Dr Stephen Gourlay
Faculties, deparments and locations
- Faculty of Business and Social Sciences
- Department of Management
- Kingston Business School
- Kingston Hill
Associate Professor
- Email:
- gourlaysn@kingston.ac.uk
I have worked full-time at Kingston Business School since 1990, where I have been teaching mainly at postgraduate and doctoral levels although I initially did some first year undergraduate teaching. Before joining Kingston I worked as a research assistant and research fellow on projects on unions and technical change, change management and technical change, workplace health and safety, and non-union industrial relations. I became a Reader in 2005 and an Associate Professor in 2013. From 2016-20 I was Head of the Department of Management. I am also an academic member of the CIPD.
I was a lead researcher on a NHS SDO funded project investigating Health Managers' information behaviours, and co-director of the Kingston Employee Engagement Consortium (2010-13). I was also a co-applicant on a NHS NIHR project investigating 'intentional rounding' in hospitals.
I teach research methods at masters' and doctoral level, specialising in textual ("qualitative") analysis using a variety of traditional and newer methods.
I am currently looking to supervise a PhD student on a research project concerning self-concept, and employee or work engagement.
- PhD London University
- Head of the Department of Management, Kingston Business School - 2016-2020
Intentional rounding : a realist evaluation using case studies in acute and care of older people hospital wards
Leamy, Mary, Sims, Sarah, Levenson, Ros, Davies, Nigel, Brearley, Sally, Gourlay, Stephen, Favato, Giampiero, Ross, Fiona and Harris, Ruth, 2023, BMC Health Services Research (23), pp 1341
Exploring the relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment : an instrumental variable approach
Saridakis, George, Lai, Yanqing, Munoz Torres, Rebeca I. and Gourlay, Stephen, 2020, International Journal of Human Resource Management (31), 13, pp 1739-1769
Intentional rounding in hospital wards to improve regular interaction and engagement between nurses and patients: a realist evaluation
Harris, Ruth, Sims, Sarah, Leamy, Mary, Levenson, Ros, Davies, Nigel, Brearley, Sally, Grant, Robert, Gourlay, Stephen, Favato, Giampiero and Ross, Fiona, 2019, Health Services and Delivery Research (7), 35
A realist synthesis of intentional rounding in hospital wards : exploring the evidence of what works, for whom, in what circumstances and why
Sims, Sarah, Leamy, Mary, Davies, Nigel, Schnitzler, Katy, Levenson, Ros, Grant, Robert, Brearley, Sally, Gourlay, Stephen, Ross, Fiona and Harris, Ruth, 2018, BMJ Quality and Safety (27), 9, pp 743-757
The determinants and consequences of adult nursing staff turnover : a systematic review of systematic reviews
Halter, Mary, Boiko, Olga, Pelone, Ferruccio, Beighton, Carole, Harris, Ruth, Gale, Julia, Gourlay, Stephen and Drennan, Vari, 2017, BMC Health Services Research (17), 824
Interventions to reduce adult nursing turnover : a systematic review of systematic reviews
Halter, Mary, Pelone, Ferruccio, Boiko, Olga, Beighton, Carole, Harris, Ruth, Gale, Julia, Gourlay, Stephen and Drennan, Vari, 2017, Open Nursing Journal (11), pp 108-123
What aspects of intentional rounding work in hospital wards, for whom and in what circumstances? A realist evaluation protocol
Harris, Ruth, Sims, Sarah, Levenson, Ros, Gourlay, Stephen, Ross, Fiona, Davies, Nigel, Brearley, Sally, Favato, Giampiero and Grant, Robert, 2017, BMJ Open (7), 1, pp e014776
Explaining health managers’ information-seeking behaviour and use
Edwards, Christine, Guven-Uslu, Pinar, Gourlay, Stephen, Drennan, Vari and Gillard, Steven, 2014, BMC Health Services Research (14), Suppl 2, pp P34
Conceptualizing knowledge creation : a critique of Nonaka's theory
Gourlay, Stephen, 2006, Journal of Management Studies (43), 7, pp 1415-1436
Towards conceptual clarity for 'tacit knowledge' : a review of empirical studies
Gourlay, Stephen, 2006, Knowledge Management Research and Practice (4), 1, pp 60-69
On organizational learning and knowledge management. Book Review of: 'The Blackwell handbook of organizaional learning and knowledge management' by M. Easterby-Smith and M. Lyles (eds.)
Gourlay, Stephen, 2004, British Journal of Management (15), S1, pp S96-S99
Trends in outsourcing HRD in the UK : the implications for strategic HRD
Woodall, Jean, Gourlay, Stephen and Short, Darren, 2002, International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management (2), 1/2, pp 50-63
Knowledge management and HRD
Gourlay, Stephen, 2001, Human Resource Development International (4), 1, pp 27-46
Knowledge management and HRM
Gourlay, S.N., 1999, Employee Relations Review (8), pp 21-27
An activity centered framework for knowledge management
Gourlay, Stephen (2007). In: McInerney, Claire R., (eds.) and Day, Ronald E., (eds.), Rethinking knowledge management: from knowledge management to knowledge processes. Berlin, Germany: Springer Verlag, pp 21-63
Knowledge management and international human resource management
Gourlay, Stephen (2006). In: Edwards, Tony, (eds.) and Rees, Chris, (eds.), International human resource management: globalization, national systems and multinational companies. Harlow, UK: FT Prentice Hall, pp 151-171
Flaws in the "engine" of knowledge creation : a critique of Nonaka's theory
Gourlay, Stephen and Nurse, Andrew (2005). In: Buono, Anthony F., (eds.) and Poulfelt, Flemming, (eds.), Challenges and issues in knowledge management. Greenwich, Connecticut, USA: Information Age Publishing, pp 293-315
The relationship between professional learning and continuing professional development in the UK : a critical review of the literature
Woodall, Jean and Gourlay, Stephen (2004). In: Woodall, Jean, (eds.), Lee, Monica, (eds.) and Steward, Jim, (eds.), New frontiers in HRD. London, UK: Routledge, pp 98-111
Knowing as semiosis : steps towards a reconceptualization of "tacit knowledge"
Gourlay, Stephen (2003). In: Tsoukas, Haridimos, (eds.) and Mylonopoulos, Nicos, (eds.), Organizations as Knowledge Systems: Knowledge, Learning and Dynamic Capabilities. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp 86-105
The relationship between professional learning and continuing professional development in the UK : the implications for a research design
Woodall, Jean and Gourlay, Stephen (2001). In: Aliaga, Oscar A., (ed.), Proceedings AHRD 2001 Conference, Tulsa, Oklahoma, February 28-March 4, 2001. Baton Rouge La, USA: Academy of Human Resource Development, pp 632-639
Adult nurse turnover and retention : South London project report
Drennan, Vari M, Halter, Mary, Grant, Robert, Gale, Julia, Harris, Ruth and Gourlay, Stephen (2015). (Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education, Kingston University and St George's, University of London)
Explaining health managers' information seeking behaviour and use
Edwards, Christine, Fox, Rebekah, Gillard, Steven, Gourlay, Stephen, Guven, Pinar, Jackson, Charles, Chambers, Mary and Drennan, Vari (2013). Southampton, U.K.: (National Institute for Health Research)
Emotional or transactional engagement - does it matter?
Gourlay, Stephen, Alfes, Kerstin, Bull, Elaine, Baron, Angela, Petrov, Georgy and Georgellis, Yannis (2012). London, U.K.: (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development)
Locus of engagement : understanding what employees connect with at work
Gourlay, Stephen, Alfes, Kerstin, Bull, Elaine, Narendran, Sunitha, Petrov, Georgy and Shantz, Amanda (2011). London, U.K.: (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development)
Workplace spirituality : a bibliometric analysis
Narendran, Sunitha and Gourlay, Stephen(2016). In: International Conference on Spirituality and Management: Indigenous Models of Sustainability, Good Governance and Spiritual Transformation, 4-6 Jan 2016 :Bangalore, India
Individual differences in organisation-based self-esteem : a case study in Venezuela
Artiguas, Desiree, Narendran, Sunitha and Gourlay, Stephen(2012). In: Business Association of Latin American Studies (BALAS) 2012 Annual Conference: Latin American Firms Competing in the Global Economy, 27-30 Mar 2012 :Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Explaining health managers information behaviour and use
Edwards, Christine, Gourlay, Stephen and Fox, Rebekah(2011). In: The 2nd Annual Faculty of Business and Law Conference: Emerging Issues in Business and Law, 10 May 2011 :Kingston upon Thames, U.K.
Training for ethical discernment as a company policy : the eval'ethic experience
Mahieu, Christian, Nilles, Jean-Jacques, Butler, Christina, Gourlay, Stephen and Narendran, Sunitha(2010). In: 9th Annual Colloquium of The European Academy of Business in Society (EABIS): Corporate Responsibility and Emerging Markets, 20-21 Sep 2010 :St.Petersburg, Russia
Tacit knowledge : unpacking the motor skills metaphor
Gourlay, Stephen(2005). In: 6th European Conference on Organizational Knowledge and Learning Capabilities, 17-19 Mar 2005 :Boston, U.S.
'Tacit knowledge' : the variety of meanings in empirical research
Gourlay, S.N.(2004). In: 5th European Conference on Organizational Knowledge, Learning and Capabilities, 2-3 April 2004 :Innsbruck, Austria
Knowledge transfer and reading: implications of the transactional theory of reading for research and practice
Gourlay, Stephen(2003). In: 4th European Organizational Knowledge, Learning and Capabilities Conference, 13-15 April 2003 :Barcelona, Spain
The SECI model of knowledge creation: some empirical shortcomings
Gourlay, Stephen(2003). In: 4th European Conference on Knowledge Management, 18-19 Sep 2003 :Oxford, England
Tacit knowledge, tacit knowing, or behaving?
Gourlay, Stephen(2002). In: 3rd European Organizational Knowledge, Learning and Capabilities Conference, 5-6 April 2002 :Athens, Greece
Trends in outsourcing HRD in the UK: the implications for strategic HRD
Woodall, J., Gourlay, S.N. and Short, D.(2002). In: British Universities Industrial Relations Association HRM Study Group Conference, 01 Mar 2002 :Kingston upon Thames, U.K.
Situated cognition and knowledge : a contribution towards conceptual clarity for knowledge management
Gourlay, Stephen(2001). In: 8th International Symposium on the Management of Corporate and Industrial Knowledge, 22-24 Oct 2001 :Compiègne, France
Getting from A to B : on the question of knowledge transfer
Gourlay, Stephen(2001). In: 17th EGOS (European Group for Organizational Studies) Colloquium, 5-7 Jul 2001 :Lyon, France
Trends in outsourcing HRD in the UK : the implications for strategic HRD
Woodall, J., Gourlay, S.N. and Short, D.(2001). In: Second Conference on HRD Research and Practice across Europe, 26-27 Jan 2001 :Twente, The Netherlands
The relationship between professional learning and continuing professional development in the UK : the implications for a research design
Woodall, J. and Gourlay, S.N.(2001). In: Human Resource Development: the emerging theoretical agenda and empirical research, 25 May 2001 :Kingston upon Thames, England
'Tacit knowledge' - a new hypothesis
Gourlay, S.N.(2000). In: British Academy of Management Annual Conference, 13-15 Sep 2000 :Edinburgh, U.K.
Frameworks for knowledge : a contribution towards conceptual clarity for knowledge management
Gourlay, S.N.(2000). In: Knowledge Management: Concepts and Controversies Conference, 10-11 Feb 2000 :Warwick University, U.K.
Knowledge management and HRD
Gourlay, S.N.(2000). In: 1st Conference on HRD Research and Practice across Europe, 15 Jan 2000 :Kingston Upon Thames, U.K.
Communities of practice : a new concept for the millenium, or the rediscovery of the wheel?
Gourlay, Stephen(1999). In: Organizational Learning - 3rd International Conference, 06 - 08 Jun 1999 :Lancaster, U.K.