profiling for coordinated and integrated care
Kayyali, Reem, Nabhani-Gebara, Shereen, Hesso, Iman, Siva, Roshan, Kaimakamis, Evangelos, Vaes, Anouk W., Spruit, Martijn A., Chang, John, Costello, Richard, Philip, Nada, Pierscionek, Barbara and Maglaveras, Nicos(2016). In: 3rd IEEE International Conference on Biomedical and Health informatics, 24-27 Feb 2016 :Las Vegas, U.S.A
Towards 5G Health for Medical Video Streaming over Small Cells
Philip, Nada and Rehman, Ikram(2016). In: XIV Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (MediCon) 2016, 31st Mar - 2nd Apr 2016 :Paphos, Cyprus
Towards 5G Health for Medical Video Streaming over Small Cells
Philip, N. and Rehman, I. U.(2016). In: XIV Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 2016 (March 31st - April 2nd ) :PAPHOS, CYPRUS
A hybrid quality evaluation approach based on fuzzy inference system for medical video streaming over small cell technology
Rehman, Ikram U., Philip, Nada Y. and Nasralla, Moustafa M.(2016). In: 18th International Conference on e-Health, Networking, Application and Services (HealthCom), 14-17 Sep 2016 :Munich, Germany
m-QoS and m-QoE for medical video streaming over 4G and beyond small cells
Rehman, Ikram and Philip, Nada(2015). In: European Conference on Networks and Communications (EUCNC), 29 Jun - 02 Jul 2015 :Paris, France
AEGLE: A Big Bio-Data Analytics Framework for Integrated Health-Care Services
Soudris, Dimitrios, Xydis, Sotirios, Baloukas, Christos, Hadzidimitriou, Anastasia, Chouvarda, Ioanna, Stamatopoulos, Kostas, Maglaveras, Nicos, Chang, John, Raptopoulos, Andreas, Manset, David, Pierscionek, Barbara, Kayyali, Reem, Philip, Nada, Becker, Tobias, Vaporidi, Katerina, Kondili, Eumorphia, Georgopoulos, Dimitrios, Sutton, Lesley-Ann, Rosenquist, Richard, Scarfo, Lydia and Ghia, Paolo(2015). In: SAMOS XV, 20-23 Jul 2015 :Samos, Greece
M-QoE driven context, content and network aware medical video streaming based on fuzzy logic system over 4G and beyond small cells
Rehman, Ikram U. and Philip, Nada Y.(2015). In: EUROCON 2015 - International Conference on Computer as a Tool, 08-11 Sep 2015 :Salamanca, Spain
Sobnath, Drishty, Philip, Nada, Kayyali, Reem and Nabhani-Gebara, Shereen(2014). In: Mobihealth 2014- 4th International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare - "Transforming healthcare through innovations in mobile and wireless technologies", 3-5 Nov 2014 :Athens, Greece
Performance analysis of medical video streaming over 4G and beyond small cells for indoor and moving vehicle (ambulance) scenarios
Rehman, Ikram U., Philip, Nada and Istepanian, Robert S.H.(2014). In: 4th International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare - "Transforming healthcare through innovations in mobile and wireless technologies" (MobiHealth), 03 - 05 Nov 2014 :Athens, Greece
WELCOME – Innovative Integrated Care platform using Wearable Sensing and Smart Cloud Computing for COPD patients with Comorbidities
Chouvarda, Ioanna, Philip, Nada Y., Natsiavas, Pantelis, Kilintzis, Vasilis, Sobnath, Drishty, Kayyali, Reem, Henriques, Jorge, Paiva, Rui Pedro, Raptopoulos, Andreas, Chetelat, Olivier and Maglaveras, Nicos(2014). In: 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 26 - 30 Aug 2014 :Chicago, U.S.
Telehealth: what do we know and what is the future?
Odeh, Bassel, Kayyali, Reem, Elnabhani, Shereen, Philip, Nada and Pierscionek, Barbara(2014). In: Kingston Connections 2014, 21 - 29 Jun 2014 :Kingston upon Thames, U.K.
Acceptability of telehealth by elderly patients
Odeh, B., Philip, N., Kayyali, R., Elnabhani, S., Griffiths, C., Wigmore, B., Robinson, P. and Wallace, C.(2014). In: British Geriatrics Society Autumn Meeting, 20-23 Nov 2013 :Yorkshire
End-to-end delay distributions in wireless tele-ultrasonography medical systems
Chen, Yu, Darwazeh, Izzat, Philip, Nada and Istepanian, Robert(2013). In: 2013 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 09 - 13 Dec 2013 :Atlanta, U.S.
Impact of telehealth on patients' outcomes : a patients' perceptions evaluation study
Odeh, Bassel, Kayyali, Reem, Nabhani, Shereen, Philip, Nada, Wallace, Catherine, Wigmore, Belinda, Robinson, Patricia and Griffiths, Christine(2013). In: Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) Annual Conference 2013, 08-09 Sep 2013 :Birmingham, U.K.
Design and evaluation of an e-learning game for pharmacy students
Dudzinski, Maciej, Ishtiaq, Sonya, Gatsinzi, Francis, Greenhill, Darrel, Kayyali, Reem, Philip, Nada, Nabhani-Gebara, Shereen and Caton, Hope(2013). In: European Conference on Technology in the Classroom, 11-14 July 2013 :Brighton, UK
Evaluation of pharmacy students perceptions regarding the use of games to support their learning
Dudzinski, M., Ishtiaq, S., Gatsinzi, F., Greenhill, D., Kayyali, R., Philip, N., Nabhani-Gebara, S. and Caton, H.(2013). In: HEA STEM: Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 2013: Where practice and pedagogy meet, 17-18 April 2013 :Birmingham, UK
The design and evaluation of a multiplayer serious game for pharmacy students
Dudzinski, Maciej, Greenhill, Darrel, Kayyali, Reem, Nabhani-Gebara, Shereen, Philip, Nada, Caton, Hope, Ishtiaq, Sonya and Gatsinzi, Francis(2013). In: 7th European Conference on Games Based Learning, 3-4 Oct 2013 :Porto, Portugal
Dynamic subframe allocation for mobile broadband M-Health using IEEE 802.16j mobile multihop relay networks
Alinejad, Ali, Istepanian, Robert and Philip, Nada(2012). In: 34th Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference, 28 Aug - 01 Sep 2012 :San Diego, U.S.
Development of M-Health Monitoring Systems in India and Iraq
Mulvaney, D, Woodward, B, Datta, S, Harvey, P.D., Vyas, A.L., Farooq, O, Philip, N. and Istepanian, R. S. H.(2012). In: Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 28 Aug - 1 Sep 2012 :San Diego, U.S.A.
Mapping of multiple parameter M-Health scenarios to mobile WiMAX QoS variables
Alinejad, Ali, Philip, Nada and Istepanian, Robert(2011). In: 33rd Annual International IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society conference, 30 Aug - 3 Sept 2011 :Boston, U.S.
The potential of internet of m-health things “m-IoT” for non-invasive glucose level sensing
Istepanian, Robert, Hu, Sijung, Philip, Nada and Sungoor, Ala(2011). In: 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 30 Aug - 3 Sept 2011 :Boston, U.S.A.
Internet of m-health things m-IoT for elderly diabetes management
Sungoor, A., Philip, N., Faisal, A. and Istepanian, R.(2011). In: The Institution of Engineering and Technology Assisted Living, 6 Apr 2011 :London, U.K.
The potential of internet of m-health things "m-IoT" for non-invasive glucose level sensing
Istepanian, RSH, Hu, S, Philip, NY and Sungoor, A(2011). In: 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering-in-Medicine-and-Biology-Society (EMBS), 30 Aug - 3 Sep 2011 :Boston, MA
Performance analysis of medical video streaming over mobile WiMAX
Alinejad, Ali, Istepanian, Robert and Philip, Nada(2010). In: 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 03 Aug - 04 Sept 2010 :Buenos Aires, Argentina
Reinforcement learning algorithm for optimised cross layer medical video streaming over WiMAX networks
Alinejad, A., Philip, N. and Istepanian, R.(2010). In: 7th International Symposium on Communication systems, Networks and Digital signal processing, 21 July - 23 July 2010 :Newcastle, U.K.
Provisioning of medical quality of services for HSDPA and mobile WiMAX in healthcare applications
Istepanian, Robert and Philip, Nada(2009). In: 31st Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference, 02 - 06 Sep 2009 :Minneapolis, U.S.
Healthcare inspired cognitive radio systems
Istepanian, R. and Philip, N.(2009). In: The Institution of Engineering and Technology conference on Assisted Living, 24 March - 25 March 2009 :London, U.K.
Subjective and objective quality assessment in wireless teleultrasonography imaging
Istepanian, R.S.H., Philip, N., Martini, M.G., Amso, N. and Shorvon, P.(2008). In: 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 20 Aug - 25 Aug 2008 :Vancouver, Canada
A cross-layer approach for wireless medical video streaming in robotic teleultrasonography
Martini, M.G., Istepanian, R. S. H., Mazzotti, M. and Philip, N.(2007). In: 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 22 Aug - 26 Aug 2007 :Lyon, France
Medical quality of service for wireless ultrasound streaming in robotic tele-ultrasonography system
Philip, N. and Istepanian, R. S. H.(2007). In: IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, 15 April - 17 April 2007 :London, U.K.
The potential of mobile robotic TeleUlstrasound system for medical diagnostic and training
Istepanian, R.S.H., Amsou, N. and Philip, N.(2007). In: 21st International Congress and Exhibition on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS), 27 June - 30 June 2007 :Berlin, Germany
Medical complaints: A solution based on internet
Philip, N., Wang, X.H., Istepanian, R.S.H., Geake, T. and Huang, Wayne(2006). In: IET 3rd International Conference On Advances in Medical, Signal and Information Processing, 17 July - 19 July 2006 :Glasgow, U.K.
Fragility issues of medical video streaming over 802.11 e-WLAN m-health environments
Tan, Y.-Y.D., Philip, N. and Istepanian, R.S.H.(2006). In: 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 30 Aug - 3 Sept 2006 :New York, U.S.A.
Optimisation issues of high throughput medical data and video streaming traffic in 3G wireless environments
Istepanian, R.S.H. and Philip, N.(2005). In: Conference of the International Council on Medical and Care Compunetics, 01 - 03 Jun 2005 :The Hague, Netherlands
UMTS traffic analysis of wireless tele-echography robotic system
Istepanian, Robert S.H., Garawi, A. S. and Philip, N.(2005). In: Second Middle East Conference on Healthcare Informatics, 09 - 10 Apr 2005 :Dubai, Arab Emirates
Medical quality of service for optimized ultrasound streaming in wireless robotic tele-ultrasonography system
Philip, Nada Y. (2008), PhD thesis, Kingston University