Professor Mehmet Tevfik Dorak


I originally trained in medicine followed by a PhD in genetics (University of Wales College of Medicine, Cardiff, UK). Since 1991, I have been involved in biomedical research mainly in genetic epidemiology. My work has identified risk markers for childhood leukaemia in the HLA complex and in the HFE gene which is involved in iron homeostasis. I moved to Kingston University in 2017 following academic positions at a number of US and UK universities; the most recent ones being Florida International University (2010-13) and Liverpool Hope University (2014-17). I have held research grants from charities including Children with Cancer UK, and a US Government grant from the Department of Defense. I have published >75 peer-reviewed journal articles, and presented more than 180 conference papers. I published a book on Real-time PCR as editor; co-edited a book on Cancer Genetics, and another on Genetic Epidemiology as the sole author.

Academic responsibilities

Head of School of Life Sciences, Pharmacy and Chemistry


  • BA
  • MD
  • PhD


Social media
