Dr Tariq Rahim


I am an Early Career Researcher and Computer Science (UX) Lecturer at the Department of Computer Science (CS). As a module leader, I teach Requirements Analysis and Design (Level 4) for CS and Computing Systems (Level 5). My global academic teaching (FHEA) and research journey spans nine years of working with universities and industrial-academic corporations such as the Research Institute of Communication Technology at Beijing Institute of Technology, China, Wireless and Emerging Network Systems (WENS) Lab-South Korea, and NIHR-funded project at Cardiff Metropolitan Univesity, UK. I worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow and a Researcher at ICT-CRC, KIT, South Korea for industrial academic cooperation. From May 2022 till May 2023, I worked as a senior Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK for a NIHR-funded project to automatically classify middle ear diseases. 

My research includes Image (natural & medical) Processing, Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning (DL), and Video Processing. I have been working on various problems related to classification, detection, and segmentation in medical imaging. Furthermore, I have been working on the impact of high frame rates and video encodings on the perceived quality of end users.  I am a reviewer for several prestigious journals and conferences including IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Computers in Biology and Medicine, IEEE Access, and IEEE TSP. 

I am open to supervising highly motivated self-funded Ph.D. students interested in ML, DL, image processing, medical image processing, and video processing. 

Academic responsibilities

Lecturer in Computer Science (UX)


  • PhD in IT Convergence Engineering (Graduated in 2021 with Distinction)
  • MS in Information and Communication Engineering (Graduated in 2017 Distinction)
  • Bachelors in Electronics Engineering (Graduated in 2012)

Teaching and learning
