Professor Jayne Price


 I came to the then joint faculty of KU/SGUL as associate professor in children's nursing in March 2014 from a Senior Lecturer post at Queen's University Belfast.With a clinical background in children's oncology nursing I had a period as a clinical nurse specialist in children's palliative care, working with children who had advanced cancer and their families. Over the last 2 decades I have worked at improving care for children with palliative needs (both cancer and non-malignant conditions) and their families, through education and research. At QUB I was instrumental in developing continuing education opportunities for professionals working within the field of children's palliative care, and also in ensuring palliative care is embedded within the undergraduate nursing programme.  I have been humbled by receiving a number of awards for both education and research in recognition of my work within children's palliative care. I was promoted to Professor of Children's Nursing in February 2017. Having presented and published widely within the field of children's nursing, nurse education and palliative care, I co edited three key text books, which have recorded sales worldwide. I have been involved in a number of international projects establishing educational initiatives with students to ensure a more global focus for their learning.I am proud to be a Trustee of Martin House Children's Hospice.

Academic responsibilities

Professor of Children's Nursing


  • PhD
  • MSc
  • PG Dip Education (Nursing)
  • BSc Nursing

Teaching and learning
