Mr Vivek Venugopal


I am a Lecturer in the business school, and I teach Strategic Management. My research interests are in Strategic Foresight – Scenario planning and Horizon Scanning, and in Machine Learning & AI. My ongoing research in strategic foresight is in the hybrid approach to strategic foresight through machine learning and human insights. In the field of ML, my research interests are in the application of AI techniques, especially, Natural Language Processing (NLP) in the context of strategic management. Within NLP I am interested in text summarisation, content analysis, and topic modelling.

I have an MBA from a top tier b-school from Germany. And before this I have worked for more than 10 years in various managerial roles within a manufacturing SME setting.

Academic responsibilities

Lecturer in Strategy & International Business


  • MBA
  • BBM
  • Diploma in Machine Learning
