Dr Celena Monteiro
Faculties, deparments and locations
- Kingston School of Art
- Department of Performing Arts
- School of Arts
- Penrhyn Road
Senior Lecturer in Dance
- Email:
- c.l.monteiro@kingston.ac.uk
My research interests focus on the intersections between race, gender, sexuality and class in popular performance. My current research looks at intercultural and digital manifestations of Caribbean dance and popular dance on screen. It engages specifically with issues surrounding white femininity within black performance. I hold a PhD in Dance Studies from the University of Chichester. The title of my thesis is: Bruk Out Feminism in the Intercultural Dancehall Queen Scene.
My role at Kingston includes being the Chair of PACE (Performing Arts Community Engagement). Within the Dance programme I also lead the modules 'Hip Hop and Urban Performance Practices 2' and 'Techniques and Cultures 1' and supervise various Independent Dance Projects.
I am the Chair of PoPMoves UK- an International Research Group for Performances of the Popular. I am also an incoming member of the Dance Studies Association Board, sitting as a Nominations Committee member.
I am currently working on a research project titled 'Mapping Atlantic (Im)mobilities: Caribbean dance communities in London and their diasporic connections', funded by a Kingston University 1st Grant.
Alongside these activities I am also a dance practitioner with Zil'Oka- a French Caribbean Dance Ensemble based in London.
- PhD Dance, University of Chichester
- MA Dance Anthropology, University of Roehampton
- Fellow Higher Education Academy
- BA Dance and Culture, University of Surrey
Course director
Recent activity:
- (2021) Book Review of: 'Contemporary African dance theatre : phenomenology, whiteness, and the gaze' by Sabine Sörgel. Theatre Research International, 46(2), pp. 254-255. ISSN (print) 0307-8833
- (2020) 'Bruk Out Feminism in the Intercultural Dancehall Queen Scene' PhD Thesis. University of Chichester. Available at: http://eprints.chi.ac.uk/id/eprint/5355/
- (August 2019) Attended the DSA/Mellon Pre-Conference Seminar at Northwestern University
- (August 2019) Presented paper titled: 'Agonising Difference: Intercultural Exchanges in Bruk Out Dancehall' at DSA (Dance Studies Association) conference at Northwestern Univeristy
- (2019) "The International Dancehall Queen Competition: A Discursive Space for Competing Images of Femininity" in Sherril Dodds (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Dance and Competition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- (2018) Borelli, Melissa Blanco, Benthaus, Elena [Author-contributor], Brazzale, Claudia [Author-contributor], Mitra, Royona [Author-contributor], Järvinen, Hanna [Author-contributor], Rosa, Cristina F. [Author-contributor], Monteiro, Celena [Author-contributor], Rastovac-Akbarzadeh, Heather [Author-contributor] and De la Cruz, Meiver [Author-contributor] (2018) "I've danced my whole life, but none of that is useful at all" : Netflix's We Speak Dance (2018), vulnerability and collaborative critiques. Conversations Across the Field of Dance Studies, 38, pp. 54-60.
- (2016) 'Screening Subjects: Transnational Dancehall Culture in a Social Media Age', Conference on Research in Dance, Conference Proceedings. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Scholarly affiliations
- PoPMoves UK Chair- International Research Group for Performance of the Popular
- Dance Studies Association Board Member (Incoming)- Nominations Committee
- Mellon Dance Studies Participant
I am the Chair of the University's Performing Arts Community Engagement (PACE) committee.
I am the Chair of PoPMoves UK – an International Research Group for Performances of the Popular.
Book Review of: 'Contemporary African dance theatre : phenomenology, whiteness, and the gaze' by Sabine Sörgel
Monteiro, Celena, 2021, Theatre Research International (46), 2, pp 254-255
“I've danced my whole life, but none of that is useful at all” : Netflix’s We Speak Dance (2018), vulnerability and collaborative critiques
Borelli, Melissa Blanco, Benthaus, Elena, Brazzale, Claudia, Mitra, Royona, Järvinen, Hanna, Rosa, Cristina F., Monteiro, Celena, Rastovac-Akbarzadeh, Heather and De la Cruz, Meiver, 2018, Conversations Across the Field of Dance Studies (38), pp 54-60
The International Dancehall Queen Competition : a discursive space for competing images of femininity
Monteiro, Celena (2019). In: Dodds, Sherril, (ed.), The Oxford handbook of dance and competition. New York, U.S.: Oxford University Press, pp 233-252
Currencies of (im)mediacy in the transnational dancehall experience : a case study
Monteiro, Celena(2016). In: Im/mediate bodies : materiality and mediation in popular culture, 15 Oct 2016 :Kingston upon Thames, U.K.
Mobile hips, mobile identities : dancehall queen performance as resistance
Monteiro, Celena(2015). In: Move on! Mobility meets (little) resistances, 26 - 28 Nov 2015 :Vienna, Austria
Screening subjects : transnational dancehall culture in a social media age
Monteiro, Celena(2015). 04 - 07 Jun 2015 : Tavros, Greece
Pussy power and batty riders : performances of material and erotic pleasure at International Dancehall Queen Competitions
Monteiro, Celena(2014). In: PoP Moves: Dancing the Politics of Pleasure, 18 Oct 2014 :London, U.K.