Professor Giampiero Favato
Faculties, deparments and locations
- Faculty of Business and Social Sciences
- Department of Accounting, Finance and Informatics
- Kingston Business School
- Kingston Hill
Director of Postgraduate Research
- Email:
I began my career in the life science industry in the corporate finance team of Eli Lilly & Co. In 1998, I moved to Schering-Plough as Business Unit Director. I was given a senior leadership role when Schering-Plough entered a joint venture with Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD) in 2001. After two decades of leadership in pharma, I moved into academia in 2006.
Since then, I have published widely in the fields of health economics, real options and, more recently, valuation under uncertainty. Essentially, I'm a researcher and a teacher. I am committed to making theoretical research relevant to policymakers and taught material relevant to managers.
My Teaching:
- 2019 - present
Financial Management (MBA), Kingston Business School - 2012 - present
Aspects of Financial Management in Health (ILMH), Kingston Business School - 2010 - present
Corporate Finance, Kingston Business School - 2006 - 2009
Corporate Finance (MBA), Henley Business School - 2006 - 2007
Managing Financial Resources, Henley Business School
- DBA, Henley Management College - Brunel University
- MBA, Booth Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago
- BSc Public Health, Oxford Brookes University
Teaching finance the "Kingston way."
Call to Action:
Why do students find learning finance so difficult? I kept asking this question to several cohorts of students engaged in MBA and MSc programmes. Finally, a student's answer led to an epiphany almost a decade ago.
"Because it (Finance) is a different way of thinking than most people are used to. It is hard to figure out how profit, loss, balance sheet and cash flow work together. Once you have an intuitive feel of how transactions affect a company, everything clicks."
This insight identified the main roadblock to learning, the difficulty of getting an "intuitive feel" for the subject. But it also uncovered a deeper issue: inherently, students reject the relevance of financial principles to Leadership by failing to link financial information to management decisions.
The challenge was to transform the consolidated rote learning into meaningful learning of financial principles, moving away from mnemonic repetitions to allow learners to connect their existing knowledge to the subject being learned.
The driver's view.
The starting point was establishing its relevance to Leadership, which was irreversibly lost with the rote learning strategy.
To lead essentially means to drive. Driving a car is a daily experience, a task performed intuitively, without the need for a cognitive effort. Hence driving is meaningful to most of us, and it is an analogy "relevant" to Leadership.
The second step was to come up with a second analogy, linking the financial framework (new knowledge) to the experience of driving a car (stored knowledge) in a "meaningful", effortless way.
When driving, what does the Driver most frequently check the gauge? The speedometer is conveniently placed in the centre of the dashboard. The speedometer is like the profit and loss: they indicate speed (distance over time the first, profit over sales the second).
The second most frequently checked gauge is the fuel gauge, which is like the statement of cash flow: both prevent the car from running on empty
The final gauge is the odometer, which indicates the total number of miles on the car. It reminds the usage of the car and the need for maintenance or replacement, similarly to the balance sheet.
Based on the two primary analogies, the entire curriculum of Management Accounting was derived effortlessly.
The novel teaching method went live for the first time over a decade ago, in 2012, in a two-day Executive Programme of Finance for non-Financials sponsored by a Turner, a Global Media Company. It made a visible difference in engagement and class participation and was followed by enthusiastically encouraging feedback from the participants.
Since then, I have used it to teach financial analysis to hundreds of adult learners, including Executives, Entrepreneurs, and graduate and undergraduate business students across Europe and South Africa.
The module still runs every academic year, maintaining its level of attainment.
In 2016, the Driver's view was awarded a 20-year international copyright
Courses taught
Over the last decade, the Kingston ILMH research team and I questioned the hypothesis that early cost-effectiveness studies could have underestimated the costs of not vaccinating boys. The research revealed that the herd immunity hypothesis did not reflect the complexities of human sexual behaviour. Additionally, other factors such as international travel also need consideration.This research helped establish that the policy was inherently discriminatory. Now, the next step was to utilise this research to bring about a policy change.
The impact of this work is apparent in other countries as well. In 2017, Italy adopted a gender-neutral HPV vaccination programme. In 2020, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control released guidance on HPV vaccination in EU countries, with a focus on shifting the priority of vaccination to gender-neutral national programmes. Moreover, gender-neutral HPV vaccination was approved in Serbia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Sweden, Germany and the Netherlands. In 2020, 50.1% of the EU population (before Brexit) has been covered by universal vaccination against HPV.
Thus, this research paved the way for an inclusive, more effective vaccination policy globally.
This summary is based on the REF 2021 Impact Case Study ‘The Cost-Effectiveness of Protecting Boys Against Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Infection'.
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine (RSM)
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Public Health (RSPH)
- Fellow of the European Cancer Organisation (ECCO) - HPV Group
- Public health policy
- Health economics
- Inequalities of health
- Impact of uncertainty on equity valuation
- Real Options
University responsibilities
- Director of Posgraduate Research
- Director of the Institute of Leadership and Management of Health (ILMH)
Corporate finance decisions in volatile economic times
Favato, Giampiero and Print, Carole (2008). Bloomington, U.S.: (
Intentional rounding : a realist evaluation using case studies in acute and care of older people hospital wards
Leamy, Mary, Sims, Sarah, Levenson, Ros, Davies, Nigel, Brearley, Sally, Gourlay, Stephen, Favato, Giampiero, Ross, Fiona and Harris, Ruth, 2023, BMC Health Services Research (23), pp 1341
Knowledge management in turbulent times : time-based scenario analysis of vaccinations against COVID-19
Mennini, Francesco Saverio, Magni, Domitilla, Daniele, Lucia Michela and Favato, Giampiero, 2022, Journal of Knowledge Management (26), 11, pp 71-88
From 15 minutes to 15 seconds : how the Delta variant changed the risk of exposure to COVID-19. A comparative epidemiological investigation using community mobility data from the metropolitan area of Genoa, Italy
Oliva, Cristina and Favato, Giampiero, 2022, Frontiers in Public Health (10), pp 872698
Hospital resource utilisation from HPV-related diseases in England. A real-world cost analysis
Fabiano, G., Marcellusi, A., Mennini, F.S., Sciattella, P. and Favato, G., 2022, The European Journal of Health Economics
Whether and when to invest in transportation projects : combining scenarios and real options to manage the uncertainty of costs and benefits
Di Maddaloni, Francesco, Favato, Giampiero and Vecchiato, Riccardo, 2022, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
Assessing the health and economic outcomes of a 9-valent HPV vaccination program in the United Kingdom
Owusu-Edusei, Kwame, Palmer, Cody, Ovcinnikova, Olga, Favato, Giampiero and Daniels, Vincent, 2022, Journal of Health Economics and Outcomes Research (9), 1, pp 140-150
Human papillomavirus in Italy : retrospective cohort analysis and preliminary vaccination effect from real-world data
Marcellusi, A., Mennini, F. S., Sciattella, P. and Favato, G., 2021, The European Journal of Health Economics (22), pp 1371-1379
R versus D, from knowledge creation to value appropriation : ownership of patents filed by European biotechnology founders
Fabiano, Gianluca, Marcellusi, Andrea and Favato, Giampiero, 2021, Technovation (108), pp 102328
Drug prices and value of oncology drugs in Italy
Russo, Pierluigi, Marcellusi, Andrea, Zanuzzi, Matteo, Carletto, Angelica, Fratto, Maria Elisabetta, Favato, Giampiero, Staniscia, Tommaso and Romano, Ferdinando Romano, 2021, Value in Health (24), 9, pp 1273-1278
Cross-regional variations of Covid-19 mortality in Italy : an ecological study
Oliva, Cristina, Di Maddaloni, Francesco, Marcellusi, Andrea and Favato, Giampiero, 2021, Journal of Public Health (43), 2, pp 261-269
Risk of exposure to COVID-19 : visit duration data can inform our daily activities choices. An epidemiological investigation using community mobility data from the metropolitan area of Genoa, Italy
Oliva, Cristina and Favato, Giampiero, 2021, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (18), 9, pp 4632
Budget impact analysis of Dalbavancin in the treatment of acute bacterial skin and skin structure infections in three European countries
Marcellusi, Andrea, Bini, Chiara, Andreoni, Massimo, Sarmati, Loredana, Espin, Jaime, Horcajada, Juan P., Czypionka, Thomas, Andretta, Davide, Sciattella, Paolo, Favato, Giampiero and Mennini, Francesco S., 2020, Clinical Drug Investigation (40), 4, pp 305-318
Channels and processes of knowledge transfer : how does knowledge move between university and industry?
Fabiano, Gianluca, Marcellusi, Andrea and Favato, Giampiero, 2020, Science and Public Policy (47), 2, pp 256-270
Public–private contribution to biopharmaceutical discoveries : a bibliometric analysis of biomedical research in UK
Fabiano, Gianluca, Marcellusi, Andrea and Favato, Giampiero, 2020, Scientometrics (124), 1, pp 153-168
Foresight, cognition, and long-term performance : insights from the automotive industry and opportunities for future research
Vecchiato, Riccardo, Favato, Giampiero, Di Maddaloni, Francesco and Do, Hang, 2020, (2), 1, pp e25
Intentional rounding in hospital wards to improve regular interaction and engagement between nurses and patients: a realist evaluation
Harris, Ruth, Sims, Sarah, Leamy, Mary, Levenson, Ros, Davies, Nigel, Brearley, Sally, Grant, Robert, Gourlay, Stephen, Favato, Giampiero and Ross, Fiona, 2019, Health Services and Delivery Research (7), 35
Economic burden of HPV9-related diseases : a real world cost analysis from Italy
Mennini, FS, Fabiano, G, Favato, G, Sciattella, P, Bonanni, P, Pinto, C and Marcellusi, A, 2019, European Journal of Health Economics (20), 6, pp 829-840
Cost-effectiveness of direct acting oral anticoagulants in the prevention of thromboembolic complications : limits and concerns of economic evaluations
Russo, Pierluigi, Rosano, Giuseppe, Favato, Giampiero, Staniscia, Tommaso and Romano, Ferdinando, 2019, Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine (20), 8, pp 500-503
Jabs for the boys : how the campaign for gender-neutral HPV vaccination was won in the UK
Baker, Peter, Prue, Gillian, Rae, Jamie, Winterflood, David and Favato, Giampiero, 2019, International Journal of Men's Social and Community Health (2), 1, pp e22-e32
Economic evaluation of the treatment of Acute Bacterial Skin and Skin Structure Infections (ABSSSIs) from the national payer perspective : introduction of a new treatment to the patient journey. A simulation of three European countries
Marcellusi, A., Viti, R., Sciattella, P., Sarmati, L., Streinu-Cercel, A., Pana, A., Espin, J., Horcajada, P., Favato, G., Andretta, D., Soro, M., Andreoni, M. and Mennini, F.S., 2019, Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (19), 5, pp 581-599
Manipulation of profits in Italian publicly funded healthcare trusts
Ibrahim, Salma, Noikokyris, Emmanouil, Fabiano, Gianluca and Favato, Giampiero, 2019, (39), 6, pp 428-435
Embedding real options in scenario planning : a new methodological approach
Favato, Giampiero and Vecchiato, Riccardo, 2017, Technological Forecasting and Social Change (124), pp 135-149
Ecological validity of cost-effectiveness models of universal HPV vaccination : a systematic literature review
Favato, Giampiero, Easton, Tania, Vecchiato, Riccardo and Noikokyris, Emmanouil, 2017, Vaccine (35), 20, pp 2622-2632
Ecological validity of cost-effectiveness models of universal HPV vaccination : a protocol for a systematic review
Favato, Giampiero, Noikokyris, Emmanouil and Vecchiato, Riccardo, 2017, Systematic Reviews (6), 17
What aspects of intentional rounding work in hospital wards, for whom and in what circumstances? A realist evaluation protocol
Harris, Ruth, Sims, Sarah, Levenson, Ros, Gourlay, Stephen, Ross, Fiona, Davies, Nigel, Brearley, Sally, Favato, Giampiero and Grant, Robert, 2017, BMJ Open (7), 1, pp e014776
Health data entanglement and artificial intelligence-based analysis : a brand new methodology to improve the effectiveness of healthcare services
Capone, A., Cicchetti, A., Marcellusi, A., Baio, G. and Favato, G., 2016, Clinica Terapeutica (167), 5
Cost-effectiveness analysis of universal human papillomavirus vaccination using a dynamic Bayesian methodology: The BEST II study
Haeussler, Katrin, Marcellusi, Andrea, Mennini, Francesco Saverio, Favato, Giampiero, Picardo, Mauro, Garganese, Giorgia, Bononi, Marco, Costa, Silvano, Scambia, Giovanni, Zweifel, Peter, Capone, Alessandro and Baio, Gianluca, 2015, Value in Health (18), 8, pp 956-968
Health utilities lost and risk factors associated with HPV-induced diseases in men and women: the HPV Italian collaborative study group
Marcellusi, Andrea, Capone, Alessandro, Favato, Giampiero, Mennini, Francesco Saverio, Baio, Gianluca, Haeussler, Katrin and Bononi, Marco, 2015, Clinical Therapeutics (37), 1, pp 157-164.e4
Blending scenarios into real options: relevance of the pay-off method to management investment decisions
Favato, G, Cottingham, J A and Isachenkova, N, 2015, Journal of Finance and Accounting (3), 2, pp 12-17
Impact of domestic acquisition on acquirer shareholders' equity : an empirical study on the US market
Favato, Giampiero, Nurullah, Mohamed and Cottingham, Juliet A., 2015, Journal of Applied Finance and Banking (5), 4, pp 33-51
Prevalence of the prescription of potentially interacting drugs
Tragni, Elena, Casula, Manuela, Pieri, Vasco, Favato, Giampiero, Marcobelli, Alberico, Trotta, Maria Giovanna and Catapano, Alberico Luigi, 2013, PLoS One (8), 10, pp e78827-e78827
A novel method to value real options in health care: the case of a multicohort human papillomavirus vaccination strategy
Favato, Giampiero, Baio, Gianluca, Capone, Alessandro, Marcellusi, Andrea and Mennini, Francesco Saverio, 2013, Clinical Therapeutics (35), 7, pp 904-914
Transparency or proper study valuation procedures missed?
Favato, Giampiero, Baio, Gianluca, Capone, Alessandro, Marcellusi, Andrea, Costa, Silvano, Garganese, Giorgia, Picardo, Mauro, Drummond, Mike, Jonsson, Bengt, Scambia, Giovanni, Zweifel, Peter and Mennini, Francesco S, 2013, Medical Care (51), 4, pp 374-378
Novel health economic evaluation of a vaccination strategy to prevent HPV-related diseases: the BEST study
Favato, Giampiero, Baio, Gianluca, Capone, Alessandro, Marcellusi, Andrea, Costa, Silvano, Garganese, Giorgia, Picardo, Mauro, Drummond, Mike, Jonsson, Bengt, Scambia, Giovanni, Zweifel, Peter and Mennini, Francesco S, 2012, Medical Care (50), 12, pp 1076-1085
Economic burden of human papillomavirus-related diseases in Italy
Baio, Gianluca, Capone, Alessandro, Marcellusi, Andrea, Mennini, Francesco Saverio and Favato, Giampiero, 2012, PLoS One (7), 11, pp e49699-e49699
Risk factors distribution and cardiovascular disease prevalence in the Italian population: the CHECK study
Tragni, Elena, Filippi, Alessandro, Casula, Manuela, Favato, Giampiero, Brignoli, Ovidio, Cricelli, Claudio, Poli, Andrea and Catapano, Alberico L., 2012, Open Journal of Epidemiology (2), 4, pp 90-100
Governance of preventive health intervention and on time verification of its efficiency: the GIOVE study
Mennini, Francesco Saverio, Baio, Gianluca, Montagano, Giuseppe, Cauzillo, Gabriella, Locuratolo, Francesco, Becce, Gerardo, Gitto, Lara, Marcellusi, Andrea, Zweifel, Peter, Capone, Alessandro and Favato, Giampiero, 2012, BMJ Open (2), 2
Human papillomavirus vaccination is not exclusively a matter of price
Capone, Alessandro and Favato, Giampiero, 2012, PharmacoEconomics (30), 5, pp 443-444
The use of an "old-fashioned method" to assess the clinical and economic impact of a HPV vaccination program
Mennini, Francesco Saverio, Capone, Alessandro and Favato, Giampiero, 2011, Gynecologic Oncology (123), 1, pp 175-176
A quantum of leadership
Favato, Giampiero, 2009, Skillsmatters, 8, pp 34-34
Anti-HPV vaccination: a review of recent economic data for Italy
Mennini, F.S., Costa, S., Favato, G. and Picardo, M., 2009, Vaccine (27), Suppleme, pp A54-A61
Can savings induced by off-patent drugs balance the increase of pharmaceutical expense associated with the high ageing rate of the Italian population?
Russo, Pierluigi, Capone, Alessandro, Pieri, Vasco and Favato, Giampiero, 2009, Italian Journal of Public Health (6), 4, pp 47-55
Compliance in the supply chain: implications of Sarbanes-Oxley for UK businesses
Stewart, Jean Anne, Day, Marc, Print, Carole and Favato, Giampiero, 2009, ICFAI Journal of Supply Chain Management (6), 1, pp 8-19
The flaws of securitisation
Jassur, Lior, Favato, Giampiero and Print, Carole, 2009, International Journal of Corporate Governance (1), 4, pp 400-417
HPV 6-11 and undetermined/low grade cervical lesions: something to be ignored?
Costa, Silvano, Mennini, Francesco Saverio, Favato, Giampiero and Picardo, Mauro, 2008, British Medical Journal (BMJ)
Rilevanza delle variazioni demografiche di farmacoutilizzazione per il governo della spesa farmaceutica pubblica
Favato, Giampiero, 2008, Giornale Italiano di Farmacoeconomia e Farmacoutilizzazione (1), 2, pp 22-28
Real investment options: case illustrations
Favato, Giampiero and Print, Carole, 2008, Management Online Review, pp 1-12
A multi-cohort Markov model of anti-HPV vaccination programme
Favato, Giampiero, 2008, British Medical Journal (BMJ)
Is age the key determinant of prescribing demand? Results from the ASSET (Age/Sex Standardised Estimates of Treatment) study
Favato, Giampiero, 2008, British Medical Journal (BMJ)
High incidence of smoking habit in psoriatic patients
Favato, Giampiero, 2008, The American Journal of Medicine (121), 4, pp e17-e17
2002 mortality rate for coronary heart disease in Italy: a statistical outlier or a sentinel event?
Favato, Giampiero and Print, Carole, 2008, Heart Online and Education in Heart
Effetto dei fabbisogni terapeutici sesso ed eta correlati sui costi di prescrizione nella medicina generale: Il modello di analisi ASSET (Age and Sex Standardised Estimates of Treatment)
Favato, G., Mariani, P., Print, C. F., Capone, A., Pelagatti, M., Pieri, V., Marcobelli, A., Tragni, E., Trotta, M. G., Zucchi, A. and Catapano, A. L., 2008, PharmoEconomics Italian Research Articles (10), 2, pp 89-98
Evaluating art as an alternative investment asset
Mamarbachi, Raya, Day, Marc and Favato, Giampiero, 2008, Journal of Financial Transformation (24), pp 63-71
Relevance of real options to corporate investment decisions
Favato, Giampiero, 2008, ICFAI Journal of Derivatives Markets (5), 3, pp 91-103
Social solidarity can compensate for income inequalities: the case of the public Italian healthcare service
Favato, Giampiero, 2007, British Medical Journal (BMJ)
Personal finance: passive investing: a myth or the next big thing in finance?
Favato, Giampiero and Mills, Roger, 2007, Henley Manager Update (19), 1, pp 39-46
The Italian public investment on statins seems to yield a lower than expected return
Favato, Giampiero, Print, Carole L. and Mills, Roger W., 2007, British Medical Journal (BMJ)
Gli anziani e l'uso di farmaci in Italia. Dati dallo studio ASSET = Old people and drug prescription in Italy. Results of ASSET study
Favato, G. and Catpano, A. L., 2007, Giornale di Gerontologia (55), 4, pp 191-192
ASSET (Age/Sex Standardised Estimates of Treatment): a research model to improve the governance of prescribing funds in Italy
Favato, Giampiero, Mariani, Paolo, Mills, Roger W., Capone, Alessandro, Pelagatti, Matteo, Pieri, Vasco, Marcobelli, Alberico, Trotta, Maria G., Zucchi, Alberto and Catapano, Alberico L., 2007, PLoS ONE (2), 7
The long tail of healthcare and the impact of the web
Favato, Giampiero and Mills, Roger, 2007, Manager Update, 42, pp 11-14
Identifying best practices in cost management
Favato, Giampiero and Mills, Roger, 2007, Manager Update, 41, pp 11-14
Parametric cost analysis
Favato, Giampiero and Mills, Roger, 2007, Manager Update, 40, pp 13-16
Analisi costo-efficacia del progrmma di vaccinazione anti-HPV in Italia: il modello multi-coorte Markov
Favato, G., Pieri, V. and Mills, R. W., 2007, Farmaci (31), 2 (Suppl, pp 2-11
Favato, Giampiero, Mills, Roger W. and Weinstein, Bill, 2007, International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning (IJTIP) (3), 3, pp 233-245
Favato, Giampiero and Mills, Roger W, 2006, Henley Manager Update (18), 1, pp 55-64
Using scenario thinking to make real options relevant to managers: a case illustration
Mills, Roger W., Weinstein, Bill and Favato, Giampiero, 2006, Journal of General Management (31), 3, pp 49-74
Cost-effectiveness of a gender-neutral vaccination against Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
Favato, Giampiero (2015). In: Mason, Robin, (ed.), The impact of business school research: economic and social benefits. London, U.K.: Chartered Association of Business Schools, pp 21-21
Favato, Giampiero (2010). In: Baxter, Keith, (ed.), Fast track to success : risk management. Harlow, U.K.: Pearson Education Limited, pp 166-168
Real options and scenario planning: an integrated approach to investment risk management
Favato, Giampiero (2010). In: Baxter, Keith, (ed.), Fast track to success: risk management. Harlow, U.K.: Pearson Education Limited, pp 109-110
Consortium stretches the limits of hostile takeover
Favato, Giampiero (2009). In: Bonham, Alan, (eds.) and Langdon, Ken, (eds.), Fast track to success: finance. Harlow, U.K.: Financial Times Prentice Hall, pp 112-114
Value drivers of corporate deals
Favato, Giampiero (2009). In: Bonham, Alan, (eds.) and Langdon, Ken, (eds.), Fast track to success: finance. Harlow, U.K.: Financial Times Prentice Hall, pp 131-132
Unravelling how Covid-19 mathematics impact behaviour change
Oliva, Cristina and Favato, Giampiero (2023). Bristol, U.K.: (Scientia)
Adequate use of economic evaluations based on the endpoints of registrative clinical trial : cost-minimization analysis and the return of the living dead
Russo, Pierluigi, Favato, Giampiero, Rosano, Giuseppe, Staniscia, Tommaso and Romano, Ferdinando (2018). (SSRN)
British directors' accountability vs. American CEOs' primacy
Kinsella, Simon and Favato, Giampiero (2010). Rochester, U.S.: (Social Science Research Network)
Risk factors distribution and cardiovascular disease prevalence in a reprentative sample of Italian population: the CHECK study
Brignoli, Ovidio, Casula, Manuela, Catapano, Alberico L., Cricelli, Claudio, Favato, Giampiero, Filippi, Alessandro, Poli, Andrea and Tragni, Elena (2008). Rochester, U.S.: (Social Science Research Network)
Relevance of real options to corporate investment decisions
Favato, Giampiero (2008). Rochester, U.S.: (Social Science Research Network)
Consortium strategy: stretching the limits of hostile takeovers
Favato, Giampiero (2008). Rochester, U.S.: (Social Science Research Network)
Real investment options: a case illustration
Favato, Giampiero and Print, Carole (2008). Rochester, U.S.: (Social Science Research Network)
Art as an alternative investment asset
Mamarbachi, Raya, Day, Marc and Favato, Giampiero (2008). Rochester, U.S.: (Social Science Research Network)
Effect of age and sex related therapeutic needs on general practices' prescribing cost: the ASSET (Age/Sex Standardised Estimates of Treatment) research model
Favato, Giampiero, Mariani, Paolo, Print, Carole F, Capone, Alessandro, Pelagatti, Matteo, Pieri, Vasco, Marcobelli, Alberico, Tragni, Elena, Trotta, Maria G, Zucchi, Alberto and Catapano, Alberico L (2008). Rochester, U.S.: (Social Science Research Network)
Knowledge-based governance can improve the elderly population's equity of access to public pharmaceutical funding: the ASSET (Age/Sex Standardised Estimates of Treatment) research model
Favato, Giampiero, Mariani, Paolo, Print, Carole F, Capone, Alessandro, Pelagatti, Matteo, Pieri, Vasco, Marcobelli, Alberico, Tragni, Elena, Trotta, Giovanna, Zucchi, Alberto and Catapano, Alberico L (2008). Rochester, U.S.: (Social Science Research Network)
Comparison between product characteristics and decision analysis supporting decision-makers in public health-related choices: a study model applied to anti-HPV vaccines
Favato, Giampiero, Mennini, Francesco Saverio, Monorchio, Andrea and Mortilla, Emilio (2008). Rochester, U.S.: (Social Science Research Network)
Evaluation of the economic impact produced by the prevention of events induced by the HPV 6-11 virus types contained in the quadrivalent vaccine
Costa, Silvano and Favato, Giampiero (2008). Rochester, U.S.: (Social Science Research Network)
Financial options and the scandal of Banca Popolare Italiana (BPI): an overnight business case
Mills, R.W., Weinstein, Bill and Favato, G. (2007). Henley-on-Thames, U.K.: (Henley Centre for Value Improvement)
Real options for PlayStation
Favato, Giampiero and Mills, Roger W. (2007). Henley-on-Thames, U.K.: (Henley Centre for Value Improvement)
Thinking the unthinkable: modern non-parametric resampling methods
Favato, Giampiero and Mills, R.W. (2007). Henley-on-Thames, U.K.: (Henley Centre for Value Improvement)
Favato, G. and Mills, Roger W. (2007). Henley-on-Thames, U.K.: (Henley Centre for Value Improvement)
What do a space shuttle and an anti-cancer drug have in common? Their development costs can be estimated using parametric cost analysis: a literature review
Favato, Giampiero, Mills, Roger and Weinstein, Bill (2007). Henley-on-Thames, U.K.: (Henley Centre for Value Improvement)
Compliance in the supply chain: the present and future implications of Sarbanes-Oxley for UK businesses
Stewart, Jean Anne and Favato, Giampiero (2007). Henley-on-Thames, U.K.: (Henley Centre for Value Improvement, Henley Management College)
Cost/Effective analysis of anti-HPV vaccination programme in Italy: a multi-cohort Markov model
Favato, Giampiero, Pieri, Vasco and Mills, Roger W. (2007). Henley-on-Thames, U.K.: (Henley Centre for Value Improvement)
Human Papilloma Virus in Italy : retrospective cohort analysis and vaccination effect from real-world data
Marcellusi, A., Fabiano, G., Sciattella, P., Favato, G. and Mennini, F.S.(2019). In: ISPOR Europe 2019 : Digital Transformation of Healthcare : Changing Roles and Sharing Responsibilities, 02 - 06 Nov 2019 :Copenhagen, Denmark
Economic evaluation for the treatment of acute bacterial skin and skin structures infections (ABSSSI) from the national payer perspective : introduction of a new treatment into the patient journey. Simulation in 3 European countries
Mennini, F.S., Andreoni, M., Sarmati, L., Bini, C., Espin, J., Horcajada Gallego, P., Czypionka, T., Favato, G. and Marcellusi, A.(2019). In: ISPOR Europe 2019 : Digital Transformation of Healthcare : Changing Roles and Sharing Responsibilities, 02 -06 Nov 2019 :Copenhagen, Denmark
Public-private contribution to Biopharmaceutical discoveries : a bibliometric analysis of biomedical research in UK
Fabiano, G., Marcellusi, A. and Favato, G.(2018). In: ISPOR Europe 2018 : New Perspectives for Improving 21st Century Health Systems, 10 Nov - 14 Nov 2018 :Barcelona, Spain
Gender (in)equality in Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccinations and treatment
Favato, Giampiero(2016). In: Gender Summit 9 (GS9) : Gender-based research, innovation and development for sustainable economies and societal wellbeing, 08 - 09 Nov 2016 :Brussels, Belgium
Embedding real options in scenario planning : a new methodological approach
Favato, Giampiero and Vecchiato, Riccardo(2015). In: Scenario 2015 : Improving Scenario Methodology : Theory and Practice, 14 - 15 Dec 2015 :Coventry, U.K.
Health data entanglement and artificial intelligence-based analyses to improve the effectiveness of services and tackle the healthcare spending growth
Capone, A., Mennini, F.S., Cicchetti, A., Marcellusi, A., Baio, G., Torlone, R. and Favato, G.(2015). In: ISPOR 20th Annual International Meeting, 16 - 20 May 2015 :Philadelphia, U.S.
The theory and practices of capital budgeting in an emerging market economy
Nurullah, Mohamed, Favato, Giampiero and Kengatharan, Lingesiya(2014). In: Paris Financial Management Conference (PFMC-2014), 15-16 Dec 2014 :Paris, France
The effect of herd immunity in different human papillomavirus vaccination strategies : an economic evaluation of the Best II Study
Haeussler, K, Marcellusi, A, Mennini, F S, Favato, G, Picardo, M, Garganese, G, Bononi, M, Scambia, G, Capone, A and Baio, G(2014). In: ISPOR 17th Annual European Congress, 08 - 12 Nov 2014 :Amsterdam, The Netherlands
The effect of herd immunity in different human papillomavirus vaccination strategies : an economic evaluation of the Best II study
Haussler, K., Marcellusi, A., Mennini, F.S., Favato, G., Picardo, M., Garganese, G., Bononi, M., Scambia, G., Capone, A. and Baio, G.(2014). In: ISPOR 19th Annual International Meeting, 31 May - 04 Jun 2014 :Montreal, Canada
Loss of health utilities due to HPV-induced diseases in men and women : a multicenter Italian study
Mennini, F. S., Marcellusi, A., Biao, G., Haeussler, K., Favato, G. and Capone, A.(2013). In: ISPOR 18th Annual International Meeting, 18-22 May 2013 :New Orleans, U.S.
Comprehensive value estimation of adalimumab-based treatments: covet study
Marcellusi, A., Gitto, L., Giannantoni, P., Russo, S., Favato, G. and Mennini, F.S.(2012). In: ISPOR 15th Annual European Congress, 03 - 07 Nov 2012 :Berlin, Germany
Comprehensive value estimation of adalimumab-based treatments: covet study
Mennini, F. S., Marcellusi, A., Gitto, L., Giannantoni, P. and Favato, G.(2012). In: ISPOR 17th Annual International Meeting, 02 - 06 Jun 2012 :Washington, U.S.
Expanded access to free prescription drugs and its impact on social welfare : the case of cholesterol-lowering agents in Italy
Favato, Giampiero, Nurullah, Mohamed, Capone, Alessandro and Pieri, Vasco(2011). In: SPUDM23 : Subjective Probability, Utility, and Decision Making Biennial Conference, 21 - 26 Aug 2011 :Kingston upon Thames, U.K.
PCN62 Bayesian modelling assessing the effectiveness of a vaccination strategy to prevent HPV-related diseases: the best study
Mennini, F.S., Baio, G., Capone, A., Marcellusi, A., Favato, G., Costa, S., Garganese, G., Picardo, M., Drummond, M., Jonsson, B., Scambia, G. and Zweifel, P.(2011). In: ISPOR 16th Annual International Meeting, 21-25 May 2011 :Baltimore, U.S.
Anti-HPV vaccination in Italy: comparison of recent economic evidences
Mennini, Francesco Saverio, Costa, Silvano, Favato, Giampiero and Picardo, Mauro(2009). In: ihea 7th World Congress on Health Economics: Harmonizing Health and Economics, 12 - 15 July 2009 :Beijing, China
Hypolipidemic agents in chronic therapy: a compliance study in the Italian ASSET cohort
Favato, G and Pieri, V(2009). In: 2nd PharmSciFair, 08 - 12 Jun 2009 :Nice, France
Long term sustainability of SSN pharmaceutical coverage in Italy: a twenty year outlook (2005-2025)
Favato, Giampiero(2009). In: III Congresso Nazionale Societa Italiana di Terapia Clinica e Sperimentale, 22 - 24 Jan 2009 :Naples, Italy
La scelta dell'indicatore di esito: long term primary/surrogate endpoint
Favato, Giampiero(2008). In: University Program in Health Economics, 26 - 28 Jun 2008 :Ragusa, Italy
Interpretazione e utilizzazione dei risultati della valutazione economica
Favato, Giampiero(2008). In: University Program in Health Economics, 26 - 28 Jun 2008 :Ragusa, Italy
Strategie di health-governance a confronto: il contesto internazionale
Favato, Giampiero(2008). In: University Program in Health Economics, 26 - 28 Jun 2008 :Ragusa, Italy
Invecchiamento della popolazione ed uso dei farmaci in Italia: lo Studio ASSET 2006
Favato, Giampiero(2007). In: XXI Congresso Nazionale SISA (Societa Italiana per lo Studio dell'Arterosclerosi), 21 - 24 Nov 2007 :Perugia, Italy
Compliance in the supply chain: the present and future implications of Sarbanes-Oxley for UK businesses
Stewart, Jean Anne and Favato, Giampiero(2007). In: 10th International Conference on Corporate Governance and Board Leadership, 02 - 04 Oct 2007 :Henley, U.K.
Farmacoutilizzazione: i data Italiani
Favato, Giampiero(2007). In: II National Congress of the Italian Society of Clinical and Experimental Therapy (SITeCS), 07 - 09 Oct 2007 :Naples, Italy
Favato, G., Mills, R. W. and Weinstein, B.(2007). 04 - 06 Jul 2007 : Bremen, Germany
Analisi decisionale concernente una strategia vaccinale multicoorte
Favato, Giampiero(2007). In: Infezione da HPV: approccio multidisciplinare, 25 May 2007 :Rome, Italy
Value migration in the pharmaceutical industry
Favato, Giampiero(1999). In: First Milan International Workshop on Real Options, 1999 :Milan, Italy