Dr Robert B. Mellor
Faculties, deparments and locations
- Faculty of Engineering, Computing and the Environment
- Department of Computer Science
- School of Computer Science and Mathematics
- Penrhyn Road
Associate Professor
- Email:
- r.mellor@kingston.ac.uk
I hold separate earned doctorates in various academic disciplines including biology and computing, I am author of 120+ scientific publications in reputable journals e.g. "Nature" and "PNAS" and 3 of my 11 textbooks have appeared in foreign translations. I have been external examiner at 30 HEIs.
Scholar (https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=4q0Q7N8AAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate) shows my h-Index is ~30, within the top 10% of all researchers globally, and Google Scholar reports that I am amongst top 20 scientists worldwide for "computer modelling" see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_B._Mellor
I have successfully supervised 23 research students, and presently supervise another 2 PhDs. I have won several international prizes for my works, with over 12 years industrial experience and founder of 3 limited companies. I continue as expert adviser to the EU and several national governments at ministerial level since 1994, I am a member of the advisor pool to UK Government Office for Science and member of UKRI Talent Peer Review College.
Previously Director of Enterprise (2005-2010; quadrupling enterprise income), I received grants from the Danish, German and Swiss national research foundations, plus international bodies including the British Council, OECD, EMBO and the EU. I am reviewer for granting agencies in Australia, Germany, Israel, Kazakhstan, Norway, Poland, Qatar, Switzerland and USA, and for many Q1 and Q2 journals, including IEEE.
I hold a German MBA-equivalent, am a qualified adult education teacher and Senior Fellow of the HEA. My work relates to the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all, under SDGs (8) Decent work and economic growth, (9) industry innovation and infrastructure & (11) sustainable cities and communities.
I welcome inquiries from potential self-funding PhD students interested in researching econometric knowledge management, the Tech Entrepreneurship ecosystem and/or computer modelling Science & Technology Parks.
- BSc
- PhD
- DSc
I am Course Leader for MSc IT & Strategic Innovation, a flagship degree for those interested in IT Consultancy or similar careers, both in London and at Sri Lanka. I am also Module Leader for CI7600 "Business in Practice", which forms the "with Management Studies" minor field for all MSc degrees in Science, Engineering and Computing. I also am Module Leader for CI7240 "IT & Entrepreneurship", a core module for both the IT & Strategic Innovation MSc, as well as the Information Systems MSc.
As well as CI7240 & CI7600, I am Module Leader for CI4901, CI5901, CI5999 (UG placement and preparation), CI7901_A and CI7901_J, CI7900_A and CI7900_J (PG placement and preparation).
- computer modelling
- big data
- information systems
- organization science
- tech entrepreneurship
- innovation
Courses taught
Life would be much easier if organisations had a 3D map of the business landscape showing owners and entrepreneurs where best to go, how much they could benefit when they get there, as well as how much it would cost them along the way. Just as astronomers find out about our Universe by looking at lots of stars, and in different wavelengths, we are looking at lots of organisations and using metrics that are different to the ones that are normally visible. To do this we need to have a lot of information, this is called a "Big Data" approach. Unfortunately the metrics that are available in the UK, like company annual returns, don't tell us a lot. Indeed our previous research indicates that some important factors can be quite basic e.g. the number of employees each year within an organisation, and these figures are simply not collected centrally in the UK. Thus we have teamed up with international partners to obtain Big Data. Feeding this information into the computer model that we have developed in the UK, we can produce not only a user friendly and very practical 3D map of the "Business Universe", but also academically to reveal hidden insights into how humans cluster in organisations and indeed how clusters cluster. This approach is very relevant not only to consultants, owners, entrepreneurs and academics, but also to everyone who has a job.
Our present research involves; (1) How do economic laws determine the shape of organisations (2) When organisations cluster in e.g. tech hubs or science parks, what is the best way of them to organise their structure and (3) create a computer model for business clusters feasibility, what metric(s) can be used to stipulate the distance between clusters and how do age, size and stage in the maturity cycle affect this distance?
Management for scientists
(2019). Bingley, U.K.: (Emerald Publishing Limited)
Knowledge management and information systems: Strategy for growing organizations
Mellor, Robert B. (2011). Basingstoke, U.K.: (Palgrave MacMillan)
Entrepreneurship for everyone: a student textbook
Mellor, Robert B. (2008). London: (Sage)
Achieving enterprise: teaching entrepreneurship and innovation in business and academia
Mellor, R. B. (2005). Lohmar, Germany: (Eul. Verlag)
Sources and spread of innovation in small e-commerce companies
Mellor, R. B. (2005). Denmark: (Forlaget Globe)
Applied e-learning
Mellor, R. B. (2004). Denmark: (Forlaget Globe)
DHTML, Learning by Example
Mellor, Robert B. (2003). Wilsonville, U.S.A: (Franklin, Beedle and Associates)
Innovation management
Mellor, R. B. (2003). Denmark: (Forlaget Globe)
The Web managers handbook
Mellor, Robert B. (2003). Naerum: (Globe)
XML Learning by Example
Mellor, Robert B. (2003). (Tandem Library)
ASP, Learning by Example
Mellor, Robert B. (2001). Wilsonville, U.S.A.: (Franklin, Beedle and Associates)
The growth and utilization of various 'Sesbania' spp., fast-growing legume trees, in northern Italy and Denmark
Allaria, P. P., Norskov, A. M., Collinge, D. B., Mellor, R.B. and Schubert, A. (1997). Copenhagen, Denamark: (DSR)
Investigating the effect of state support on innovation pathways by tracking the legacy performance of firms involved in academic co-operations
Mondal, Charles and Mellor, Robert B., 2025, (10), 2, pp 100679
Entrepreneurial universities : modelling the link between innovation producers and innovation users shows that team structures in the tech transfer function improves performance
Mondal, Charles, Al-Kfairy, Mousa and Mellor, Robert, 2024, Economic Analysis Letters (3), 2, pp 26-33
Developing young science and technology parks : recent findings from industrial nations using the data-driven approach
Mondal, Charles, Al-Kfairy, Mousa and Mellor, Robert B., 2023, Sustainability (15), 7, pp 6226
The role of organisation structure in the success of start-up science and technology parks (STPs)
Al-Kfairy, Mousa and Mellor, Robert B., 2023, (21), 3, pp 462-470
Analyses of small and medium-sized science and technology parks show that longer-term growth may depend upon attracting larger partners
Mondal, Charles and Mellor, Robert B., 2021, International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development (20), 3, pp 311-328
Modelling the number of client firms needed to support a new Science Park and the spacing between new Parks and existing Parks with similar themes
Mondal, Charles, Kussainov, Adilkhan and Mellor, Robert B., 2021, International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development (12), 2, pp 141-155
Evaluating the effect of organizational architecture in developing science and technology parks under differing innovation environments
Al-Kfairy, Mousa, Khaddaj, Souheil and Mellor, Robert B., 2020, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory (100), pp 102036
Computer modelling reveals the optimal development for the organisational structure of business clusters
Al-kfairy, M., Khaddaj, S. and Mellor, R. B., 2019, International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development (10), 3, pp 249-275
Differences in creating product innovations versus process innovations across European industries
Will, Matthias Georg and Mellor, Robert B., 2019, International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development (9), 1, pp 59-84
How organizational structure transforms risky innovations into performance : a computer simulation
Will, Matthias G., Al-Kfairy, Mousa and Mellor, Robert B., 2019, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory (94), pp 264-285
Computer modelling and identification of factors important for the success of business clusters
Al-Kfairy, M., Khaddaj, S. and Mellor, R. B., 2019, International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development (10), 4, pp 384-405
Big data modelling the knowledge economy
Mellor, Robert B., 2018, International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development (9), 3, pp 206-220
Computer modelling the costs of management control in the development of knowledge-based SMEs
Mellor, Robert B., 2016, International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development (7), 4, pp 378-388
Modelling the value of external networks for knowledge realisation, innovation, organisational development and efficiency in SMEs
Mellor, Robert B., 2015, International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development (6), 1, pp 3-14
The use of knowledge assets: Modelling the potential effect of adding innovators to low-innovation and high-innovation SMEs.
Mellor, Robert, 2014, International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development (5), 4, pp 367-380
Knowledge valley theory
Mellor, R. B., 2014, International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development (5), 1, pp 5-16
The use of statistics in determining socio-legal policies in a UK government agency
Mellor, Robert B., 2011, Kingston University Research and Innovation Reports (7), pp 1-4
McLean, James E. and Mellor, Robert B., 2006
Receiving spam depends on the occurrence of the e-mail address in Hyper Text and on the nature of the link to the file containing the e-mail address.
Mellor, Robert B., 2005, Kingston University Research and Innovation Reports (1), pp 31-39
The correlation between visits and product sales on three business-to-customer internet web sites
Mellor, Robert B., 2005, (1), pp 17-30
The accumulation of trehalose in nodules of several cultivars of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and its correlation with resistance to drought stress
Farias-Rodrigues, Rodolfo, Mellor, Robert B., Arias, Carlos and Pena-Cabriales, Juan José, 1998, Physiologia plantarum (102), 3, pp 353-359
Short Communication: Electron transferring dyes in the nitrate reductase reaction : non-toxic alternatives to methyl viologen
Nørskov, A. M. and Mellor, R. B., 1996, World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology (12), 3, pp 293-294
A simple model based on known plant defence reactions is sufficient to explain most aspects of nodulation
Mellor, Robert B. and Collinge, David B., 1995, Journal of experimental botany (46), 1, pp 1-18
Perception of Rhizobium nodulation factors by tomato cells and inactivation by root chitinases
Staehelin, C, Granado, J, Müller, J, Wiemken, A, Mellor, R.B., Felix, G., Regenass, M., Broughton, W. J. and Boller, T, 1994, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of United States of America (91), 6, pp 2196-2200
Structural modifications in Rhizobium meliloti Nod factors influence their stability against hydrolysis by root chitinases
Staehelin, Christian, Schultze, Michael, Kondorosi, Eve, Mellor, Robert B., Boiler, Thomas and Kondorosi, Adam, 1994, The Plant journal (5), 3, pp 319 - 330
Trehalose and trehalase in root nodules from various legumes
Müller, Joachim, Xie, Zhi-Ping, Staehelin, Christian, Mellor, Robert B., Boller, Thomas and Wiemken, Andres, 1994, Physiologia Plantarum (90), 1, pp 86-92
A soybean peribacteroid space component, riboflavin, represses daidzein-induced common nod-gene expression in Bradyrhizobium japonicum
Mellor, R.B. and Rosendahl, L., 1994, Journal of Plant Physiology (144), 1, pp 34-37
NOD-active compounds in Soya nodules
Meyer, A.D. and Mellor, R.B, 1993, Journal of Plant Physiology (142), 1, pp 57-60
Chitinase and peroxidase in effective (fix+) and ineffective (fix-) soybean nodules
Staehelin, Christian, Muller, Joachim, Mellor, Robert B., Wiemken, Andres and Boller, Thomas, 1992, Planta: an international journal of plant biology (187), 3, pp 295-300
Partial purification and characterization of trehalase from soybean nodules
Müller, J., Staehelin, C., Mellor, R. B., Boller, T. and Wiemken, A., 1992, Journal of Plant Physiology (140), 1, pp 8-13
Letter: Reduction of nitrate and nitrite in water by immobilized enzymes
Mellor, Robert B., Ronnenberg, Jörg, Campbell, Wilbur H. and Diekmann, Stephen, 1992, Nature (355), 6362, pp 717-719
Is trehalose a symbiotic determinant in symbioses between higher plants and microorganisms?
Mellor, R. B., 1992, Symbiosis (12), 2, pp 113-129
Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizas of wild-type soybean and non-nodulating mutants with Glomus mosseae contain symbiosis-specific polypeptides (mycorrhizins), immunologically cross-reactive with nodulins
Wyss, Peter, Mellor, Robert B. and Wiemken, Andres, 1990, Planta: an international journal of plant biology (182), 1, pp 22-26
Mutants of soybean (Glycine max) unable to suppress nodulation in the presence of nitrate retain the ability to suppress mycorrhization in the presence of phosphate
Wyss, P., Mellor, R.B. and Wiemken, A., 1990, Journal of Plant Physiology (136), 4, pp 507-509
Bacteroids in the Rhizobium-Legume Symbiosis Inhabit a Plant Internal Lytic Compartment: Implications for other Microbial Endosymbioses
Mellor, Robert B., 1989, Journal of Experimental Botany (40), 8, pp 831-839
Peribacteroid membrane nodulin gene induction by Bradyrhizobium japonicum mutants
Mellor, Robert B., Garbers, Christine and Werner, Dietrich, 1989, Plant Molecular Biology (12), 3, pp 307-315
Distribution of trehalase in soybean root nodule cells: implications for trehalose metabolism
Mellor, R.B., 1988, Journal of plant physiology (133), 2, pp 173-177
Particle density and protein composition of the peribacteroid membrane from soybean root nodules is affected by mutation in the microsymbiont Bradyrhizobium japonicum
Werner, Dietrich, Mörschel, Erhard, Garbers, Christine, Bassarab, Stefan and Mellor, Robert B., 1988, Planta: an international journal of plant biology (174), 2, pp 263-270
Protease (thermolysin) inhibition activity in the peribacteroid space of Glycine max root nodules
Garbers, C., Meckbach, R., Mellor, R.B. and Werner, D., 1988, Journal of plant physiology (132), 4, pp 442-445
Alpha-mannosidase II isoenzyme in the peribacteroid space of Glycine max root nodules
Kinnback, Andrea, Mellor, Robert B. and Werner, Dietrich, 1987, Journal of Experimental Botany (38), 193, pp 1373-1377
The occurrence of choline kinase II in the cytoplasm of soybean root nodules infected with various strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum
Mellor, R.B., Thierfelder, H., Pausch, G. and Werner, D., 1987, Journal of plant physiology (128), 1-2, pp 169-172
Peribacteroid membrane biogenesis in mature legume root nodules
Mellor, R. B. and Werner, D., 1987, Symbiosis (3), 1, pp 75-100
Choline kinase II is present only in nodules that synthesize stable peribacteroid membranes
Mellor, Robert B., Christensen, Tove M. I. E. and Werner, Dietrich, 1986, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of United States of America (83), 3, pp 659-663
The use of colloid gold labelling in the detection of plasma membrane from symbiotic and non-symbiotic Glycine max root cells
Ostrowski, Elike D., Mellor, Robert B. and Werner, Dietrich, 1986, Physiologia plantarum (66), 2, pp 270-276
Evidence for two types of Mg++ ATPase in the peribacteroid membrane from Glycine max root nodules
Bassarab, Stefan, Mellor, Robert B. and Werner, Dietrich, 1986, Endocytobiosis and Cell Research (3), 2, pp 189-196
The fractionation of glycine-max root nodule cells - a methodological overview
Mellor, Robert B. and Werner, Dietrich, 1986, Endocytobiosis and Cell Research (3), 3, pp 317 - 336
Glyceollin I accumulation in an ineffective type of soybean nodules with an early loss of the peribacteroid membrane
Werner, Dietrich, Mellor, Robert B., Hahn, Michael G. and Grisebach, Hans, 1985, Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung. Section C: Biosciences (40), pp 179-181
Phospholipid transfer from the ER to the peribacteroid membrane in soybean nodules
Mellor, R.B., Christensen, T.M.I.E., Bassarab, S. and Werner, D., 1985, Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung. Section C: Biosciences (40), pp 73-79
Lysis of bacterioids in the vicinity of the host cell nucleus in an ineffective (fix-) root nodule of soybean (Glycine max)
Werner, Dietrich, Mörschel, Erhard, Kort, Renate, Mellor, Robert B. and Bassarab, Stephan, 1984, Planta: an international journal of plant biology (162), 1, pp 8-16
Legume root response to symbiotic infection: enzymes of the peribacteroid space
Mellor, Robert B., Mörschel, Erhard and Werner, Dietrich, 1984, Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung. Section C: Biosciences (39), pp 123-125
Soybean root response to infection by Rhizobium japonicum: mannoconjugate turnover in effective and ineffective nodules
Mellor, R. B., Dittrich, W. and Werner, D., 1984, Physiological plant pathology (24), 1, pp 61-70
Soybean root response to infection by Rhizobium japonicum: saccharidases in root and nodule tissue
Bassarab, S., Dittrich, W., Mellor, R. B. and Werner, D., 1984, Physiological plant pathology (24), 1, pp 9-16
EPS and LPS from Nod+ Nif+ and Nod+ Fix- Rhizobium japonicum and bacteroids
Mellor, Robert B., Bassarab, Stefan, Dittrich, Walburga and Werner, Dietrich, 1983, FEMS microbiology letters (19), 2-3, pp 239-242
A phytohaemagglutinin from the Azolla-anabaena symbiosis
Mellor, R. B., Gadd, G.M., Rowell, P. and Stewart, W.D.P., 1981, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (99), 4, pp 1348-1353
N-Acetylglucosamine Transfer Reactions and Glycoprotein Biosynthesis in Castor Bean Endosperm
Mellor, R. B., Roberts, Lynne M. and Lord, J.M., 1980, Journal of Experimental Botany (31), 4, pp 993-1003
Glycoprotein fucosyl transferase in the endoplasmic reticulum of castor bean endosperm cells
Roberts, Lynne M., Mellor, R. B. and Lord, J.M., 1980, FEBS Letters (113), 1, pp 90-94
Analysis of glycoconjugate saccharides in organelles isolated from castor bean endosperm
Mellor, Robert B., Krusius, Tom and Lord, J. Michael, 1980, Plant physiology (65), pp 1073-1075
Involvement of a lipid-linked intermediate in the transfer of galactose from UDP (14C) galactose to exogenous protein in castor bean endosperm homogenates
Mellor, R. B. and Lord, J.M., 1979, Planta: an international journal of plant biology (147), 1, pp 89-96
Glycosylation of Exogenous Protein by Endoplasmic-Reticulum Membranes from Castor-Bean (Ricinus communis) Endosperm
Mellor, Robert B., Roberts, Lynne M. and Lord, J. Michael, 1979, Biochemical Journal (182), 2, pp 629-631
Formation of lipid-linked mono- and oligosaccharides from GDP-mannose by castor bean endosperm homogenates
Mellor, R. B. and Lord, J.M., 1979, Planta: an international journal of plant biology (146), 1, pp 91-99
Subcellular localization of mannosyl transferase and glycoprotein biosynthesis in castor bean endosperm
Mellor, R. B. and Lord, J.M., 1979, Planta: an international journal of plant biology (146), 2, pp 147-153
Glycoproteins of the glyoxysomal matrix
Mellor, R. B., Bowden, Linda and Lord, J.M., 1978, FEBS Letters (90), 2, pp 275-278
Incorporation of D (14C) galactose into organelle glycoprotein in castor bean endosperm
Mellor, R. B. and Lord, J.M., 1978, Planta: an international journal of plant biology (141), 3, pp 329-332
Mellor, Robert B. (2019). In: Mellor, Robert B., (ed.), Management for scientists. Bingley, U.K.: Emerald Publishing Limited, pp 33-48
Marketing for scientists
Chawdhary, Rahul (2019). In: Mellor, Robert B., (ed.), Management for scientists. Bingley, U.K.: Emerald Publishing Limited, pp 113-128
A longitudinal study of corporate benefits accrued by firms inhabiting a mature science park
Al-Kfairy, Mousa, Khaddaj, Souheil and Mellor, Robert (2018). In: Scarso, E., (eds.), Bolisani, E., (eds.) and Di Maria, E., (eds.), Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM). Kidmore End, U.K.: Academic Conferences International Limited, pp 43-51
Variables affecting high-tech cluster innovation : a statistical approach
Al-Kfairy, Mousa, Khaddaj, Souheil and Mellor, Robert B. (2017). In: Butu, Alina, (eds.), Lakatos, Akos, (eds.) and Bulsara, Hemantkumar P., (eds.) International Centre of Excellence in Education, Business and Management, pp 197-201
Legume nodule biochemistry and function
Mellor, R.B. and Werner, D. (1989). In: Gresshoff, Peter M., (ed.), Molecular Biology of Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation. Boca Raton, Florida, U.S.A.: CRC Press, pp 111-129
Managing business ambidexterity : a simulation
Will, Matthias Georg and Mellor, Robert B (2022). (SSRN)
Reconstructing the triple helix
Mellor, Robert(2024). In: Theory and Applications in the Knowledge Economy (TAKE Conference), 01-03 July 2025 :Sofia, Bulgaria
Knowledge-sharing in the development of Science and Technology Parks
Mellor, Robert B.(2021). In: TAKE 2021 : The Knowledge Economy in the Covid-19 Era, 07 - 09 Jul 2021 :Porto, Portugal (Held online)
Innovation still does not travel well, but is improving : the distribution of off-cluster firms around four UK science parks
Kussainov, Adilkhan, Kumar, Yajesh, Pfluegel, Eckhard and Mellor, Robert B.(2021). In: TAKE 2021 : The Knowledge Economy in the Covid-19 Era, 07 - 09 2021 :Porto, Portugal (Held online)
How science and technology parks grow or fail
Mellor, Robert B(2021). In: TAKE 2021: Theory and Applications in the Knowledge Economy, 07-09 Jul 2021 :Porto, Portugal
Hierarchies, polyarchies and hybrids : how organizational structures determine economic performance
Will, Matthias Georg, Kfairy, Mousa and Mellor, Robert(2018). In: Improving Lives : 77th Annual meeting of the Academy of Management, 10 - 14 Aug 2018 :Chicago, Illinois U.S.
Innovative behaviour, organizational structures and corporate performance
Will, Matthias Georg, Kfairy, Mousa and Mellor, Robert(2017). In: 2017 Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting: At the Interface, 04 - 08 Aug 2017 :Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.
Big data modelling of the knowledge economy
Mellor, Robert B.(2016). In: International Conference Theory and Application in the Knowledge Economy (TAKE 2016), 06 - 08 Jul 2016 :Aveiro, Portugal
Computer-Modelling the Innovation-Based Theory of the Firm
Mellor, Robert B.(2015). In: 16th European Conference on Knowledge Management ECKM 2015, 3 - 4 Sep 2015 :Udine, Italy
Knowledge valley theory as applied to SMEs in the service industries
Mellor, Robert(2011). In: International conference on Managing Services in the Knowledge Economy, 13-15 July 2011 :Famalicão, Portugal
The sulphate group on the reducing end protects nod-signals of R. meliloti against hydrolysis by Medicago chitinases
Schultze, M., Kondorosi, E., Kondorosi, A., Staehelin, C., Mellor, R.B. and Boller, T.(1992). In: 9th International Congress on Nitrogen Fixation, 6 Dec - 12 Dec 1992 :Cancún, Mexico
Nodule development and nitrogen fixation in the Rhizobium Bradyrhizobium system
Werner, D., Alhorn, B., Bassarab, S., Kape, R., Kinnback, A., Mellor, R.B., Mörschel, E., Müller, P., Parniske, M., Schmidt, P. and Schultes, A.(1990). In: Conference on Nitrogen metabolism of Plants, 3 Apr - 5 Apr 1990 :Giessen, Germany
Nodule proteins and compartments
Werner, D., Bassarab, S., Humbeck, C., Kape, R., Kinnback, A., Mellor, R.B., Mörschel, E., Parniske, M., Pausch, G., Röhm, M.., Schenk, S. and Thierfelder, H.(1988). In: 7th International Congress on N Nitrogen Fixation, 13 - 20 March 1988 :Cologne, Germany
Peribacteroid membrane stability and phytoalexin production in legume nodules
Wolff, A., Mörschel, E., Zimmermann, C., Parniske, M., Bassarab, S., Mellor, R.B. and Werner, D.(1987). In: International Conference on the Physiological Limitations and the Genetic Improvement of Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation, 1-3 Sept 1987 :Cork, Ireland
Pea and peanut lectins as markers in subcellular fractionation: Differentiation between endoplasmic reticulum and golgi membranes
Mellor, R.B. and Werner, D.(1987). In: Ninth Lectin Meeting, July 1987 :Cambridge, U.K.
Initial studies on a novel lectin affinity method for the purification of plasma membrane from soybeans
Bassarab, S., Mellor, R.B. and Werner, D.(1985). In: Seventh International Lectin Meeting, 18-23 Aug 1985 :Bruxelles, Belgium
Glycine max root response to symbiotic infection
Werner, Dietrich, Mellor, Robert B., Bassarab, Stefan and Dittrich, W.(1985). In: Second International Colloquium on Endocytobiology, 10 - 15 Apr 1983 :Tübingen, Germany
Glycoconjugate interactions in soybean root nodules
Mellor, Robert B. and Werner, Dietrich(1984). In: Sixth International Lectin Meeting, 2-6 Sept 1984 :Poznan, Poland
The non-random distribution of the lectin in the Azolla caroliniana-Anabaena azoilae symbiosis
Mellor, R.B., Rowell, P. and Stewart, W.D.P.(1981). In: Fourth Lectin Meeting, June 1981 :Copenhagen, Denmark
Innovation nuclei in SMEs involved in Internet B2C e-commerce
Mellor, Robert Brooke (2006), PhD thesis, Kingston University
The nodulation of legumes
Mellor, Robert Brooke (1996), Koebenhavn : Kgl. Veterinaer- og Landbohoejskole
Glycoprotein biosynthesis in castor bean endosperm
Mellor, Robert B. (1979), University of Bradford