I am Professor in Architecture and Head of Department of Architecture and Landscape at the School of Arts, Kingston School of Art. I have been working in HE more than 20 years starting as a Teaching Assistant, Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, then Reader. I am a registered Architect in the MENA region, and hold a BSc in Architecture, MSc in Architectural Studies and PhD in Architecture (University of Nottingham, UK). I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA), Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA), and Fellow Chartered Member of the Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists (FCIAT).
Besides my ambition for ensuring excellence in my learning and teaching approaches, I am an active researcher in the area of environmental design and sustainability. I have published peer reviewed articles in high impact journals and conferences. I am Principal Investigator (PI) to a British Council funded project Towards Net Zero Carbon Campuses for Climate Change Mitigation and Resilience. I am also Co-Investigator to a Medical Research Council funded project Healthy Energy Efficient Dwellings in partnership with two other UK universities. I was PI to a British Council funded project; Building Capacity for Sustainable Development of the Built Environment (total £288K).
I am External Examiner at Manchester Metropolitan University – British University in Egypt and was an External Examiner at Anglia Ruskin University, External Expert to develop new courses at University of Bradford, and CIAT Accreditation Review Panel member at the University of Salford, and University of Huddersfield. I joined the Advisory Group to develop the QAA Subject Benchmark Statement for Architectural Technology published in 2021. I am a member of the SCOSA Council (Standing Conference of Schools of Architecture) leading the Climate Literacy Working Group which aims to enable Schools of Architecture embed the RIBA Climate Literacy Knowledge Schedule into UG and PG Architecture curricula.
School Head of Department
In my teaching practice, I have always ensured I intently reflect on students' feedback and comments and introduce appropriate adjustments in response to their needs and expectations. My Postgraduate Certificate in University Teaching and Learning programme and recognition as a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) has also developed my critical reflection on my teaching practice and has underpinned my teaching activities. I have also achieved the Senior Fellowship status SFHEA.
With climate literacy, sustainability and environmental design at the heart of my teaching and research endeavours for more than 20 years, I have been passionate about creating curricula which are linked to and informed by diverse research methodologies. Through my teaching practice, I have taken the initiative to apply my research in education for sustainability via subject material delivery by experimenting with and disseminating project-based learning (PBL) approaches and pedagogies. I have led and contributed to various modules in undergraduate and postgraduate courses at 4 UK HEIs, which included:
Prior to joining Kingston University, my experience in teaching on undergraduate and postgraduate courses includes course leadership of:
External innovation and Impact on HE pedagogy and practices:
Besides my ambition for ensuring excellence in my learning and teaching approaches, my key research expertise and interest lie in the area of environmental design and education for sustainability. I have gained this knowledge through my wide and significant exposure to complex practices and precedents within my academic and research practice. I have published around 40 peer reviewed articles in high-impact journals and conferences. I have been leading and contributing to applications for research funding throughout my academic career. I have been actively exploring interdisciplinary opportunities to apply for substantive UKRI funding bids on climate change mitigation and adaptation.
I am currently leading a British Council funded project: Towards Net Zero Carbon Campuses for Climate Change Mitigation and Resilience. The project enables universities establish a clear pathway to achieve Net Zero Carbon Campuses by 2050 by developing a robust Climate Action Framework, building staff and student capacity to enable actions to reduce carbon emissions and disseminate awareness within their wider communities.
I have recently been successful as a Co-I in securing a Medical Research Council grant (total £150K): Healthy Energy Efficient Dwellings (HEED). The project explores the variables affecting people's health conditions, and the implications of building design and performance on occupants' comfort, health and wellbeing in council homes.
I was Principal Investigator to a British Council Newton Institutional Links funded project; Building Capacity for Sustainable Development of the Built Environment (total grant £288K). I organised and led two international conferences, four professional training programmes, undertook world class research, and developed international dual degree programmes.
I am currently Director of Studies to one PhD student and supervising MArch Architecture students' dissertations. I have been Director of Studies of 3 PhD students to completion at UEL, besides supervising 3 PhD students and 11 MSc students' dissertations at WSA.
MOKBEL, RAMIA, KODRESKO, ALEVTINA, MOKBEL, KEFAH, GHAZAL, HEBA, TREMBLEY, JON and JOUHARA, HUSSAM (2025) Cutaneous cryosurgery in dermatology : evolving principles and clinical applications for benign, premalignant, and malignant lesions. In Vivo, 39(2), pp. 577-612. ISSN (print) 0258-851X
Basaly, Lucienne G., Hashemi, Arman, Elsharkawy, Heba, Newport, Darryl and Badawy, Nancy Mahmoud (2024) Effects of retrofit strategies on thermal comfort and energy performance in social housing for current and future weather scenarios. Buildings, 15(1), p. 80. ISSN (online) 2075-5309
Narayanan, Vishnupriya, Hashemi, Arman, Elsharkawy, Heba, Newport, Darryl and Basaly, Lucienne (2024) Comparative assessment of insulation materials for improving indoor air quality in building retrofit. Environmental Science & Sustainable Development, 9(2), pp. 34-47. ISSN (print) 2357-0849
Basaly, Lucienne, Hashemi, Arman, Elsharkawy, Heba, Newport, Darryl and Badawy, Nancy (2024) Evaluating thermal comfort and overheating risks in a social housing prototype : as built versus retrofit scenarios. Environmental Science & Sustainable Development, 9(2), pp. 23-33. ISSN (print) 2357-0849
Taher, Hashem, Elsharkawy, Heba and Rashed, Haitham Farouk (2024) Urban green systems for improving pedestrian thermal comfort and walkability in future climate scenarios in London. Buildings, 14(3), p. 651. ISSN (print) 2075-5309
Farouk Rashed, H and Elsharkawy, H (2020) To what extent can solar control be effective in enhancing indoor comfort in a fully glazed office building? IOP Conference Series : Earth and Environmental Science, 588, 032081. ISSN (print) 1755-1307
Elsharkawy, Heba and Zahiri, Sahar (2020) The significance of occupancy profiles in determining post retrofit indoor thermal comfort, overheating risk and building energy performance. Building and Environment, 172, p. 106676. ISSN (print) 0360-1323
Taher, Hashem, Elsharkawy, Heba and Newport, Darryl (2019) The influence of urban green systems on the Urban Heat Island effect in London. IOP Conference Series : Earth and Environmental Science, 329, 012046. ISSN (print) 1755-1307
Ozarisoy, Bertug and Elsharkawy, Heba (2019) Assessing overheating risk and thermal comfort in state-of-the-art prototype houses that combat exacerbated climate change in UK. Energy and Buildings, 187, pp. 201-217. ISSN (print) 0378-7788
Zahiri, Sahar and Elsharkawy, Heba (2018) Towards energy-efficient retrofit of council housing in London : assessing the impact of occupancy and energy-use patterns on building performance. Energy and Buildings, 174, pp. 672-681. ISSN (print) 0378-7788
Elsharkawy, Heba and Rutherford, Peter (2018) Energy-efficient retrofit of social housing in the UK : lessons learned from a Community Energy Saving Programme (CESP) in Nottingham. Energy and Buildings, 172, pp. 295-306. ISSN (print) 0378-7788
Shi, Wei, Abdalla, Hassan, Elsharkawy, Heba and Chandler, Alan (2017) Energy saving of the domestic housing stocks : application development as a plug-in for energy simulation software. International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, 32(sup1), S114-S132. ISSN (print) 1744-5760
Elsharkawy, Heba and Rutherford, Peter (2015) Retrofitting social housing in the UK : home energy use and performance in a pre-Community Energy Saving Programme (CESP). Energy and Buildings, 88, pp. 25-33. ISSN (print) 0378-7788
Elsharkawy, Heba (2022) The changing needs in residential design post-pandemic. In: 36th PLEA Conference: Sustainable Architecture and Urban Design; 22-25 Nov 2022, Santiago, Chile. (Unpublished)
Elsharkawy, Heba and Zahiri, Sahar (2018) Evaluating the building performance of an office building in London to improve indoor thermal comfort. In: PLEA 2018 : 34th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture : Smart and Healthy Within the Two-Degree Limit; 10 - 12 Dec 2018, Hong Kong, China.
Zahiri, Sahar, Elsharkawy, Heba and Shi, Wei (2018) The impact of occupants' energy use behaviour on building performance : a case study of a tower block in London. In: PLEA 2018 : 34th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture : Smart and Healthy Within the Two-Degree Limit; 10 - 12 Dec 2018, Hong Kong, China.
Ozarisoy, Bertug and Elsharkawy, Heba (2018) Assessing energy use and overheating risk for retrofitting a residential tower block prototype in Northern Cyprus. In: International Conference for Sustainable Design of the Built Environment (SDBE 2018); 12 - 13 Sep 2018, London, U.K..
Clough, Jack, Elsharkawy, Heba and Zahiri, Sahar (2018) Developing a framework for embedding Education for Sustainability (EfS) within the built environment sector in Egypt. In: International Conference for Sustainable Design of the Built Environment (SDBE 2018); 12 - 13 Sep 2018, London, U.K..
Elsharkawy, Heba, Zahiri, Sahar and Ozarisoy, Bertug (2018) Improving the building performance and thermal comfort of an office building to reduce overheating risk. In: 4th Building Simulation & Optimization Conference 2018 (IBPSA 2018); 11-12 Sep 2018, Cambridge, U.K..
Zahiri, Sahar, Elsharkawy, Heba and Shi, Wei (2018) The importance of occupancy and energy use patterns on predicting building energy performance : a case study of a residential building in London. In: 4th Building Simulation & Optimization Conference 2018 (IBPSA 2018); 11-12 Sep 2018, Cambridge, U.K..
Taher, Hashem, Elsharkawy, Heba and Newport, Darryl (2018) A state of the art review of the impact of Vertical Greenery Systems (VGS) on the energy performance of buildings in temperate climates. In: International Conference for Sustainable Design of the Built Environment (SDBE 2018); 12 - 13 Sep 2018, London, U.K..
Elsharkawy, Heba (2017) Building capacity for sustainable development of the built environment in Egypt : challenges and opportunities. In: International Conference for Sustainable Design of the Built Environment (SDBE 2017); 20-21 Dec 2017, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Carter, Beth, Elsharkawy, Heba and Zahiri, Sahar (2017) Building performance evaluation of an office building in the UK – a case study of a university office building. In: International Conference for Sustainable Design of the Built Environment (SDBE 2017); 20-21 Dec 2017, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Zahiri, Sahar and Elsharkawy, Heba (2017) Building performance optimisation for the retrofit of a council tower block in London. In: International Conference for Sustainable Design of the Built Environment (SDBE 2017); 20-21 Dec 2017, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Ozarisoy, Bertug and Elsharkawy, Heba (2017) Passive cooling design strategies for retrofit of residential tower blocks in Northern Cyprus. In: International Conference for Sustainable Design of the Built Environment (SDBE 2017); 20-21 Dec 2017, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Shi, Wei and Elsharkawy, Heba (2017) An innovative energy efficiency application development: through the evaluation of occupants’ behavioural issues and its impact on domestic energy consumption in the UK. In: International Conference for Sustainable Design of the Built Environment (SDBE 2017); 20-21 Dec 2017, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Zahiri, Sahar and Elsharkawy, Heba (2017) Building performance evaluation for the retrofit of council housing in the UK : a case study of a tower block in London. In: PLEA 2017 : 33rd International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture : Design to Thrive; 03-05 Jul 2017, Edinburgh, U.K..
Elsharkawy, Heba and Zahiri, Sahar (2017) Education for sustainable development of the built environment : problem-based learning approach for embedding sustainability. In: PLEA 2017 : 33rd International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture : Design to Thrive; 03-05 Jul 2017, Edinburgh, U.K..
Ozarisoy, Bertug and Elsharkawy, Heba (2017) Retrofit strategies for the existing residential tower blocks in Northern Cyprus. In: PLEA 2017 : 33rd International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture : Design to Thrive; 03-05 Jul 2017, Edinburgh, U.K..
Shi, Wei, Elsharkawy, Heba and Abdalla, Hassan (2017) An investigation into energy consumption behaviour and lifestyles in UK homes : Developing a smart application as a tool for reducing home energy use. In: PLEA 2017 : 33rd International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture : Design to Thrive; 03-05 Jul 2017, Edinburgh, U.K..
Taher, Hashem and Elsharkawy, Heba (2017) The window to wall ratio for high-rise office buildings in a temperate climate : assessing façade embodied energy and building operative energy (life cycle energy) in London. In: PLEA 2017 : 33rd International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture : Design to Thrive; 03-05 Jul 2017, Edinburgh, U.K..
Alnusairat, Saba and Elsharkawy, Heba (2015) Passive design approach for high-rise buildings : from courtyards to skycourts. In: Zero Energy Mass Custom Home (ZEMCH) 2015 Conference; 22-24 Sep 2015, Lecce, Italy.
Elsharkawy, H., Rutherford, P. and Rashed, H. (2013) Energy consumption behaviour and home performance: Community energy saving programme in Aspley, Nottingham. In: Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA 2013); 10–12 Sep 2013, Munich, Germany. (Unpublished)
Elsharkawy, HE, Rutherford, P. and Wilson, R. (2012) Targeting people's behaviour for effective policy delivery: community energy saving programme (CESP) in Aspley, Nottingham. In: International Association for People-Environment Studies (IAPS) 22nd Conference; 24-29 Jun 2012, Glasgow, U.K..
Rached, I. and Elsharkawy, Heba Eihab (2012) The role of open spaces in university campuses in the Egyptian context. In: Designing Place - International Urban Design Conference; 02-03 Apr 2012, Nottingham, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Elsharkawy, Heba E. and Rutherford, Peter (2010) How Can the Code for Sustainable Homes Deliver the UK Zero Carbon Homes? In: 2010 Behaviour, Energy and Climate Change Conference; 14-17 Nov 2010, Sacramento, California, U.S.A.. (Unpublished)
Elsharkawy, Heba, Rashed, Haitham and Rached, I. (2009) Climate change : the impacts of sea level rise on Egypt. In: 45th ISOCARP Congress : Low Carbon Cities; 18-22 Oct 2009, Porto, Portugal. (Unpublished)
Rashed, Haitham and Elsharkawy, Heba (2009) Virtual museum : towards a new typology of the museum in the future. In: 4th ASCAAD Conference : Digitizing Architecture: formalization & content; 11-12 May 2009, Manama, Bahrain. (Unpublished)
Owing to my genuine interest in knowledge transfer, business, innovation and internationalisation, I have initiated and developed various successful initiatives and projects at all HEIs I have worked at. Those projects range from international partnerships to support the enhancement of research output, to others which enhance student learning, employability and graduate prospects, and developing short courses to raise KU's profile, diversify income, and increase student recruitment.
BIG South London Partnership: I have been actively involved in KSA's Business Innovation and Growth South London partnership.
A key aspect to my role as Head of Department is to lead and manage the department's relationship and engagement with relevant Professional, Statutory and/or Regulatory Body (or Bodies) (PSRBs), subject associations, ‘communities of practice', and external public organisations that contribute to student success and employability, staff experience and Kingston's reputation, impact and profile.
The Department works closely with the following PSRBs, which accredit the courses:
The Department is an active member of the following subject associations:
As I am always keen to proactively contribute to University/Faculty/School strategy, I have been nominated to join the Town House Strategy - Future Skills Campaign Workstream where I am Associate Lead of Project 1: External Partnering. The project aims to develop a gateway and triage into the university for external partners to create fruitful partnerships for students and staff communities. I have also been nominated to join the Town House People Workstream Advisory Group focusing on Staff Rewards and Recognition.
Owing to my genuine interest in climate literacy and sustainability, I have been nominated to join the Net Zero Carbon, and Communications and Engagement Steering Groups. Together with both Steering Group teams, we are working towards ensuring Kingston University's commitments in achieving Net Zero Carbon (net zero Scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions by 2038/39 and net zero Scope 3 CO2 emissions by 2050/51) are reached.
As Head of Department, I am responsible for the Department's academic portfolio, students' learning experience, and management of staff and resources. I am an active member of the School Management Group (SMG) supporting and contributing to the School strategic planning. I work closely with the Department Management Group (DMG) on staff planning and recruitment, academic portfolio development, PSRB reports and submissions, students' experience, and enhancing research, knowledge exchange, business and international initiatives. In my role, I have managed to:
Develop and maintain subject expertise and excellence appropriate to meeting the University strategic objectives
In my role as HoD, I have been managing financial and human resources; ensuring adherence to regulations, policies and procedures, and value for money. My responsibilities include:
Organising staff development aimed towards excellence in teaching, research and business and innovation
Kingston University, Holmwood House, Grove Crescent, Kingston upon Thames KT1 2EE. Tel: +44 (0)20 8417 9000
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