Professor Marisa Silvestri


I am a Professor of Criminology and joined Kingston in 2024 as Head of Department for Criminology and Social Sciences. Previously, I was at the University of Kent where I was Director of Studies for postgraduate Criminology and School Director of Internationalisation. My research interests lie at the intersections of gender, crime, justice, policing and organisational cultures. Underpinned by an interest in the ways in which ‘care' and ‘control' are experienced, negotiated and enacted within the punitive context of the criminal justice system, I am interested in the gendered nature of organisational identities within criminal justice. More specifically, my work emphasises the gendered dimensions of policing, police culture and police leadership.  With a strong emphasis on capturing and developing the relationship between theoretical and policy dimensions, I am committed to knowledge exchange and transfer, and am academic adviser to a number of organisation.

Academic responsibilities

School Head of Department


  • PhD in Criminology ( Goldsmiths College)
  • MA Criminology ( Brunel University)
  • BA Sociology & History ( University of Surrey)

Teaching and learning


Business, knowledge transfer and international

Professional practice, knowledge exchange and impact

Leadership and management