I am a qualified and registered social worker with over 15 years' experience within the statutory sector and specialising in Children and Families social work. My experience has spanned most social work teams including, Referral and Assessment, Safeguarding and Child protection, Court work, Fostering and Adoption. I have been a team manager of a Kinship Care team and Referral and Assessment service. More recently I have been a principle social worker with oversight on social work practice, quality assurance and signs of safety lead. I have delivered the Assessed and Supported year in Employment (ASYE) programme to newly qualified social workers since 2016.
I have been with Kingston University since August 2020 on a part-time basis. I am a senior lecturer and Module lead for Law and Social Policy and Readiness to practice. I have a degree in Law and LLB degree and a MA in Social Work and am a qualified practice educator.
I have an interest in safeguarding and learning from serious case reviews and learning reviews to develop and strengthen practice. In 2021, I completed the SCIE learning together training and have undertaken five learning reviews, a multi agency learning review and a domestic homicide review.
Senior Lecturer