Dr James Brouner
Faculties, deparments and locations
- Faculty of Health, Science, Social Care and Education
- Department of Applied and Human Sciences
- School of Life Sciences, Pharmacy and Chemistry
- Penrhyn Road
Senior Lecturer in Sport Analysis
- Email:
- james.brouner@kingston.ac.uk
I am the course director for both the Sport Science BSc (Hons) and Sport Science (Coaching) BSc (Hons). My current teaching responsibilities included delivery of all Performance Analysis based content across both undergraduate and postgraduate provision at Kingston. Within this I focus on the methodological aspects of data collection and analysis and delivery of impactful, data driven content to applied settings.
My main research interests are performance analysis in both team and individual sport, biomechanical analysis of fatigue, optimal nutritional strategies for endurance sport and the biomechanics of dance science.
- PhD in Biomechanical analysis of the impact of fatigue on the Dorsi flexors and Plantarflexors
- MSc in Applied Sport Science
- BSc (Hons) Sport Science
- Post Graduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in HE (PG-CertHE)
Frequency of upper body muscular demands in contemporary and ballet dance performance : a cross sectional performance analysis
Farmer, Claire and Brouner, James, 2025
Evaluation of a time-varying cut-off frequency low-pass filter for assessing knee joint moments and ACL injury risk
Augustus, Simon, Rivers, Blake, Brouner, James and Smith, Neal, 2024, Journal of Sports Sciences (42), 21, pp 2039-2051
The development and reliability of an updated dance-specific Star Excursion Balance Test (dsSEBT) protocol
Beckman, Samantha and Brouner, James, 2024
Case Study : carbohydrate supplementation improves ultra-endurance performance in a keto-adapted individual
Carpenter, Matthew, Brouner, James and Spendiff, Owen, 2024, Kinesiology (56), 1, pp 78-86
Developing the temporal and order characteristics of a Dance-Specific Star Excursion Balance Test (dsSEBT)
Beckman, Samantha and Brouner, James, 2023, (27), 4, pp 232-240
Strength training perceptions amongst vocational circus and dance students
Farmer, Claire and Brouner, James, 2023
The efficacy of chlorella supplementation on multiple indices of cycling performance
Gurney, Tom, Brouner, James and Spendiff, Owen, 2023, Journal of Dietary Supplements
Developing the positional characteristics of a dance-specific Star Excursion Balance Test (dsSEBT)
Beckman, Samantha and Brouner, James, 2022, (26), 1, pp 50-57
Twenty-one days of spirulina supplementation lowers heart rate during submaximal cycling and augments power output during repeated sprints in trained cyclists
Gurney, Tom, Brouner, James and Spendiff, Owen, 2022, Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism (47), 1, pp 18-26
Perceptions of strength training in dance
Farmer, Claire and Brouner, James, 2021, (25), 3, pp 160-168
Determination of ethanol in micro-volumes of blood by headspace gas chromatography : statistical comparison between capillary and venous sampling sites
Taylor, Luke, Remeskevcius, Vytautas, Saskoy, Lili, Brodie, Tara, Mahmud, Jeshan, Moir, Hannah, Brouner, James, Howe, Christopher, Thatti, Baljit, O'Connell, Sein, Trotter, Gavin and Rooney, Brian, 2021, Medicine Science and the Law (61), 2, pp 86-96
Activation of the gluteus maximus during performance of the back squat, split squat, and barbell hip thrust and the relationship with maximal sprinting
Williams, Michael J., Gibson, Neil V., Sorbie, Graeme G., Ugbolue, Ukadike C., Brouner, James and Easton, Chris, 2021, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research (35), 1, pp 16-24
The influence of different concentrations of flavanol chocolate bars under acute supplement conditions on exercise and performance
Patel, Rishikesh K., Brouner, James, Allgrove, Judith E. and Spendiff, Owen, 2020, European Journal of Applied Physiology (120), pp 2075-2082
Intra-session and inter-day reliability of the Myon 320 Electromyography System during sub-maximal contractions
Sorbie, Graeme G., Williams, Michael J., Boyle, David W., Gray, Alexander, Brouner, James, Gibson, Neil, Baker, Julien S., Easton, Chris and Ugbolue, Ukadike C., 2018, Frontiers in Physiology (9), pp 309
Dark chocolate supplementation reduces the oxygen cost of moderate intensity cycling
Patel, Rishikesh Kankesh, Brouner, James and Spendiff, Owen, 2015, Journal Of The International Society Of Sports Nutrition (12), 47
Influence of a montmorency cherry juice blend on indices of exercise-induced stress and upper respiratory tract symptoms following marathon running - a pilot investigation
Dimitriou, Lygeri, Hill, Jessica A, Jehnali, Ahmed, Dunbar, Joe, Brouner, James, McHugh, Malachy P. and Howatson, Glyn, 2015, Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (12), 1
An isokinetic method for inducing a localised fatigue effect in the plantarflexors and dorsiflexors of the ankle
Brouner, James, Ramdharry, Gita and Swann, Nicola, 2014, Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology (24), 6, pp 841-847
Antioxidant supplementation does not attenuate exercise-induced cardiac troponin release
Howatson, G., Goodall, S., Hill, J., Brouner, J., Gaze, D., McHugh, M. and Shave, R., 2011, International Journal of Cardiology (152), 1, pp 101-102
Influence of tart cherry juice on indices of recovery following marathon running
Howatson, G, McHugh, MP, Hill, JA, Brouner, James, Jewell, AP, vanSomeren, KA, Shave, RE and Howatson, SA, 2010, (20), 6, pp 843-852
The reliability of electromechanical delay and torque during isometric and concentric isokinetic contractions
Howatson, Glyn, Glaister, Mark, Brouner, James and Van Someren, Ken A., 2009, Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology (19), 5, pp 975-979
The efficacy of microalgae supplementation for exercise performance
Gurney, Tom, Brouner, James and Spendiff, Owen (2023). In: Dominguez, Herminia, (eds.), Pereira, Leonel, (eds.) and Kraan, Stefan, (eds.), Functional ingredients from algae for foods and nutraceuticals. Oxford, U.K.: Woodhead Publishing, pp 565-592
Comparison of locomotive classifications between central and external defenders in elite youth soccer players
Ali, B., Spendiff, O. and Brouner, J. (2016). In: Favero, Terence, (eds.), Drust, Barry, (eds.) and Dawson, Brian, (eds.), International research in science and soccer II. London, U.K.: Routledge, pp 294-301
Agreement between a smartphone-based markerless motion capture application (AISCOUT ®) and conventional athletic assessment
Augustus, Simon, Brouner, James, Howe, Chris, Kosciuk, Anna and Felton-Thomas, Richard(2024). In: 42nd Conference of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sport (ISBS 2024), 15-19 Jul 2024 :Salzburg, Austria
A biomechanical comparison of 'large and small' breasts motion : a matched-pair case study
Brouner, James(2023). In: 33rd IADMS Annual Conference, 12-15 Oct 2023 :Ohio, U.S.
Tapping into fatigue : a qualitative exploration of tap dancers' experiences with fatigue
Brouner, James(2023). In: 33rd IADMS Annual Conference, 12-15 Oct 2023 :Ohio, U.S.
Penalty shootouts in women's soccer : the influence of kicking order, kick number, and positional role
Parris, Kirstie, Pummell, Elizabeth and Brouner, James(2015). In: BASES Conference 2015, 01 - 02 Dec 2015 :Burton-Upon-Trent, U.K.