Rebecca Davies


During the 20 years I have worked within Kingston School of Art, I have lectured on Illustration Animation, Graphic Design, Fashion and Fine Art degree courses, run the Visual Communication pathway on Foundation and I currently run the Foundation Diploma in Art, Design & Media Practice. I have recently also taken over the strategic reorganisation of Short Courses at KSA and intend to bring my knowledge and experience of all these distinct disciplines to broaden and reflect an expanded and more integrated short courses portfolio. 

My training as a printmaker and predominantly teaching as a visual communicator has allowed me to work with architects, designers, animators, publishers, chefs, archeologists, brewers, directors, illustrators and artists collaboratively, as a curator and commercially. I have facilitated and run practice/research led projects with institutions including V&A Museum, The Science Museum, Imperial College, The Old Vic, Fixperts, Helen Hamlyn Trust, The Design Museum, The Whitworth Gallery, Salisbury Museum, Crate Brewery, The Sorrel Foundation and Stanley Picker Gallery.

My approach to all levels of teaching, is providing all students with a conceptual and practical toolkit to work, flourish and push the boundaries of creative thinking to impact wider world.

Academic responsibilities

School Head of Department


  • MA Printmaking, Royal College of Art
  • BA Hons Fine Art, Falmouth School of Art

Teaching and learning

Business, knowledge transfer and international

Leadership and management