Dr Lucy Renton
Faculties, deparments and locations
- Kingston School of Art
- Department of Architecture and Landscape
- Department of Film and Photography
- Department of Fine Art
- Department of Performing Arts
- School of Arts
Director of Learning & Teaching
- Email:
- l.renton@kingston.ac.uk
Since graduating from the Royal College of Art in 1990, I have worked part-time in higher education in a variety of roles, whilst continuing my practice as artist and curator, and engaging in pedagogic research through a number of funded projects. A Fellow of the Higher Education Academy since 2004, I was awarded SFHEA in 2017.
My personal Fine Art practice addresses the experience of excess in colour, repetition, and ornament, with recent artworks using an expanded definition of printmaking, drawn and painted figure and line, and appropriated domestic objects and patterns. My recent Practice Research as part of the the Toil & Trouble collective explores the staging and re-staging of exhibition as a research process in Fine Art. I was awarded a DFA in 2019.
- BA Hons. Fine Art (Painting) St. Martin's School of Art
- MA Fine Art (Printmaking) Royal College of Art
- Professional Doctorate Fine Art, University of East London
- Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Redrawing craft : archival sources and the mark in the work of artist Danica Maier
Renton, Lucy, 2015, Craft Research (6), 2, pp 307-318
Blog post describing HEA funded one day Seminar at Knights Park campus entitled "Collecting as a form of material knowledge across design disciplines: a narrative research method from FE to HE to lifelong learning."
Renton, Lucy and Gale, Cathy, 2014, Higher Education Academy blog
Opening out : a learning portal for the future
Renton, Lucy, 2011, HEA Networks Magazine (15)
The reflexive practitioner
Flint, Rob, Renton, Lucy and Shave, Terry (2010). In: Clews, David, (ed.), Stepping out: studies on creative and cultural sector engagement with arts HE. York, U.K.: Higher Education Academy, pp 67-79
A reflexive archive: the development of a digital learning repository for the fine art curriculum.
Renton, Lucy, Flint, Dr. Rob, Shave, Prof Terry and McGuirk, Tom (2009). In: Szuc, Andras, (ed.), New technology platforms for learning - revisited. LOGOS open conference on strengthening the integration of ICT research effort: proceedings.. Budapest: European Distance and E-Learning Network, pp 105 -113
Reframing decoration : on "liveness" in staging
Renton, Lucy(2021). In: Folkestone is an Art School : Matter of Circulation, 23 Oct 2021 :Folkestone, U.K.
Artist in the archive
Renton, Lucy(2016). In: inside inside symposium, 27 Oct 2016 :Istanbul, Turkey
Clarity and consisitency: improving assessment and feedback for students with Dyslexia, extended version
Renton, Lucy, Stott, Laura and Blair, Bernadette(2016). In: TeachMe training programme for Moldovan University Academics, John Galsworthy Building, Kingston Univerisity, London
Clarity and consistency: improving assessment and feedback for students with Dyslexia
Renton, Lucy, Blair, Bernadette, Stott, Laura and Ungley, Portia(2016). In: Inspire – sharing great practice in Arts and Humanities teaching and learning, 03-04 Mar 2016 :Brighton, U.K.
Does technology enhance learning?
Renton, Lucy(2014). In: Just What Is It That Makes Today's Art Schools So Different, So Appealing?, 29 March 2014 :Institute of Contemporary Arts, The Mall, London
Presentation on Open Educational Resources in FADA
Renton, Lucy, Postle, Paul, Gale, Cathy and Blair, Bernadette(2012). 15 Sep 2012 : Kingston upon Thames, U.K.
Opening out : edgeless Virtual Learning Environments and student producers
Renton, Lucy(2012). In: Future Tense, 18 May 2012 :London, U.K.
Getting to Grips: A presentation at Drawing on all resources event
Renton, Lucy and Postle, Paul(2012). In: Drawing on all resources, 16 May 2012 :Brighton, U.K.
The curriculum is out there
Renton, Lucy and Flint, Dr. Rob(2010). In: HEARTH: Le 11e congrès biennal d'ELIA (European League of Institutes of the Arts), 26 - 30 Oct 2010 :Nantes, France
A reflexive archive: a pilot scheme to develop a model for supplementing live talks programme by professional practitioners with student-led online forums. Presentation at Centre of Learning and Teaching in Art and Design 4th International Conference - Enhancing Curricula
Renton, Lucy and Flint, Rob(2008). In: Enhancing Curricula: using research and enquiry to inform student learning in the disciplines, 3 - 4 April 2008 :Lycee Francais, New York, USA
Fairchild, Anna, Mooney, Sian Kate and Renton, Lucy (2021).
A Gift for Doña Margarita Maria of Austria
Renton, Lucy and Bracey, Andrew (2020).
East London Artists : Fine Art Professional Doctorate Showcase
Renton, Lucy (2018).
Bummock : The Lace Archive
Maier, Danica, Bracey, Andrew and Renton, Lucy (2018).
A Fresh Pleasure (1)
Renton, Lucy (2016).
Bummock : Attention /Detail
Renton, Lucy, Maier, Danica and Bracey, Andrew (2016).
Renton, Lucy (2015).