Dr Ugo Gaudino


I am a Lecturer in Criminal Justice in the Department of Criminology, Sociology and Politics. 

After graduating in Italy, I moved to the UK, where I obtained a PhD in International Relations at the University of Kent in 2023. My dissertation explores the ‘translations' of Islamophobia across political parties in UK, France and Italy. It argues that Islam has been securitized by both right-wing and left-wing parties, although the latter have translated it using their own language and ideologies. 

I currently teach modules in Sociology and Criminology, with a specific focus on transnational issues. Before joining Kingston, I have taught at the University of Kent, the University College London and at the London School of Economics. My teaching has included modules in Comparative Politics, International Relations Theory and Research Design and Methodology. 

Academic responsibilities

Lecturer in Criminal Justice


  • PhD in International Relations, University of Kent (2019-23)
  • MA in Economy and Institutions of Islamic Countries, LUISS University, Rome (2017-19)
  • MA in International Relations, La Sapienza University, Rome (2015-17)
  • Bachelor's Degree in Politics and International Relations, La Sapienza University, Rome (2012-17)
  • Diploma of the Superior School of Advanced Studies, La Sapienza University, Rome (2012-17)

Teaching and learning

I teach on the following modules: 

- FY3006 - Exploring the Social World  

- SO4006 - Introduction to Research Methods 

- CM4005 - Social Control and Social Order 

- CM6027 - Transnational Crime

Qualifications and expertise

  • Associate Fellow (AFHEA)


My research interests include Critical Security and Terrorism Studies, French and Italian politics, and Islamophobia in Europe. I am the co-author of Methodologies in Critical Terrorism Studies. Gaps and Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Routledge, 2024) and of several articles published in international journals. 

I have written on left-wing populism, on French left-wing parties, on secularism and religion, and on terrorism (in particular religiously-inspired terrorism).

Currently I am carrying out research the role of conspiracy theories in promoting Islamophobia; on the use of pre-criminal measures in counterterrorism policies; on laws prohibiting the 'glorification of terrorism'.

Areas of specialism

  • Critical Security Studies
  • Critical Terrorism Studies
  • Sociology of Islam
  • Political Parties

Scholarly affiliations

  • British International Studies Associations - Critical Studies on Terrorism Working Group