Miss Radha Shah
Faculties, deparments and locations
- Faculty of Health, Science, Social Care and Education
- Department of Pharmacy
- School of Life Sciences, Pharmacy and Chemistry
- Penrhyn Road
Teacher practitioner - Pharmacist
- Email:
- ku73094@kingston.ac.uk
I am a GPHC registered pharmacist. I have a split role between Kingston University and St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
At Kingston University I am a teacher practitioner on the MPharm course. My main responsibilities include; designing, developing and delivering lectures/workshops, organising clinical placements for pharmacy undergraduate students.
At St George's Hospital I am the lead education and training pharmacist responsible for the foundation training year which currently provides training for 14 trainee pharmacists.
I have been successful in gaining Fellow status of HEA.
Other roles I have undertaken previously include, medical mentoring pharmacist; preparing and delivering teaching for 5th year undergraduate medical students from King's College London and I was responsible for the pharmacy teaching programme being provided to FY1 and FY2 doctors at Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust. I managed a Health Education England funded project with King's Health Partners in simulation training being provided to trainee pharmacists and pre-registration pharmacy technicians.
My clinical experience includes covering Surgery, Medicine, Elderly Care, Stroke, Anticoagulation clinics, Paediatrics and Neonates as a hospital pharmacist.
- First Class Honours Masters degree (MPharm), Nottingham University 2017
- Postgraduate Certificate in General Pharmacy Practice, UCL 2020
- Fellow of Higher Education