Professor Homagni Choudhury


I have an honorary affiliation with the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences (FBSS) since 1st October 2021. Prior to this, I was an Associate Professor in Economics and Head of the Department of Economics at FBSS from 1st Sep 2017 until 30th Sep 2021. At Kingston, I have been the co-lead of the Applied Economics Research Group (AERG).

I hold a PhD from the University of Dundee. Prior to joining Kingston University in Sep 2017, I was the Director of Research for Accounting, Finance and Economics at the Aberystwyth Business School, Aberystwyth University.

I have a strong background in academia with professional research and teaching experience in a wide range of topics in economics and allied areas. My broad research interests lie in the areas of Development Economics and Applied Economics with particular interests on aspects of International Trade, Labour, Productivity, Industrial and Regional Economics and the Economics of SME. I led two GCRF funded multi-disciplinary projects at Kingston University as PI for knowledge-exchange and impact-generation activities in ODA-DAC countries of focus. The first project was in partnership with REVA University, Bangalore, India (Co-Is: Professor S K Prasad and Professor Mathew Manimala) on "Indian MSMEs' responses to the Covid-19 pandemic crisis" from Jan 2020 until Jul 2021. The second project was in partnership with the Central Bank of Somalia, Mogadishu, Somalia (Co-I: Dr Abdi Ali) on "Somali business responses to a downturn in market conditions" from Dec 2020 until Jul 2021. 

I have published widely in the form of peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, book, discussion papers, working papers, and conference papers and proceedings. I was associated with the World Bank's 'Jobs and Development' initiative at the Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER), New Delhi, from 2014-2016.

Academic responsibilities

Honorary Affiliate (Faculty of Business and Social Sciences) - Visiting Academic


  • PhD (Dundee University)
  • MSc (Lancaster University)
  • BA(Honours) Economics (Delhi University)
  • PGCTHE (Aberystwyth University)

Teaching and learning


Leadership and management