Dr Chris Hewer
Faculties, deparments and locations
- Faculty of Business and Social Sciences
- Department of Psychology
- School of Law, Social and Behavioural Sciences
- Penrhyn Road
Senior Lecturer in Social and Political Psychology
- Email:
- c.hewer@kingston.ac.uk
After a career in applied optics, I obtained degrees in Psychology and Social Psychology from universities in London, and was awarded a PhD in Social Psychology under the supervision of Glynis Breakwell at Surrey University. I taught A-level Psychology for nine years (also AS Philosophy) before arriving at Kingston University in 2002. Since then, my scholarly interests have focused on critical social psychology with special emphasis on the relation between history, memory and identity. I am also interested in the intersection between history and social psychology and particularly the way that cultures/collectives remember and forget.
- PhD Social Psychology - University of Surrey - 2002 (Part-time)
- MSc (Econ) - Social Psychology - London School of Economics - 1994 (Part-time)
- PGCE (FE) - University of Greenwich - 1992
- BSc (Hons) - Psychology - University of East London - 1991
I am Module Leader for PS6004 Critical Social Psychology: Memory, Narrative and Representation.
I also teach on the Research Methods II programme.
Courses taught
My scholarly interests focus on critical social psychology with special emphasis on the relation between history, memory and identity. I am also interested in the intersection between history and social psychology and particularly the way that cultures/collectives remember and forget.
Political psychology : a social psychological approach
(2018). Chichester, U.K.: (Wiley-Blackwell)
Ambiguous loss and incomplete abduction narratives in Kosovo
Kajtazi-Testa, Laura and Hewer, Christopher J, 2018, Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry (23), 2, pp 333-345
What did we do to Germany during the Second World War? A British perspective on the Allied strategic bombing campaign 1940-45
Ryan, Joseph F. and Hewer, Christopher J., 2016, Papers on Social Representations (25), 1, pp 10.1-10.28
Memory, madness and conflict: a Laingian perspective
Roberts, R. and Hewer, C.J., 2015, Memory Studies (8), 2, pp 169-182
Exploring attitudes to NATO in Republika Srpska
Roberts, Ron, Halilovic, Majda, Becirevic, Edina and Hewer, Christopher J., 2015, Global Discourse (5), 4, pp 579-599
The Falkland/Malvinas dispute: a contemporary battle between history and memory
Hewer, C.J., 2013, Global Discourse: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Current Affairs and Applied Contemporary Thought (3), 1, pp 144-150
Identity after Kosovo's independence: narratives from within the Kosovar-Albanian Diaspora
Hewer, C.J. and Vitija, S., 2013, Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture (19), 5, pp 621-636
Tracing the social dynamics of peace and conflict
Hewer, C.J., 2012, Papers on Social Representations (21), 2, pp 12.1-12.22
History, culture and cognition: towards a dynamic model of social memory
Hewer, C.J. and Roberts, R., 2012, (18), 2, pp 167-183
Historical legacy, social memory and representations of the past within a Polish community
Hewer, C.J. and Kut, M., 2010, Memory Studies (3), 1, pp 18-32
Hewer, Christopher J. and Lyons, Evanthia (2018). In: Hewer, Christopher J., (eds.) and Lyons, Evanthia, (eds.), Political psychology : a social psychological approach. Chichester, U.K.: Wiley-Blackwell, pp 93-113
Social memory and the collective past
Hewer, Christopher J. (2018). In: Hewer, Christopher J., (eds.) and Lyons, Evanthia, (eds.), Political psychology : a social psychological approach. Chichester, U.K.: Wiley-Blackwell, pp 207-230
Some historical and philosophical considerations
Hewer, Christopher J. (2018). In: Hewer, Christopher J., (eds.) and Lyons, Evanthia, (eds.), Political psychology : a social psychological approach. Chichester, U.K.: Wiley-Blackwell, pp 1-27
A critical history of research methods
Roberts, Ron and Hewer, Christopher J. (2018). In: Hewer, Christopher J., (eds.) and Lyons, Evanthia, (eds.), Political psychology : a social psychological approach. Chichester, U.K.: Wiley-Blackwell, pp 28-53
The Falkland/Malvinas dispute: a contemporary battle between history and memory
Hewer, Christopher J. (2014). In: Foster, Russell, (eds.), Johnson, Matthew, (eds.) and Edward, Mark, (eds.), The crisis of the twenty-first century: empire in the age of austerity. Abingdon, U.K.: Routledge, pp 149-155
Deconstructing terrorism : politics, language and social representation
Hewer, C.J. and Taylor, W. (2007). In: Roberts, R., (ed.), Just War: Psychology and Terrorism. Ross-on-Wye, UK: PCCS Books, pp 199-212