Dr Adam Baron
Faculties, deparments and locations
- Kingston School of Art
- Department of Humanities
- School of Creative and Cultural Industries
- Penrhyn Road
Associate Professor
- Email:
- a.baron@kingston.ac.uk
Novelist and Associate Professor in Creative Writing.
Latest novel, Oscar's Lion, December 2024 (HarperCollins).
I have published ten novels. My first four were crime novels (Macmillan). My next was the literary novel, Blackheath (Myriad Editions, 2016). 'Fresh, honest, very funny'. Rachel Cusk.
I currently have a six-book contract with HarperCollins to write novels for younger readers.
Boy Underwater (2018) was nominated for the Carnegie Medal and Branford Boarse awards. To date, it has won The Stockport Schools Book Prize, the Awesome Book Awards, and the Oxfordshire Schools Book prize. It was Waterstones Book of the Month and one of The Guardian Books of the Year 2018.
You Won't Believe This came out in July 2019.
This Wonderful Thing was published by HarperCollins in January, 2021.
Oscar's Lion (2023) was one of The Guardian Books of the Year.
My novels have been widely translated, and dramatised for BBC Radio 4. I hold a PhD in Creative Writing from Brunel University.
- PhD Creative Writing
- I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Authority
I teach on the Creative Writing BA, MA, and MFA. I also supervise Creative Writing Phd students.
- Phd
- Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Courses taught
I supervise Phd students writing narrative based fiction in any genre.
Baron, A. (2023) Oscar's Lion. London: HarperCollins
Baron, A. (2022) Some Sunny Day. London: HarperCollins
Baron, A. (2021) This Wonderful Thing. London: HarperCollins (March 2021)
Baron, A. (2019) You Won't Believe This. London: HarperCollins.
Baron, A. (2018) Boy Underwater. London: HarperCollins. Baron, A.
Baron, A. (2016) Blackheath. Brighton: Myriad.
Baron, A. (2004) It Was You. London: Macmillan.
Baron, A. (2002) Superjack. London: Macmillan.
Baron, A. (2001) Hold Back the Night: Macmillan.
Baron, A. (1999) Shut Eye: Macmillan.
Baron, A. (2016) DAFFS and Other Poems. Available at: http://www.3ammagazine.com/3am/adambaron/ Baron, A. (2016) Adam Baron on Can Dundar and Erdem Gul. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQHy2F75twM
Baron, A. (2014) ‘Industrial cowboy: the development of the male hero template from the western to film noir.' Avanca Cinema International Conference, pp.234-268 Baron, A. (2012) ‘Permission, potency and protection in the creative writing workshop', in Perry, P. (ed.) Beyond the workshop: creative Writing, theory and practice. London: Kingston University Press, pp. 173-179. Baron, A (2013) ‘Ten Finger Turn-Up' (novel serialisation), The Clerkenwell Other Magazine. London
- Fiction
- Poetry
I helped set up Kingston's MA, MFA and low residency MA and MFA. I was MA course director for many years.
Oscar's Lion
Baron, Adam (2023). (HarperCollins)
Some sunny day
Baron, Adam (2022). London, U.K.: (HarperCollins Children's Books)
This wonderful thing
Baron, Adam (2021). London, U.K.: (HarperCollins Children's Books)
You won't believe this
Baron, Adam (2019). Glasgow, UK: (HarperCollins)
Boy underwater
Baron, Adam (2018). (HarperCollins Children's Books)
Baron, Adam (2016). Brighton, U.K.: (Myriad Editions)
It was you
Baron, Adam (2004). London, UK: (Macmillan)
Baron, Adam (2003). London, UK: (Picador)
Hold back the night
Baron, Adam (2000). London, U.K.: (Pan Macmillan)
I love to slide my daughters' feet into their shoes
Baron, Adam (2015). In: Brivati, Brian, (eds.), Munro, Jenny, (eds.) and Scamell-Katz, Siemon, (eds.), A mile in their shoes. London, U.K.: The Knitting Circle, pp 38-38
Permission, potency and protection in the creative writing workshop
Baron, Adam (2012). In: Perry, Paul, (ed.), Beyond the workshop. Kingston upon Thames, U.K.: Kingston University Press, pp 173-178
Forgetting and the novel
Baron, Adam(2018). In: Forgetting, Kingston Writers' Centre, 25 Jan 2018 :Kingston Upon Thames, U.K.