Mr Johannes Castner


I have recently been appointed as Senior Lecturer in Behavioural Sciences at Kingston Business School in the Department of Management and I am affiliated with the 'Behavioural Research Analytics In Neurotechnological Systems' (BRAINS) Lab. 

Having started my career at the research department of the Boston Federal Reserve bank and, after a masters in sustainable development joined eBay as a senior data scientist, my research and teaching are grounded in my extensive experience in economics, data science, and AI, and my unique perspective that merges behavioural sciences and technology within the field of computational social science.

At the BRAINS lab, I work across disciplines with UX designers and behavioural scientists to construct experiments that include psychophysiological data in the lab.

As a behavioural scientist at the BRAINS lab, I aim to apply the theoretical work on ethical systems of a number of thinkers, including Amartya Sen, Shoshana Zuboff, Luciano Floridi, and Ruha Benjamin, to my approach to designing experiments, interpreting results, and developing ethical guidelines for research and technology.

Academic responsibilities

Senior Lecturer


  • experimental economics
  • game theory
  • agent based models
  • Machine Learning
  • AI
  • social network theory
  • behavioural sciences
  • computational social sciences

Teaching and learning

Videos of my work

Social media
