Dr Sabira Mannan
Faculties, deparments and locations
- Faculty of Business and Social Sciences
- Department of Psychology
- School of Law, Social and Behavioural Sciences
- Penrhyn Road
Associate Professor
- Email:
- s.mannan@kingston.ac.uk
I joined Kingston University in 2010 from the Department for Clinical Neurosciences at Oxford University. Prior to that I worked full time for ten years at the Centre for Neuroscience at Imperial College London. I completed my PhD from Imperial College after studying at Southampton University and St Thomas's medical school.
I was the Head of the Department of Psychology between 2014 and 2024. I am currently module leader for the final year module Neuropsychology and Neuro-rehabilitation and the first year module Historical and Philosophical Concepts in Psychology.
My research is focussed on evaluating rehabilitation techniques for patients with visual disorders as a result of stroke. I am also interested in how we extract visual information from the world and in understanding the neural pathways involved in these processes. More recent research has focussed on understanding the role of eye movements in decision making and working memory.
I have successfully supervised Doctoral students and am willing to supervise suitably qualified doctoral students in the areas of neuropsychology and cognitive science.
- PhD Biophysics
- BSc (Hons) Physics
- PGCert HE
Distinguishing non-spatial biases in visual selection: Neuropsychological evidence
Soto, D., Mannan, S., Malhotra, P., Rzeskiewicz, A. and Humphreys, G.W., 2011, Acta Psychologica (135), 2, pp 226-234
Visual activation of extra-striate cortex in the absence of V1 activation
Bridge, H., Hicks, S.L., Xie, J., Okell, T.W., Mannan, S., Alexander, I., Cowey, A. and Kennard, C., 2010, Neuropsychologia (48), 14, pp 4148-4154
Compensatory strategies following visual search training in patients with homonymous hemianopia: an eye movement study
Mannan, S., Pambakian, A. and Kennard, C., 2010, Journal of Neurology (257), 11, pp 1812-1821
Early oculomotor capture by new onsets driven by the contents of working memory.
Mannan, S., Kennard, C., Potter, D., Pan, Y. and Soto, D., 2010, Vision Research (50), 16, pp 1590-1597
Overlapping functional anatomy for working memory and visual search
Anderson, E.J., Mannan, S.K., Rees, G., Sumner, P. and Kennard, C., 2010, Experimental Brain Research (200), 1, pp 91-107
The role of visual salience in directing eye movements in visual object agnosia
Mannan, S., Kennard, C. and Husain, M., 2009, Current Biology (19), 6, pp 247-248
Probing bottom-up processing with multistable images
Akman, O., Clement, R., Broomhead, D., Mannan, S., Moorhead, I. and Wilson, H., 2009, Journal of Eye Movement Research (1), 3, pp 1-7
A role for spatial and nonspatial working memory processes in visual search
Anderson, E.J., Mannan, S.K., Rees, G., Sumner, P. and Kennard, C., 2008, Experimental Psychology (55), 5, pp 301-312
Eye movements in visual search indicate impaired saliency processing in Parkinson's disease
Mannan, S.K., Hodgson, T.L., Husain, M. and Kennard, C., 2008, Progress in Brain Research (171), pp 559-562
Involvement of prefrontal cortex in visual search
Anderson, E.J., Mannan, S.K., Husain, M., Rees, G., Sumner, P., Mort, D.J., McRobbie, D. and Kennard, C., 2007, Experimental Brain Research (180), pp 289-302
Temporal dynamics of parietal cortex involvement in visual search
Rosenthal, C.R., Walsh, V., Mannan, S.K., Anderson, E.J., Hawken, M.B. and Kennard, C., 2006, Neuropsychologia (44), 5, pp 731-743
Cognitive processes in saccade generation
Kennard, C., Mannan, S.K., Nachev, P., Parton, A., Mort, D.J., Rees, G., Hodgson, T.L. and Husain, M., 2005, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (1039), pp 176-183
Revisiting previously searched locations in visual neglect: role of right parietal and frontal lesions in misjudging old locations as new
Mannan, S.K., Mort, D.J., Hodgson, T.L., Driver, J., Kennard, C. and Husain, M., 2005, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (17), 2, pp 340-354
Impaired spatial working memory: one component of the visual neglect syndrome
Malhotra, P., Mannan, S., Driver, J. and Husain, M., 2004, Cortex (40), 4-5, pp 667-676
Saccadic visual search training: a treatment for patients with homonymous hemianopia
Pambakian, A.L.M., Mannan, S.K., Hodgson, T.L. and Kennard, C., 2004, Journal of neurology, neurosurgery and psychiatry (75), 10, pp 1443-1448
The anatomy of visual neglect
Mort, D., Malhotra, P., Mannan, S., Rorden, C., Pambakian, A., Kennard, C. and Husain, M., 2003, Brain (126), 9, pp 1986-1997
Differential cortical activation during voluntary and reflexive saccades in man
Mort, D., Perry, R., Mannan, S., Hodgson, T., Anderson, E., Quest, R., McRobbie, D., McBride, A., Husain, M. and Kennard, C., 2003, NeuroImage (18), 2, pp 231-246
Visual object memory and memory-guided saccades rely on shared mental representations.
Akdal, G., Hodgson, T., Hill, A., Mannan, S. and Kennard, C., 2002, Experimental Brain Research (143), 4, pp 509-514
Impaired spatial working memory across saccades contributes to abnormal search in parietal neglect.
Husain, M., Mannan, S., Hodgson, T., Wojciulik, E., Driver, J. and Kennard, C., 2001, Brain (124), 5, pp 941-952
Scanning the visual world: a study of patients with homonymous hemianopia
Pambakian, A., Wooding, D., Patel, N., Morland, A., Kennard, C. and Mannan, S., 2000, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry (69), 6, pp 751-759
The oculomotor distractor effect in normal and hemianopic vision.
Walker, R., Mannan, S., Maurer, D., Pambakian, A. and Kennard, C., 2000, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B - Biological Sciences (267), 1442, pp 431-438
Asymmetries of saccadic eye movements in oriented-line-target search
Foster, D., Savage, C., Mannan, S. and Ruddock, K., 2000, Vision Research (40), 1, pp 65-70
Fixation patterns made during brief examination of two-dimensional images.
Mannan, S., Ruddock, K. and Wooding, D., 1997, Perception (26), 8, pp 1059-1072
Fixation sequences made during visual examination of briefly presented 2-D images.
Mannan, S., Ruddock, K. and Wooding, D., 1997, Spatial Vision (11), 2, pp 157-178
The relationship between the location of spatial features and those of fixations made during visual examination of briefly presented images.
Mannan, S., Ruddock, K. and Wooding, D., 1996, Spatial Vision (10), 3, pp 165-188
Automatic control of saccadic eye movements made in visual inspection of briefly presented 2-D images.
Mannan, S., Ruddock, K. and Wooding, D., 1995, Spatial Vision (9), 3, pp 363-386
The characteristics of eye movements made during visual search with multi-element stimuli.
Binello, A., Mannan, S. and Ruddock, K., 1995, Spatial Vision (9), 3, pp 343-362
Eye movements and response times for the detection of line orientation during visual search
Mannan, S., Ruddock, K. and Wright, J. (1995). In: Findlay, J., (eds.), Walker, R., (eds.) and Kentridge, R., (eds.), Eye movement research: mechanisms, processes and applications. Amsterdam: The Netherlands, pp 337-348