Professor Jamshid Dehmeshki
Faculties, deparments and locations
- Faculty of Engineering, Computing and the Environment
- Department of Computer Science
- School of Computer Science and Mathematics
- Penrhyn Road
Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Medical Imaging
- Email:
I am an AI-driven research and software engineer with a passion for the application of AI in medicine. With 25+ years of mixed academic and commercial background, I have extensive expertise in identifying innovative AI-driven approaches to clinical research, digital technology platforms, and novel therapeutics. I have led the design and delivery of complex imaging clinical trials and diagnoses that required the best-in-breed technology solutions with a budget of £1M to £2M PA.
My broad experience includes enterprise development environments, medical device quality control, algorithm development, and patenting novel approaches to AI-driven medical image analysis. As a chief technology officer of several companies, I have led the delivery of several major medical software, computer-aided diagnosis, and clinical trial products that achieved FDA approval and CE marking, resulting in several patents.
I am a widely published academic and recognized speaker in the field of artificial intelligence, publishing more than 200 scientific research papers, book chapters, and holds several patents, particularly in the area of histology and computer-aided diagnosis systems to identify, quantify and characterise lesions in medical imaging, for cancer (eg. colon, lung and breast cancer) and vascular imaging (coronary artery disease, pulmonary embolism and brain, thoracic and abdominal aneurysm).
- Nottingham University PhD: Computer vision and artificial intelligence
- MSc in Computer Science
- BSc Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
I am currently teaching the following modules for postgraduate courses
- Software architecture including .NET core technology
- Software Quality assurance
and the following modules for undergraduate courses
- Parallel processing'
- Cloud computing
- Mobile application development
Courses taught
The primary purpose of my research is to develop AI-driven Cloud-based enterprise platform, novel medical image analysis algorithms and software to validate their effectiveness in a clinical environment.
My long-term research focuses on the application of AI in medicine, particularly computer-aided detection (CAD) and Measurement (CAM) of lesions in medical images. CAD research aims to discover the fundamental perception processes of human vision in the image-based diagnosis of lesions and develop mathematical/computational models that describe them. I have developed and applied CAD to lung cancer, colon cancer, breast, multiple sclerosis, neuropsychiatric disease, and dementia.
My current research has concentrated on detecting, measuring, and quantifying the vascular diseases (coronary artery disease, pulmonary embolism, brain aneurysm, abdominal and thoracic aneurysm and peripheral arteries disease) using CT angiography.
In addition, I have a successful career in the development of highly novel medical intelligent software within the imaging field, where I was responsible for leading the launch of many specialised products into the global marketplace.
- Artificial Intelligence
- Computer Aided diagnosis
- computer vision and image processing
- Enterprise and Cloud-base software development
- FDA, CE and ISO certificate
During the last 20 years, I was CTO of several commercial companies where I led and developed several AI-driven products with FDA and CE certificates. This includes;
- Medicsight Plc: I developed and patented three products in the field of Computer-Aided Diagnosis systems for Lung and colon cancer and coronary artery disease with FDA approval.
- Fuel3D Technology Limited: where I led a team to develop AI driven product for preclinical trail.
- Image Analysis Group Limited: where I led a team to develop several AI-driven and cloud-based enterprise platforms for several advanced imaging-based clinical trials.
In addition, I worked for several international companies as a consultancy for developing software for various applications. This includes;
- Materialise 3D printing
- Dexela limited
- Terahertz technology
- Tecan Group Ltd
Areas of interest
- Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing
- Cloud based software Architecture and development
- Computer Aided Diagnosis
- Software Quality Assurance, FDA and CE certificate
- Algorithms Development and Numerical Analysis
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Conference: Medical Image Understanding and Analysis
(2009). (BMVA)
Deployment of an artificial intelligence histology tool to aid qualitative assessment of histopathology using the Nancy Histopathology Index in ulcerative colitis
Rubin, David, Kubassova, Olga, Weber, Christopher R., Adsul, Shashi, Freire, Marcelo, Biedermann, Luc, Koelzer, Viktor H., Bressler, Brian, Xiong, Wei, Niess, Jan H., Matter, Matthias S., Kopylov, Uri, Barshack, Iris, Mayer, Chen, Magro, Fernando, Carneiro, Fatima, Maharshak, Nitsan, Greenberg, Ariel, Hart, Simon, Dehmeshki, Jamshid and Peyrin-Biroulet, Laurent, 2024, Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
MRI Digital Artery Volume Index (DAVIX) as a surrogate outcome measure of digital ulcer disease in patients with systemic sclerosis : a prospective cohort study
Hughes, Michael, Di Donato, Stefano, Gjeloshi, Klodian, Abignano, Giuseppina, Danzo, Fiammetta, Lettieri, Giovanni, De Lorenzis, Enrico, Bertham, Dominic, O'Connor, Philip, Kubassova, Olga, Dehmeshki, Jamshid and Del Galdo, Francesco, 2023, The Lancet Rheumatology (5), 10, pp E611-E621
Multimodal imaging of the distal interphalangeal-joint synovio-entheseal complex in psoriatic arthritis (MIDAS) : a cross-sectional study on the diagnostic accuracy of different imaging modalities comparing psoriatic arthritis to psoriasis and osteoarthritis
Guldberg-Møller, Jørgen, Mogensen, Mette, Ellegaard, Karen, Zavareh, Ali, Wakefield, Richard J., Tan, Ai Lyn, Boesen, Mikael, Dehmeshki, Jamshid, Kubassova, Olga, Dreyer, Lene, Henriksen, Marius and Kristensen, Lars Erik, 2022, RMD Open (8), 1, pp e002109
Kernel parameter optimization for support vector machine based on sliding mode control
Yalsavar, Maryam, Karimaghaee, Paknoosh, Sheikh-Akbari, Akbar, Khooban, Mohammad-Hassan, Dehmeshki, Jamshid and Al-Majeed, Salah, 2022, IEEE Access (10), pp 17003-17017
Three-dimensional adaptive image compression concept for medical imaging : application to computed tomography angiography for peripheral arteries
Fahrni, Guillaume, Rotzinger, David C., Nakajo, Chiaki, Dehmeshki, Jamshid and Qanadli, Salah Dine, 2022, Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease (9), 5, pp 137
Current landscape of imaging and the potential role for artificial intelligence in the management of COVID-19
Shaikh, Faiq, Andersen, Michael Brun, Sohail, M. Rizwan, Mulero, Francisca, Awan, Omer, Dupont-Roettger, Diana, Kubassova, Olga, Dehmeshki, Jamshid and Bisdas, Sotirios, 2021, Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology (50), 3, pp 430-435
Unsupervised automated retinal vessel segmentation based on Radon line detector and morphological reconstruction
Tavakoli, Meysam, Mehdizadeh, Alireza, Pourreza Shahri, Reza and Dehmeshki, Jamshid, 2021, IET Image Processing (15), 7, pp 1484-1498
Artificial Intelligence-based clinical decision support systems using advanced medical imaging and radiomics
Shaikh, Faiq, Dehmeshki, Jamshid, Bisdas, Sotirios, Roettger-Dupont, Diana, Kubassova, Olga, Aziz, Mehwish and Awan, Omer, 2021, Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology (50), 2, pp 262-267
Automated microaneurysms detection in retinal images using radon transform and supervised learning : application to mass screening of diabetic retinopathy
Tavakoli, Meysam, Mehdizadeh, Alireza, Aghayan, Afshin, Shahri, Reza Pourreza, Ellis, Tim and Dehmeshki, Jamshid, 2021, IEEE Access (9), pp 67302-67314
The role of imaging biomarkers derived from advanced imaging and radiomics in the management of brain tumors
Shaikh, Faiq, Dupont-Roettger, Diana, Dehmeshki, Jamshid, Awan, Omer, Kubassova, Olga and Bisdas, Sotirios, 2020, Frontiers in Oncology (10), pp 559946
Advanced imaging of biochemical recurrent prostate cancer with PET, MRI, and radiomics
Shaikh, Faiq, Dupont-Roettger, Diana, Dehmeshki, Jamshid, Kubassova, Olga and Quraishi, Mohammed I., 2020, Frontiers in Oncology (10), pp 1359
The usability aspects of medication-related decision support systems in the inpatient setting : a systematic review
Knols, Bram, Louws, Mathijs, Hardenbol, Alec, Dehmeshki, Jamshid and Askari, Marjan, 2020, Health Informatics Journal (26), 1, pp 613-627
Genetic algorithm based feature selection combined with dual classification for the automated detection of proliferative diabetic retinopathy
Welikala, R.A., Fraz, M.M., Dehmeshki, J., Hoppe, A., Tah, V., Mann, S., Williamson, T.H. and Barman, S.A., 2015, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics (43), pp 64-77
Analysis of partial volume effects on accurate measurement of the hippocampus volume
Hajiesmaeili, M., Dehmeshki, J. and Ellis, T. J., 2014, Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China (2)
Automated detection of proliferative diabetic retinopathy using a modified line operator and dual classification
Welikala, R.A., Dehmeshki, J., Hoppe, A., Tah, V., Mann, S., Williamson, T.H. and Barman, S. A., 2014, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine (114), 3, pp 247-261
Planar numerical signature theory applied to object recognition
Aghayan, Reza, Ellis, Tim and Dehmeshki, Jamshid, 2014, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision (48), 3, pp 583-605
An automatic approach for learning and tuning Gaussian interval type-2 fuzzy membership functions applied to lung CAD classification system
Hosseini, Rahil, Qanadli, Salah, Barman, Sarah, Mazinani, Mahdi, Ellis, Tim and Dehmeshki, Jamshid, 2012, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems (20), 2, pp 224-234
A 3D approach for extraction of the coronary artery and quantification of the stenosis
Mazinani, Mahdi, Qanadli, S.D., Hosseini, Rahil, Ellis, Tim and Dehmeshki, Jamshid, 2011, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 59, pp 1655-1659
Variability of ascending aorta diameter measurements as assessed with electrocardiography-gated multidetector computerized tomography and computer assisted diagnosis software
Lu, Tri-Linh Christian, Rizzo, Elena, Marques-Vidal, Pedro Manuel, Segesser, Ludwig Karl von, Dehmeshki, Jamshid and Qanadli, Shalah, 2010, Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery (10), 2, pp 217-221
Shape based computer-aided detection of lung nodules in thoracic CT images
Ye, X., Lin, X., Dehmeshki, J., Slabaugh, G. and Beddoe, G, 2009, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (56), 7, pp 1810 - 1820
Ascending aorta measurements as assessed by ECG-gated multi-detector computed tomography: a pilot study to establish normative values for transcatheter therapies
Lu, Tri-Linh C., Huber, Christoph H., Rizzo, Elena, Dehmeshki, Jashmid, von Segesser, Ludwig K. and Qanadli, Salah D., 2009, European Radiography (19), 3, pp 664-669
Segmentation of pulmonary nodules in thoracic CT scans: a region growing approach
Dehmeshki, Jamshid, Amin, Hamdan, Valdivieso, Manlio and Ye, Xujiong, 2008, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (27), 4, pp 467-80
Automated detection of lung nodules in CT images using shape-based genetic algorithm
Dehmeshki, J., Ye, X., Lin, X., Valdivieso, M.C. and Amin, H., 2007, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics (31), 6, pp 408-417
Computer-assisted detection software for CT colonography: effect of sphericity filter on performance characteristics for patients with and without fecal tagging
Dehmeshki, Jamshid, Halligan, Steve, Taylor, Stuart A., Roddie, Mary E., McQuillan, Justine, Honeyfield, Lesley and Amin, Hamdan, 2007, European Radiology (17), 3, pp 650-661
Volumetric quantification of atherosclerotic plaque in CT considering partial volume effect
Dehmeshki, Jamshid, Ye, Xujiong, Amin, Hamdan, Abaei, Maryam, Lin, Xin Yu and Qanadli, Salah D., 2007, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (26), 3, pp 273-282
CT colonography: automatic measurment of polyp diameter compared with manual assesment in-vivo
Burling, D., Halligan, S., Taylor, S.A., Roddie, M.E., Slater, A., Honeyfield, L., Amin, H. and Dehmeshki, J., 2007, Clinical Radiology (62), 2, pp 145 -151
CT Colonography: Automated Measurement of Colonic Polyps Compared with Manual Techniques—Human in Vitro Study
Taylor, Stuart A., Slater, Andrew, Halligan, Steve, Honeyfield, Lesley, Roddie, Mary E., Demeshski, Jamshid, Amin, Hamdan and Burling, David, 2007, Radiology (242), 1, pp 120-128
Computed tomographic colonography: assessment of radiologist performance with and without computer-aided detection
Halligan, Steve, Altman, Douglas G., Mallett, Susan, Taylor, Stuart A., Burling, David, Roddie, MaryE., Honeyfield, Lesley, McQuillan, Justine, Amin, Hamdan and Dehmeshki, Jamshid, 2006, Gastroenterology (131), 6, pp 1690-1699
Computer-assisted detection for CT colonography: external validation
Halligan, S., Dehmeshki, J., Taylor, A, Amin, H., Ye, X., Tsang, J. and Roddie, M.E., 2006, Clinical Radiology (61), 9, pp 758-63
Polyp detection with CT colonography: primary 3D endoluminal analysis versus primary 2D transverse analysis with computer-assisted reader software
Taylor, Stuart A., Halligan, Steve, Slater, Andrew, Goh, Vicky, Burling, David N., Roddie, Mary E., Honeyfield, Leslie, McQuillan, Justine, Amin, Hamdan and Dehmeshki, Jamshid, 2006, Radiology (239), 3, pp 759-767
Computer assisted reader software versus expert reviewers for polyp detection on CT colonography
Taylor, A, Halligan, S., Burling, D., Roddie, M.E., Honeyfield, L., Amin, H. and Dehmeshki, J., 2006, American Journal of Roentgenology (186), 3, pp 696-702
CT colonography: automated diameter and volume measurement of colonic polyps compared with a manual technique
Burling, David, Halligan, Steve, Roddie, Mary, McQuillan, Justine, Honeyfield, Lesley, Amin, Hamdan, Dehmeshki, Jamshid, Taylor, Stuart A. and McFarland, Elizabeth, 2005, Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography (29), 3, pp 387-393
Disability in multiple sclerosis is related to normal appearing brain tissue MTR histogram abnormalities
Traboulsee, A., Dehmeshki, J., Peters, K.R., Griffin, C.M., Brex, P.A., Silver, N.C., Ciccarrelli, O., Chard, D.T., Barker, G.J., Thompson, A.J. and Miller, D.H., 2003, Multiple Sclerosis (9), 6, pp 566-573
The normal appearing grey matter in primary progressive multiple sclerosis. A magnetisation transfer imaging study
Dehmeshki, J., Chard, D.T., Leary, S.M., Watt, H.C., Silver, N.C., Tofts, P.S., Thompson, A.J. and Miller, D.H., 2003, Journal of Neurology (250), 1, pp 67-74
T1 histograms of normal-appearing brain tissue are abnormal in early relapsing-remitting Multiple Sclerosis
Griffin, C.M., Dehmeshki, Jamshid, Chard, D.T., Parker, G.J., Barker, G.J., Thompson, A.J. and Miller, D.H., 2002, Multiple Sclerosis (8), 3, pp 211-216 (6)
Classification of disease subgroup and correlation with disease severity using magnetic resonance imaging whole-brain histograms: application to magnetization transfer ratios and multiple sclerosis
Dehmeshki, J., Barker, G.J. and Tofts, P.S., 2002, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (21), 4, pp 320-331
Systematic lupus erythematosus: diagnostic application of magnetization transfer ratio histograms in patients with neuropsychiatric symptoms - initial results
Dehmeshki, J, Van Buchem, M, Bosma, G P T, Huizinga, T W J and Tofts, P S, 2002, Radiology (222), 3, pp 722-728
Normal-appearing brain tissue MTR histograms in clinically isolated syndromes suggestive of MS
Traboulsee, A., Dehmeshki, Jamshid, Brex, P.A., Dalton, C.M., Chard, D.T., Barker, G.J., Plant, G.T. and Miller, D.H., 2002, Journal of Neurology (59), 1, pp 126-128
Analysis of MTR histograms in multiple sclerosis using principal components and multiple discriminant analysis
Dehmeshki, J., Ruto, A.C., Arridge, S., Silver, N.C., Miller, D.H. and Tofts, P.S., 2001, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (46), 3, pp 600-609
Magnetisation transfer ratio histogram analysis of primary progressive and other multiple sclerosis subgroups
Dehmeshki, J., Silver, N.C., Leary, S.M., Tofts, P.S., Thompson, A.J. and Miller, D.H., 2001, Journal of the Neurological Sciences (185), 1, pp 11-17
An adaptive segmentation and 3-D visualisation of the lung
Dehmeshki, Jamshid, 1999, Pattern Recognition Letters (20), 9, pp 919-926
Automatic delineation and 3-D visualisation of the human ventricular system using probabilistic neural networks
Hatfield, F.N. and Dehmeshki, J., 1998, Proceedings - SPIE the International Society for Optical Engineering (3409), pp 361-367
Computer Aided Detection and Measurement of Peripheral Artery Disease
Dehmeshki, J., Ion, A., Ellis, T.J., Doenz, F., Jouannic, A.M. and Qanadli, S. (2014). In: Lovis, Christian, (eds.), Séroussi, Brigitte, (eds.), Hasman, Arie, (eds.), Pape-Haugaard, Louise, (eds.), Saka, Osman, (eds.) and Andersen, Stig Kjær, (eds.), Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. IOS Press, pp 1153-1157
Histograms: Measuring subtle diffuse disease
Tofts, Paul S., Davies, Gerard R. and Dehmeshki, Jamshid (2003). In: Tofts, Paul, (ed.), Quantitative MRI of the Brain - Measuring changes caused by disease. Chichester, UK:, pp 581-610
A rule-based scheme for filtering examples from majority class in an imbalanced training set
Dehmeshki, Jamshid, Karakoy, Mustafa and Casique, Manlio Valdivieso (2003). In: Perner, Petra, (eds.) and Rosenfeld, Azriel, (eds.), Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition. Heidleberg: Springer Verlag, pp 215-223
An Adaptive Stochastic Approach for Soft Segmentation of Remotely Sensed Images
Dehmeshki, J., Daemi, M. F. and Mather, P. M. (1996). In: Binaghi, E., (eds.), Brivio, P. A., (eds.) and Rampini, A., (eds.), Soft Computing in Remote Sensing Data Analysis XI. World Scientific Publishing, pp 211-221
MRI Digital Artery Volume Index (Davix©) as quantitative, continuous imaging outcome measure of vascular disease in systemic sclerosis
Hughes, M., Di Donato, S., Gjeloshi, K., Abignano, G., Danzo, F., Lettieri, G., De Lorenzis, E., Bertham, D., O’Connor, P., Kubassova, O., Dehmeshki, J. and Del Galdo, F.(2023). In: EULAR 2023 European Congress of Rheumatology, 31 May - 03 Jun 2023 :Milan, Italy
A novel AI tool is accurate at interpreting histology and detects response to neihulizumab therapy in patients with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis : proof of concept
Rubin, David T., Dehmeshki, Jamshid, Hall, Jesse, Cho, Iming, Chiang, Evelyn, Lin, Shih-Yao, Hart, Simon and Kubassova, Olga(2023). In: Digestive Disease Week (DDW) 2023, 06-09 May 2023 :Chicago, U.S.
Deployment of an artificial intelligence tool for precision medicine in ulcerative colitis : preliminary data from 8 globally distributed clinical sites
Rubin, David T., Peyrin-Biroulet, Laurent, Weber, Christopher, Adsul, Shashi, Freire, Marcelo, Biedermann, Luc, Koelzer, Viktor, Bressler, Brian, Xiong, Wei, Niess, Jan, Matter, Matthias, Kopylov, Uri, Barshack, Iris, Mayer, Chen, Magro, Fernando, Carneiro, Fatima, Maharshak, Nitsan, Greenberg, Ariel, Hart, Simon, Dehmeshki, Jamshid and Kubassova, Olga(2023). In: Digestive Disease Week (DDW) 2023, 06-09 May 2023 :Chicago, U.S.
Deployment of an artificial intelligence tool for precision medicine in ulcerative colitis : preliminary data from 8 globally distributed clinical sites
Peyrin-Biroulet, L., Rubin, D., Weber, C., Adsul, S., Freire, M., Biedermann, L., Koelzer, V., Bressler, B., Xiong, W., Niess, J., Matthias Matter, M. M., Kopylov, U., Barshack, I., Mayer, C., Magro, F., Carneiro, F., Maharshak, N., Greenberg, A., Hart, S., Dehmeshki, J. and Kubassova, O.(2023). In: 18th Congress of ECCO, 01-04 Mar 2023 :Copenhagen, Denmark
An artificial intelligence–driven scoring system to measure histological disease activity in Ulcerative Colitis
Peyrin-Biroulet, L., Adsul, S., Dehmeshki, J. and Kubassova, O.(2022). In: 17th Congress OF ECCO, 16-19 Feb 2022 :Held online
Sliding mode control based support vector machine RBF kernel parameter optimization
Yalsavar, Maryam, Karimaghaee, Paknoosh, Sheikh-Akbari, Akbar, Dehmeshki, Jamshid, Khooban, Mohammad-Hassan and Al-Majeed, Salah(2019). In: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques (IST), 09-10 Dec 2019 :Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Initialisation of 3D level set for hippocampus segmentation from volumetric brain MR images
Hajiesmaeili, M., Dehmeshki, J., Bagheri Nakhjavanlo, B and Ellis, T. J.(2014). In: Sixth International Conference on Digital Image Processing, 5 Apr 2014 :Athens, Greece
Differing matched filter responsivity for the detection of proliferative diabetic retinopathy
Welikala, Roshan A., Tah, Vikas, Williamson, Tom H., Hoppe, Andreas, Dehmeshki, Jamishid and Barman, Sarah(2014). In: Computer Graphics and Imaging / 798: Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and Applications (CGIM 2013), 12-14 Feb 2013 :Innsbruck, Austria
Segmentation of the hippocampus for detection of Alzheimer's disease
Hajiesmaeili, Maryam, Bagherinakhjavanlo, Bashir, Dehmeshki, Jamshid and Ellis, Tim(2012). In: International Symposium on Visual Computing : 8th International Symposium, 16 - 18 Jul 2012 :Crete, Greece
A deformable model based on level sets for image segmentation
Bagheri Nakhjavanlo, B., Gharehveran, M. E., Hajiesmaeili, M., Ellis, T. J. and Dehmeshki, J.(2012). In: 2012 IEEE 8th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, 30 Aug - 01 Sep 2012 :Cluj-Napoca, Romania
A genetic fuzzy approach for rule extraction for rule-based classification with application to medical diagnosis
Hosseini, Rahil, Ellis, T., Mazinani, M and Dehmeshki, J.(2011). In: European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD), 05 - 09 Sep 2011 :Athens, Greece
Automatic segmentation of pulmonary artery (PA) in 3D pulmonary CTA images
Ebrahimdoost, Yousef, Qanadli, Salah D., Nikravanshalmani, Alireza, Ellis, Tim, Shojaee, Zahra Falah and Dehmeshki, Jamshid(2011). In: 17th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, 6-8 Jul 2011 :Corfu, Greece
New computer aided detection and measurement system for thoracic aortic aneurysms from CT angiography
Ferreira, F., Dehmeshki, J., Qanadli, S., Jouannic, A., Britten, A., Belli, A. and Dehkordi, M. E.(2011). In: 98th Annual Congress SGR-SSR, 09-12 Jun 2011 :Interlaken, Switzerland
A new multi level adaptive compression approach for CT angiography in teleradiology
Firoozbakht, M., Dehmeshki, J., Martini, M.G., Chouiter, A., Qanadli, S. and Lu, T.-L. C.(2011). In: 98th Annual Congress SGR-SSR, 09-12 Jun 2011 :Interlaken, Switzerland
Three-dimensional semi-automatic segmentation of intracranial aneurysms in CTA
Nikravanshalmani, A., Qanadli, S., Ellis, T., Crocker, M., Ebrahimdoost, F., Karamimohammadi, M. and Dehmeshki, J.(2011). In: The 10th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Biomedicine ( ITAB 2010), 3-5 Nov 2010 :Corfu, Greece
Reinvention rate after endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) and the role of automatic computer-aided detection and measurement (CAD-CAM) of preoperative abdominal aortic in aneurysm (AAA) morphology
Dehmeshki, J., Karthikesalingam, A., Holt, P., Patterson, B., Ghatwary, T., Hegde, S., Valipour, M., Ellis, T. and Qanadli, S.D.(2010). In: 96th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, 28 Nov - 3 Dec 2010 :Chicago, USA
A Genetic type-2 fuzzy logic system for pattern recognition in computer aided detection systems
Hosseini, R., Dehmeshki, J., Barman, S A, Mazinani, M and Qanadli, S.D.(2010). In: 2010 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ), 18-23 Jul 2010 :Barcelona, Spain
A multi scale approach for compression of vascular imaging
Firoozbakht, M., Dehmeshki, J., Martini, M., Ebrahimdoost, Y., Amin, H., Dehkordi, M., Jouannic, A and Qanadli, S.D.(2010). In: International Conference on Image and Video Processing and Computer Vision (IVPCV-10), 12 July - 14 July 2010 :Orlando, U.S.A.
Automated detection of peripheral arteries in CTA datasets
Ion, A, Dehmeshki, J, Amin, H, Jouannic, A and Qanadli, S(2010). In: 4th International Conference on the Digital Society, 10 - 16 Feb 2010 :St Maarten, Netherlands Antilles
A fuzzy logic system for classification of the lung nodule in digital images in computer aided detection
Hosseini, Rahil, Dehmeshki, Jamshid, Barman, Sarah A., Mazinani, Mahdi and Qanadli, Salah(2010). In: Fourth International Conference on Digital Society, ICDS 2010., 10-16 Feb 2010 :St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles
Automatic segmentation of soft plaque by modeling the partial volume problem in the coronary artery
Mazinani, Mahdi, Dehmeshki, J., Hosseini, Rahil, Ellis, T. and Qanadli, Salah D.(2010). In: Fourth International Conference on Digital Society, 10 Feb - 16 Feb 2010 :St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles
Compression of digital medical images based on multiple regions of interest
Firoozbakht, M., Dehmeshki, J., Martini, M., Ebrahimdoost, Y., Amin, H., Dehkordi, M., Youannic, A. and Qanadli, S.D.(2010). In: Fourth International Conference on Digital Society, 10 - 16 Feb 2010 :St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles
Medical image segmentation using active contours and a level set model: Application to pulmonary embolism (PE) segmentation
Ebrahimdoost, Y., Dehmeshki, J., Ellis, T., Firoozbakht, M., Jouannic, A and Qanadli, S.D.(2010). In: Fourth International Conference on Digital Society, 10 Feb - 16 Feb 2010 :St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles
An adaptive 3D region growing algorithm to automatically segment and identify thoracic aorta and its centerline using computed tomography angiography scans
Ferreira, F., Dehmeshki, J., Amin, H, Dehkordi, M.E., Belli, A., Jouannic, A. and Qanadli, S.(2010). In: Medical Imaging 2010: Computer-Aided Diagnosis, 13- 18 Feb 2010 :San Diego, California, U.S.A.
Computer aided detection of cerebral aneurysms using CT angiography
Shalmani, A.H., Dehmeshki, J., Qanadli, S. and Crocker, M.(2010). In: 2nd CADdemo@CARS Demonstration Workshop on Computer-Aided Detection and Diagnosis, 26 June 2010 :Geneva, Switzerland
Modeling uncertainty in classification design of computer aided detection
Hosseini, R., Dehmeshki, J., Barman, S A, Mazinani, M and Qanadli, S.D.(2010). In: SPIE Medical Imaging, Computer-Aided Diagnosis 2010, 16 Feb 2010 :San Diego, California, USA
Reintervention rate after endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) and the role of automatic computer-aided detection and measurement (CAD-CAM) of preoperative abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) morphology
Dehmeshki, Jamshid, Karthikesalingam, Alan, Holt, Peter, Patterson, Benjamin, Ghatwary, Tamer, Hegde, Siddharth, Valipour, Mohammad, Ellis, Tim and Qanadli, Salah(2010). In: 96th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, 28 Nov - 3 Dec 2010 :Chicago, USA
Automated detection of peripheral arteries in CTA datasets
Ion, A., Dehmeshki, J., Amin, H., Jouannic, A and Qanadli, S.D.(2009). In: 10th Annual Meeting of the Union of Vascular Societies of Switzerland, 4-6 Nov, 2009 :Lausanne, Switzerland
An adaptive 3D region growing algorithm to automatically segment and identify the thoracic aorta using CT angiography
Ferreira, F., Dehmeshki, J., Amin, H, Dehkordi, M.M.E., Britten, A.A., Belli, A., Jouannic, A. and Qanadli, S.D.(2009). In: 10th Annual Meeting of the Union of Vascular Societies of Switzerland, 4-6 Nov, 2009 :Lausanne, Switzerland
A fuzzy-based approach for quantification of degree of stenosis in coronary artery
Mazinani, M., Dehmeshki, J., Amin, H., Hosseini, R., Qanadli, S.D. and Jouannic, A.(2009). In: 10th Annual Meeting of the Union of Vascular Societies of Switzerland, 4-6 Nov, 2009 :Lausanne, Switzerland
A new lossy to lossless approach for compression of vascular imaging
Firoozbakht, M., Dehmeshki, J., Martini, M.G., Amin, H., Dehkordi, M.E. and Qanadli, S.D.(2009). In: 10th Annual Meeting of the Union of Vascular Societies of Switzerland, 4-6 Nov, 2009 :Lausanne, Switzerland
Computer aided detection and measurement of abdominal aortic aneurysm using computed tomography digital images
Dehmeshki, J., Amin, H., Dehkordi, M.E., Jouannic, A. and Qanadli, S.D.(2009). In: 3rd International Conference on Digital Society, 1-7 Feb 2009 :Cancun, Mexico
Accurate automatic segmentation and measurement of Aortic Aneurysm in CT Angiography
Dehmeshki, Jamshid, Amin, Hamdan, Jouannic, Anne-Marie, Daemi, Farhang, Yaghmai, Vahid and Qanadli, Salah(2007). In: 93rd Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, 25 - 30 Nov 2007 :Chicago, U.S.A.
CAD detection of early lung cancer: performance in conventional dose CT compared with low dose CT of the thorax
Roddie, M.E., Roberts, H., Bastarrika, G., Zulueta, J., Honeyfield, L., Ye, X. and Dehmeshki, J.(2007). In: European Congress of Radiology 2006, 03 - 07 Mar 2007 :Vienna, Austria
A smooth and stable fly- through scheme for virtual navigation of 3D colonography
Dehmeshki, Jamshid and Amin, Hamdan(2007). In: 3DTV Conference, 2007, 07 - 09 May 2007 :Kos Island, Greece
A hybrid approach for automated detection of lung nodules in CT images
Dehmeshki, J., Ye, X., Casique, M.V. and Lin, X.(2006). In: 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: Macro to Nano, 6-9 Apr 2006 :Arlington, VA
Reader Performance Using CT Colonography CAR Software: Benefit of Dedicated CT Colonography Training
Taylor, Stuart, Burling, David, Halligan, Steve, Roddie, Mary, Tsang, Julian and Dehmeshki, J.(2005). In: 91st Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, 27 Nov - 2 Dec 2005 :Chicago, U.S.A.
Classification of lung data by sampling and support vector machine
Dehmeshki, J., Chen, H., Casique, M.V. and Karakoy, M.(2005). In: 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 1-5 Sept 2004 :San Francisco, U.S.A.
How accurate is automatic nodule volume measurement? A comparison of two automatic nodule analysis software products using a Lung Nodule Phantom
Roddie, Mary, Ellis, Stephen, Valdiviesco-Casique, Manlio and Dehmeshki, Jamshid(2004). In: 90th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, 28 Nov - 3 Dec 2004 :Chicago, U.S.A.
Three-dimensional adaptive stochastic model to detect Atherosclerotic Plaques and improve reproducibility of Coronary Calcium Quantification with Multi-slice CT
Dehmeshki, Jamshid, Qanadli, Salah-Dine, Rizzo, Elena, Ye, Xujiong, Lin, Xin Yu and Abaei, M.(2004). In: 90th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, 28 Nov - 3 Dec 2004 :Chicago, U.S.A.
An accurate and reproducible scheme for quantification of coronary artery calcification in CT scans
Dehmeshki, J., Xujiong, Ye, Wang, F., Lin, Xin Yu, Abaei, M., Siddique, M.M. and Qanadli, S.D.(2004). In: 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 1-5 Sept 2004 :San Francisco, U.S.A.
Multiresolution active contour model applied on lung and colon images
Dehmeshki, Jamshid, Siddique, Musib, Wong, Wing and Ster, Irina(2004). In: Medical Imaging 2004: Image Processing, 16-19 Feb 2004 :San Diego, California, U.S.A.
Automatic identification of colonic polyp in high-resolution CT images
Dehmeshki, Jamshid, Amin, Hamdan, Wong, Wing, Dehkordi, Mandana Ebadian, Costello, John, Kamangari, Nahid and Roddie, Mary(2004). In: Medical Imaging 2004: Image Processing, 16-19 Feb 2004 :San Diego, California, U.S.A.
Computer-assisted detection (CAD) of pulmonary nodules on thoracic CT scans using image processing and classification techniques
Dehmeshki, Jamshid, Valdivieso-Casique, Manlio, Siddique, Musib, Dehkordi, Mandana E., Costello, John and Roddie, Mary(2004). In: Medical Imaging 2004: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment, 17-19 Feb 2004 :San Diego, California, U.S.A.
An innovative path planning and camera direction calculation method for virtual navigation
Dehmeshki, J., Lin, X.-Y., Siddique, M., Ye, X., Dehmeshki, F. and Roddie, M.(2004). In: Second IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, 16-18 Feb 2004 :Innsbruck, Austria
In vitro comparison of a new method of coronary artery calcium measurement with conventional calcium scoring techniques using multi-detector CT
Dehmeshki, J., Wang, F., Ye, X., Lin, X., Abaei, M., Costello, J. and Roddie, M.E.(2003). In: Interdisciplinary and Interuniversitary Cardiac CT and MR Meeting, 31 Oct - 1 Nov 2003 :Berlin, Germany
Automated detection of nodules in the CT lung images using multi-modal genetic algorithm
Dehmeshki, J., Siddique, M., Xin-Yu, Lin, Roddie, M. and Costello, J.(2003). In: 3rd International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, 18-20 Sept 2003 :Rome, Italy
Detection of coronary artery calcifications with multislice CT: optimization with a 3-D soft segmentation method
Qanadli, S.D., Costello, J., Rizzo, E., Bessoud, B., Schnyder, P. and Dehmeshki, J.(2003). In: CIRSE 2003, 20-24 Sept 2003 :Antalya, Turkey
Classification of coal images by a multi-scale segmentation technique
Dehmeshki, J., Daemi, M.F., Miles, N.J., Atkin, B.P. and Marston, R.E.(2002). In: International Symposium on Computer Vision, 21-23 Nov 1995 :Coral Gables, FL
A level set approach to determining brain region connectivity
Parker, G.J. and Dehmeshki, J.(2002). In: IWISPA 2000. Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis. in conjunction with 22nd International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces, 14-15 Jun 2000 :Pula, Croatia
Normal appearing brain tissue MTR abnormalities in patients with clinically isolated syndromes and early multiple sclerosis
Traboulsee, A., Dehmeshki, J., Barker, G.J. and Miller, D.H.(2002). In: ISRM 10th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, 18-24 May 2002 :Honolulu, USA
Matching MTR histograms for multi-centre studies
Toffs, Paul Stephen, Steens, Sca, Dehmeshki, Jamshid, Hofman, Paul, Van Waesberghe, Jan Hein and Van Buchem, Mark(2001). 21 - 27 Apr 2001 : Glasgow, U.K.
A diagnostic analysis of Magnetization Transfer Ratio (MTR) histograms in Neuropsychiatric Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (NPSLE) patients
Dehmeshki, Jamshid, Bosma, G.P.Th., Rood, M.J., Huizinga, T.W.J., Van Buchem, Mark and Tofts, Paul Stephen(2001). 21 - 27 Apr 2001 : Glasgow, U.K.
Improved correlation of MRT histograms with disability in primary progressive and relapsing onset Multiple Sclerosis using Principle Component Analysis
Dehmeshki, Jamshid, Tofts, Paul Stephen, Leary, S. M., Thompson, Alan P. and Miller, David H.(2001). 21 - 27 Apr 2001 : Glasgow, U.K.
Detection and classification of MS using magnetisation transfer ratio images
Dehmeshki, J., Ruto, A.C., Parker, G.J.M., Arridge, S., Miller, D.H. and Tofts, P.S.(2000). In: First International Workshop on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, 14 - 15 June 2000 :Pula, Croatia
Automatic delineation and 3D visualization of the human ventricular system using probabilistic neural networks
Hatfield, Fraser N. and Dehmeshki, Jamshid(1998). In: Electronic Imaging: Processing, Printing, and Publishing in Color, 18 May 1998 :Zurich, Switzerland
Automatic delineation and three dimensional visualization of the lungs
Dehmeshki, Jamshid and Hatfield, Fraser N.(1998). In: Electronic Imaging: Processing, Printing, and Publishing in Color, 18 May 1998 :Zurich, Switzerland
Automatic vision system for analysis of microscopic behavior of flow and transport in porous media
Rashidi, Mehdi, Dickenson, Eric, Dehmeshki, Jamshid and Daemi, Mohammad F.(1997). In: Applications of Digital Image Processing XX, 30 July - 1 Aug 1997 :San Diego, U.S.A.
Color image analysis of contaminants and bacteria transport in porous media
Rashidi, Mehdi, Dickenson, Eric, Dehmeshki, Jamshid, Daemi, Mohammad F. and Cole, Larry(1997). In: Algorithms, Devices, and Systems for Optical Information Processing, 28 - 29 July 1997 :San Diego, U.S.A.
Stochastic approach to texture analysis using probabilistic neural networks and Markov random fields
Dehmeshki, Jamshid, Daemi, Mohammad F., Hatfield, Fraser N. and Rashidi, Mehdi(1997). In: Applications of Digital Image Processing XX, 30 July - 1 Aug 1997 :San Diego, U.S.A.
Identification of quality of coal using an automated image analysis system
Dehmeshki, Jamshid, Daemi, Mohammad F., Miles, N.J. and Atkin, B.P.(1996). In: Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection IV, 31 Jan - 1 Feb 1996 :San Jose, CA, U.S.A.
An adaptive estimation and segmentation technique for determination of major maceral groups in coal
Dehmeshki, J., Daemi, M.F., Atkin, B.P. and Miles, N.J.(1995). In: Third International Computer Science Conference ICSC '95, 11 - 13 Dec 1995 :Hong Kong, China
Adaptive segmentation of remotely sensed images based on stochastic models
Dehmeshki, Jamshid, Daemi, Mohammad F., Marston, R.E., Mather, Paul and Sun, Zhen S.(1995). In: Geographic Information Systems, Photogrammetry, and Geological/Geophysical Remote Sensing, 17 Nov 1995 :Paris, France
Determination of major maceral groups in coal by automated image analysis procedures
Dehmeshki, Jamshid, Daemi, Mohammad F., Miles, N.J., Atkin, B.P. and Marston, R.E.(1995). In: Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XIV: Algorithms, Techniques, Active Vision, and Materials Handling, 23 - 26 Oct 1995 :Philadelphia, U.S.A.
Automatics MRI compression and segmentation using a stochastic model
Dehmeshki, J., Cole, O.B., Marston, R.E. and Daemi, M.F.(1995). In: Applications of digital image processing XVIII, 1995 :San Diego, CA