Dr Daniela Perazzo
Faculties, deparments and locations
- Kingston School of Art
- Department of Performing Arts
- School of Arts
- Penrhyn Road
Associate Professor in Dance Studies; Postgraduate Research Coordinator for the Department of Performing Arts and the School of Arts; KSA Athena Swan Co-Chair
- Email:
- d.perazzo@kingston.ac.uk
I am a dance and performance scholar with a specialist interest in the intersections of the aesthetic and the political in interdisciplinary movement practices and experimental dramaturgical processes.
I joined Kingston University London in 2014, having previously taught at the University of Surrey. I am Associate Professor in Dance Studies and Postgraduate Research Coordinator for the Department of Performing Arts and the School of Arts. I supervise interdisciplinary doctoral projects and coordinate the training and recruitment of PhD students across the Performing Arts and the School of Arts; I teach undergraduate modules on choreographic analysis, dance theory, critical theory and research methodologies. I am co-chair of the KSA Athena Swan Steering Group and a member of the KSA EDI in Research subgroup.
I hold an MA (dist., AHRC-funded) in Performance and Culture from Goldsmiths College University of London (2003–4). I received my PhD in Dance Studies from the University of Surrey, funded by a university scholarship (2004–7). My first monograph, Jonathan Burrows: Towards a Minor Dance, was published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2019 in the "New World Choreographies" series. Other recent publications include articles in Dance Research Journal, Performance Philosophy, Performance Research, Choreographic Practices and Contemporary Theatre Review.
I am co-investigator on the AHRC-funded project "The Dancing Otherwise Network: Exploring Pluriversal Practices" (2023–25), which brings together dance makers, researchers, producers, educators and participants, alongside scholars from diverse fields such as the environmental humanities, social justice and critical race studies, to consider how a more just and more equitable pluriversal dance ecosystem might be envisioned, shaped by the co-existence and cross-fertilisation of divergent practices, voices and worldviews.
- PhD Dance Studies, University of Surrey (University of Surrey scholarship), 2007
- MA Performance and Culture: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Goldsmiths College University of London (AHRC-funded; Distinction), 2004
- Laurea in Lettere (BA Liberal Arts with Theatre Studies; 110/110 cum laude), University of Pavia, Italy, 2000
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
Courses taught
Research areas
My research revolves around the Deleuzoguattarian notion of ‘minor practice' and its articulation in current choreography; diffractive methodologies and Karen Barad's notion of entanglement; questions of subjectivity and community in current choreographic and dramaturgical processes; the ethical, po(i)etic and critical potentialities of experimental and collaborative dance practices.
Research supervision
I am Postgraduate Research Coordinator for the Department of Performing Arts and the School of Arts. I welcome proposals for postgraduate research (including practice-based) in the following areas: dance and performance theory, performance philosophy, dance and new materialism, dance and politics, interdisciplinary performance practices, British and European experimental choreography.
- Perazzo Domm, D. (2020) ‘Diffracted Temporalities: Trajal Harrell's Other Dance Histories', Performance Research, 25(5): 56–62. https://doi.org/10.1080/13528165.2020.1868843
- Perazzo Domm, D. (2019) Jonathan Burrows: Towards a Minor Dance, London: Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-27680-5
- Perazzo Domm, D. (2019) ‘Im/possible Choreographies: Diffractive Processes and Ethical Entanglements in Current British Dance Practices', Dance Research Journal, 51(3) https://doi.org/10.1017/S0149767719000329
- Perazzo Domm, D. (2018) ‘Crisis and the Emotional Body: Towards (Another) Freedom", Performance Philosophy, 4(1): 188–205. https://doi.org/10.21476/PP.2018.41196
- Perazzo Domm, D. (2017) ‘The "Making" of Movement and Words: A Po(i)etic Reading of Charlotte Spencer's Walking Stories', Choreographic Practices, 8(1): 111–130.
- Perazzo Domm, D. (2012) ‘The "Struggle" of the Subject: Productive Ambiguity in Jonathan Burrows' Choreography', Choreographic Practices, 3: 99–117.
- Perazzo Domm, D. (2010) ‘Traces of History: Jonathan Burrows' Rethinking of the Choreographic Past', Contemporary Theatre Review, 20(3): 267–282. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10486801.2010.489046
- Perazzo Domm, D. (2008) ‘Jonathan Burrows and Matteo Fargion's Both Sitting Duet (2002): A Discursive Choreomusical Collaboration', in J. Lansdale (ed.), Decentring Dancing Texts, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan: 125–142.
- Perazzo, D. (2005) ‘Gli oggetti poveri di Tadeusz Kantor', in A. Cascetta, L. Peja (eds.), La prova del Nove: Scritture per la scena e temi epocali nel secondo '900, Milan: Vita e Pensiero: 306–318.
- dance and performance theory
- performance philosophy
- dance and new materialism
- dance and politics
- interdisciplinary performance and choreographic practices
Scholarly affiliations
- Theatre and Performance Research Association (TaPRA): Co-convenor of the Theatre, Performance and Philosophy working group (2018-2022)
- Society for Dance Research: Executive Committee member (2018-2021)
- Dance Studies Association: member
- Performance Philosophy network: member
Current roles
- Postgraduate Research Coordinator for the Department of Performing Arts and the School of Arts
- Co-Chair of the KSA Athena Swan Steering Group
- Member of the KSA EDI in Research subgroup
- Member of the AHRC/TECHNE Training Group
Jonathan Burrows : towards a minor dance
Perazzo Domm, Daniela (2019). Cham, Switzerland: (Palgrave Macmillan)
Autofictions in co-labouring
Damian Martin, Diana, Perazzo, Daniela and Wakefield, Nik, 2024, Performance Philosophy (9), 1, pp 84-105
Unnamed autofictions, dissonant co-labouring : a preface
Damian Martin, Diana, Perazzo, Daniela and Wakefield, Nik, 2022, Performance Philosophy Journal (7), 2, pp 16-21
Diffracted temporalities : Trajal Harrell's other dance histories
Perazzo Domm, Daniela, 2020, Performance Research (25), 5, pp 56-62
Im/possible choreographies : diffractive processes and ethical entanglements in current British dance practices
Perazzo Domm, Daniela, 2019, Dance Research Journal (51), 3, pp 66-83
Crisis and the emotional body : Towards (another) freedom
Perazzo Domm, Daniela, 2018, Performance Philosophy Journal (4), 1, pp 188-205
The 'making' of movement and words : a po(i)etic reading of Charlotte Spencer's Walking Stories
Perazzo Domm, Daniela, 2017, Choreographic Practices (8), 1, pp 111-130
Jonathan Burrows and Matteo Fargion’s Both Sitting Duet (2002): A Discursive Choreomusical Collaboration
Perazzo Domm, Daniela (2008). In: Lansdale, Janet, (ed.), Decentring Dancing Texts: The Challenge of Interpreting Dances. Palgrave Macmillan, pp 125-142
Suspension and/as falling : on groundedness and groundlessness
Perazzo, Daniela(2023). In: Theatre and Performance Research Association Annual Conference 2023, 30 Aug - 01 Sept 2023 :Leeds, U.K.
Remembering, forgetting and contemporary dance’s re-imaginings of history
Perazzo Domm, Daniela(2018). In: Dance in the Age of Forgetfulness, 18-20 Apr 2018 :Egham, U.K.
Im/possible choreographies : dis/orientation, diffraction and/as dance's response to the contemporary moment
Perazzo, Daniela(2017). In: Dialogues on Dance, Philosophy, and Performance in the Contemporary Neoliberal Moment, 01 - 02 June 2017 :Coventry, U.K.
Layering and questioning : reconfigurations of minimalism in Jonathan Burrows' choreography
Perazzo Domm, Daniela(2016). In: Minimalism : Location Aspect Moment, 14-15 Oct 2016 :Winchester, U.K.
Jonathan Burrows’ choreography : towards a Minor Dance
Perazzo Domm, Daniela(2016). In: Deleuze + Art : Thresholds | Multiplicities | Potentialities, 08–10 Apr 2016 :Dublin, Ireland
Jonathan Burrows’ “out-of-a-suitcase” dances : or the affirmative power of reduction
Perazzo Domm, Daniela(2015). 04-07 Jun 2015 : Athens, Greece