Dr Stephen Gourlay


I have worked full-time at Kingston Business School since 1990, where I have been teaching mainly at postgraduate and doctoral levels although I initially did some first year undergraduate teaching. Before joining Kingston I worked as a research assistant and research fellow on projects on unions and technical change, change management and technical change, workplace health and safety, and non-union industrial relations. I became a Reader in 2005 and an Associate Professor in 2013. From 2016-20 I was Head of the Department of Management. I am also an academic member of the CIPD.

I was a lead researcher on a NHS SDO funded project investigating Health Managers' information behaviours, and co-director of the Kingston Employee Engagement Consortium (2010-13). I was also a co-applicant on a NHS NIHR project investigating 'intentional rounding' in hospitals.

I teach research methods at masters' and doctoral level, specialising in textual ("qualitative") analysis using a variety of traditional and newer methods.

I am currently looking to supervise a PhD student on a research project concerning self-concept, and employee or work engagement.

Academic responsibilities

Associate Professor


  • PhD London University
  • CMBE

Teaching and learning


Leadership and management

Social media
