Mrs Dipa Kamdar
Faculties, deparments and locations
- Faculty of Health, Science, Social Care and Education
- Department of Pharmacy
- School of Life Sciences, Pharmacy and Chemistry
- Penrhyn Road
Senior Lecturer in Pharmacy Practice
- Email:
I am currently a Senior Lecturer in Pharmacy Practice at Kingston University. I graduated with a first class honours degree from The School of Pharmacy, University of London. I have previously worked in a variety of sectors including industry, hospital, community and other academic institutions such as UCL. As a registered pharmacist, I teach professional practice to undergraduate MPharm students, foundation degree students and previously postgraduate overseas pharmacists. The main areas with which I am involved are Law & Ethics, Clinical Pharmacy and Responding to Symptoms and Minor Illness. Additionally, I supervise final year MPharm research project students and am an academic personal tutor. I aim to be a holistic, inclusive and sustainable practitioner and teacher and am involved in a diverse range of inclusivity initiatives across the faculty.
- MPharm (Hons) First Class
- Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
I use my professional expertise as well as pedagogy to inform my teaching, thus enhancing the students' experience of pharmacy practice. I teach a variety of subject areas including responding to symptoms, public health, health inequalities, clinical pharmacy and law and ethics, which range across modules from first to fourth year of MPharm in addition to Foundation Degree level.
To engage students, I use blended approaches to teaching such as flipped classroom and using core technologies for learning. To show authenticity in their teachers, I bring real-life experience to clinical case studies and scenarios for simulation based learning.
My other responsibilities are as a personal tutor, giving academic and pastoral support to students; MPharm research project supervisor, engaging final year students with research skills and collaborating on research to be presented, with a focus on inclusivity and pharmacy education; and MPharm Course Director, leading the pharmacy course with a focus on levels 4 and 5.
- Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (Merit)
- Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)
Course director
My research interests include inclusivity and pharmacy education, teaching approaches in pharmacy education, and responding to symptoms/public health, specifically education about breastfeeding.
HENCL Primary Care Educator Conference "Building a Bright Future" poster presentation 24 March 2015: Teaching Innovation at UCL School of Pharmacy & Green Light Pharmacy
In recognition of my Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity (EDI) work, I am a member of the faculty HSSCE EDI Action Group and co-chair of LSPC Athena Swan self-assessment team. I have designed and coordinated joint faculty events for International Women's Day (IWD) such as Top 10 Women to Watch. I organise Cafe Swan sessions and recruit speakers from across the university to present and lead discussions on various topics linked to gender equity, such as neurodiversity and LGBTQ+. I am the university Parents & Carers Staff Support Group co-chair and Pharmacy Department EDI lead.
In the Pharmacy Department, I have designed a series of inclusivity workshops about cultural competence and health inequalities, mentoring and collaborating with alumni to design these sessions. I have organised bespoke EDI workshops for departmental colleagues, focusing on introductions to LGBTQ+, anti-racism, allyship and microaggressions.
I was invited onto a radio show to discuss pharmacy, the award gap, and the importance of raising awareness of Black History Month in universities. I wrote a blog for the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) to inspire inclusive practice in future pharmacists based on initiatives I have led at KU. Due to the EDI initiatives, KU was shortlisted as a finalist for the Diversity and Inclusion Award by Chemist & Druggist 2022 and won the award in 2023, gaining national recognition as a leading university for an inclusive curriculum and pharmacy department. This was featured in a C&D article in 2024. I wrote a case study showcasing KU Pharmacy's EDI strategy for the RPS differential attainment report ( and am a member of this working group.
I have also written for The Conversation about unlicensed medicines (
Qualifications and expertise
- TQUK Level 2 Certificate in Equality and Diversity
Professional and scholarly affiliations
- General Pharmaceutical Council - registered since 2007
- Royal Pharmaceutical Society - registered since 2007
- Advance HE - senior fellow (SFHEA)
- Inclusivity Lead for Pharmacy
- Co-Chair LSPC Athena Swan
- Co-Chair Parents and Carers Staff Support Group
- Level 4 OSCE assessment lead
- Advance HE Aurora Leadership Programme mentee
Cultivating cultural competence: evaluating pharmacy students’ knowledge and perspectives following a cultural competence workshop
Kamdar, Dipa and May, Leanne(2024). In: UK and Ireland HEIR Network 2024 Annual Conference 'Into, Through and Beyond: Equitable Student Progression', 12-13 Sept 2024 :High Wycombe, U.K.
How inclusive is the pharmacy curriculum at Kingston University?
Kamdar, Dipa and Rezaei, Soheil(2024). In: UK and Ireland HEIR Network 2024 Annual Conference 'Into, Through and Beyond: Equitable Student Progression', 12-13 Sept 2024 :High Wycombe, U.K.
A study exploring community pharmacists' perspectives, knowledge, and training of neurodiversity (ND) and the effects on their practice
Kamdar, Dipa and Sabir, Rimsha(2024). In: RPS Annual Conference 2024, 8 Nov 2024 :London, U.K.
Evaluation of a communication workshop using real patients within the first six weeks of the MPharm course
Kamdar, Dipa and Patel, Swati(2024). In: Pharmacy Education Conference 2024, 24 Jun 2024 :Manchester, U.K.
Creating prescriber-ready pharmacy students : Flipped classroom and simulation teaching for responding to symptoms and minor illness management in the MPharm programme
Kamdar, Dipa and May, Leanne(2024). In: Festival of Learning 2024, 20 Jun 2024 :Kingston upon Thames, U.K.
Cultivating Cultural Competence
Kamdar, Dipa and May, Leanne(2024). In: Festival of Learning 2024, 20 Jun 2024 :Kingston upon Thames, U.K.
Evaluation of a health inequalities workshop : a design-thinking approach
Kamdar, Dipa and May, Leanne(2024). In: Festival of Learning 2024, 20 Jun 2024 :Kingston upon Thames, U.K.
Exploring experiences and perspectives of inclusivity amongst community pharmacists in their practice : a survey study
Kamdar, D, Hossein, Y, Al-Alewi, T, Abdulrahim, N and Kayyali, R(2024). In: Health Services Research and Pharmacy Practice (HSRPP) Conference 2024, 25-26 Apr 2024 :Cork, Ireland.
Breast is best : a small scale study exploring knowledge, attitudes, and training amongst community pharmacists about breastfeeding
Kamdar, Dipa, El Kout Oustah, Yusra and Elbashir, Mariam(2023). In: Royal Pharmaceutical Society Annual Conference 2023, 10 Nov 2023 :London, U.K.
Breast is best? How much do MPharm students know about breastfeeding?
Kamdar, Dipa(2023). In: Pharmacy Education Conference 2023, 11 Sep 2023 :Manchester, U.K.
Evaluating the impact of an inclusivity workshop on pharmacy students’ perceptions and knowledge of health inequalities
Kamdar, Dipa, May, Leanne and Wells, Joshua(2023). In: Higher Education Institutional Research (HEIR) Conference 2023 : Addressing Equity in Higher Education Through Institutional Research, 07-08 Sep 2023 :Kingston upon Thames, U.K.
Inclusivity amongst pharmacy staff and students
Kamdar, Dipa, Kayyali, Reem and Alquraishi, Raniah(2023). In: Higher Education Institutional Research (HEIR) Conference 2023 : Addressing Equity in Higher Education Through Institutional Research, 07-08 Sep 2023 :Kingston upon Thames, U.K.
Empowering pharmacy students to address health inequalities to shape holistic and sustainable practice
Kamdar, Dipa, May, Leanne and Wells, Joshua(2023). In: Festival of Learning 2023, 22 Jun 2023 :Kingston upon Thames, U.K.